Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 176 Winning Ji Tao

Chapter 176 Winning Ji Tao

Ji Tao waved his hands in the air, and a big bell flew towards Xu Miao immediately.Ji Tao held a stick of unknown material in his hand, and struck the big bell vigorously, and a simple and simple sound appeared faintly.

The melodious sound of the bell was like weeping. Even the monks who were watching couldn't help but feel agitated when they heard the ringing of the bell, feeling as if they had passed away.

Not to mention the target of the bell—Xu Miao, Xu Miao had already shut down her hearing the moment she heard the bell.However, the sound of the bell will not only affect monks through their ears, but also disturb their minds by affecting their spiritual consciousness.

Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness is strong, but this big bell is aimed at monks with strong spiritual consciousness.The stronger the consciousness, the stronger the impact of the bell.

Seeing Xu Miao's complexion suddenly pale, Ji Tao knew that the Righteous Bell was working.Zhengdao Bell is not Ji Tao's own magic weapon, but a martial art magic weapon borrowed from his uncle in order to teach Xu Miao a lesson.

This time Ji Tao came to Zhuoli Pavilion with his teacher, and the head of the sect also prepared the highest magic weapon in the sect - Zhengdao Bell, so as to protect the sect's reputation.

Zhengdao bell, the top-grade spiritual weapon in the acquired world.Acquired high-grade spiritual weapon requires huge spiritual power.Even though the Jindan Elder in the faction left a mana in the Zhengdao Bell, Ji Tao's envoy almost exhausted Ji Tao's spiritual power.

Xu Miao's consciousness was almost shattered by the chime of the Zhengdao bell, and the sea of ​​consciousness was in chaos. The consciousness inside lost control and hit the sea of ​​consciousness chaotically.

Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness hadn't been seriously injured for a long time, and when he was attacked at first, he was caught off guard.But who is Xu Miao, he quickly realized, and began to sort out the messy consciousness.

The orthodox bell was used as a high-grade spiritual weapon, and Ji Tao had to pay a huge price to use it forcibly.Although he is temporarily unable to attack, Ji Tao is also unable to attack.

The two people on the open space stopped attacking after Ji Tao took the lead.The onlookers were all monks from medium-sized sects, and they knew the reason when they saw it.

While secretly despising Ji Tao's behavior, he also praised Xu Miao's strength.The Houtian top-grade spiritual weapon is still a magic weapon for attacking the spiritual consciousness, even a golden core monk cannot take it easily.

As for Xu Miao on the field, after being attacked, his face just turned pale, and he didn't have too many other reactions.

"Is this orthodox bell just an imitation, not the real one?" A Foundation Establishment cultivator asked the master of the sect, no wonder he thought so.The prestige of the Righteous Path Bell is well known, and many monks know that when the Righteous Path Bell rings, someone will surely fall.

The master of the foundation-builder monk shook his head: "I have seen the Bell of the Righteous Path before, no matter in terms of the shape and power of the magic weapon, it is indeed the Bell of the Righteous Path."

"That's right! I was attacked by the Bell of the Righteous Path, absolutely nothing wrong." Another monk confirmed.

A Golden Core cultivator stroked his short beard: "This boy is by no means simple. His spiritual sense is already so strong that it can be compared with the bell of the righteous way."

As soon as the words fell, exclamations appeared beside the Golden Core cultivator.

"How is it possible, he is just a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment!"

"Even Jindan monks will be seriously affected, and he can resist it!"

"This person must be a genius. I have never seen a foundation-building cultivator who can retreat under the sound of the righteous bell."

The words of the onlooker monks' discussion gradually became clearer, and Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was almost sorted out, and the influence of the right way bell was completely eliminated.

When Xu Miao was sorting out his spiritual consciousness, Ji Tao had already swallowed the elixir to restore spiritual power to replenish the exhausted spiritual power.At this time, his spiritual power had all recovered, and he looked at Xu Miao who was still pale with a grim smile.

Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness has been sorted out thoroughly, but he still acted as if his spiritual consciousness was severely damaged, and deliberately released some spiritual power, making Ji Tao mistakenly think that he was seriously injured and could not control his spiritual power.

Ji Tao's teacher, as well as the person who lent Ji Tao's Lingshi, were all smiling, waiting for Ji Tao to defeat Xu Miao and divide up 2000 yuan of middle-grade Lingshi.

One of them even said directly to Ji Tao: "Ji Tao, hurry up, after we win, we will share the spirit stones!"

When Ji Tao heard this, he laughed directly: "You just wait to get my light."

"In your light?" Xu Miao raised her eyes and looked at Ji Tao coldly.

Seeing Xu Miao's pale face, but still talking, Ji Tao was even more dismissive.The Righteous Path Bell has been used once, and the spiritual power left in it has been exhausted, and by himself, he cannot ring the Righteous Path Bell again.

But Ji Tao is not worried, Xu Miao looks like he is at the end of his battle, and it is too easy to deal with him.Ji Tao drew out a blue sword, waved his hand to hang it in the air, felt it with both hands, and recited a spell.

As the spell was launched, there was a burst of chill.When the surrounding ambient temperature dropped due to the sword, the blue sword suddenly wanted to fly towards Xu Miao.

The oncoming sword was cold, bitingly cold.Ji Tao's eyes are full of confidence. The move he is using now is his strongest ultimate move. No monk of the same level has ever been able to stand upright after this move.

For other monks, it might cause a great crisis, but for Xu Miao, Xu Miao didn't care about this level of coldness at all.

