Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 175 Invited

Chapter 175 Invited
Later, some monks in Huating Mountain also noticed the movement in Xu Miao's courtyard and inquired for news one after another.The monks who can live in Huating Mountain must be at least medium-sized sects.

However, when they asked the monks in Zhuo Li Pavilion, their answer was a sect they had never heard of, which made everyone feel puzzled and surprised.

"He Qinggu, what kind of sect is this? It has just become a medium-sized sect?" a monk asked doubtfully.However, no one could answer his question.

He Qinggu is indeed a small sect, one can tell from the fact that the head is only a monk in the Foundation Establishment period.Since it was a small sect, the monks of these medium-sized sects began to have their own ghosts.

Just looking at the speed at which this meditating monk absorbs spiritual energy, one knows that he will be extraordinary in the future.Xu Miao gradually stopped absorbing spiritual energy, and everyone saw that the spiritual power vortex gradually dissipated, and they knew that the cultivation was over.

A middle-aged monk at the early stage of Golden Core came to the courtyard belonging to He Qinggu: "Shangye sent Fang De to visit my little friend."

Several monks in the Qi refining stage looked at Fang De nervously. After all, in Heqing Valley, the ancestors of the sect were only at the Golden Core stage.

Xu Miao was surprised when she learned that the Jindanqi monk was visiting.It wasn't until the two had a conversation that Xu Miao knew the purpose of Fang De's trip, and persuaded Xu Miao to leave He Qinggu and join the Shangye School.

Not only Fang De, but also monks from several sects came to visit one after another, expressing the hope that Xu Miao would join their sect.

"What's your virtue and your ability? Labour, several seniors will come here in person." Xu Miao didn't directly specify whether she would join those people's sect.The normal monks all laughed and continued to greet each other.

At this time, a monk who was also in the middle stage of foundation establishment snorted coldly: "You know yourself, you are indeed immoral and incompetent." Hearing this, Xu Miao suddenly looked up at the person who spoke.

His gaze was like a sharp sword, shooting straight into the man's eyes.Ever since Xu Miao accepted the spiritual power of Wu Wu, there was always a hint of tyranny and bloodthirsty in her breath.

Even if Xu Miao didn't show any killing intent, it would still make people palpitate.Seeing the person who spoke, Xu Miao's heart stopped beating suddenly, and before he knew it, his back was already wet with sweat.

He looked at Xu Miao, as if he was looking at a teacher in a sect, he was under tremendous pressure.Even Jindan cultivators could feel that extraordinary aura.

Xu Miao suddenly smiled and looked away.The disciple in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment felt the pressure disappear and heaved a long sigh of relief.The Golden Core cultivators present were even more astonished when they saw that Xu Miao had suppressed the cultivators who were also in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment without any effort.

"Ji Tao, don't back down yet!" Ji Tao is the mid-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator who just spoke rudely. He was reprimanded by the Golden Core cultivator of the sect, and he was even more unconvinced. He completely forgot what was suppressed by Xu Miao just now.

"Xu Miao! Don't stare at others if you have the ability. Let's go out and fight with real swords and guns." Ji Tao looked at Xu Miao angrily, and challenged Xu Miao directly over his teacher.

Xu Miao ignored him at all, stood up, and signaled all the Golden Core monks to leave first.Brother Jindan also knew that persuading an outstanding disciple in a small sect was not a matter of overnight, so they all left.

Ji Tao himself is also a genius disciple in the sect, and he has been practicing like the stars holding the moon until now. This time he came to the Zhuoli Pavilion to celebrate Lin Zhijian, and it was also personally appointed by the elder Jin Dan in the sect.

If he met Zhuoli Pavilion, the outstanding disciples in Xihui Sect were suppressed, he would be convinced.But Xu Miao in front of him was obviously just a disciple of a small sect that he had never heard of before. Being suppressed by him, Ji Tao felt 1 dissatisfied.

Under the impulse of anger, he forgot what his master entrusted to him before leaving the sect—be careful not to offend others easily.

"Xu Miao, do you dare to fight me?" Ji Tao strode up to Xu Miao, pursing his lips tightly.

The first provocation, Xu Miao will see it for the sake of Ji Tao's elders and ignore it.But Ji Tao didn't know how to advance or retreat, and repeated again and again, Xu Miao didn't have any reason to let him go.

"You want to be beaten so much, I can't refuse you, but if you are beaten to the ground, how can I explain to your elders?" When Xu Miao said this, she didn't look at Ji Tao, but directly Turning his head to look at Ji Tao's elder - a monk at the early stage of Jindan.

Although Ji Tao's elders were amazed by Xu Miao's absorption speed of aura and lamented Xu Miao's talent, he believed that no matter how strong Xu Miao was, he could not be stronger than Ji Tao who was trained by the sect since childhood.

Under Ji Tao's repeated requests, he agreed to the contest between Ji Tao and Xu Miao.As soon as the elders agreed, Ji Tao geared up and looked at Xu Miao excitedly.

"Xu Miao, let's start!"

Under Ji Tao's urging, Xu Miao still sat still and fished.He said unhurriedly: "Just fighting is boring, otherwise it will be more interesting if you add a lot of money, don't you think?"

