Chapter 183
With the Grass in the Wind already in his hands, Xu Miao could have pulled away and left, but He Bi made a sudden move at this moment, and He Bi's target was the green Thunder Bamboo.

The red goral was still dealing with Huang Keqi and the others, when they discovered that the green thunder bamboo had been tampered with by another monk.The red goral suddenly became ruthless and killed a late foundation-establishment monk in front of him on the spot.

It was only then that Xu Miao discovered that this red goral was at a critical moment of advancing from level five to level six.Although the red goral exudes the aura of a sixth-level monster, after a fierce battle, the aura of the sixth-level monster becomes very chaotic.

The angry roar of the red goral attracted his kind, and after a while, a real sixth-level red goral appeared in front of everyone.Level six monsters usually choose to live alone, which is why Wang Keqi and others dared to come and take away the green thunder bamboo.

No one expected that there was actually a sixth-level monster near this place.This advancing red goral and the suddenly appearing red goral are a couple. The red goral will be so angry after learning that their partner has been hurt.

The root system of the green thunder bamboo is too developed, for a while, He Bi couldn't take the whole green thunder bamboo.

With the enemy at hand, He Bi could only choose to give up and run away.Seeing this, the rest of the people also resorted to their means and left separately.However, how can the monstrous anger of a sixth-level monster be easily smoothed over.

The red goral caught up with the slowest fleeing monk, killed him with one bite, and chased after Huang Keqi.He knew very well that it was the monk who had first attacked his partner.

The speed of a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment is no match for a sixth-level monster. Huang Keqi was overtaken by the red goral, and the only thing waiting for him was death.The personnel of the three teams suffered heavy losses after they were simply eliminated from the sixth-level monsters, and only a few people were left alive.

Xu Miao followed He Bi quietly when he left.He Bi was the only monk who moved the green thunder bamboo. Xu Miao was not sure whether the red goral would find He Bi through the smell left on the green thunder bamboo.

Xu Miao's worry soon became a reality. After killing the other monks, the sixth-level red goral turned its target to He Bi.Xu Miao's aura was concealed with spells from beginning to end, and the red goral did not find his trace.

The red goral roared past Xu Miao and was about to catch up with He Bi.The horns on the red goral's head are his most powerful means of attack and weapon. Pushing forward, the monster power of the sixth-level monster rushed towards Ho Bi.

Feeling the attack of the red goral, He Bi turned his body to the left side, but he could not completely avoid the attack of the red goral.Xu Miao made a move at this moment, and Zimuhuan made a move in an instant to resist the full blow of the sixth-level monster.

No matter from the point of view of grade or user, the child-mother ring cannot compete with the red goral.The moment the mother-child ring collided with the horns of the red goral, the mother-child ring was smashed into pieces.

He Bi was ready to be hit by the red goral, but he was surprised to find that someone blocked him.The value of a high-grade spiritual weapon is not a small amount for a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

And at the moment when the life-and-death crisis appeared just now, someone was willing to give up the high-grade spiritual weapon just to save him.He Bi looked at the red goral with a complicated expression and turned around, fighting with Xu Miao.

Fighting against the sixth-level monsters, Xu Miao's pressure increased sharply.He didn't care about other things, and took out the high-grade spiritual weapon that Zhou Clan Zhou Ruxiang gave him last time - Jishui Sword.

Holding the sword in his right hand, pointing with his left hand, he quickly slashed across the sword.The spiritual power of the whole body was mobilized to the extreme, and the Heaven and Earth Annihilation Art was running as fast as possible.This is already Xu Miao's strongest move at present, and against the sixth-level monsters, it is also close to death.

This is a confrontation that he knows is a dead end, he will not even get any benefits, and he may lose his life for it.But Xu Miao still raised his sword and displayed his strongest move.

Because the person he wants to protect is his senior brother.When he was being bullied, he would roll up his sleeves to stand up for him; when he was bored in cultivation, he would tell him jokes.

Ji Shuijian's sword body roared with spiritual power, driving Jishuijian's body to overflow with blue light.Strong spiritual power gathered around Xu Miao, his expression was dignified, and he kept accumulating sword power.

The longer the sword power is accumulated, the greater the power of the sword move will be.Xu Miao wanted to accumulate sword power, but the red goral would not tolerate Xu Miao's thoughts.

The red goral rubbed its hind hooves against the ground and rushed towards Xu Miao to interrupt Xu Miao's sword momentum.Xu Miao turned her wrist down to avoid the horns of the red goral.

Xu Miao nimbly dodged to the side, and Ji Shuijian's sword power continued to increase.The Heaven and Earth Annihilation Art has been used to the extreme, and the aura of destroying the world is constantly spreading from the inside to the outside.

The red goral instinctively sensed that the humans in front of him were not easy to mess with, but the anger of revenge overwhelmed his rationality.The red goral launched another attack on Xu Miao.

This time, Xu Miao didn't dodge.He stood firmly on the spot, raised his right hand high, pointed the tip of the Jishui sword to the sky, and suddenly swung down violently, the power of the heaven and earth calamity gushed out like a waterfall.

With just this move, the spiritual power in Xu Miao's body was almost drained.The meridians of his whole body are wide open, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth in the external environment.

