Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 184 Decreased Lifespan

Chapter 184 Decreased Lifespan
Under normal circumstances, Xu Miao would never consider using the Nirvana Sword at all.The rank of Nirvana Sword is a top-grade acquired spiritual weapon. As long as it is used, all the spiritual power in Xu Miao's body, including the spiritual power contained in flesh and blood, will be consumed.

But at this moment, He Bi is in a critical moment, Xu Miao can only choose to use the Nirvana Sword.He held two top-quality spirit stones in one hand at the same time to replenish his spirit power at any time.

Holding the Nirvana Sword tightly in one hand, he used Yun Longyue to jump directly to the position of the red goral.When He Bi saw Xu Miao, he couldn't help being furious: "Why are you coming back, why don't you leave!"

Xu Miao didn't answer He Bi's words, and now his whole body's attention was on the Nirvana sword and the red goral, and he had no extra energy to deal with other things.

When the red goral saw the Nirvana sword in Xu Miao's hand, fear was evident in its eyes.Xu Miao's expression was gloomy, bloodthirsty, cruel, killing, and several negative auras gathered on him.

For the first time, Xu Miao's eyes lost all their former expressions and turned into pitch black.He looked into the eyes of the red goral quietly, neither sad nor happy.

The red goral was involuntarily captured by Xu Miao's eyes, and his heart kept clamoring to move his eyes away.But Xu Miao's eyes were too scary, he couldn't move at all.

The red goral didn't move, but Xu Miao moved.He slowly raised the Nirvana Sword, his whole body surged with spiritual power, flying sand and rocks all around him, as if he felt fear because of Xu Miao.

The Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue was able to run smoothly at the beginning, but when it reached one of the realms, there was a sudden blockage.Xu Miao knew that this was a force-operating formula, a defense mechanism made by the body that exceeded the limit of the body's own tolerance.

If this limit is not broken, the red goral will soon react from the oppression of the Heaven and Earth Annihilation Art, and the only thing waiting for him and Ho Bi is death, and he will never allow such a thing to happen.

Xu Miao bit the tip of her tongue fiercely, driving the drop of mysterious blood in her heart, and broke through the limit of her body with all her strength.Xu Miao could no longer see the red goral, nor He Bi, everything became blurred.

He could only see the objects in his dantian, the blue sea, the blue sky, the west wind, and the green trees, all of which were shrouded in thick black air.If you look carefully, there are traces of blood in this layer of black air.

And in this black air, a law of heaven and earth with golden writing suddenly rushed out of the sea, flew into the blue sky, and shuttled through it, flying and jumping like a golden dragon.The laws of heaven and earth in Xu Miao's body have never been under his control.

He has not seen the laws of heaven and earth for a long time, but today, he took this opportunity to see the laws of heaven and earth again.This law of heaven and earth seemed to notice Xu Miao's eyes, soaring even harder.

At this moment, the limit that has been imprisoning his body has been completely broken.There is no resistance in the operation of the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue, and it runs smoothly.Xu Miao's spiritual power was completely supplemented by top-quality spiritual stones, and as soon as it entered the body, it was sucked away by the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art.

Fortunately, there are enough top-grade spirit stones, enough for him to spend them.Exceeding the limit of the body, Xu Miao's body felt severe pain when he forcibly operated the Heaven and Earth Annihilation Art.

The Heaven and Earth Annihilation Art began to consume his lifespan when the spiritual power was not sufficient.Xu Miao's hair, visible to the naked eye, turned white, like blue silk in the morning and snow in the evening.

He Bi looked at Xu Miao standing in front of him with a full face of pain, and watched his little brother, after exhausting all his spiritual power, begin to fight for his life in order to save him.

The lifespan of a monk in the foundation building period is only more than 200 years, and Xu Miao's lifespan was almost consumed for 100 years just by practicing this technique.Xu Miao's own lifespan is running out, and she can almost count it on her fingers.

The closer it was to this moment, the calmer Xu Miao's mood became.The dark eyes looked at the red goral indifferently, as if looking at an ant.

He raised the Nirvana sword steadily, and slowly chopped towards the head of the red goral.As the Nirvana sword got closer and closer to the red goral, the pain on Xu Miao's body became more intense and clear.

The blood in Xu Miao's body was burning rapidly, burning the flesh and bones.The meridians were completely dried up, all the spiritual power was drawn into the Nirvana Sword, and all the objects in the dantian seemed more vibrant under the black air.

But these are all appearances, as long as this blow is issued, all vitality will wilt in an instant.

"The Art of Heaven and Earth's Annihilation." Xu Miao's voice was very cold, and the red goral heard it in his ears, and his body shivered uncontrollably.He was completely scared, he didn't want to confront this human monk again.

If God gave him another chance, he would allow this human monk to take away another monk who activated the green thunder bamboo.But in this world, he has never regretted taking the medicine, he can only watch helplessly as the sword cuts towards his head.

Xu Miao didn't use any strength in his hands, but just followed the sword downwards, and the impenetrable defense of the red goral was destroyed by the Nirvana sword.The Nirvana sword continued downward without stopping, and the red goral was completely divided into two.

