Chapter 178

When Xu Miao heard this, she looked up at Ji Tao coldly.The black eyes are like an ancient well without waves, deep and boundless, but with endless coercion.

Ji Tao couldn't help shivering when he was stared at by such eyes.He had already been defeated by Xu Miao. Although he refused to accept it, there was a lingering fear in his heart.

Now being seen by Xu Miao, that sense of fear once again appeared in his mind, sweeping his whole body.Ji Tao's legs seemed to lose strength, and he wanted to collapse to the ground immediately.

"Still leaving!" Xu Miao took a sip of wine and looked away from Ji Tao.When Ji Tao heard Xu Miao's words, he didn't feel humiliated in his heart, but he felt relieved.

If Xu Miao really wants to do something, he will not be Xu Miao's opponent. When the situation expands, he will only die worse.Ji Tao was still thinking here, but Lin Zhijian over there heard the monk talking about Xu Miao.

Those people said these words just to let Lin Zhijian teach Xu Miao a lesson and kill Xu Miao's spirit.When Xu Miao heard these words, she still sat in her seat, but remembered those who spoke to Lin Zhijian in her heart.

Don't blame me for being cruel if you dare to make trouble behind my back.Xu Miao was drinking the spirit wine when she suddenly heard Lin Zhijian's voice.

"Xu Miao, right? I heard that you are the strongest among the foundation-building cultivators of this generation, and even the Jindan cultivators are no match for you." Lin Zhijian couldn't hear the joy or anger in what he said, but Xu Miao knew it was not good.

There is a method of killing, called killing with praise.The higher you hold, the harder you fall.His words and deeds now represent He Qinggu, and if he doesn't want to tear up his face with the host, he can only humbly refuse.

But who is Xu Miao, even in the territory of Zhuo Li Pavilion, he will not show weakness in the slightest.

"Senior Lin was joking, even the golden core cultivators are not my opponents, doesn't it mean that I can fight against you, senior. Senior has sharp eyes, and must know how much the kid is, how can he compete with the powerful senior Down."

These words not only took him out of the words, but also praised Lin Zhijian without any trace, making Lin Zhijian who is full of ambition even happier.

Thousands of clothes, ten thousand clothes, no flattering, no matter who it is, they will not refuse a compliment.Xu Miao grasped this point of Lin Zhijian and made full use of it. He praised Lin Zhijian a lot, and almost called Lin Zhijian a savior.

Lin Zhijian's grin widened, as if he had completely forgotten that he was just a Nascent Soul cultivator who had just advanced.How many Nascent Soul monks stop at the initial stage and cannot make progress in life.

But the Nascent Soul cultivator was the Nascent Soul cultivator after all, so he quickly gathered his mind and gave Xu Miao a complicated look.Xu Miao caught Lin Zhijian's gaze and looked at each other calmly.

It seemed that the praise just now came from his heart.Only Lin Zhijian felt a wave of fear. He was already a Nascent Soul cultivator, but he was easily caught by a Foundation Establishment cultivator.

Xu Miao seemed to be only a mid-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator, and his inner resourcefulness might not even be matched by ordinary Golden Core cultivators.Lin Zhijian thought of what those monks said about Xu Miao just now, and wanted to use this to kill his prestige.

Lin Zhijian has a closed disciple, Liang Kuan, who is also in the middle stage of foundation establishment.He knew Liang Kuan's strength. Except for those monstrous and genius disciples, he was almost invincible below Jindan.

It was Liang Kuan's blessing that he was able to advance to Nascent Soul.In one of Liang Kuan's expeditions, he obtained important advanced materials, which enabled him to successfully conceive a baby and restore his life span despite repeated failures.

Moreover, he learned from He Hao that Xu Miao has a lot of money, if he is allowed to fight Liang Kuan, he can also make a bet and add something to Liang Kuan.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhijian looked at Xu Miao with a more amiable smile. Outsiders looked like a kind elder, telling the younger generation.

Seeing this expression, Xu Miao knew that the old fox's stomach must be full of water, and she was vigilant.

"I heard that Nephew Xu Xian's strength is extraordinary. This old man has an incompetent disciple whose cultivation level is about the same as yours, but there are few people in contact with him on weekdays. I happened to meet him today, and I have to ask my nephew to help Liang Kuan."

Xu Miao scolded the old fox in her heart, who is your nephew, and who do you have a relationship with!Wanting to take this opportunity to suppress me, I said it bluntly, making it so high-sounding, it's shameless!
Before Xu Miao finished complaining, a young monk came to Lin Zhijian's side.The monk had a jade-like face and a cold expression. When he heard Lin Zhijian's words, he turned his head and gave Xu Miao a sideways glance.

This look is filled with the innate sense of arrogance of the disciples of the famous big sect, and the disdain for the disciples of the small sect.Xu Miao's complaints about Lin Zhijian were immediately transferred to his disciple Liang Kuan. No matter what he pretended, he had grown a good skin.

Xu Miao has never cared about his own appearance. To be honest, his appearance is no worse than Liang Kuan's, but because he hides his appearance all year round, no female cultivator falls in love with him.

Although Liang Kuan looked down on Xu Miao in his heart, he still obeyed Lin Zhijian's words and walked in front of Xu Miao.

"My master asked me to ask you for advice." Liang Kuan was the dream lover of many female monks in Zhuo Li Pavilion. His casual words caused the female monks to cheer softly.

