Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 173 Participating in the Grand Ceremony

Chapter 173 Participating in the Grand Ceremony
After continuous practice, Xu Miao finally mastered the use of big waves.He was sitting in the cave, rubbing the sound transmission talisman in his hand.

The sound transmission talisman was sent by Luo Guan. He knew that Xu Miao was looking for materials to make the Mist Condensing Sword, so he paid special attention to this aspect.Luo Guan learned from other sources that the white concentrate and jadeite marrow will appear at the same time at the Zhuo Li Pavilion's baby-making ceremony.

The white concentrate and jadeite are congratulatory gifts prepared by a certain craftsman family for the Yuanying monks in Zhuoli Pavilion.Xu Miao didn't get this news through Duobao Pavilion before. This refining family hides it very deeply.

According to the news from Luo Guan, the monk who successfully conceived this time is named Lin Zhijian, and he has a very deep relationship with this refining family.

And after Lin Zhijian's cultivation reached the Nascent Soul stage, he needed to re-sacrifice his natal magic weapon, which required white concentrate and jadeite marrow.The refining family decided what they liked, so they took these two pieces of materials as a congratulatory gift.

Lin Zhijian's baby-making ceremony was held in Zhuo Li Pavilion, half a month later.Xu Miao estimated the time from Heqing Valley to Zhuoli Pavilion, and decided to fly to a town far from Heqing Valley, and then reach Zhuoli Pavilion through the teleportation array.

Xu Miao's trip to the important materials needed by a monk in the early stage of Yuanying is tantamount to pulling a tooth out of a tiger's mouth.The degree of danger is extremely high, even more dangerous than negotiating with Firecrow.

In contrast, the greater the risk, the greater the reward.If the trip goes well, two materials can be obtained in one fell swoop, and there is only one material left until the fog condensing sword is successfully refined, which makes Xu Miao not tempted.

Just when Xu Miao's planned route was formed, the master summoned him to Qiqian Pavilion.

He Qinggu also needed to send his disciples to the grand ceremony for the birth of a baby held by Zhuo Li Pavilion.Doing mental calculations without intention, Xu Miao explained the matter to Zhou Ruxiang, the head of the sect, and promised to change his appearance when he did it, so as not to hurt the sect.

Zhou Ruxiang smiled without hesitation: "Uncle Luo told you about this, so he knew you would go. I will order Yang Lin and a few disciples to go with you. When you do it, you can just play by ear."

Xu Miao nodded solemnly, and then passed through the teleportation array with Yang Lin and the others to a town at the foot of Zhuolige Mountain.The name of the town is very simple, it is called Zhuo Li City.

Zhuoli City was crowded with people, many monks wearing various costumes gathered here to participate in Lin Zhijian's baby-birth ceremony.In order to facilitate management and prevent wanton vandalism, registration is required when entering the city.

Big sects like Xihuizong and Jixingdian will be received by core disciples.And small factions like He Qinggu are only received by ordinary disciples.

Xu Miao took out the greeting card that Zhou Ruxiang had given him, and handed it to the receiving disciple.There were countless people who received disciples. Although the people who came were only from a small sect like He Qinggu who had never heard of it, the leader was very personable and graceful.

He didn't feel contempt, and let Xu Miao enter the city according to the rules.

"Uncle, Zhuo Li City is really big, I have never seen such a prosperous town before."

As long as he doesn't feel rebellious towards the disciples of his sect, Xu Miao has always been good-tempered towards him. He smiled and said, "Didn't you see it now?"

The receiving disciples showed no other expressions, but another group of people who entered the city with Xu Miao spoke mockingly.

"Where are you country bumpkins, your adults are really reckless, just let you go out to travel like this." A frivolous voice sounded beside them.

Several monks next to the man burst out laughing, and one of them continued, "You don't know about that, brother. The country bumpkins are all inherited from their ancestors. They are country bumpkins. How can their adults be so good?"

"That's it!" There were not a few people who agreed.

Xu Miao stopped, turned around, and picked her ears with a smile on her face: "My ears are not good, who are the bumpkins talking about?"

"Of course the bumpkin is talking about you!" The man took Xu Miao's words very naturally.

Xu Miao had an epiphany on her face: "Oh——so you are the country bumpkin!" This time, not only the group of people who made rude remarks, but also the surrounding monks laughed out loud.

"You—" The leader of this group of monks is a late-stage foundation-builder. Seeing Xu Miao's side, the one with the highest cultivation is only the middle-stage foundation-builder. .”

The faces of Yang Lin and the few monks in the Qi refining period behind him became very ugly.They can't wait to take action immediately and teach that arrogant bastard a lesson.

Xu Miao raised her hand to stop Yang Lin who took a step forward: "Yang Lin, a dog keeps barking at you, claiming to bite you, will you bite back?"

Yang Lin also laughed when he heard this: "Of course not, it's just a dog blocking the way. Let him bark if he wants to, but it's just a bit noisy, and I really want to beat it up."

Xu Miao stretched out a finger, shook it, and looked up at the provocative people: "The dog hasn't bitten us yet, how can we beat the dog first? Fellow Taoists, do you think so?"

"Bastard!" The leading late-stage foundation-building monk was enraged by Xu Miao, and rushed directly in front of Xu Miao, about to swing his fist down.The power brought out by the fist is powerful, and if it is hit, it will definitely be seriously injured.

