Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 180 Lock Pie

Chapter 180 Lock Pie
"I admit defeat." Liang Kuan squeezed out three words one by one, and gritted his teeth.

Liang Kuan said "admit defeat", and the contract that had been made was immediately fulfilled.The dusty water, white concentrate and chalcedony in the sky flew towards Xu Miao.

Xu Miao smiled brightly, and raised her hand to put the three items into the Huntian Stone.It's just that Xu Miao's smile was extremely dazzling to Liang Kuan and Lin Zhijian.

Lin Zhijian completely defeated Liang Kuan and Xu Miao's plan to gamble this time. He was in a bad mood, but because he was the protagonist of the baby-birth ceremony, he could not leave first.

Xu Miao got the benefit and knew that she couldn't stay here for long, so she quietly left Zhuoli Pavilion with Yang Lin and others.As soon as they left the Zhuoli Pavilion, several people ran away.

Lin Zhijian was taken advantage of by Xu Miao, how could he watch Xu Miao retreat completely.Just when Xu Miao and others were about to arrive at the teleportation array, a huge bell rang.

This is the bell that will only ring after a major incident in Zhuoli Pavilion.As soon as they heard the ringing of the bell, the disciples in charge of guarding the teleportation array and the mountain gate would immediately close the passage, preventing anyone from entering or leaving.

Xu Miao's goal was a short-distance teleportation array. The monks guarding the teleportation array heard the bell and wanted to close the teleportation array.Xu Miao knew very well that the bell this time was coming towards him.

If he was the only one, he could certainly leave easily.But he also brought Yang Lin and several Qi-refining stage monks, these Qi-refinement stage disciples were the most talented disciples in He Qinggu.

If Xu Miao falls here, he will not be able to explain when he returns to the sect, and he must send them away first.Xu Miao picked up Yunlongyue and flew to the monk guarding the teleportation array.

There were a total of two mid-stage foundation-building monks. When they saw Xu Miao approaching, they hurriedly closed the teleportation array.How could Xu Miao let them close the teleportation array, the Huaying Sword was unsheathed in an instant, and the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue was running at full speed.

Xu Miao doesn't have much time. Once the teleportation array is completely closed, it cannot be opened in a short time.These two mid-stage foundation-building monks are just very ordinary monks with average strength, and they cannot resist the heaven and earth nirvana at all.

A strong evil spirit poured out, and with one move, the two monks fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.Yang Lin and several disciples in the Qi refining stage stared at Xu Miao's flowing movements with dumbfounded expressions.

Xu Miao didn't care about their thoughts, the most important thing now was to send them out.This matter, Xu Miao is reasonable, as long as they leave the territory of Zhuo Li Pavilion, they will be safe.

Xu Miao unceremoniously took off the token from the monk's waist that fell on the ground, and pressed her finger upwards, and the teleportation array made a buzzing sound.

"This is just a short-distance teleportation array, you all leave quickly, don't stop after arriving at the destination, continue to teleport, and try to return to the sect in the shortest possible time."

Xu Miao took out a sound transmission jade slip and handed it to Yang Lin, and said: "This jade slip explains how I will solve this matter, so the masters don't have to worry, let's go."

Yang Lin took the jade pendant solemnly: "Don't worry, I will bring them back to the sect safely."

A few people stood on the teleportation array, and the light flashed by, and they disappeared.Xu Miao let out a long breath, put her hands on the heads of the two monks guarding the teleportation array, and erased their memories with her spiritual sense.

Generally, erasing memories requires high-level monks to complete.Because Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness is too powerful, he alone can modify the memories of the two of them.

After finishing everything, Xu Miao woke up the two of them and carefully concealed her figure.Seeing that the two monks Zhanger couldn't figure it out and continued to close the teleportation array, he left in peace.

After Xu Miao returned to Zhuoli Pavilion, she found a corner, sat down generously, and gnawed on a spiritual fruit.

Lin Zhijian was able to persuade Gong Lin, the head of Zhuoli Pavilion, to ring the warning bell, because he secretly hid the Qingxinlu that a casual cultivator took this opportunity to give to Zhuoli Pavilion.

Qingxinlu is of great benefit for monks to advance and suppress demons.And a middle-stage Nascent Soul monk in Zhuo Li Pavilion is just about to advance to the late Nascent Soul stage, which is a big deal for Zhuo Li Pavilion.

Therefore, as soon as Lin Zhijian informed the head of the matter to Gong Lin, Gong Lin ordered his disciples to ring the warning bell.Qingxinlu is too important, as long as the mid-stage cultivator in the sect can use Qingxinlu to advance to the later stage, he can change the situation in the Westland cultivation world.

Gong Lin didn't know that all of this was Lin Zhijian's conspiracy.Lin Zhijian wanted to capture Xu Miao through this matter, and get the lost jade marrow, white concentrate, and dust-smearing water from him.

Lin Zhijian already regarded these things as his own, so how could he let Xu Miao take them away.When he saw Xu Miao sitting in the corner leisurely and contentedly, eating the spiritual fruit, he became even more angry.

It is impossible for Gong Lin to close the mountain gate and the teleportation array for a long time. He promised to search for three days and three nights. After three days, the mountain gate and the teleportation array will be reopened.

