Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 172 Corpse

Chapter 172 Corpse
Next to him lay a huge corpse, about three times his length, and it was a skinned corpse.The flesh on this corpse had been thoroughly dried and appeared to have been sitting there for many years.

Just as Xu Miao wanted to get up to check the corpse, she grinned in pain.Only then did he remember that when he fell, his bones were all shattered.

Xu Miao tried to use the spiritual power, and found that the spiritual power in the body could already be used. Although the spiritual power that can be used is limited, at least the spiritual power can be used, which means that the injury can be recovered.

A small amount of spiritual power slowly nourished the broken bones. Xu Miao's silver teeth were about to be crushed, and the bone fragments were stuck in the flesh. Then remove the bone fragments.

All the flesh was cut open, and Xu Miao broke out in a cold sweat from the pain.The spiritual power controls the bone to grow again, and Xu Miao's physical condition gradually improves. The biggest problem now is that the spiritual power that can be mobilized is getting less and less.

Xu Miao moved her limbs a little and inspected her dantian.The dense fog that originally shrouded the images in the dantian has thinned a little.He reckoned that when the dense fog completely dissipated, it would be the time when the spiritual power could be used smoothly.

When Xu Miao left the Ailao Mountains, Xiaotian had already started to fuse the psychic grass. Now that the fusion has not been completed, Xu Miao can only ask Qingjiao.

"Senior Qingjiao, can you recognize this corpse?" Xu Miao can feel a strong sense of familiarity from this corpse, but he can be sure that Xu Miao has never seen it, whether it is from documents or other people's words. over this corpse.

Qingjiao came out from the Hunting Stone, walked around the corpse, and poked the flesh on the corpse with his hand.

"It's not like people in this world. I haven't seen this kind of breath, but I have heard that people in the upper world practice a certain technique, which will make their bodies grow continuously."

"People from the upper realm?" Xu Miao told Qing Jiao truthfully how he felt about the huge corpse.

Qing Jiao looked at Xu Miao, then at the corpse, and jumped onto the body, trying to find a drop of blood.

"The heart was taken away, the blood was drained, and even the most important spine in the monk's body was also taken away. It can be called skin cramps."

After examining the giant's body, Qing Jiao shook his head: "I originally wanted to get a drop of blood and cast a spell to test your relationship with this person, but now it seems impossible."

Xu Miao looked at the corpse without blinking, first a kind of intense sadness welled up spontaneously, and then intense anger.A scene suddenly appeared in Xu Miao's mind.

The two stood apart, Xu Miao couldn't see their faces clearly, but could only hear their voices.

One of them said: "...you have lost your godhead, so you should do a good deed and give me the remaining marrow."

Another person immediately interrupted his words: "You are delusional, even if I die, I will not let you succeed." After this person finished speaking, he raised his palm and slapped himself hard on his chest.

The person who spoke first wanted to stop him, but was a step too late, watching helplessly as the person rolled over and jumped off where they were standing.

The scene disappeared quickly, and Xu Miao came back to his senses. He didn't know the specific identities of the two people in the picture. He only felt angry and his eyes were red.

He couldn't help holding the giant's hand, but he felt like his left hand was holding his right.At that moment, his body was ignited by the tyrannical aura left by the 梼杌, and he turned his head slowly, looking at Qing Jiao solemnly.

The Heaven and Earth Annihilation Art suddenly worked. This time, all the spiritual power in the body was mobilized, and the surrounding spiritual energy poured into Xu Miao's body.

In Xu Miao's eyes, Qingjiao no longer looked like him, and he regarded Qingjiao as the person who asked for the essence.Qingjiao could tell at a glance that Xu Miao had fallen into a demon, no matter how she called, she couldn't wake up Xu Miao.

Qingjiao was very anxious, but he couldn't abandon Xu Miao, so he raised his hand to form a mask, trapping Xu Miao in it.

Xu Miao was about to attack Qingjiao, but was suddenly trapped and became furious.At this moment, Xu Miao's heart suddenly beat violently, and the mysterious drop of blood in the heart conveyed a quiet breath.

Xu Miao who ran away quickly calmed down, looked straight at the green dragon outside the mask, blinked, and fell down.Qing Jiao hurriedly walked in to check Xu Miao's situation, found that the tyrannical aura had dissipated, and felt relieved.

He waved away the mask and waited quietly for Xu Miao to wake up.And when Xu Miao was in a coma, a drop of blood flew out of nowhere from the giant corpse beside him.

When Qing Jiao saw the drop of blood, the corners of his eyebrows twitched.As a god-turning monster, his spiritual consciousness is so powerful that ordinary god-turning monks can't match it.He checked the corpse carefully, and there was obviously not a drop of blood left. Where did this drop of blood come from.

He grimaced and stared at the drop of blood.After the drop of blood came out of the giant's corpse, it flew directly to Xu Miao's side, circled around Xu Miao's body for a few times, and sank into Xu Miao's chest.