Xu Miao's face remained unchanged: "I dare not ask for advice, how to calculate the cost?"

Liang Kuan frowned when he heard Xu Miao's words: "What do you want to calculate?"

Ah!With a big tone, Xu Miao rolled her eyes: "A drop of dust-staining water, you should know its value."

Xu Miao's light words seemed like a thunderbolt exploded in the crowd.Dust-scavenging water, this is a good thing that can improve the quality of magic weapons. No matter what level of magic weapon it is, the quality of dust-sweeping water can be improved.

Moreover, Xu Miao proposed to use Dust Sweeping Water just to fit Lin Zhijian's mind.He came here because he wanted to obtain jadeite and white concentrate from Lin Zhijian.

Originally, he wanted to use some tricks, create some chaos, fish in troubled waters, and try to steal the two materials into his hands.But now that Lin Zhijian took the initiative to present this opportunity to him, he would feel sorry for himself if he didn't follow up.

As calm as Liang Kuan, when he heard the word "dangchenshui", the expression on his face finally changed.

"What do you want?" There was a trace of eagerness in Liang Kuan's voice. Lin Zhijian was very kind to him, and he was willing to get Lin Zhijian the dust-staining water at all costs.

Xu Miao smiled slyly: "I don't want any rare treasures, I just want jade stone pith and white concentrate. Dust water for jade stone pith and white concentrate, so to speak, you still make money."

From the looks of outsiders, Xu Miao really can't take advantage of anything, but he has a lot of Dust Water, and he doesn't have any jadeite pith and white concentrate.

It would be a waste of time to search for everything, he is now in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and the matter of the talisman cannot be delayed any longer.He knows the speed of his advancement best. Wait until the late stage of foundation establishment, and then refine the natal magic weapon, the effect will not be as good as it is now.

When Liang Kuan heard Xu Miao's conditions, he didn't dare to make decisions without authorization, so he asked Lin Zhijian via voice transmission.Lin Zhijian was very attracted to the dust-scattering water. One of the original materials of his natal magic weapon was the dust-scattering water.

It's a pity that he never found Dangchenshui.Had to reluctantly replace it with other materials, which also made the effectiveness of the natal magic weapon not as strong as recorded.

As for the chalcedony and white concentrate, he can get it from others.With this plan in mind, Lin Zhijian agreed to Xu Miao's conditions.

"Yes, I agree to your terms." Liang Kuan was signaled and agreed decisively.He took a step forward and was about to take out the magic weapon and fight with Xu Miao.

Xu Miao took a step back: "Fellow Daoist Liang, what's the rush, take out the things first." After speaking, Xu Miao took out a jade bottle, which contained only a drop of dust-scattering water he had prepared.

Lin Zhijian also ordered someone to take out the box containing the jade marrow and white concentrate. After Xu Miao checked it was correct, the two placed the things high in the sky and signed a contract.

This time the competition is very formal, and there is also a competition contract, which is blessed by the heavens, and neither party must violate the contract, otherwise they will be punished by heavenly thunder.

Xu Miao was also worried that Lin Zhijian would forcibly breach the contract. On the Zhuoli Pavilion site, if it happened, he would have nowhere to justify it.

Everything was ready, Liang Kuan stretched out his arms, and a pair of gloves instantly covered his hands.Clenched fists with both hands, and attacked Xu Miao.No wonder Liang Kuan is said to be an extremely outstanding disciple of this generation. There is already a not-so-obvious intention in this set of boxing.

Any specialized cultivation method will produce a kind of artistic conception, such as sword intent, sword intent, boxing intent and so on.All monks who specialize in cultivation are proud of cultivating mindfulness. Liang Kuan can practice mindfulness in the middle stage of foundation establishment, which is enough for him to be proud of many of his peers.

Although Xu Miao majored in swordsmanship, he dabbled in a wide range of subjects and did not delve into them, so he was a little troublesome when he was attacked by Liang Kuan.

Fist intent is an extremely profound thing, laymen can't comprehend its mysteries at all, and naturally it is extremely difficult to resist and resolve.A sternness flashed in Xu Miao's eyes, since it's hard to resist, let's fight head-on with you to see who is stronger.

The aura around Xu Miao instantly increased, her spiritual power surged, and her robe was automatic without wind.Xu Miao, who was in the battle, looked indifferent, and compared with Liang Kuan, he had an even more terrifying aura.

Liang Kuan knew how strong his boxing skills were. When monks of the same level encountered his boxing skills, the most powerful ones were those who avoided him through unique means and dared to fight head-on. Xu Miao was No. 1.

He was a little surprised, but with a firm mind, he quickly suppressed this feeling and concentrated on performing boxing techniques.Qinglong Going to the Sea Fist——When changing the boxing method, it will be like Qinglong going to sea.

When practiced to the extreme, a green dragon will appear behind the caster.Liang Kuan has not cultivated to the highest level for the time being, but because he comprehended the meaning of boxing, a phantom of a green dragon appeared behind him.

Even though it was just a phantom, the external coercion was already strong enough.Liang Kuan has never lost in a fight with others since he cultivated his fisting intention.

Seeing Qinglong, Xu Miao's expression remained unchanged.It's just a phantom of Qinglong, he still has a real beast!
(End of this chapter)

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