Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 181 Punishment

Chapter 181 Punishment
Xu Miao opened her eyes and tried her best to recognize the person from the fluctuation of the impact of spiritual power. When she saw the face of the person, Xu Miao felt relieved.He took out the elixir and swallowed it to regulate the disordered spiritual power in his body.

The injury caused by the Nascent Soul cultivator cannot be recovered in a short while. Xu Miao just stopped meditating and stood up after combing her spiritual power.

The fluctuation of the collision of the two spiritual energies has subsided, and Lin Zhijian looked very unhappy when he saw someone suddenly intervening.

"This junior has met Senior Wei and Senior Bai." It was Wei Ya and Bai Yan from Ji Xing Palace who came here. In Xuanhuai City, Xu Miao was taken care of by Wei Ya and Bai Yan.

This time, he dared to stay in the Zhuoli Pavilion and wait for Lin Zhijian to come to the door. It was he who sent a message to Wei Ya and Bai Yan before everyone left, asking them to help.

Different from small sects like He Qinggu, large sects like Jixingdian and Xihuizong will send monks of the same level, just like Wei Ya in the early Yuanying period.

Naturally, those who follow Wei Ya cannot be Foundation Establishment cultivators, so Bai Yan, who is a Golden Core cultivator, will also come here.Although Xu Miao sent a rescue signal to Bai Yan, he was not sure that Wei Ya would come.

Unexpectedly, Wei Ya was also willing to come here to help him, Xu Miao felt indescribably grateful.

Bai Yan helped Xu Miao who was bowing and saluted, and took out a bottle of elixir and handed it to him: "This is the unique elixir of Ji Xingdian, it is much better than the ones you ate, take it quickly."

Bai Yan only talked to Xu Miao and ignored Lin Zhijian at all, which made Lin Zhijian's ugly face look even uglier.

"Two friends from the Ji Xing Palace came to Huating Mountain alone late at night. Don't you think I, Zhuo Li Pavilion, are in your eyes? Or are you accomplices to this thief who stole Qingxin dew?"

Lin Zhijian directly put a big hat on Xu Miao's head, saying that Xu Miao was the one who stole Qingxinlu, and also dragged Wei Ya and Bai Yan into the matter.

Bai Yan couldn't see it, he had received a voice transmission from Xu Miao, and he had already made the matter clear, and he was very disgusted with Lin Zhijian's slap in the face.

"Lin Daochang, empty words have no basis, so jumping to conclusions, is this the way you treat guests in Zhuoli Pavilion?"

After Xu Miao took Bai Yan's elixir, the situation improved a lot, and she stepped forward a few steps: "Since Senior Lin thinks so, why don't we gather all the monks in the main hall and think about it?"

Under Wei Ya's pressure, Lin Zhijian had no choice but to nod in agreement.All the monks heard that the thief who stole the Qingmolu had been found, and they all went to the main hall of Zhuoli Pavilion.

When Xu Miao walked towards the center of the hall, she was bumped by Lin Zhijian.Lin Zhijian frowned and looked at Xu Miao: "Don't you have eyes when you walk?"

"Senior Lin's evaluation of himself is very accurate." Xu Miao directly turned back. Lin Zhijian had provoked him too many times, and there was no need to bear it any longer.

Xu Miao didn't think that Lin Zhijian would bump into him for no reason, so his spiritual sense went to where Lin Zhijian hit.Sure enough, Xu Miao showed a faint smile.

The head of Zhuoli Pavilion, Gong Lin, stood above the main hall with a serious expression: "I heard that Xu Miao of He Qinggu is related to the theft of Qingxinlu?"

Xu Miao listened calmly to Lin Zhijian and Gong Lin's argument without saying a word.Lin Zhijian also told about Wei Ya and Bai Yan's late-night visit, pointing out that He Qinggu colluded with Ji Xingdian to steal Qingmolu.

Bai Yan looked at Lin Zhijian with disdain, while Wei Ya frowned, but they didn't directly refute.

"Brother Sect Master, fellow Taoists, look at the three of them, so far, they haven't spoken any rebuttals. It just shows that they have a guilty conscience and have nothing to say."

"If you don't believe me, please give it to my fellow Taoist Xingda who sent Qingmolu to him to have a look." Taoist Xingda is the owner of Qingxinlu. Zhuo Li Pavilion.

Qingxinlu has a characteristic that it will be attracted to the same kind.If there is Qingxinlu somewhere within ten feet, the Qingxinlu outside will fly over by itself.

The sound transmission of the foundation-building monks was easily intercepted by high-ranking monks, so Xu Miao never sent a sound transmission to Bai Yan and Wei Ya after entering the hall.Xu Miao nodded vaguely to Bai Yan, waiting for Taoist Xingda to check.

After both Wei Ya and Bai Yan passed the inspection of Taoist Xingda, Taoist Xingda stood in front of Xu Miao.Taoist Xingda took out another drop of Qingxin Dew and waved it towards Xu Miao.

Lin Zhijian looked at Xu Miao sinisterly, and his heart was overjoyed.If he could, he wished he could howl a few times to express the joy in his heart.

Xu Miao stood calmly in the distance, letting Qingxinlu fly.Not long after, Qingxinlu flew away from Xu Miao and returned to Taoist Xingda.

Seeing that Xu Miao was safe and sound, Lin Zhijian widened his eyes and couldn't believe it: "No! No! This is impossible!"

Xu Miao turned around and looked straight at Lin Zhijian: "Senior Lin, why are you so sure, or are you planning to put Qingxinlu with me?"

Xu Miao's voice was not loud, but very steady, questioning Lin Zhijian.All the monks turned their eyes to Lin Zhijian, waiting for Lin Zhijian's answer.