Xu Miao, who was in a coma, didn't know that a drop of blood had entered his body. He just felt comfortable and warm, as if lying in a hot spring, or like his mother's arms when he was a child.

When Xu Miao woke up again, she saw Qing Jiao's expression of constipated discomfort.Xu Miao inspected herself, thinking she didn't offend Qing Jiao, she asked Qing Jiao with a smile.

Qing Jiao had already noticed that Xu Miao was waking up, so she didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so she told Xu Miao about the blood drop and went back to the Hunting Stone.Xu Miao rubbed her chin, thinking about Qing Jiao's words.

Blood drops, giants, godheads, spirits, Xu Miao had the illusion that he had come into contact with some ulterior things, but he still had no clue.Xu Miao rubbed her face and moved the giant's corpse into the Hunting Stone.

In any case, his familiarity with the corpse proved that the corpse had a great possibility to be related to him.Even if you can't figure it out now, you will definitely know the truth in the future.

Just lost control, almost wanted to attack Qingjiao, but it was a blessing in disguise, making the spiritual power in the body flow smoothly.Overall, the results are satisfactory.

The body has recovered, and now the headache is how to get out of here.When it came down, it passed through a long crack. At this time, the crack had already disappeared. If you want to go out, you need to break through a path.

Fortunately, the stone above his head was not hard, Xu Miao made some movements and finally returned to the ground.Xu Miao fell through a crack in the Dark Mountains. When he returned to the Dark Mountains, Xu Miao was surprised to find that the Dark Mountains were completely different from what he had seen for the first time.

The surrounding environment, whether it is mountain peaks or forests, is more like what it looked like before the world changed.Xu Miao discovered early in the morning that the quality of spiritual power had returned to the past, but at that time he thought that the vibration only brought about changes in spiritual power.

Unexpectedly, not only the spiritual power returned to normal, but even the environment returned to its original state.If it really changed back to the original state, there is a small town not far from the Dark Mountains, and news should be found there.

Xu Miao turned into a ray of light and rushed towards Dark Cloud Town. As expected, a town exactly like the one shown on the map appeared on the ground.

This place, when Xu Miao went to the Dark Mountains, he passed by here.At that time, the place was deserted and there were only a few scattered monsters wandering around.

However, not only Dark Cloud Town is still there, but the town is bustling with people.Xu Miao was very surprised. When she entered Dark Cloud Town, she asked a Qi Refining Stage monk who was wandering around the gate of the city.

"Senior, you just came out of customs." The monk heard Xu Miao's question and said it familiarly. Xu Miao was noncommittal and motioned him to continue.

"The change a year ago has completely restored our Western Continent's cultivation world. The original change was like a dream. From the sect to the town, even the shops have changed back to the original, only people are missing."

"Later, we low-level monks got the news and returned to the original place." Hearing this, Xu Miao threw two low-grade spirit stones to the man, turned and left.

Xu Miao questioned several people in succession, from the foundation building stage to the Qi refining stage, all of them said the same thing.Looking at it this way, it should be true. All these changes must be manipulated by people with great supernatural powers.

Otherwise, ancient times will become ancient times, and ancient times will become the present world. Why hasn't the cultivation world returned to its previous state.Now that everything has been restored, the mountain gate of Heqing Valley should also be restored.

There happened to be a teleportation array in Dark Cloud Town, but there was no teleportation array directly to Xici Town. Xu Miao passed through several big cities and turned several teleportation arrays before finally returning to Xici Town.

Seeing the familiar Xici Town, Xu Miao finally felt relieved.Xu Miao didn't stop, and flew directly to He Qinggu's location.He Qinggu was just as usual, full of vitality.

After wandering outside for a long time, now standing at the gate of Heqing Valley, Xu Miao felt a sense of confusion as if she had passed away.The disciple guarding the gate was very unfamiliar with Xu Miao. After seeing Xu Miao's real cultivation, he hurried forward to ask.

"Senior, I don't know what to do to come to my He Qinggu?"

Xu Miao handed the disciple's token to the gatekeeper, and saw the expression on the gatekeeper's face change from doubt to worship in an instant.

"You are Uncle Xu Miao!"

"Uncle Xu Miao, please come in!"

One of the gatekeeper disciples looked at Xu Miao staringly, wishing to kneel down for Xu Miao.Xu Miao frowned, somewhat puzzled, when did he become so famous?

"Hurry up and notify the head, Master Xu Miao is back!"

When Xu Miao returned to the sect, she realized that he had already become famous throughout the sect.

Xu Miao has made great contributions from fighting for the land of excellent spirits for the sects, to the alliance of monsters and other sects, and for He Qinggu to determine the supremacy among the five sects.

Under Zhou Ruxiang's special promotion, Xu Miao has long been a role model and idol for young disciples.In addition, Yang Lin, who is also a disciple of the same generation, respects Xu Miao, which strengthens Xu Miao's reputation.

As soon as he returned to Heqing Valley, Xu Miao was invited to Linqian Pavilion. The disciple who led the way looked at him adoringly, which made Xu Miao feel uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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