Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 171 Obtaining Dusty Water

Chapter 171 Obtaining Dusty Water
The three of them followed the spirit mouse and jumped down first, leaving only the monk who had just noticed Xu Miao's flash of killing intent, still looking around.

That person was only a late stage foundation builder, so Xu Miao didn't pay attention to him at all.He transmitted his voice to He Liang and ordered He Liang to kill the man in the shortest possible time.

The Golden Core cultivator stepped out and took the man's life in an instant.Xu Miao carefully observed the man's face, and after looking at it, she transformed herself into that man's appearance.

After everything was ready, Xu Miao told He Liang not to show his figure, and followed behind, then jumped down and caught up with the three people in front.

The leader saw Xu Miao with dissatisfaction on his face: "Meng Xie, why are you so slow, do it later, don't take your time." Xu Miao nodded to understand, and followed the three of them honestly.

"I didn't expect this spirit mouse to find traces of Qianchen Stone."

"This little guy has been fed by the ancestors with the powder of Qianchen Stone since he was a child, so he can naturally find Qianchen Stone."

Thousand dust stone, the name of this item is no stranger to Xu Miao.It can be said that Dangchen Water comes from Qianchen Stone.The Thousand Dust Stone is mixed with various impurities, dust, and filth, and it can only be produced through complex transformations.

Almost everyone knows, everyone knows that Qianchen Stone is the most complicated item in the cultivation world.But the most heterogeneous things often give birth to the purest things.

When the ingredients of a Thousand Dust Stone are mixed to the extreme, if it encounters Yinyue Water at this time, it will produce Dust Water.Yinyue water is cold pool water that has been illuminated by moonlight for thousands of years.

Only when a variety of conditions are combined, can the dusty water appear.And these few people, listening to their conversations, are looking for the Thousand Dust Stone here.

When drowsiness comes, someone will send a pillow.Before, I was worried about not being able to find the Dusting Water, so I met a group of people who could find the Thousand Dust Stone.Xu Miao remained calm and listened attentively to the conversation of the three.

"Zhizhizhi——" came the cry of the spirit-seeking mouse, and the four of them quickened their pace and rushed to the side of the spirit-seeking mouse.The spirit mouse did find the Qianchen Stone, but it was a damaged Thousand Chen Stone.

The core of Qianchen Stone was exposed, exuding a strange black air.The Thousand Dust Stone condenses the filth of the world, and if the core is exposed for a long time, it will generate resentful spirits.

The three people next to him obviously knew about this, and quickly chanted a spell to purify the Thousand Dust Stone.Seeing Xu Miao staring blankly at Qianchenshi, the leading monk hurriedly urged: "Meng Xie, hurry up and recite the curse!"

Meng Xie, played by Xu Miao, is like waking up from a dream, secretly observing the way the other three chanted mantras, carefully imitating them.A stream of pure mana flew to the core of Qianchen Stone to purify the spirits.

"Hahahaha—" Wraith laughed loudly, "Ahahaha—"

Xu Miao didn't know how to recite the correct spell, so she could only use spiritual power to suppress the black energy.If the real Meng Xie was still alive, even if the four of them chanted the incantation at the same time, they would be killed by the wraith in an instant.

On the contrary, it was Xu Miao who made a move and managed to squeeze the Wraith by mistake.Xu Miao quietly turned her head while running her spiritual power, looking for Dangchenshui.

The stalactite broken into several pieces is not far from the broken Qianchen Stone.This stalactite should be the one that condensed the dusty water.

Xu Miao moved her steps carefully, allocated a part of her consciousness, and paid attention to the movements of Wraith Ling and the other three.There were a few drops of liquid in a sunken stalactite. Xu Miao looked closely and found that it was dusty water.

Everyone didn't notice Xu Miao. Xu Miao sent a message to He Liang, telling him to take the stalactite and be careful of the dusty water inside.

Dust Sweeping Water can refine the quality of a magic weapon. No matter what kind of magic weapon it is, a drop of dust-sweeping water can achieve the best effect, and adding a few more drops will not produce more effect.

The few remaining drops can be sold for more goodies.Xu Miao thought about the small calculation in her heart, and the corner of her mouth curled up in a huge arc.

"Not good! This wraith is getting stronger and stronger, and he is about to transform!" Xu Miao quickly raised her head and looked at the wraith who was about to transform.

Once the resentful spirit takes shape, it will confuse people's minds. Not to mention the foundation cultivators, even Jindan monks will be confused by the resentful spirit.Absolutely can't stay here any longer, Xu Miao scolded in a low voice: "Go! If you don't leave, you will die!"

Before the words finished, Xu Miao turned around and backed away.The other three wanted to leave a long time ago, just because the ancestor personally ordered them to obtain the Qianchen Stone, if they left without authorization, they would be severely punished if they returned to the sect.

But one of them had already left, and the remaining three had to leave even if they didn't want to, let alone they wanted to leave in the first place.The three of them followed closely behind Xu Miao and hurried to the entrance.

The wraith has no entity and moves extremely fast, catching up to the four people running in front within a breath.The person who fell last, who was about to be overtaken by the resentful spirit, jumped forward in fright, so as not to die to catch Xu Miao.