The blood of the red goral was sprayed everywhere, and Xu Miao's body and face were splashed with the blood of the red goral.On Xu Miao's face, there was no joy of finally killing the sixth-level monster, nor did she feel relieved.

Just looking at it like this, his eyes are like unfathomable ancient wells, looking straight at the red goral's body.He lowered his hand, and the Nirvana Sword drooped along with his arm, with the tip of the sword pointing downward.

The terrifying aura around Xu Miao has not dissipated, and it still lingers on him.He Bi temporarily regained his strength after a short breath adjustment.

He quickly got up and looked at Xu Miao.Xu Miao stared blankly at He Bi who suddenly appeared, which startled He Bi.He never thought that the little junior would become so unfathomable.

He Bi raised his hand and shook Xu Miao, Xu Miao rolled her eyes with difficulty, although in He Bi's eyes, there was no reaction.Xu Miao has killed the red goral, which means He Bi is safe.

The obsession in Xu Miao's heart has been completed, and there is no reason to support it.He suddenly lost strength, let go of the Nirvana sword, and fell to the ground.He Bi put the red goral's body and Nirvana sword into the storage bag, picked up Xu Miao, and flew away.

He Bi, who was chased by the red goral and lost his direction, could only run and bump in the dense forest without streams, but he still couldn't find a place to stay.

He felt that Xu Miao's breath on his shoulder was getting weaker and weaker, and he was extremely anxious. After speeding up, he finally found a cave where he could barely hide.

He Bi used a talisman to drive away the second-level monsters inside, and used this narrow cave as a temporary residence.He took out a jade bottle and poured all the medicine inside into Xu Miao's mouth.

However, after these elixirs entered Xu Miao's body, they did not exert the slightest effect, and Xu Miao's aura continued to weaken.He Bi was so anxious that he could only swallow the elixir first, and then sent the restored spiritual power to Xu Miao's body.

After He Bi recovered from all his injuries, Xu Miao's condition still did not improve.Although the breath no longer continued to weaken, there was no sign of improvement.

The condition in Xu Miao's body was very bad, the meridians were blocked, the blood changed from bright red to dark red, and the images in the dantian were all shrunk and sluggish.

The elixirs that He Bi fed him were priceless medicines, but Xu Miao couldn't even absorb the power of the medicines.Xu Miao's body was damaged too badly, and his lifespan was consumed too much. All the signs indicated that his time had come.

Xu Miao couldn't see his white hair, but He Bi could see it clearly.A head of white hair became more and more dry and lost its luster.Xu Miao's skin began to relax, and her whole body exuded the breath of death.

He seemed to be in a white mist, this white mist had no end, Xu Miao didn't know where he was going, but just walked forward blindly.

There is no end and no beginning, no fatigue and no excitement.

"Xu Miao! Xu Miao!" In a daze, it seemed that someone was calling him.Xu Miao felt something in her heart, and when she looked back, a bright woman in yellow kept waving behind him, calling for him.

Xu Miao had never seen this woman before, but she was very familiar with her.Xu Miao turned around involuntarily and walked towards the woman in yellow.

Heart-piercing pain hit like a tidal wave, Xu Miao frowned suddenly, opened her eyes with difficulty, and saw He Bi leaning haggardly on the nearby stone wall.

"Ahem——" Xu Miao felt a suffocation in her chest, and couldn't help coughing out.The sound of coughing startled He Bi, and He Bi saw Xu Miao wake up with obvious joy on his face.

"Junior Brother, how do you feel?" He Bi looked at Xu Miao, unable to hide his worry.

The spiritual power in Xu Miao's body was almost exhausted, and her spiritual consciousness was also severely damaged, so she could only shake her head.Xu Miao patted Ho Bi on the shoulder comfortingly, signaling that he needn't worry.

He Bi took out the body of the red goral and the Nirvana sword that fell on the ground that day, and handed them to Xu Miao.Xu Miao took the Nirvana sword away, pointed at the red goral and said, "Brother, your body has recovered, use this to lure away the female red goral and get the green thunder bamboo."

"After suffering such a big loss, how can we not get some money back?"

When He Bi heard Xu Miao's words, he couldn't laugh or cry. He didn't want to go, but Xu Miao couldn't stop him from insisting. He could only tell Xu Miao to recover from his injuries. He went to pick the green thunder bamboo first.

Xu Miao meditated secretly after seeing He Bi leaving the cave as a ray of light.He is very clear about his physical condition, these injuries can be recovered, the only headache is the consumption of life span.

He estimated that his life span was only 50 years.It also means that he must advance to the golden core stage within 50 years in order to prolong his lifespan.Otherwise, only death is waiting for him.

After Xu Miao set up the small spirit gathering array, she began to recover from her physical injuries.When He Bi returned to the cave, most of Xu Miao's injuries had recovered.

With sufficient elixir and spiritual power, he doesn't have to worry about his injuries being unable to recover quickly.He Bi held the green thunder bamboo in his hand and handed it to Xu Miao.Xu Miao understood He Bi's thoughts, and stretched out her hand to cut off the green thunder bamboo, half of the brothers.

Xu Miao collected part of the green thunder bamboo with the roots left in the Huntian Stone.

(End of this chapter)

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