Chapter 179

Qinglong opened his long eyes wide, looking towards Xu Miao, there was a distant and vast aura in his eyes.Ordinary monks were all distracted and lost their fighting spirit when Qinglong saw it like this.

Although Liang Kuan didn't express anything on his face, the confidence in his eyes couldn't be ignored.The Qinglong Chuhai Fist he practiced was a heavenly low-grade exercise, powerful enough, and he had no reason to think that Xu Miao would defeat him.

Xu Miao saw Liang Kuan's expression and dismissed it.It's just a heaven-level low-grade exercise, what are you crazy about?His cultivation technique is already a mid-level heaven-level technique, did he say anything?
Under Qinglong's strong oppression, Xu Miao remained motionless.Seeing that Xu Miao was not affected at all, Liang Kuan finally cracked a crack on his expressionless face, showing obvious displeasure.

Liang Kuan drew his right hand inward to gather strength, and rushed outward.Qinglong, who was originally entrenched behind Liang Kuan, immediately stretched his body, and flew towards Xu Miao following the punch.

At close range, Xu Miao could almost feel the scorching breath of the green dragon.Being able to condense the phantom of the green dragon to such an extent, this Liang Kuan is indeed the most proud disciple of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Before Qinglong arrived at her side, Xu Miao had already communicated with the little white tiger, using the real breath of the divine beast white tiger to suppress the breath of Qinglong's phantom.

Xu Miao raised her hand gracefully, and the aura of the divine beast White Tiger surged out.Xiaobai knew that this gambling fight was very important, so he didn't dare to relax in the slightest, and tried his best to mobilize the origin of the beast in his body.

The origin of the divine beast is as important as the blood of the divine beast, both of which are unique to the divine beast.Losing any of them will make this divine beast lose its qualification to become a divine beast.

Although Xu Miao borrowed the origin of the beast from the little white tiger, he was extremely careful.Young beasts are much more important than a few materials, and at worst, they can be obtained in other ways.

As soon as the true aura of the divine beast White Tiger came out, the situation on the field immediately changed drastically.Liang Kuan, who initially gained the upper hand with the help of Qinglong Chuhai Fist, was instantly suppressed at this moment.

Qinglong Xuying felt the aura of the white tiger, and his originally arrogant eyes revealed an unconcealable fear.A fake is a fake, and it is impossible to confuse the fake with the real.

As the spirit of the white tiger surged out, a huge white tiger gradually formed behind Xu Miao.This white tiger is different from Liang Kuan's green dragon phantom, as if a real white tiger came to the world.

The divine beasts have long been extinct in the human world. Most of the divine beasts seen by the monks were cultivated through special exercises like Liang Kuan.

And the white tiger that appeared behind Xu Miao has a long body, snow-white fur, the innate "king" character on his forehead, and strong limbs, all of which show the identity of the white tiger as a divine beast.

The white tiger is the embodiment of the little white tiger of Huntian Stone, and every move reflects the little white tiger.Xu Miao specifically asked the little white tiger to make a ferocious expression to frighten others.

The little white tiger is not big, no matter how fierce and brutal his expression is, it will only make people think he is acting like a baby.But being put on the huge white tiger, the aura is completely different.

"My God! Look at that white tiger!"

"His eyes are so scary, I feel like he's going to eat me the next moment!"

"What is the origin of this Xu Miao, how can he be condensed into such a real white tiger?"

"Liang Kuan probably won't be able to hold on anymore, maybe Xu Miao will win in the end."

"How is it possible, Liang Kuan is Lin Zhijian's disciple, he must have a way to resolve the immediate crisis."

The voices of these monks' discussions were not deliberately lowered, Xu Miao and Liang Kuan could clearly hear them.When Xu Miao heard the discussion, the corner of her mouth curled up in an obvious arc.

Liang Kuan's face sank obviously, and he looked at the monk who said he would be defeated just now with an ugly expression.That cultivator was just an ordinary foundation-building period, how could he bear Liang Kuan's murderous eyes, just one glance made him flustered.

At this time, Qinglong was too suppressed by the white tiger to lift up and throw.Xu Miao and the little white tiger connected with each other, and the white tiger directly raised its front paws and stepped on the green dragon.

Qinglong was stepped on, unable to scream like the real Qinglong, but kept struggling.Xu Miao pointed forward, and the white tiger lowered its head and bit Qinglong's head directly.

Qinglong, who had lost his head, began to struggle less frequently, and after a while, the phantom of Qinglong completely dissipated in the air.Liang Kuan spent a lot of effort in order to make the green dragon phantom condense as soon as possible.

Now being destroyed by Xu Miao, he immediately turned back and spit out a mouthful of blood.Liang Kuan looked at Xu Miao with hatred in his eyes, trying his best to calm down the chaotic spiritual power in his body.

The Qinglong was destroyed, and Xu Miao no longer needed the little white tiger's help.With a wave of his hand, the white tiger gradually disappeared from everyone's eyes.Xu Miao looked at Liang Kuan mockingly, without saying a word.

People like Liang Kuan have been sought after since childhood.Only by defeating him head-on will the pride in his heart be completely shattered.

Xu Miao did not continue to fight, but gave Liang Kuan time to fully recover.He wants everyone to know, so what if you are the most outstanding disciple of Zhuo Li Pavilion?It's not about being defeated by him.

"Why didn't Xu Miao do anything?"

"Yes, taking advantage of his illness to kill him is something everyone knows."