The aura here is not strong, and the speed of replenishment cannot keep up with the speed of consumption.Xu Miao flipped her hands and took out a top-quality spirit stone, absorbing enough spiritual power from the spirit stone.

The confrontation between Xu Miao and the red goral happened between lightning and flint.When He Bi came back to his senses, Xu Miao was already replenishing his spiritual energy.No matter who the person in front of him was, if he helped him, he didn't leave him alone and run away.

The red goral had just been attacked by Xu Miao's Heaven and Earth Nirvana, and its blood surged for a while. When it was about to adjust its demon power and attack Xu Miao again, He Bi suddenly attacked from behind.

He Bi held a low-grade Houtian spiritual weapon in his hand, and by surprise, he actually pierced the red goral's defense.The red goral's defense has always been the best among the sixth-level monsters, and it is also the most troublesome for monks.

The red goral didn't expect that there was a hateful monk behind him making up the knife, and turned around angrily.Seeing that the red goral focused on him, He Bi directly gave up fighting with the red goral.

He flew to Xu Miao's side, stopped Xu Miao's shoulder, and was about to take him away.The red goral was teased again and again by the two human monks in front of him, and the anger in his heart was transformed into a surging demon power.

The red goral opened its mouth wide, exhaling a monstrous force with a strong fishy smell.The strength of this monster force is equivalent to the full blow of a monk in the late stage of Jindan, and it is not something that Xu Miao and He Bi can take.

Xu Miao's expression changed suddenly, and she used her hands to change the positions of the two, making him move in front of He Bi.When the demon power was about to reach the bodies of the two, Xu Miao raised both hands, and Fu Yu's helmet was instantly supported.

Xu Miao's spiritual power has not fully recovered at all, and it is very difficult to support Fu Yu's helmet, let alone resist the full blow of the sixth-level monster.

The light of Fu Yu's helmet touched the demon power, but within two or three breaths, Fu Yu's helmet was shattered by the demon power, and became scattered light, scattered in the air.

Xu Miao didn't care about the surge of spiritual power in his body, he quickly swallowed a bunch of pills, and then grabbed He Bi who was affected by the demon power and flew away into the distance.

The monster power buffered by Fu Yu's helmet continued to fly towards Xu Miao and He Bi.Xu Miao backhanded with a bunch of talismans, using the power of talismans to neutralize the demon power.

A large piece of talisman seal exploded in the air, forming a violent roar.What Xu Miao did here alarmed the other monsters.No monster would be willing to eat two seriously injured human monks.

Dozed off in the dense forest without streams, the resting monsters woke up one after another, ready to get kicked.Xu Miao and He Bi looked at each other and smiled wryly. They both raised the magic weapon in their hands at the same time, and sent off the monsters blocking the way.

Originally, the speed of the two of them was not as fast as that of the red goral, but now that they were disturbed by several monsters, it was even more difficult to escape.

"My fellow Taoist, I got you involved, so we're separated, and the red goral won't go looking for you again." He Bi knew that the two of them would not run away if they stayed together, Xu Miao said through voice transmission.

Xu Miao turned a deaf ear to it, but used more force to strike, and the sword moves in her hand became more fierce.Seeing that Xu Miao ignored him at all, He Bi gritted his teeth, turned around and flew towards the red goral.

Xu Miao frowned: "Second senior brother, if you go like this, you will die!"

He Bi was shocked when he heard Xu Miao's address.Seeing Xu Miao raise her hand to take off the Qianji mask, He Bi's real face appeared in He Bi's eyes.

"Junior brother!" He Bi did all his calculations, but he failed to figure out that the monk whose strength was strong enough to resist the attack of a sixth-level monster would be his junior brother.

The red goral is right behind, and Xu Miao must not be put in danger.He Bi had to stop the red goral so that Xu Miao could survive.

He Bi tightly held the low-grade Houtian spiritual weapon in his hand, and flew towards the red goral.Seeing He Bi's behavior, Xu Miao knew exactly what he was thinking. He couldn't stop He Bi rashly and wanted to take it slowly.

Xu Miao swung her sword to drive away the monsters blocking the way, and the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art has been in operation.The instinct of monsters to seek good fortune and avoid harm let them know that the human monks in front of them are not easy to mess with, and they have no deep hatred with Xu Miao.

There is no need to lose your life just to eat the flesh and blood of human monks.Several monsters left one after another, and the rest hid in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Xu Miao didn't have more time to clean up all the monsters, and He Bi had already confronted the red goral.Xu Miao has a general understanding of He Bi's strength.

With Xu Miao's strength, he didn't dare to fight the red goral for a long time, let alone He Bi, who was not as powerful as him.He Bi was thrown to the ground by the red goral and couldn't get up for a long time.

The red goral raised his two front hooves, and was about to hit He Bi's chest.At this moment, He Bi's spiritual energy was completely exhausted, and he didn't have any extra energy left. He couldn't even turn his head to see if his junior brother had successfully left.

Xu Miao's aura at this time was extremely terrifying, and the bloodthirsty left behind by Wu Wu was ready to move in her body.He calmly put the Jishui sword back and took out the Nirvana sword.

The Nirvana Sword was only used when breaking the chains of Qing Jiao.

(End of this chapter)

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