Chapter 182

The Wujian dense forest is the territory of demon cultivators. After the first world mutation, it became a ruin, and countless monsters were killed and injured.After experiencing the second change of heaven and earth, the dense forest of Wujian restored its former appearance, and the monsters also returned to the dense forest one after another.

There are people, where there are demon cultivators, there will be fighting and fighting.There is a small town a few hundred miles away from the dense forest of Wujian, named Wujian Town.

In Wujian Town, there are human cultivators and demon cultivators mixed together.Demon cultivators will sell magic weapons and elixirs of killed human monks, and human monks will sell killed monster beast inner alchemy, bones, etc., forming a strange balance.

Once upon a time, a group of human monks and a group of demon cultivators fought to the death in a dense forest, and in the end there was only one human and one demon cultivator left.One person and one demon, after arriving in Wujian Town, they even sat down to discuss business.

This kind of situation is not uncommon in Wujian Town. Both human monks and demon cultivators abide by this balance and will not take the initiative to break it.

When Xu Miao arrived at Wujian Town through the teleportation array, she heard the bustling cries.He went to a grocery store and bought a map of the jungle without streams.

Wujian dense forest covers a wide area, almost tens of millions of hectares.There are all kinds of monsters living in the dense forest, and there are also some casual cultivators who live in seclusion.

The map roughly marked the territories occupied by monsters of different levels, as well as the caves of casual cultivators.Xu Miao memorized the contents of the map in her heart, and then walked to the monks' resting place in Wujian Town.

The monks' rest houses are scattered all over towns like Wujian Town.It is used for monks who enter dense forests, mountains and other places to rest, prepare, and recruit teammates.

There were many teams recruiting monks in the rest house. Some people saw Xu Miao enter the rest house and invited him to join their teams.To be on the safe side, Xu Miao put on the Thousand Changes Mask again.

After the Zhuo Li Pavilion's birth ceremony, both Xu Miao and Xu Sanshui's reputations were too prominent.It is very unfavorable for this kind of person who wants to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

A team composed of late foundation establishment and mid-stage foundation attracted Xu Miao's attention. The captain of this team, Wang Keqi, is a monk in the late foundation establishment. When he saw Xu Miao walk in, he enthusiastically introduced the situation of the team and invited Xu Miao joined.

The name Xu Sanshui can no longer be used, so Xu Miao simplified the name to Yushui and informed everyone.Wang Keqi's team, excluding Xu Miao, consisted of four people.

There are two late foundation building stages and two middle stage foundation building stages. Xu Miao's cultivation is not outstanding, and he is qualified enough to join them.The biggest problem now is where Wang Keqi's team is going in the dense forest.

Xu Miao came here for the grass in the wind.The news from Duobao Pavilion already has the exact location of Kazama Grass.After the inexplicable transformation of the world, Xu Miao can be sure that the Kazama Grass is still there.

"Where is the destination of your team?"

"Here." Wang Keqi pointed to the large map hanging in the rest room.

Xu Miao followed Wang Keqi's hand and looked at the map.That location happened to be where the Kazakhstan grass grew, which was exactly what Xu Miao wanted.

"Joining your team, what reward can you give me?" Joining a team in exchange for rewards is not uncommon in the cultivation world.Xu Miao asked Wang Keqi like this to conceal her real purpose.

"200 yuan for middle-grade spirit stones, and a middle-grade spirit weapon." Wang Keqi's offer was very attractive to ordinary mid-stage Foundation Establishment monks.

Although Xu Miao didn't take these rewards seriously, he still decisively agreed to Wang Keqi's invitation, and got to know the remaining three members of the team through Wang Keqi.

A pair of Taoist couples in the middle stage of foundation establishment, Xu Zao and Jiang Xin, and a female cultivator in the late stage of foundation establishment, Huang Zhi.After the five agreed on a time, they dispersed.

When it was time to meet up, Dudu Huangzhi did not arrive at the meeting place for a long time.The faces of the four were not very good-looking. It was not until half an hour later that Huang Zhi brought another monk to the meeting point.

When Xu Miao saw the person coming, her eyes almost fell out of shock.This person is none other than his second senior brother Ho Bi.Because Xu Miao changed his face, He Bi did not recognize Xu Miao's true identity.

Due to Huang Zhi's cultivation in the later stage of foundation establishment, the four of them didn't say much.In order not to arouse He Bi's suspicion, Xu Miao did not pay too much attention to him.

After the six people assembled, they flew towards the Wujian dense forest.The two late-stage foundation-building monks took the lead. At the very beginning, Xu Miao was always hiding his clumsiness.Therefore, he suppressed his speed and kept pace with the couple.

The trees in the Wujian dense forest are all towering trees, and there will be fog above the dense forest, which will affect the monks to identify the direction.Cultivators above the late Golden Core stage are not affected by the fog, but monks below the late Golden Core stage will be affected.

The six of Xu Miao could only land on the ground at the entrance of Wujian dense forest.There are low-level monsters scattered in and out of the Wujian dense forest, only one or two levels, and few people have no interest in hunting and killing them, so they go straight to their destination.

