Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 170 Collecting Golden Pills

Chapter 170 Collecting Golden Pills

"Of course, if you don't want to, I won't force it. What awaits you is the endless pursuit of the forces behind you." Xu Miao casually threw a ball of fire and burned Shao Guan's body.

"I still have the contract made by the Yuan family on me." This is the condition. If Xu Miao can't cancel the contract on him, then there is no way to talk about following him.

Xu Miao smiled coolly, walked to his side, and waved a wave of spiritual power into the opponent's body, rescinding the contract.The man was stunned on the spot, completely unaware that the contract he had been trying to cancel would be dissolved by the foundation-building monks.

Of course it wasn't Xu Miao who took the initiative to terminate the contract. No matter how strong he was, he was only a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment.The contract was terminated by Qing Jiao, who was once comparable to the cultivator of the God Transformation.

Although Qing Jiao has been trapped for tens of thousands of years and his strength has been greatly reduced, it is still a breeze to cancel the contract of a Jindan monk.

"He Liang, my subordinate, has met my master." He Liang, a middle-stage Golden Core cultivator who originally followed Yuan Hui, decided to follow Xu Miao after the death of his original master.

"You will be driven by me for 50 years. After 50 years, I will set you free. During this period, if you encounter difficulties or accidents, I will take care of them. How about it?"

50 years is also the time Xu Miao gave herself.He has to try his best to advance to the Golden Core stage within 50 years, so that he can escape his life under the hands of the Nascent Soul stage monks.

When He Liang heard that he only had to serve Xu Miao for 50 years, he naturally refused, and quickly agreed.Xu Miao has always relied on the other party to make the other party willing when employing people, and he disdains to buy and sell by force.

Uncle Wu looked at He Liang for taking refuge with Xu Miao so quickly, his expression was full of disdain.He Liang is not his subordinate, he will not care.But now that He Liang has become his subordinate, the monk surnamed Wu still does what he does.

Xu Miao sneered: "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in. Since you don't want to follow me, you have no value in existence. You should reincarnate as soon as possible."

"You two do it." He Liang and the old woman attacked the monk surnamed Wu at the same time. The monk surnamed Wu also had the secret of escape, and he still fled despite being seriously injured.

Xu Miao was only a foundation-building monk, so naturally he couldn't stop a Golden Core monk who was burning his lifespan to escape.

"Master, I'm afraid that after Wu Qing returns, he will report this matter to the Shao family." He Liang was worried.

Xu Miao didn't take it seriously, not to mention whether Wu Qing could leave the Ailao Mountains alive, even if he returned to the Shao family, the people of the Shao family should be able to find him.

Xu Miao lifted Ye Qianqian's ban, and ordered her and the old woman to leave the Ailao Mountains by themselves.When Ye Qianqian left, she turned her head three times a step, but Xu Miao didn't notice.

The news of Gu Ming had come, and Xu Miao's attention was on Dangchenshui.The location of the Dark Mountain is not owned by human monks, but by monsters.

However, after the peace talks with high-level monks, human beings can enter the territory of monsters, and monsters can also enter human cities.As long as you don't kill at will, you won't be restricted and controlled.

Xu Miao took He Liang and turned into a light, and left the Ailao Mountains.Since the blood pool was covered, all kinds of monsters stopped migrating and returned to their original places.

When passing by the Fengfengmo's territory, Xu Miao saw the Fengfengmo that followed him actively.Swallowing the wind demon saw Xu Miao, and waved excitedly, intending to follow Xu Miao.

He Liang didn't pay attention to it before, but now he realizes that this Wind Swallowing Demon is not bound by any contract, it's all voluntary, and his evaluation of Xu Miao has reached a new level.

Xu Miao thought that there were mostly monsters in the dark mountains, and it would be easy to do things with a Wind Swallowing Demon, so he asked He Liang to fly with the Wind Swallowing Demon.The Wind Swallowing Demon is a level five monster, so it is unrealistic for him to carry it.

After leaving the Ailao Mountains, the two of them, together with a demon, went to the Dark Mountains through the teleportation array.

The news from Gu Ming mentioned that the Dusting Water is in a mountain belly deep in the Dark Mountains.Among a piece of stalactites, one of the stalactites produces dust-dang water.

Xu Miao held the map of the dark mountain range before the world changed, and the location of the mountain range was also marked according to the previous map.

However, after the changes in the world, many places have changed, and it is no exaggeration to describe it as the vicissitudes of life.Even so, Xu Miao would also like to enter the Dark Mountains for a try.

The news from Duobao Pavilion and Gu Ming both confirmed that there is dust-sweeping water in the Dark Mountains, which is extremely important for refining the Mist Condensation Sword. If there is no dust-sweeping water, even if the Mist Condensation Sword is successfully refined, its power will be greatly reduced.

As soon as Xu Miao stepped into the dark mountains, she knew that Gu Ming's news had lost its effect.Because the dark mountain range presented in front of him was completely different from what was recorded on the map.

