Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 186 Shouyuan Elixir

Chapter 186 Shouyuan Elixir
The dispersion of the mixture must be even and accurate, otherwise it will cause an embarrassing situation where some parts of the Wu Ning Sword are strong and some parts are fragile.

Xu Miao has always demanded perfection and beauty for her talisman, never allowing the slightest flaw.Xu Miao's consciousness was at full strength, quickly calculating the distribution of the mixture.

The mixture goes down the ribs, gets in, melds with the essence of the ribs.Xu Miao didn't stop, and raised a hand to break up a drop of dust-scattering water, and sprinkled it into the ribs.

The dust-sweeping water will not evaporate due to the temperature of the ground fire, but will invade the rib mixture the moment it hits the rib.Washes away all impurities inside, making the finished product more transparent.

With the function of the Dust Sweeping Water, the few remaining impurities were completely forced out.Xu Miao can feel that there is still a little dusty water left in the rib mixture, which also means that there is no need to worry about impurities when fusing other materials in the future.

Impurities were washed away, and the ribs were completely softened. Xu Miao stretched out his hands and shaped the rib mixture into what he had long thought in mind.

The rudiment of the Mist Sword has been formed, and the ground fire can not only melt materials, but also forge them.Xu Miao flipped her hand and placed the fog-condensing sword vertically on the ground fire, allowing the ground fire to forge it at high temperature.

The temperature of the ground fire in this stone room is already the most suitable for refining the natal magic weapon, but after forging for a long time, the Mist Condensing Sword still hasn't made it.

Xu Miao couldn't help but feel a little anxious. If he failed in the last step, he would be extremely unwilling.Xu Miao began to look for the reason, and he carefully recalled the steps of refining the fog-condensing sword.

There is no problem, every step is done according to the instructions of the bamboo slips, even the completion of each step is the same.Since there are no problems with the previous steps, the only remaining problem is high temperature forging.

The ground fire has never been successfully forged, indicating that the temperature of the ground fire has not yet reached a high temperature.If you stop now and go out to let people raise the temperature of the ground fire, the Mist Condensation Sword will be useless.

When refining magic weapons, it is most taboo to give up halfway. This is a big taboo, and Xu Miao will not commit it.He thought about the solution anxiously, and even thought of a way to let Qing Jiao come out and use his pill fire to forge the Wu Condensing Sword.

A mutilated Mist Condensing Sword is better than nothing at all, and Xu Miao almost chose this method.Suddenly, he had an idea, and he remembered that when he was at Tiandingmen, he got a Tiandingding, and there was a sealed spirit fire in the cauldron.

It's just that the situation was urgent at that time, Xu Miao didn't have time to break the seal, and what happened later, he also put it behind him.

The spiritual fire in the Heaven Refining Cauldron may be able to solve the current predicament.Xu Miao took out the Heaven Refining Cauldron and looked at the spiritual fire inside the cauldron. The sealing technique was recorded in detail in the jade slips, and the unsealing technique is easy to learn.

After Xu Miao read the jade slips, she almost learned how to unblock them.He pinched the magic formula again and again, and his spiritual power shot into the Tianlian Cauldron, and the seal was broken accordingly.

In an instant, blazing high temperature filled the stone room.This group of spiritual fire, at least level [-], was beyond the control of a small foundation cultivator like him.

Fortunately, this group of spiritual fire will be controlled by the refining tripod. Xu Miao carefully imprisoned the spiritual fire in the refining tripod, beckoned to bring the prototype of the fog-condensing sword, and placed it on the refining tripod.

The prototype of the sword embryo was forged at high temperature, and the Ningwu Sword took shape quickly.After seven to seven days of continuous forging, the Ningwu Sword finally took shape.

Although the Ningwu Sword was constantly being burned by the spiritual fire, its blade kept emitting a biting cold air.The whole body of the sword showed a clear blue color, shining brightly.

Before the refining was successful, Xu Miao did not know the exact grade of the Fog Condensing Sword.But when he took a closer look, he discovered that the first grade of the Ningwu Sword had directly become a low-grade acquired spirit weapon.

As far as Xu Miao knows, there is no monk who can directly reach the level of the low-grade acquired spirit weapon when refining the natal magic weapon for the first time.The blades on both sides of the fog-condensing sword have been opened, and the enemy can be killed in any direction.

Xu Miao pointed her right hand together, and slammed downward along the sword body, and the blood flowing from her finger instantly flowed into the fog-condensing sword.Then he forced another drop of heart blood into the Mist Condensation Sword, until this time the Mist Condensation Sword finally and completely belonged to Xu Miao.

The remaining thing is to put the Ningwu sword in the dantian, and continuously use the dan fire to roast it to make it more the same as the mind, so as to achieve the unity of human and sword.

After Xu Miao beckoned to take back the Ningwu Sword, she sealed the spirit fire in the Heaven Refining Cauldron according to the seal's handprint.Fortunately, there was a spiritual fire this time, otherwise the refining of the Mist Sword would have ended in failure.

Xu Miao's heart is burning now, and she just wants to practice the sword for a while with the Ningwu Sword.Although the grade of the Ningwu Sword is as high as that of the Acquired Spiritual Weapon, because it is a natal magic weapon, it will not cause backlash against the monk himself.

And Xu Miao's current strength of spiritual power, strength of spiritual consciousness, and control of low-grade Houtian spiritual weapons can be done with ease, and the heart can move at will, and the sword can move with the heart.