On the road, I met several groups of teams hunting monsters. Since the goals were different, there was no conflict between the different teams.Xu Miao only knew the destination of Wang Keqi and others, but not what their goal was.

From the conversations along the way, Xu Miao knew that Wang Keqi and the others were going to pick a green thunder bamboo from the place where the grass in the wind grew.And beside the green thunder bamboo, there is a sixth-level monster, and some fifth-level monsters.

Not to mention the sixth-level monsters, even a group of five-level monsters is enough for their team to drink a pot.Xu Miao especially wanted to ask Wang Keqi, who gave him the courage to lead such a team to pull out his teeth.

Xu Miao secretly observed the expressions of several other people. They seemed to have known the level of monsters they were about to face, and they were not worried.Xu Miao can almost guess that Wang Keqi must have a specific method to obtain the green thunder bamboo.

When approaching the location of Green Thunder Bamboo, the number of monks increased significantly.Several teams meet, each with wary faces on the other teams.

"I don't know what you fellow Taoists are here for?" A young monk broke the silence.

A muscular monk replied loudly: "Of course it is the unique green thunder bamboo." Someone took the lead in answering, and other monks echoed.

They are all here for the green thunder bamboo, so no one will snatch the grass in the wind, and they can just pick it up and leave, no matter how they argue.

Xu Miao was thinking about how to pick the grass in the wind, but the monks had already started arguing over there.Xu Miao pressed her brows with a headache, why do these monks talk so much nonsense.

The impulsive cultivator couldn't hold back, and took the lead in attacking, followed by a cultivator taking over, and the place immediately became a mess.Wang Keqi did not join the melee, he gestured to the five of them and carefully exited the melee.

Wang Keqi was not the only one who had this idea. The captains of two teams had the same idea and rushed to the place where the green thunder bamboo grew in the chaos.

The remaining three teams maintained a tacit understanding. Before seeing the green thunder bamboo, no one shot first.As the three teams approached the Green Thunder Bamboo, the figure of the sixth-level monster also appeared in their eyes.

A sixth-level monster red goral was dozing against the green thunder bamboo. He seemed to be aware of someone approaching. He opened his eyes, glanced in the direction of the human monk, and then closed his eyes again.

Among the three teams, the strongest cultivation is only in the late foundation establishment stage, and this kind of cultivation will not be noticed by the sixth-level monsters.Wang Keqi sent voice transmission to five people, instructing them to approach the red goral from different directions, so as to distract the red goral.

Asking the monks in the foundation building period to lure away the sixth-level monsters, as long as they are normal people, they would not do it. Xu Miao and others showed obvious rejection on their faces.Wang Keqi anticipated the thoughts of several people, he carefully took out five plants and handed them over to them.

"The smell of this live antelope is the most attractive to the red goral. You use these grasses to lure the red goral away. At critical moments, you can just leave the live antelope and just run for your life, don't worry about me."

"I will now promise to pay a part of your remuneration, and I will pay the rest after I safely leave the Wujian dense forest." Xu Miao took the live antelope and 200 yuan middle-grade spirit stones from Wang Keqi, and checked them out. Fan, make sure you haven't been tampered with.

Their task is to lure the red goral away, and the rest is out of their control.Xu Miao followed Huang Zhi and approached the red goral.The red goral has a very keen sense of smell, and when he smelled the live antelope, his eyes widened instantly.

The two teams next to them also began to disperse, each luring the monsters that got in the way.Wang Keqi met the other two captains, and the three immediately used their means to compete for the green thunder bamboo.

Huang Zhi took the lead in showing the live antelope grass in front of the red goral, and the red goral chased Huang Zhi like crazy.Huang Zhi's speed was very fast, but she didn't retreat immediately, but circled around the green thunder bamboo.

Huang Zhi's goal might also be Green Thunder Bamboo, Xu Miao thought about this clearly, and while everyone was focusing on the red goral, Xu Miao quietly stayed away from everyone.

Except for He Bi, no one noticed Xu Miao's abnormality.He Bi looked at the others and followed Xu Miao carefully.Xu Miao's spiritual sense is strong, and He Bi was noticed the first time he followed him.

The place where the Kaze Grass grows is very hidden, and it is impossible for ordinary monks to find it.Without the information of Duobao Pavilion, Xu Miao would not be able to find it.

According to the exact location provided by Duobao Pavilion, Xu Miao successfully found Kazama Grass.When Xu Miao saw the grass swaying in the wind with her own eyes, her heart was burning.

As long as this Wind Grass can be picked, the Fog Condensing Sword can be refined.Xu Miao looked back at He Bi for a while, and found that he hadn't moved, so she quickly picked off the grass in the wind and moved it into the Hunting Stone.

Putting down the big stone in her heart, Xu Miao wandered back to the place where Lu Leizhu was.There is only one Grass in the Wind, and after being picked by Xu Miao, it will take at least several hundred years to grow another one.

As for Green Thunder Bamboo, it was a mess.The red goral saw that the purpose of these low-ranking monks was the green thunder bamboo, and the live antelopes were all deceiving him.

Knowing the truth, the red goral roared angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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