"I'm afraid Xu Miao condensed the phantom of the white tiger and exhausted all her spiritual power."

The monks in the foundation-building period can't see the depth of the fellow monks in the foundation-building period, but the Jindan monks and Yuanying monks can tell whether Xu Miao still has spare strength.

They clearly knew that not only did Xu Miao have spare energy, but she didn't even consume much spiritual power. Compared with the state at the beginning of the fight, it can be said that Xu Miao's current state is no different.

The more you know Xu Miao, the more you understand how scary Xu Miao is.Looking at Xu Miao's strength, they couldn't help but think of the time when the monsters attacked.

With the cultivation base at the early stage of foundation establishment, he is not afraid of the half-step fire crow.You can also negotiate conditions with them calmly and strive for the greatest benefits for the monks.

A monk suddenly came to his senses: "Xu Sanshui, Xu Miao, isn't this a person!"

One word wakes up the dreamer, and everyone understands.This is not a coincidence, to be able to appear in the same period of time, a monk far superior to the same level, must not be unknown.

It turned out that Xu Miao was Xu Sanshui.Xu Miao is unknown, but Xu Sanshui has long been famous in the Western Continent's cultivation world.

"No wonder Xu Miao is so powerful. Now I can be sure that Liang Kuan will not be Xu Miao's opponent."

"That's right! So what if Liang Kuan is a disciple of a Nascent Soul cultivator? Xu Miao is the one who saved us in the cultivation world of the Western Continent."

"I know, Xu Miao doesn't do anything now, because he doesn't want to take advantage of others' dangers, and deliberately let Liang Kuan recover."

Liang Kuan's face became more and more ugly, and his originally handsome face turned into a hideous face.He had never heard of Xu Miao, but he had heard of Xu Sanshui.

When Xu Sanshui became famous in the cultivation world of Xilu, no matter who it was, they would all admire him.When Liang Kuan heard the name Xu Sanshui from his seniors, he had secretly made up his mind to confront him one day.

He wants Xu Sanshui to become a stepping stone for him to become famous, and defeating Xu Sanshui is the fastest way for him to become famous.But he didn't expect that he would become a stone for Xu Miao's success.

Liang Kuan's mouth was bitter, and his heart was at a loss.Suddenly, he lost his will to fight.If it was just the little-known Xu Miao, he still had the confidence to defeat him in other ways.

But he was facing Xu Miao, who had the strongest foundation, and he was not sure.Just when he was hesitating, Lin Zhijian's reprimand suddenly came from the sea of ​​consciousness.

Lin Zhijian's reprimand made him tremble. Yes, even though Xu Miao is very strong, he is not a vegetarian.Thinking of this, his fighting spirit rose instantly, and his fighting spirit became extremely powerful.

Xu Miao looked at the changes in Liang Kuan's breathing, and looked at Lin Zhijian standing on a high place meaningfully.Lin Zhijian avoided Xu Miao's sight and turned to look elsewhere.

Liang Kuan didn't notice the movements of Xu Miao and Lin Zhijian, he clenched his fists and flew towards Xu Miao.He specializes in boxing, even if Qinglong's sea fist is frustrated, he has no reason to give up boxing and use other methods.

With the palm facing up, Xu Miao took out the son-mother ring and manipulated the sub-ring at the same time. The mother ring attacked Liang Kuan.Liang Kuan's plan was seen through by Xu Miao, so he could only get rid of the child-mother ring first.

Under Xu Miao's control, the child-mother ring is as flexible as his hands.Every time Liang Kuan felt that he wanted to grab the mother-child ring, he would let the mother-child ring turn away from one side.

Liang Kuan felt that he was being molested, and looked up at Xu Miao, just in time to see Xu Miao smiling.From the beginning to the end, Xu Miao didn't take Liang Kuan seriously.

If Liang Kuan was in the later stage of foundation establishment, he might pay a little more attention to it.It's a pity that Liang Kuan is only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and fighting at the same level, no one can get cheap under Xu Miao's hands.

Behind Xu Miao's hands, he only used his spiritual sense to manipulate the child-mother ring, which made Liang Kuan miserable.

"Xu Miao is too strong. I only heard that Xu Sanshui is powerful, but I saw it with my own eyes today."

"Of course, I stayed in Xuanhuai City and saw Xu Miao kill three level-[-] monsters and one level-[-] monster with his cultivation at the early stage of foundation establishment."

When Liang Kuan's spiritual power was almost exhausted, Xu Miao jumped up, and the child-mother ring returned to his hand in an instant.One in each hand, the child ring rests on Liang Kuan's neck, and the mother ring rests on Liang Kuan's dantian.

"Admit defeat?" Xu Miao held the child-mother ring in her hand and looked at Lin Zhijian confidently.Lin Zhijian only felt that the veins on his forehead were twitching, and he just wanted to go off the field himself and teach Xu Miao a good lesson.

If he had known that Xu Miao was Xu Sanshui, he would never have let Liang Kuan fight with Xu Miao.Liang Kuan didn't know, but he knew.Xu Sanshui is a villain, and anyone who provokes him will not end well.

Liang Kuan gritted his back molars tightly, and his clenched hands were pierced by nails.He didn't want to admit defeat, but facing the mighty Xu Miao, he was powerless.

He had to admit that he was far behind Xu Miao.And this distance is very likely, he will not be able to cross it in his life.He could only look up at Xu Miao walking towards higher and higher places, but he himself was always a loser, looking at Xu Miao humblely.

(End of this chapter)

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