The monks were a little dissatisfied at first, but after hearing Gong Lin's promise, they could only endure it for the sake of the strength of the Zhuoli Pavilion.Xu Miao followed the crowd back to Huating Mountain, and then sat down in the courtyard belonging to He Qinggu, waiting for Lin Zhijian to come to the door.

A gust of wind blew by, Xu Miao opened her closed eyes, and Lin Zhijian appeared in front of Xu Miao.There was no trace of surprise in Xu Miao's expression, as if she knew that he would come.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhijian became even more angry.Being seen through by a foundation cultivator, this feeling is very annoying to him.

"You seem to know that I'm coming." Lin Zhijian lifted up his robe and sat down opposite Xu Miao.

Xu Miao glanced at Lin Zhijian quietly: "I defeated Liang Kuan and took away the materials you want to refine the natal magic weapon. Of course you will come to me. Senior Lin, don't treat everyone like a fool."

Embarrassment flashed across Lin Zhijian's face, and he coughed lightly: "I'm not an unreasonable person, you give me the dust-staining water, jade marrow, and white concentrate, and I'll give you some spirit stones as compensation." .”

Xu Miao joked: "Oh? How many spirit stones does the senior plan to give me?"

"I heard that you earned 2000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones before the ceremony started, plus your original 2000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones. I don't think you have no shortage of spirit stones. I will give you another 1000 yuan. Yuan middle-grade spirit stones, let you make up 5000 yuan middle-grade spirit stones."

When Lin Zhijian said this, he was very frank and didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

"Hehe—Senior, you are really generous." Xu Miao looked directly at Lin Zhijian, "1000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones, just send the beggars."

Lin Zhijian was choked by Xu Miao, his face was a little unnatural, but he quickly adjusted: "Xu Miao, no matter how many spirit stones there are, there must be life flowers. Do you think life is more important or spirit stones?"

"Senior, are you threatening me? This junior is really scared to death." Although Xu Miao said so, there was no expression of fear on her face.

Lin Zhijian was repeatedly ridiculed by Xu Miao's words, and he could no longer suppress the anger in his heart.He was willing to exchange 1000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones for three things that should belong to him, which was already very kind.

And Xu Miao is so ignorant of flattery, he has already become murderous, and directly kills Xu Miao, no matter what it is, it belongs to him.This Xu Miao can have so many spirit stones and dusty water, there must be other treasures.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhijian's heart was burning, and he looked at Xu Miao with obvious greed.The spiritual power in Xu Miao's body was running at full speed. He felt Lin Zhijian's murderous aura and had to try to resist it.

Lin Zhijian saw that Xu Miao's whole body was in a defensive state, and snorted coldly: "You are really powerful, you are almost invincible below the foundation establishment. If you grow up, I'm afraid even I won't be your opponent."

"However, there will be no such day. Today next year will be your death day." Before the words finished, the mighty Nascent Soul rushed towards Xu Miao in an instant. It was only a coercion, and Xu Miao's face was already pale.

Seeing Xu Miao's performance, Lin Zhijian couldn't restrain his inner surprise.He knew his own strength, the coercion of the Nascent Soul Stage, not to mention the Foundation Establishment cultivator, even the Golden Core cultivator would not be able to withstand the face-to-face distance.

Xu Miao's spiritual power surged all over her body, and she lost control for a while, running wildly in her body, and her meridians were a little confused.As for the images in Dantian, the situation is even worse.

All the images fell into chaos, and the blue sea was so noisy that it kept hitting the green trees in the center of the blue sea.But the Cangmu disrupted the sequence of the four seasons, falling directly after the leaves turned green, and the new leaves that grew next turned directly withered yellow.

The seven reefs on the surface of the sea also began to change their orientations, and they were no longer the exact positions of the seven stars.The red sun in the blue sky suddenly became extremely hot, which directly caused the dantian to become very hot.

Don't look at Xu Miao's face is only pale on the surface, but the inside is already a mess, and he is almost about to lose his combat power.Once the spiritual power is out of control, it will spread from the body to the whole body.

Lin Zhijian noticed that Xu Miao's spiritual power was gradually slackening, and his eyes finally showed satisfaction.No matter how strong the talent is, no matter how high the combat power is, so what, after all, he is just a monk in the foundation period.

When meeting a high-ranking monk like him, he could only drink his hatred and die.The arc on Lin Zhijian's face became bigger and bigger, and he even wanted to laugh out loud.

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you break in. The 1000 yuan middle-grade spirit stone I proposed before was exchanged for three items, hello, hello, hello, everyone, how could it be this way?"

Xu Miao tried her best to gather her spiritual power, but there was still a sneering smile on the corner of her mouth: "Lin Zhijian, you have practiced exercises for so many years, not only your cultivation level has improved, but also the thickness of your skin."

"In my opinion, the thickness of your skin is comparable to the walls of Xuanhuai City."

Lin Zhijian heard a foundation-building cultivator who was about to die sneering at him, and his spiritual power was directly concentrated in his hands, and he was about to shoot out the spiritual power in his hands.

At this moment, an equally powerful spiritual force struck from behind Lin Zhijian, blocking Lin Zhijian's attack for Xu Miao.The two spiritual forces collided, forming a huge shock wave.

In the courtyard next to it, the building was completely destroyed in an instant.If the visitor hadn't set up a defensive mask before the spiritual power hit, Xu Miao would have died directly.

(End of this chapter)

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