Some timid monks beside him had already exclaimed, but the crowd watching from the beginning to the end was watching the excitement, and they didn't think about stopping it.

"Master, be careful!" The disciple behind saw this scene and quickly reminded Xu Miao.

Xu Miao stood on the spot, motionless, looking calmly at the fist in front of her.Just when the fist was about to hit the face, Xu Miao shot like lightning, raised her palm, and blocked the fist.

The fingers immediately bent, grabbed the opponent's fist, and twisted outward, with a crisp sound, the bone in the man's hand was broken.Xu Miao mobilized her spiritual power to pour directly into the opponent's hands, destroying his meridians.

It's just that before the spiritual power enters the opponent's dantian, it should be withdrawn in time.Different from the past, Xu Miao came here on behalf of He Qinggu, and his every word and deed showed what He Qinggu was like.

Therefore, a proper lesson is necessary, if this person is directly abolished, then He Qinggu will be given an enemy for nothing, the harm outweighs the benefit, and it is not worthwhile.

Xu Miao stopped at the right time, still looking at the monk bent over in pain with a smile on his face.

"Yang Lin, look, when the dog is about to bite you, you can teach him a lesson and tell the dog not to bite people indiscriminately."

Yang Lin suppressed a smile: "That's right."

Seeing that their senior brother was injured, the group of people hurried forward and surrounded Xu Miao and others.However, the strength that Xu Miao showed just now really made them afraid, and they didn't dare to act casually.

"A good dog doesn't block the way, or you must be taught a lesson again before you will obediently go away." Xu Miao threw a sentence lightly, and looked at the person in front of him with a half-smile.

"This person hides his cultivation on purpose. He must have some schemes and ulterior motives. Brother Zhuolige, you should capture him as soon as possible!" The man covered his injured hand and looked at Xu Miao viciously.

The dispute between the two sects, although they are just small sects, if it is not handled properly and spread, it will not be good for Zhuo Li Pavilion's reputation.

"I, Zhuoli Pavilion, don't need to be instructed by my fellow Taoists." The person who came here at this time was obviously a core disciple of Zhuoli Pavilion. Oops.

Xu Miaoyun calmly walked in front of the disciples of Zhuoli Pavilion: "We are disciples of He Qinggu, entrusted by the head of the sect, to come here to celebrate the advancement of senior Lin Zhijian of your sect to Nascent Soul."

Xu Miao only talked about the origin, and didn't mention a word about the dispute just happened, and the impression in the hearts of Zhuoli Pavilion disciples immediately improved.

Look at them, they are all from small sects, why do they know how to advance and retreat, and know etiquette.The disciples of Zhuo Li Pavilion complained in their hearts one after another, and they were even more displeased with those who took the initiative to provoke.

"It's my lack of hospitality, Junior Brother Jin, take He Qinggu's comrades to Huating Mountain to settle down." Huating Mountain is for the disciples of middle-level sects. When Jin Shu heard this, he was surprised and hurriedly took He Qinggu and others with him. Go to Huating Mountain.

After Xu Miao cupped her hands in thanks, she took a special look at the group of people who didn't know what to do, and turned to leave.Seeing the look in Xu Miao's eyes, the cultivator in the late stage of Foundation Establishment almost gritted his molars.

After Jin Shu's guidance was clear, he left on his own initiative.Several disciples in the Qi refining period looked at the house in Huating Mountain curiously, all envious.

"Xu Miao, I think those small sects are all placed in Zhuo Li City, and they will not be allowed to enter the mountain until the ceremony begins. Is it wrong for us to come in directly like this?"

"Don't worry, this is their apology for us. If we don't handle it well, their Zhuoli Pavilion will also be affected." After Xu Miao dismissed Yang Lin with a word, he went out for a walk.

Many monks came to Zhuo Li Pavilion this time, and most of the areas were open for disciples from other sects to visit.Xu Miao just took advantage of this opportunity to find the most suitable way to leave.

Certain places are obviously guarded by disciples, and these places must be absolutely avoided.As the upper sect of the Western Continent, Zhuo Li Pavilion will not be negligent in defense even if a grand ceremony is held in the sect.

Along the way, almost every important pass is guarded by disciples, and there are patrolling disciples from time to time.If you want to leave, you have to go through these checkpoints, but as long as you pass through these checkpoints, you will be discovered.

Xu Miao frowned, it was too difficult to leave directly with those two things.It is best to steal it without anyone noticing, wait until the ceremony is over, and then leave with the flow of people.

At that time, even if Lin Zhijian finds out that something has been stolen, it will be difficult to recover it.After making up her mind, Xu Miao went back to the courtyard prepared for them in Huating Mountain and meditated with her eyes closed.

Zhuo Li Pavilion is worthy of being a grand sect, rich and powerful, and the temporary residence provided for the monks who came to celebrate is quite rich in spiritual power.

The spiritual power here is useless, Xu Miao began to absorb the rich spiritual energy.With the meridians fully opened, and with the palms facing up, a spiritual vortex gradually formed around Xu Miao.

Like a whale swallowing, like a dragon sucking in, a large amount of spiritual energy was absorbed by Xu Miao. Yang Lin and others who lived next to him clearly noticed that the concentration of spiritual energy around them had become much thinner.

(End of this chapter)

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