As soon as Xu Miao was caught by him, her steps stopped and she immediately slowed down.When the man saw Xu Miao, his eyes flickered.Xu Miao has seen too many people, just by looking at this person's demeanor, he can know what the other person is thinking.

The man firmly grabbed Xu Miao's arm: "Meng Xie, you have to help me, don't let me be killed by the resentful spirit!" His words were very earnest, if the killing intent in the underlying words was ignored.

Xu Miao looked at the hand that grabbed her with a funny face: "Naturally, I've always been willing to help others. Don't you think it's the beauty of a gentleman?" At the last two words, Xu Miao's voice suddenly lowered, and with a turn of her right hand, she turned the The human hand seized it.

When the man saw Xu Miao's reaction, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, he stretched out his other hand, and was about to throw Xu Miao towards the wraith behind him.Xu Miao's spiritual power poured out between the flashes and flints, and he lifted his foot and kicked this person onto the wraith.

Only a scream was heard, and the surroundings became quiet again.Without turning her head, Xu Miao performed the Feng Ling Jue, passed the two people in front, and left the ground first.

Several people are being chased by bears, as long as there is always someone running slower than you, then you can survive.When Xu Miao ran for her life, she always adhered to this principle and carried it through to the end.

He Liang's speed was much faster than him, so Xu Miao left here with the help of He Liang.Xu Miao was not interested in knowing whether the two people behind were dead or alive.

With the dust-dang water in hand, there are still three materials left before refining the fog-condensing sword.Thinking of this, Xu Miao was overjoyed, humming a little tune, and her steps became leisurely.

Suddenly, the world began to change again.The sky turned crimson in an instant, the ground began to shake, and a long crack opened where Xu Miao was standing.

Xu Miao was about to use her spiritual power to fly into the air, but was directly pressed down by a heavy force.The surrounding mountains roared and slowly collapsed, and boulders kept rolling down.

The crack was getting bigger and bigger, and Xu Miao was crushed by an unknown force, unable to fly, so she could only roll on the spot to avoid the crack.But worse things began to happen, Xu Miao found that the spiritual power in her body couldn't work.

Xu Miao's complexion changed drastically. No matter what happened before, Xu Miao didn't panic. As long as he has spiritual power, he can face any change calmly.

At this moment, no matter how much the spiritual power in his body was stimulated, it couldn't work.Xu Miao controlled his consciousness and looked inside his dantian, but found that the image was covered with a thick layer of white mist, even if he was the master of the body, he couldn't see it clearly.

Xu Miao, who had lost her spiritual power, turned into a mortal without the power to bind a chicken in the blink of an eye. At first, her spiritual power could not function, and then her spiritual consciousness was imprisoned. Xu Miao couldn't even take out the magic weapon.

The crack opened again, and the "mortal" Xu Miao fell directly into the depths of the crack. The wind whizzed by his ears, and the noisy wind overwhelmed the sound of the earth shaking.

With nowhere to focus, Xu Miao couldn't do it even if she wanted to lean on a rock, so she could only let her body fall down.He didn't know what happened, but realized once again that human monks were still insignificant in front of the heaven and the earth.

No matter how many exercises you have learned and how many magic weapons you have, when a real crisis occurs, no one can escape.The last time the world changed, Xu Miao was lucky to stay under the cold pool and escaped the crisis.

But this time, Xu Miao has no chance to hide and face the biggest crisis in the cultivation world.The wind was so strong that Xu Miao's consciousness became confused and not sober.

Without any buffer, Xu Miao fell directly to a hard ground.Falling directly from a high place, Xu Miao could clearly hear the sound of bones breaking, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't even cry out.

Severe pain swept through his whole body. Fortunately, his body has become much tighter after training. Otherwise, he would be smashed into meat if he fell like this. Xu Miao thought dazedly and fell into a coma.

During the period when Xu Miao fell into a coma, earth-shaking changes took place in the realm of comprehension. The mountains, rivers, and the quality of spiritual power that had been changed due to the changes in the world all returned to their original state.

The various cities and gathering places built by the Xilu Cultivation Realm in response to the changes in the world were instantly wiped out by unknown forces, and the buildings of the various sects sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain on the original sites.

It seems that the first change of heaven and earth was just a ridiculous dream made by all the monks.Even the monster disappeared in Westland at that moment, as if it had never appeared before.

The only thing that changed was that those who died never came back to life.Those who survived looked at everything in front of them inexplicably, and looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Those who were still awake quickly searched around to determine the current situation.At that moment, the Xilu cultivation world became extremely quiet, and everyone quietly watched the changes in front of them.

But soon, they found that the quality of spiritual power was rapidly improving and recovering, and everything became better, and everyone cheered.The low-level monks don't know the situation, but even the high-level monks don't know the situation.

Several cultivators who turned into gods appeared in the very center of Xilu, and their powerful spiritual sense swept over Xilu many times, but no difference was found.The monk Huashen couldn't explain this problem, so he could only inform all the monks that the immortal appeared and saved me Xilu.

When Xu Miao woke up faintly, she stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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