Ji Tao only wanted to fight with Xu Miao and teach him a good lesson. When he heard Xu Miao put forward a bet, he nodded without hesitation.

Xu Miao raised the corners of her mouth cryptically: "1000 Yuan middle-grade spirit stone, should I bet?" At this time, if you don't knock Ji Tao, you will feel sorry for Xu Miao herself.

1000 yuan for middle-grade spirit stones is not a small sum for ordinary Golden Core monks.

Ji Tao didn't expect Xu Miao to place such a big bet. Although he is also a core disciple of the sect, he is only a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment after all, and he will not be able to produce so many middle-grade spirit stones in a short while.

Ji Tao couldn't believe that Xu Miao could come up with so many middle-grade spirit stones: "1000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones is of course a small amount to me. I'm afraid that you will lose later and have no way to repay it."

"Oh——" Xu Miao said meaningfully, "It turns out that Fellow Daoist Ji is so rich and powerful, so it's better to increase the price. I believe that Fellow Daoist Ji will not pay attention to the 2000 yuan middle-grade spirit stone."

"The disciples of the medium-sized sect must be much more generous than those from our small sect. Don't you think so, Fellow Daoist Ji?" Xu Miao's tone was calm, as if 2000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones was nothing to him .

The Golden Core cultivators present shook their heads when they heard Xu Miao's words.Originally thought that Xu Miao had such a talent, he must have done something, and wanted to make it into his family.

As a result, the short-sightedness and clean-sightedness were exposed so quickly.Seeing the changes in the expressions of the monks, Xu Miao didn't say much, just waiting for Ji Tao's reply.

At this time, Ji Tao looked at Xu Miao with contempt. Thousands of middle-grade spirit stones are so easy to get out. I'm afraid Xu Miao read too many messy travel notes.

"As long as you can prove that you have 2000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones, I'll bet you!" Ji Tao said loudly. He was sure that Xu Miao didn't have so many spirit stones. to him.

"If I take it out, and you can't take it out in the end, then I will suffer a big loss." Xu Miao's expression remained unchanged, and there was no panic in her expression.

Ji Tao was determined to embarrass Xu Miao, so he transmitted voice to the Elder Jindan, and together with him, he tried to get 2000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones.The Jindan monk also wanted to teach Xu Miao a lesson, so he borrowed some from other monks, and just managed to scrape together 2000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones.

The monk who lent it to Ji Tao also had a plan in mind. Ji Tao promised that they would repay as much as they borrowed. How could these old foxes miss such a good opportunity to make money.

The only one who supported Xu Miao was Fang De who first visited Xu Miao.He asked Xu Miao with concern if there were enough spirit stones.Xu Miao knew very well that Fang De was supporting her now because she wanted to include herself as a disciple.

But no matter what, he still thanked Fang De.Yang Lin and a few Qi-refining monks didn't know Xu Miao's details, fearing that Xu Miao didn't have enough spirit stones, they took out a bag of spirit stones here and there.

Xu Miao glanced at it with a smile, and put the storage bag back into Yang Lin's hands: "Don't worry, since I dare to say this number, I can certainly get it out, how can a master uncle take the belongings of his nephews and nephews."

Xu Miao waved her hand, put a bag of spirit stones on the stone table, and gestured to Ji Tao with her chin: "Tap it, and see if there is any mistake."

Ji Tao picked up the spirit stone in doubt, he had already decided in his heart that Xu Miaomiao would not be able to produce so many spirit stones, and this storage bag was just Xu Miao's plan to delay the attack.

But when Ji Tao saw the spirit stone in the storage bag, his eyes widened in an instant, as if he couldn't believe what he saw, and once again he put his consciousness into the storage bag, and in the shining 2000 yuan Pin Lingshi.He never thought that Xu Miao could really take it out.

"Hey——" Xu Miao pretended to sigh, "I didn't expect Ji Daoyou, a medium-sized sect of yours, to be unable to get out 2000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones, and you have to borrow from other fellows, hey!" Xu Miao After speaking, he sighed again.

Ji Tao clenched his fists and looked at Xu Miao angrily: "That's enough! Since both of us have already placed our bets, there's no need to dawdle, let's do it directly."

Xu Miao didn't shirk this time, stood up neatly, followed Ji Tao out of the courtyard.

Huating Mountain is huge, it is not difficult to find an open space for fighting.Those who hadn't noticed Xu Miao before became interested when they saw a group of people walking out.

When Xu Miao and Ji Tao stood in an open space, there were already many people around them.Two foundation-builder cultivators fought with each other, and they actually used a bet of 2000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones.

The two stood on both sides of the open space, one side was aggressive and wanted to kill the person opposite on the spot, and the other side was calm, looking at the person opposite calmly.

For such two people, the monks who had just arrived here mistook them for them.I thought it was Xu Miao who was angry, and Ji Tao who was calm.When they learned the truth, they were shocked.

"Xu Miao, you said that if I accidentally took your life, I'm afraid your master would not even dare to avenge you."

"Kill me? Just rely on you? Ji Daoyou really thinks highly of himself."

Before Xu Miao finished speaking, Ji Tao took the lead.

(End of this chapter)

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