It took such a long time, experienced the attack of black souls, the invasion of monsters, the restoration of the world, and the painstaking efforts to refine the Mist Condensing Sword. Xu Miao was so happy that she wanted to go out and set off a string of firecrackers to celebrate.

After extinguishing the ground fire, tidying up the things in the stone room, Xu Miao went out.

"How many spirit stones do you need in total?" Xu Miao asked the disciples of the Artifact Refining Pavilion according to the previous rules.It took a lot of spirit stones to forge all kinds of magic weapons that day.

Refining the natal magic weapon this time must have a hemorrhage, but I didn't expect the disciple of the Artifact Refining Pavilion to wave his hands again and again.

"No, no, the head of the sect has explained that you don't need to pay for Lingshi to use any resources in the sect, Mr. Xu." The disciple couldn't express his admiration and envy in words.

Xu Miao didn't expect Zhou Ruxiang to have such an confession, and gave the disciple ten low-grade spirit stones as a reward.He didn't pay attention to such a small number of spirit stones, but the disciple in the Qi refining period was different.

After getting ten spirit stones, the disciple looked at Xu Miao even more passionately and reverently.

The Wu Ningjian was successfully refined, so he was going to ask his second senior brother He Bi if he had any news about the Shouyuan Elixir.Not long to live is also a big problem, which is very distressing.

Master Ye Qiguang is still closed and can't help himself. The replies from the elders brought back by He Bi also indicate that there is no such news.Xu Miao thought about it, and it was more reliable to go directly to Duobao Pavilion.

After Xu Miao announced through the Duobao Pavilion in Xici Town that he needed the Shouyuan Pill, he prepared to leave Xici Town.

On the way out of the city, Xu Miao heard some monks talking about Danzong.

There is a large sect of alchemy in Xilu, which specializes in refining pills.Different from the Danqing Gate not far from Heqing Valley, Danzong's strength is stronger, and there are correspondingly more pills that can be refined.

"Have you heard? President Dan's Nascent Soul cultivator Elder Zhidan is going to accept apprentices."

"Is that the Elder Zhidan who refined the Shouyuan Elixir?"

"That's him! President Dan doesn't have a second alchemy elder."

"I also heard that the acceptance ceremony of the alchemy elder this time is the Shouyuan Pill! It is the Shouyuan Pill that can extend the monk's life span by 50 years!"

Dan Zong, Elder Zhidan, Acceptance Ceremony, Shouyuan Elixir, 50-year lifespan.Xu Miao kept thinking about these key words, and when he really fell asleep, someone gave him a pillow.

If he can be accepted by the Elder Zhidan, he will be able to obtain the Shouyuan Pill.For Xu Miao now, it is like sending charcoal in a timely manner.

It's not just Xu Miao who has this idea, many monks want to join the Pill Sect and get the tempting Shouyuan Pill.With the help of the teleportation array in Xici Town, Xu Miao finally arrived at Baima Town at the foot of Danzong Mountain after several teleportations.

Baima Town was full of monks, even more than the number of people at Zhuolige Lin Zhijian's baby-birth ceremony that day.One is simply congratulating, and the other has the opportunity to worship under the monk Nascent Soul, obviously the latter is more attractive.

Xu Miao sat down in a teahouse, listened to the chats of other monks, and obtained relevant information from them.

"Brother, I think even Jindan cultivators want to become disciples of Zhidan elders!"

"Of course, not to mention the cultivation of the Elder Zhidan, just the elixir that increases the lifespan by 50 years is enough to make the cultivation world overwhelmed."

The two talked nonsense for a while before they came to the key point - how the Elder Zhidan chooses the right disciple.

If you want to meet the Elder Zhidan, whether you are inside the Danzong or other people in the cultivation world, you need to take three rounds of exams.

In the first round of exams, [-] kinds of spiritual herbs were briefly introduced.There is no limit to the scope and effect of the [-] kinds of spiritual herbs, as long as you can accurately name the [-] kinds of spiritual herbs, you can pass the test.

There are [-] kinds of spiritual herbs, even if a monk has a superb memory, it is still difficult to clearly memorize [-] kinds of spiritual herbs in a very short period of time.

The news that the alchemy elder wanted to accept disciples came out only half a month ago. It is impossible for ordinary monks to prepare so much spiritual grass knowledge in half a month, except for those monks who have been concentrating on alchemy.

It can be said that the first round of exams alone can eliminate some monks with bad intentions.Of course, Xu Miao is also one of these dishonest monks.

He doesn't know whether he is talented in alchemy, he only knows that he came here only for the longevity pill.I have to find a way to memorize [-] kinds of spiritual herbs, Xu Miao secretly planned.

The second round of exams is to identify [-] kinds of spiritual herbs.In the second round of examinations, based on the spiritual herbs spoken by the monks in the first round, the appearance of the spiritual herbs will be selected in a targeted manner for the monks to identify.

These spirit herbs may be in the juvenile stage, the growth stage, and the mature stage. The monks must accurately identify the correct name and properties of the spirit grass from different stages.

Some monks can barely memorize [-] kinds of spiritual herbs by cramping their feet temporarily, but they can only swallow dates wholeheartedly, memorizing for the sake of memory, and will not diverge their thinking.

Therefore, this round of examinations, using the appearance of the spirit grass in different periods, can also screen out the monks who are familiar with the spirit grass, and exclude the monks who try to mix in.

The third round of exams is about refining pills.The Elder Zhidan is an alchemist, so how can the disciple he chooses not be able to do alchemy.

(End of this chapter)

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