Although it had been prepared for a long time, it changed into this way.Xu Miao only felt that the veins on his forehead were throbbing. Now he really wanted to use a sword to chop down the mountains and trees in front of him, so as to vent his hatred.

"Master, this subordinate may have a way to find the location of this mountain." He Liang, who had been quietly staying beside him, suddenly said.

Xu Miao didn't hold out hope: "What way?"

"The subordinate once practiced a spell called time retrospect, which can restore the scene that happened in a certain place as needed."

"The only problem is that the Dark Mountain is so big, and I'm only a Gold Core cultivation base. Even if I exhaust all my spiritual power, I may not be able to find it."

Xu Miao fell into deep thought when he heard He Liang's words. He rubbed his chin and thought about countermeasures.If you go back in time to two locations in front of you, you can determine the current position and direction.

Then search forward according to the approximate distance. After a certain distance, pick two places to determine the position and direction.Using this method, you will be able to find the mountain where Dangchenshui used to exist.

Xu Miao told He Liang of his plan, and He Liang was amazed by Xu Miao's strategy and admired him even more.According to Xu Miao's method, He Liang went back in time from time to time.

The two of them stopped and went together, and had to deal with troublesome monsters on the way. It took a year for Xu Miao to find the mountain.To be precise, what is in front of me can no longer be called a mountain, but a pile of rocks.

The task of cleaning up the chaotic rocks was completed by He Liang and Tunfengmo. Xu Miao was very satisfied watching one person and one demon quickly clean up and move forward.It is easier to have subordinates to help you than to do it yourself.

Xu Miao walked all the way, observing the environment around her.If you see stalactites, you can be sure that you are close to Dust Water.However, this place is extremely dry, not to mention dusty water, even ordinary streams, the river Xu Miao didn't see it.

A severed stalactite was pressed by several stones. Xu Miao hurried forward to clear the stone away, but there was only this section of stalactite under the stone.

"It must be near here, look for it!" Xu Miao gave an order, and He Liang and Fengfengmo began to clean up the nearby stones.According to Gu Ming's news, this place is a group of stalactites.

Xu Miao almost turned the place upside down, but there was only the section of stalactite that he saw just now.Since there is none nearby, the only possibility left is underground.

The soil on the ground here is very new, it doesn't look like it has been accumulated for tens of thousands of years, but it seems to have been laid recently.Xu Miao carefully observed the traces of the soil on the ground, and he found a very clear dividing line.

With this dividing line as the center, one side is the new soil, and the other side is the old soil.Xu Miao gathered a ball of spiritual power and hit the ground hard, only to see that the ground was obviously sunken.

"He Liang, blow a hole out of this place." Xu Miao was almost sure that the stalactite group fell into the ground after the heaven and earth mutated.This ground was just newly formed, and He Liang's spiritual power surged, and a hole was quickly blasted.

Even with the Golden Core cultivator guarding him, Xu Miao cautiously probed into his consciousness from the entrance of the cave.After confirming that there was no danger, Xu Miao jumped into the hole first.

As Xu Miao expected, the destination is a group of stalactites.However, these stalactites are dead and cannot produce dust-scattering water at all.

Xu Miao walked around and around, but could only accept this reality.After working hard to find this place but returning in vain, Xu Miao's mood can be imagined.

"Master, someone is coming." He Liang suddenly reminded Xu Miao.

Xu Miao's consciousness was only maintained within a range of ten feet, and she didn't pay attention to more distant places.Hearing this, Xu Miao directly waved the Swallowing Demon into the Hunting Stone.

Monsters can also be put into the spirit beast bag, He Liang was not surprised when he saw Xu Miao's actions.As soon as Xu Miao and He Liang hid behind a large stalactite, people came one after another.

"I didn't expect this group of stalactites to go underground." A frivolous voice sounded.

A steady voice answered, "The hole we came in was obviously blasted open by humans. It is very likely that someone has already entered. Be careful."

Xu Miao looked at the people coming from the shadows. There were four people in total, all wearing uniform clothes.Xu Miao had never seen this kind of costume before, and thought it must be a disciple of a small sect.

One of them released a spirit mouse and made it move around.Spirit-seeking mice are the most common spirit beasts in the cultivation world, and monks usually buy them to find places with abundant spiritual energy.

Use a spirit mouse to search for it in this place. This spirit mouse must be unusual, at least not the kind sold outside, with dozens of low-grade spirit stones.

Xu Miao and He Liang covered their breath and carefully looked at the spirit mouse.The spirit mouse didn't see the two of them, and walked past them, squeaking across a patch of rocks in front of them.

The four people standing under the entrance heard the cry of the spirit mouse, and tried their best to move the scattered rocks away.One of the rocks was thrown in front of Xu Miao, and Xu Miao retreated calmly to avoid the stone.

When he looked up at the rock mover again, a killing intent flashed in his eyes.The monk seemed to feel something was wrong, and glanced at Xu Miao, but Xu Miao hid it too perfectly, and he didn't find anything.

When all the rocks were removed, another hole was exposed.The spirit mouse jumped directly from the entrance without waiting for the master's order.

(End of this chapter)

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