Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 174 Rewards

Chapter 174 Rewards
The Qiqian Pavilion is full of elders from the sect that Xu Miao is familiar with, including Xu Miao's master Ye Qiguang.Ye Qiguang was originally in retreat and was about to attack Jindan, but when he heard Xu Miao came back, he gave up the retreat and came out to meet him directly.

Xu Miao was grateful for the concern of the master of the sect, and briefly informed everyone of the recent events.It's just that inside and outside the words, he regarded himself as a bystander, and did not participate in the confrontation with the black soul and monsters.

"Xu Miao, what you did before you left has been of great help to He Qinggu's subsequent development. The head of the sect is very grateful for your contribution to the sect. You also know that the sect was struggling before and could not produce much. Now the conditions It's improved a lot."

As Zhou Ruxiang said, he took out a storage bag, walked up to Xu Miao, and handed it to Xu Miao himself.

"This is a reward for you. There are magic treasures, spirit stones, and elixirs in it. If you need other exercises, the Cangshu Pavilion is open for you at any time. You can rub any exercises."

Zhou Ruxiang's words were like a thunderbolt, shaking all the elders present.The exercises in Zangshu Pavilion are the most important thing in a sect. As long as there are exercises, it means that the sect will not be easily corrupted.

Usually only the Jindan monks in the school can enjoy the right to rub any exercises at any time, but today, Zhou Ruxiang actually gave this right to Xu Miao.

You know, even Zhou Ruxiang, the head of the sect, cannot enjoy such rights.

Yang Qin glanced at the elder next to him, and the elder who established the foundation quickly stopped him: "Sect Leader, I'm afraid this is inappropriate. Xu Miao is only in the middle stage of foundation establishment. Obtaining this right may cause unforeseen consequences for me, He Qinggu. Loss."

Xu Miao has been silent since hearing what Zhou Ruxiang said.He wasn't ecstatic, and he didn't make any excuses.He is very clear about what this right means, which is equivalent to putting the biggest hole card of a sect in his hand.

As long as he is willing, he can print all the jade slips and leave He Qinggu to establish his own sect. No one can say anything.Therefore, he knew very well that there would definitely be objections.

And Yang Qin, who had always been displeased with him, jumped out at this time.Xu Miao smiled vaguely, and lowered her head to listen to their wrangling.

However, Zhou Ruxiang did not follow the words of the elder who established the foundation, but directly moved out of the sect's Jindan cultivator: "This is the instruction given to me directly by the Patriarch of the sect. Are you questioning the Patriarch of Jindan?"

Xu Miao knew that it was definitely not Zhou Ruxiang who could make such an order. Without the personal instructions from the Golden Core cultivator, Zhou Ruxiang would only give more material rewards at best.

Xu Miao has met so many high-level monks and dealt with them, so she has a relatively thorough understanding of the psychology of high-level monks.

Jindan monks will do this, on the one hand, it is to reward Xu Miao's achievements, and on the other hand, it is also to win people's hearts.After Zhou Ruxiang moved out of the ancestor of Jindan, the monks of Yang Qin's faction immediately turned off their flames and stopped talking.

Seeing that the timing was about right, Xu Miao took a step forward to thank her.He really needs new skills now. Although he has the powerful "Heaven and Earth Jue" and "Fu Yu Zhi Zhou", he still uses the "Wind Ling Jue" for body skills.

"Wind Lingjue" was used before, and it was enough to face monks of the same level on the West Road, but it seemed powerless when it came to high-level monks.Therefore, the decision of Patriarch Jindan was exactly in his favor.

Throw me a peach and repay him with a li. Xu Miao took out the jade slips of exercises he obtained during his travels and handed them to Zhou Ruxiang.

Zhou Ruxiang was taken aback when he saw Xu Miao handing it back: "Xu Miao, what are you?"

Xu Miao scratched the back of her head: "This storage bag contains jade slips of exercises that I got outside, and there are all kinds of exercises in it. I have read the details, and the highest grade is Earth-level low-grade. , and the lowest is Xuan-level low-grade."

What Xu Miao said gave another surprise to the monks present.

As the most important thing for a monk, the Jade Slip of Cultivation Technique will not be handed over to others easily.The fact that Xu Miao can get so many jade slips of exercises shows that he has killed many powerful monks.Ordinary monks don't have such high-level skills.

As the head of the sect, Zhou Ruxiang couldn't restrain his excitement when he saw the jade slips in the storage bag, and looked at Xu Miao more kindly and kindly.

Now the elders, who were originally reluctant to shut up due to the order of the ancestor of Jindan, were convinced.Xu Miao only took away so many jade slips of exercises from the sect, but this time he gave the sect a big gift.

Just looking at the prefecture-level low-grade exercises, there are not many copies in the whole Heqing Valley, and Xu Miao can produce one by himself.Xu Miao can be sold to Duobao Pavilion, or placed in an auction, and the price will be extremely high. No monk can refuse the temptation of Lingshi.

From the beginning to the end, Xu Miao didn't care about the opinions of other monks, and calmly took the storage bag Zhou Ruxiang gave him, and left Qiqian Pavilion.There are five hundred middle-grade spirit stones, two top-grade spirit artifacts, and five bottles of Guyuan Pill in the storage bag.

For He Qinggu who had just recovered, it was not easy to directly give Xu Miao so many things. Xu Miao was very grateful for the kindness of the sect party to him.