"You are talking nonsense! The three of you secretly met in the middle of the night. You must be discussing some shady things, so I guessed there." Lin Zhijian's words were so forceful that his eyes were red.

"Heh—" Xu Miao chuckled, which was in stark contrast to Lin Zhijian's excitement.He took out a recording jade pendant, and in front of everyone, typed out a spell, and the voice recorded in the jade pendant was completely restored.

"I defeated Liang Kuan and took away the materials you want to refine the natal magic weapon. Of course you will come to me. Senior Lin, don't treat everyone like a fool."


"...I'll give you another 1000 yuan middle-grade spirit stone..."

The conversation recorded in this recorded jade pendant was exactly the conversation that happened when Lin Zhijian was looking for Xu Miao not long ago.From proposing to use 1000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones to buy three priceless materials, to Lin Zhijian's plan to kill Xu Miao.

Every sentence, every word, was clearly recorded by Xu Miao in the recording jade pendant without any omission.

Holding the jade pendant, Xu Miao looked at Lin Zhijian indifferently.Lin Zhijian had calculated thousands of times, but he didn't expect that Xu Miao would have the extremely precious recording jade pendant that Nascent Soul monks had.

All the conversations in the recorded jade pendant were played, and the hall fell into a deathly silence.This matter involves Nascent Soul monks from Zhuo Li Pavilion, a large sect, ordinary monks cannot and dare not intervene at will.

"Senior Lin, at this point, you don't want to deny it, do you?" Although Xu Miao called Lin Zhijian a senior, from his tone and expression, he didn't regard Lin Zhijian as an elder.

After a Nascent Soul cultivator lost a bet, he actually went to find the other party secretly and put pressure on him through his cultivation.This kind of behavior is disgusting wherever it is placed.

"Xu Miao, you fart—" Lin Zhijian said, wanting to do something like Xu Miao.Wei Ya, who had been standing beside Xu Miao, immediately came to Xu Miao to resist Lin Zhijian's attack.

Xu Miao looked around: "If fellow Taoists still doubted the recorded jade pendant just now, you should not have any doubts now. He dared to kill me in front of so many people, let alone in private. "

"I'm afraid the theft of Qingxinlu is fake. Lin Zhijian wants to pass this matter and ask for dust-staining water, jade marrow, and white concentrate to be true. Senior Xingda, you might as well use your Qingxinlu to examine Lin Zhijian."

After Xu Miao finished speaking, she looked at Gong Lin.Gong Lin couldn't get off the tiger now, so he could only nod his head in agreement.

Taoist Xingda thought it was just Xu Miao wanting to let out a bad breath, and asked him to check on purpose, disgusting Lin Zhijian.But never expected that after the drop of Qingxinlu flew towards Lin Zhijian, it didn't fly back in the end.

Everyone was shocked, they just thought it was the right time to come to the baby ceremony.The good shows come out one after another, which is dizzying.

Lin Zhijian didn't expect that when he collided with Xu Miao, he put Qingxinlu on Xu Miao's body.His movements were so slight that it was impossible to detect them.

Lin Zhijian didn't know, Xu Miao didn't notice, but Qingjiao in the Hunting Stone discovered Lin Zhijian's scheme.Qingjiao directly withheld most of the Qingxinlu, and made up some of the remaining Qingxinlu with a special technique, and put it back on Lin Zhijian.

But this time, Lin Zhijian didn't realize that Qingxinlu had returned to him inadvertently.As for Taoist Xingda, he didn't find the Qingxinlu on Xu Miao's body, because Xu Miao put it into the Hunting Stone at the first time.

Even though Hunting Stone's rank has dropped now, it is not ordinary monks who can perceive the problem.

Lin Zhijian was furious, his face flushed.He knew that Gong Lin's eyes were the ones that couldn't hide the sand. These things he did severely disgraced Zhuoli Pavilion.

At that time, whether it is him or his disciples, they will become street rats in the Zhuoli Pavilion, and everyone will shout and beat them.

Xu Miao turned around and bowed to Gong Lin, the head of Zhuoli Pavilion: "Senior Gong, the reputation of Zhuoli Pavilion cannot be tarnished by a villain like Lin Zhijian, do you think so?"

He had to let Gong Lin make a decision. Only in this way, He Qinggu would not be retaliated by Zhuo Li Pavilion.As a big faction, Zhuo Li Pavilion will not be able to stop the people of the world if they engage in malpractice for personal gain.

"As the elder of our sect, Lin Zhijian has lost his virtue, and now he is punished to face the wall and contemplate for 100 years." Gong Lin hid his good emotions well, and calmly said Lin Zhijian's punishment.

Lin Zhijian was already a Nascent Soul cultivator, so as long as he didn't convict the sect, the sect would not put him to death.Of course, the treatment in the future will naturally not be better.

Xu Miao also knew that this was the ultimate punishment for Lin Zhijian.Finally resolved Lin Zhijian's threat, Xu Miao followed Wei Ya and Bai Yan out of the hall in a relaxed mood.

"It's not easy for you to think of using a recording jade pendant in the face of a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage." Bai Yan patted Xu Miao on the back and praised.

Wei Ya and Bai Yan had to lead other disciples to leave the Zhuoli Pavilion, so they couldn't say much more, but told Xu Miao to be more careful, and separated from Xu Miao.

Xu Miao did not return to Huating Mountain, but took advantage of the opening of the mountain gate, left Zhuoli Pavilion directly, passed through the teleportation array in Zhuoli Town, and rushed directly to Wujian dense forest.

(End of this chapter)

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