Chapter 177

Xu Miao looked coldly at the few people with ugly faces, and said loudly: "Should you give me the 2000 yuan middle-grade spirit stone? If you continue to hesitate like this, people will mistakenly think that people from the middle school are bullying people from the small school. If it spreads out, it will be very ugly."

"Ji Tao, don't you think so?"

Ji Tao was originally filled with regret, but now when he heard Xu Miao's words, a mouthful of blood was held in his chest, he couldn't get up and down, and he passed out directly.

"Yoho—the mental quality is too bad, but if you lose to me, you can't bear to faint, tsk tsk tsk, it's really disappointing."

Seeing Ji Tao fainted, Xu Miao stopped irritating others.Going straight to Ji Tao's teacher, he stretched out a hand, flattened his palm, and looked at him quietly without saying a word.

Seeing Xu Miao's unbeaten expression, the Golden Core cultivator was so angry that he just wanted to breathe fire, but he had to hand over the spirit stone to Xu Miao because of the agreement.

"Didn't the 2000 yuan middle-grade spirit stones be collected a long time ago? What's the matter, now I want to regret it. If Lin Zhijian knows that the monk he has befriended is a person who does not trust his promises, I really don't know what he will think."

As Xu Miao said, she also made a heartbroken expression.This matter has nothing to do with Lin Zhijian from the beginning to the end, Xu Miao pulled Lin Zhijian out, and it was just a piece of tiger skin.

When Ji Tao's teacher and the monks who lent the spirit stone heard Xu Miao's words, they all fell down in anger.If Lin Zhijian knew about this, he would definitely not help you!
However, they only dared to think about this in their hearts, and dared not say it.When it comes to monk Nascent Soul, one cannot easily state his point of view.

Ji Tao's teacher looked ashen, as if he had eaten shit, and threw the storage bag at Xu Miao.Although Xu Miao couldn't be beaten openly, it would be good to teach him a little lesson.

The flying storage bag threatened the golden core cultivator's full blow, Xu Miao raised the corner of her mouth and gave him a sideways glance.In this look, Xu Miao deliberately operated the Heaven and Earth Annihilation Art to exert pressure.

Seeing the look in Xu Miao's eyes, the golden core monk suddenly felt fear in his heart, and quickly stabilized his mind.When he looked at Xu Miao again in surprise, Xu Miao had already raised his hand to support Fu Yu's helmet.

Even with such a powerful defensive mask as Fu Yu's helmet, Xu Miao still took dozens of steps back.Taking dozens of steps back eased the opponent's attack, which was not a disadvantage to Xu Miao.

After the attack was completely resolved, Xu Miao took the storage bag in her hand.In front of everyone, he untied the storage bag and checked the number of spirit stones inside.

It's okay for a Jindan cultivator to be questioned, but he is still questioned by a cultivator who is only at the Foundation Establishment stage. That person has concentrated spiritual power in his hands and wants to deal with Xu Miao.

But Xu Miao raised her head at this time: "It's shameless to give face, what's the matter, can't you still want to fight?" There was no concealment in these words, and he went directly to the Golden Core cultivator.

Xu Miao's position is very ingenious, just standing next to Ji Tao's head.As long as the other party has unruly intentions, he can use Ji Tao to threaten the other party and take Ji Tao away as quickly as possible.

"Xu Miao—don't go too far." This voice was really gnashing of teeth, pressing on Xu Miao with the coercion unique to Jindan monks.

"I'm overdoing it? Old man, don't be a thief and stop the thief. The trouble will really alarm Lin Zhijian and other monks from other large sects. You say the one with an ugly face is you or me?" Xu Miao looked at him without fear, The spiritual power is running at full capacity to defuse the coercion.

At this moment, He Hao, the Jindan monk of Zhuoli Pavilion who was in charge of order in Huating Mountain, appeared.He Hao knew about this a long time ago, but he didn't show up to stop it immediately.

Medium-sized sect, small-scale sect, which is more important, you don't need to think about it.Therefore, he turned a blind eye and closed his eyes to acquiesce in this matter.

But he didn't expect that the disciples of the medium-sized sect would be defeated by the disciples of the small-scale sect, that Xu Miao would have the upper hand, and Zhuo Li Pavilion would also be dragged into the water.

Seeing He Hao appearing, Xu Miao knew that it was time for people from Zhuo Li Pavilion to come forward.The host still has to give face, otherwise He Qinggu would not benefit.

He Hao was very satisfied with Xu Miao's wit and wit. He glanced at Xu Miao approvingly, and then calmed down several sect monks who had been bullied by Xu Miao.Due to the majesty of Zhuoli Pavilion, even if they refused to accept it, they could only give up the lesson to Xu Miao and turn around and leave one by one.

Holding the storage bag in her hand, Xu Miao returned to the courtyard where He Qinggu was.

"Uncle Xu, you were really amazing just now, you didn't see the faces of those Golden Core cultivators, one by one, hahaha, I really saw it today."

"Yes, Uncle Xu. If you teach them a lesson like this, they will never dare to provoke us again."

The faces of the monks in the Qi refining period were indescribably excited, they represented He Qinggu, and being humiliated by the sect was equivalent to being humiliated to them.Today, Xu Miao came to this point for the sect, sweeping away the previous bad luck.