He has a single spiritual root of the water attribute, and he has also practiced the Bihaiqingtian Jue.What Ji Tao thinks is the strongest ultimate move, in Xu Miao's view, is just like a three-year-old child playing.

The Huaying sword was unsheathed in an instant, and the chill was also rising steadily. Ji Tao's magic weapon was a top-grade spiritual weapon, but the Huaying sword was just a top-grade magic weapon. The grade of the magic weapon alone was several levels lower.

Seeing the Huaying Sword, Ji Tao sneered and said, "Small sect is just a small sect. A monk in the foundation-building period is still using weapons. He laughed so hard when he said it! Hahahaha!"

Ji Tao has completely forgotten that Xu Miao can take out 2000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones alone, how could he not even have high-level magic weapons.It was just that Xu Miao wanted to use a low-level magic weapon to defeat Ji Tao's high-level magic weapon, and slapped him in the face severely.

"Really?" Xu Miao's voice was low, not paying any attention to Ji Tao's words.With just a few breaths, the chill on Huaying Sword has surpassed Ji Tao's blue sword.

"How is it possible!" Ji Tao turned pale with shock, it was only a top-grade magic weapon, why the chill emitted by it surpassed his spiritual weapon.

Of course Xu Miao would not answer Ji Tao's questions, he hurried forward, grasped the hilt of Huaying Sword, and swiped towards Ji Tao.The sword energy of Huaying Sword collided with the blue sword with invincible power, and the two spiritual forces collided in mid-air.

Many monks watching still firmly believed that Ji Tao would prevail, but the reality of the situation made their faces swollen.

Even without an anxious stalemate, Xu Miao's huge spiritual power was directly in the upper hand, pressing down Ji Tao's spiritual power, and there was no possibility of resistance at all.

"Xu Miao—" Ji Tao gritted his teeth, and stared at Xu Miao fiercely.He has used all his strength, and the grade of the magic weapon is much higher than that of the Huaying Sword, so why can't he have any advantage.

What frightened Ji Tao even more happened. He originally thought that Xu Miao's spiritual power had reached its limit, but he didn't expect Xu Miao's spiritual power to increase again. Ji Tao's heart was full of regrets, regretting why he provoked Xu Miao.

"Admit defeat?" Xu Miao took time to look at Ji Tao who was blushing.

Ji Tao quickly suppressed his regret, he must win, otherwise, returning to the sect, what awaits him will be the most severe punishment.

Gritting his teeth, Ji Tao pulled out a piece of yellow paper that resembled a talisman. He bit the tip of his tongue and spewed a mouthful of blood onto the yellow paper.The yellow paper, which did not have any fluctuations in spiritual power, continued to increase in momentum.

A man in an ancient battle robe with a huge ax in his hand appeared on the field.The initial figure was vain and transparent, but as Ji Tao spat out another mouthful of blood, the soldier's figure became completely stable.

Ji Tao raised his finger to Xu Miao, and the warrior raised his giant axe, and slashed at Xu Miao from top to bottom.

"This is an ancient warrior. The strongest blow can reach the strength of the middle stage of Jindan, Xu Miao, die!" Ji Tao's face was ferocious, and he bared his teeth and claws.

An abnormal blush appeared on Ji Tao's face, and Xu Miao knew very well that this was the result of exhaustion of energy and spirit.Once the warrior transformed into yellow paper disappears, Ji Tao will lose too much energy and become unconscious.

The giant ax had already fallen, Xu Miao estimated the strength of both sides, and cast Yunlongyue to avoid direct contact with the soldiers.Xu Miao's target is Ji Tao, as long as Ji Tao falls, the soldiers will disappear in smoke.

It's the first time to use Yunlongyue in battle, but the effect and proficiency of it are not like the first time it is used.Xu Miao deftly bypassed the huge warrior, with Huaying sword in hand, and attacked Ji Tao directly.

All Ji Tao's energy was on the soldier, when Xu Miao attacked suddenly, he had no time to dodge, and quickly manipulated the soldier to pay a return visit.The warrior has a huge body. Although he is good at fighting, he is not good at moving.

The soldier reluctantly turned around, and when he was about to drop the giant axe, Xu Miao's Shadow Painting Sword had already stabbed Ji Tao, and the defense on Ji Tao's clothes was instantly broken.

The Huaying sword kept stabbing, and Ji Tao could only watch helplessly as the Huaying sword pierced into his chest.You can't kill people at will in Zhuo Li Pavilion, otherwise, the place where the Huaying sword pierced just now was the dantian, not the chest.

The meridian in the chest was stabbed, and the essence could not be released smoothly. The huge body of the warrior immediately faded away and gradually disappeared into the air.Soldiers can only be summoned once, and the yellow paper will be discarded once it is used up.

Ji Tao could no longer fight against Xu Miao, so he closed his eyes in despair.Xu Miao drew out the Shadow Painting Sword resolutely, stood beside Ji Tao, looked down at Ji Tao, cast a shadow, and said indifferently, "You lost."

Whether it is Ji Tao's teacher or the monk who lent the spirit stone to Ji Tao, besides anger, there is also regret at the moment.

They only wanted to get 2000 yuan of spirit stones, but they forgot that a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment could get so many spirit stones by himself, so they could easily teach him a lesson.

Regretful, Ji Tao lay on the ground, listening to everyone pointing at him, feeling pained and bewildered.

(End of this chapter)

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