Xu Miao first went to Zangshu Pavilion to find suitable body skills.Xu Miao took a rough look at the number of exercises in Zangshu Pavilion, and it was still about the same as before.

There are no prefecture-level physical exercises in Heqing Valley, but there are still mysterious-level exercises, but there are only two copies.One is "Bird Flying in the Blue Sky" and the other is "Cloud and Dragon Leaping".

Both books are wind-attribute mysterious-level exercises, and "Yunlong Yue" is a middle-grade mysterious-level exercise, which is one rank higher than "Bird Flying in the Blue Sky".Xu Miao put the jade slip of "Yunlong Leap" on her forehead and read the content of the exercises.

When this exercise is practiced, the monk's figure will be like a dragon, jumping in the clouds. "Yunlongyue" has higher requirements on spiritual roots, although other spiritual roots can also be cultivated, but only wind spiritual roots are most suitable for practicing this exercise.

Xu Miao was very satisfied after reading it. She took the jade slip that recorded "Yunlong Leap" and went to the disciple in charge of the Cangshu Pavilion, and handed out the disciple's token and the jade slip of exercises.

"The disciple has met Uncle Xu Miao." The disciple in charge immediately stood up excitedly when he saw Xu Miao.He had just heard that Xu Miao had handed over many jade slips of exercises to the sect, and he admired them even more.

Xu Miao nodded with a smile, took the jade slips rubbed by her disciples and walked out of the Library Pavilion.As soon as Xu Miao came out of Zangshu Pavilion, she heard her disciples talking about herself.

Tossing and turning, it was just some words of praise for him, Xu Miao smiled helplessly, and took the road with few people back to the cave approved by the sect.

Foundation Establishment cultivators no longer need to live in a unified disciple room, but will have a special cave, and the quality of spiritual power in the cave is better than that of the disciple room.

Xu Miao returned to the cave, and conveniently added a defensive formation to the original formation.He took out the jade slips of "Yunlong Yue" and began to study.Xu Miao mobilized the spiritual power of the wind attribute, and operated the spiritual power according to the "Yunlong Yue" exercise.

The spiritual power of the wind attribute supported Xu Miao, making her body light and light, as if she could fly into the sky with a little effort.Xu Miao lowered her hands, absorbed a large amount of wind aura, and quickly circulated the aura in her body.

The image of the wind attribute in the dantian began to change.The west wind gradually strengthened, blowing the Cang Mu in the center of the blue sea, and even the calm sea water around the Cang Mu was rippling under the blowing of the West Wind.

With the operation of spiritual power, the west wind began to slowly condense, forming a dragon-like wind.Xu Miao saw the originally chaotic West Wind condensed into a dragon, and Xu Miao called it Yunlong.

Yunlong circled the Cangmu a few times, then hovered above the Cangmu, and beside the Cangmu, the water vapor rose and gradually formed clouds.The dragon rolls and leaps in the clouds, just in line with the word Yunlong.

The formation of new objects in the dantian symbolizes that "Yunlong Yue" has also been successfully cultivated.As soon as Xu Miao thought about it, she got out of the cave.His figure is ethereal, and his movements are extremely chic.

Xu Miao was very satisfied with the effect of "Yunlongyue" exercise, so she performed Yunlongyue and came to the front of Ye Qiguang's cave.Ye Qiguang had told him that he would come to him after he finished practicing body skills.

"Xu Miao, Xu Sanshui, you dare to negotiate a deal with Huoya, you are getting better and better." Ye Qiguang saw Xu Miao coming in, and directly revealed Xu Sanshui's real identity.

Xu Miao grinned and scratched her head. He knew that he could hide it from others but Ye Qiguang.

Ye Qiguang didn't say much on the topic of Xu Sanshui: "Now that the cultivation world in the West Land has returned to normal, we have once again entered a stage of friction with the demon cultivators."

"When you have had enough rest, you can continue to search for the refining materials of the Fog Condensing Sword, and refine the Fog Condensing Sword as soon as possible. Also, don't use the name Xu Sanshui anymore, it is very easy to break, understand?"

Xu Miao knew that Xu Sanshui had become a big hit in the Xilu cultivation world and had attracted the attention of others. Before he really grew up, he should not be too conspicuous.

Understanding Ye Qiguang's good intentions, Xu Miao nodded solemnly and returned to the cave.Xu Miao thought about Ye Qiguang's words, and thought of the current exercises in her hands. Since learning the fifth step of stepping waves, she has not continued to practice since she learned the third step of stepping waves.

There are still three materials missing. Anyway, if things grow in those positions, they will not run away, so I should improve my strength first.Xu Miao took out the jade slips of the fifth form of treading the waves and read the fourth form.

The fourth form of stepping on the waves - big waves, gathering water and spiritual power to form a spiritual beam, creating the momentum of big waves, attacking the invading enemy.

Let the waves rise to an extremely high height, and rush towards the opponent from a height with an unstoppable momentum.In this formula, the most important thing is the construction of the spiritual power beam.

It is simple to release spiritual power, but it is not so simple to control the released spiritual power to form a specific shape.However, Xu Miao has already practiced "Fu Yu Zhi Zhou", and has some experience in releasing spiritual power to the outside world.

Xu Miao was able to get started with the huge waves of spiritual power very quickly, except that the strength of the spiritual power beam was not strong enough.Xu Miao stood outside the cave, constantly experimenting with the released spiritual power beams.

The continuous release of the beam of spiritual power made the outside of the cave a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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