They were still discussing this matter when Xu Miao returned to the room.Xu Miao didn't mind these things, He Qinggu was too weak, so taking this opportunity to raise He Qinggu's reputation is not bad.

As monks from all walks of life gradually arrived at Zhuoli Pavilion, Lin Zhijian's baby-making ceremony officially began.All the monks who came to celebrate gathered in the square of Zhuo Li Pavilion and sat down in batches according to the size of the sect.

Originally, He Qinggu could only be in the most marginal position, but because of Xu Miao's actions, He Qinggu was directly raised several levels, sitting among the medium-sized sects.

Those monks who had seen Xu Miao's strength would not talk too much at the moment, bringing trouble to their sect, and silently watched Xu Miao sit down with a few disciples.

The large sects were not clear, the medium sects didn't say much, only the monks of the small sects showed surprise, they were all monks who knew He Qinggu, the people of He Qinggu should sit with them, why did they sit with the medium sects.

Those who were not familiar with He Qinggu's sect were puzzled, but did not ask questions hastily.On the contrary, Wu Ya, the foundation-building monk of Chengxuanzong, looked at Xu Miao from a distance, and said in a strange way: "It's really unruly to sit in that position."

If mortals gather, they will naturally not hear what Wu Ya has to say.But all the monks who came here were monks, with clear eyes and ears, and Wu Ya did not lower his voice, so all the monks heard Wu Ya's words.

Some monks from small sects agreed with Wu Ya's words.And the monks of those medium-sized sects and large-scale sects did not make a sound from the beginning to the end.

The monks behind Xu Miao immediately stood up and glared at Wu Ya.Yang Lin was also not a good tempered man, although he didn't stand up like a qi refining disciple, he still glared at Wu Ya angrily.

"I, He Qinggu, sit here. It's justified. I'm not like some people who can only sit there. Some people are envious and jealous, so they just say, why is this, and they want to drive me away and sit in my place. superior."

Xu Miao's voice was also not lowered, it was so generous that everyone could hear it.In various ceremonies, it is the most normal thing for monks to have conflicts.

However, the protagonist of this conflict has changed from a high-level monk to a low-level monk, and a large sect has become a small sect.Xu Miao didn't like to have conflicts with other people in such a grand ceremony.

But when someone took the initiative to provoke and insult the sect, Xu Miao couldn't bear it.He won't suppress his temper. This matter means that when it comes to cultivators who transform gods, he is always on the right side.What's more, the cultivator of Huashen doesn't care about these trivial matters.

The grievances between He Qinggu and Chengxuanzong have a long history, and today the enemies meet, they are extremely jealous, wishing to roll up their sleeves and go outside to fight.

Other monks who knew the inside story explained to other monks one after another, and within a short while, all the monks present knew about the dispute between the two factions.

One sect was severely suppressed by another sect. Today, it was hard to find a problem and pointed it out desperately, which aroused the dissatisfaction of other monks.

Xu Miao knew very well that the monks present did not look at who was right, but at whose fists were hard. This is an iron law common in the cultivation world.

Ji Tao, who was defeated by Xu Miao before, couldn't help but agree at this moment: "A small sect should look like a small sect. Don't rush forward without knowing what the occasion is."

Ji Tao didn't let go of any chance to make trouble. He was already defeated by Xu Miao, and if he doesn't get it back, he will be firmly suppressed by Xu Miao. This will be very unfavorable to his future path of cultivation, and may even cause Devil.

"Early in the morning, I heard crows chirping. It's really a bad omen. If you're dissatisfied with my location in Heqinggu, go to Zhuoli Pavilion." Xu Miao raised her chin and looked at He who was standing aside. Hao.

He Hao knew that Xu Miao was not easy to get along with, and he would definitely pull the banner of Zhuo Li Pavilion in the end.He could only come forward and explain that the location of He Qinggu was specially arranged by Zhuoli Pavilion.

Hearing He Hao's words, Wu Ya felt as if he had eaten a fly, his lips murmured for a long time, but he didn't say a word. This was a slap in the face of Cheng Xuanzong in front of everyone.

However, he couldn't fight back yet, since Zhuo Li Pavilion was the third most powerful sect in the Western Continent, Cheng Xuanzong couldn't afford to offend him.Xu Miao smiled and saw the idiot making a fool of himself, and felt very happy.

Not long after, the protagonist of the celebration flew over from a distance, carrying a powerful Nascent Soul cultivator.Lin Zhijian was already an old man in the Golden Core period, but after advancing to Yuan Ying, he reverted to a child and turned into a middle-aged man.

Standing in front of a group of monks, it is even more majestic and powerful.Nascent Soul cultivators, no matter where they are, are existences that cannot be ignored.As soon as Lin Zhijian appeared, many monks who were familiar with him expressed their congratulations.

Xu Miao and Lin Zhijian were not familiar with each other, and they didn't communicate much when they were in Xuanhuai City.Xu Miao happily drank the spirit wine and ate the spirit fruit.

It has to be said that a large sect like Zhuo Li Pavilion is rich and powerful.Spiritual wine and spiritual fruits of this quality are laid out without hesitation for people to enjoy.

"It's really petty. I only hide here to eat, like a starved ghost reincarnated." Ji Tao followed his teacher to congratulate Lin Zhijian.

(End of this chapter)

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