Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 187 Cramps

Chapter 187 Cramps

Danzong will provide alchemy furnaces and materials for all monks who pass the first two rounds of tests, and refine pills according to unified requirements.The alchemy rate, medicinal properties, and alchemy operations are all within the scope of the assessment.

In the third round of examinations, the behavior that satisfies the Elder Zhidan is the key to finally being admitted to the Elder Zhidan's sect.

Xu Miao got up and left after listening to the introduction from the nearby monks.Since Tianma Town is adjacent to Danzong, most of the various shops in the town are related to alchemy.

Every shop was full of people who came to buy jade slips related to the exam, and some monks picked and bought some jade slips.Xu Miao didn't have any choice, as long as it involved spiritual herbs and alchemy jade slips, he would buy them all.

Next, Xu Miao bought the most common alchemy furnace and ten ingredients for nourishing qi pills.Yangqi Pill is a pill taken by low-level monks during the Qi refining period. Xu Miao has never refined pills, so he can only start from the most basic and simple ones.

There are only seven days left before the exam officially begins.It is too difficult to read all the jade slips and practice alchemy within seven days.

Xu Miao had no time to waste. After finding a public alchemy room, he began to study hard.He put all the jade slips he bought in front of him, and his two divine senses were fully functioning, memorizing the contents of the jade slips.

One kind, ten kinds, one hundred kinds, one thousand kinds, ten thousand kinds, Xu Miao looked at them one by one, and wrote down the shapes, effects, and medicinal effects of spirit herbs in different periods, and what kind of pills are suitable for refining, all in mind middle.

The efficiency of using two copies of spiritual consciousness is huge. It only took Xu Miao three days to memorize all the contents in her heart.It's just that these contents are forcibly remembered in a short period of time, and the possibility of forgetting is very high.

Xu Miao put all the jade slips into the Huntian Stone and asked Xiaotian to help me remember.In case during the exam, there is an unknown spiritual herb, and Xiaotian can help, check for omissions and make up for the vacancies.

The memory of the spirit grass came to an end temporarily, and Xu Miao took out the alchemy furnace and the materials needed for refining Qi Yang Pill.In the public alchemy room, ground fire is provided for each room, which is convenient for monks to refine elixir.

It's just that the quality of the ground fire in this public alchemy room is not high. The flames are sometimes big and sometimes small, and the temperature is sometimes high and sometimes low. Xu Miao has been familiar with the ground fire control for a long time.

Even though he had roughly grasped the law of the ground fire, Xu Miao could not completely control the ground fire, which directly led to the destruction of two materials.Xu Miao looked at the scorched materials in front of her, with black lines all over her head.

Xu Miao breathed out a foul breath, and after calming down, she took a piece of material into her hand again.The usual steps in refining elixir are to melt various materials first, then mix them, and then put them into the elixir furnace to form elixir.

Whether it's the melting or mixing of materials, it's a relatively easy and simple part. Xu Miao has already refined the Fog Condensing Sword, and he can be regarded as familiar with this aspect of operation.

The more difficult step in alchemy is refining the elixir in the alchemy furnace. After the alchemy furnace is covered, the temperature, size, and refining time of the flame need to be controlled by the monks themselves.

And one of the places that tests the alchemist the most is the time when the furnace is finally turned on.The time must be mastered and the score is not bad. Sooner or later, it will lead to a decrease in the alchemy rate, or a direct failure of alchemy.

Many alchemists can complete the previous steps perfectly, but there is a problem with the time of opening the furnace at the end, which leads to failure.

After Xu Miao recalled the refining process of Yangqi Pill again, she turned on the ground fire again, and put the materials in her hand on the ground fire in batches to burn and melt them.

This time, the fire on the ground finally didn't make trouble anymore, it was burning smoothly all the time, and all kinds of materials melted slowly normally.

Xu Miao's two spiritual senses work together, one monitors the status of the ground fire so that he can adjust the ground fire at any time, and the other observes the condition of the materials to determine whether the melting is complete.

After mastering the law of ground fire, even if there are occasional unstable problems, he can adjust and deal with them in time.However, when Xu Miao observed the melting material, he obviously found that a large amount of impurities would be produced after the material melted.

These impurities cannot be detected by the divine consciousness when the material has not yet melted.After the material melts, these impurities become very dazzling.

The jade slips that record Yangqi Pill only mention that the less impurities there are, the higher the medicinal properties of the pill will be.But in the jade bamboo slips, there is no mention of how to remove impurities.

The method Xu Miao knows to remove impurities is to remove impurities in materials through genius treasures such as Jingtian Sand and Dusting Water.

Although there were still a few drops of dust-scattering water left, Xu Miao would never use the priceless dust-sweeping water in refining qi-nourishing pills.Moreover, the dust-cleaning water and sky-cleaning sand remove impurities that are extremely difficult to find.

Xu Miao thought that perhaps she could directly remove these impurities with her spiritual consciousness.He carefully controlled his consciousness, intending to slowly gather the impurities in the melted liquid and remove them all at once.

It was Xu Miao's whim to let his spiritual consciousness remove impurities.No one taught him, he just figured it out on his own.In the beginning, although the consciousness could touch impurities, it always mixed the material liquid together.

Xu Miao didn't give up, he regained control of his consciousness and went to contact with impurities.After several attempts, the divine sense has been able to avoid the main ingredients and directly ingest impurities.

According to the initial plan, he gathered the impurities together and removed them all.Without the existence of impurities, the liquid material becomes more pure, exuding a strong medicinal fragrance.

Xu Miao drew a gourd according to the same pattern, melted the remaining materials one by one, aggregated impurities, and removed them.After all the impurities have been removed, what is left to do now is to fuse the materials together.

There is a strict order requirement for material fusion. Disrupting the order, or ignoring the order and directly merging will cause the medicinal properties of the materials to conflict and the materials will be scrapped.

Xu Miao started to fuse the materials carefully according to the order of materials fusion in the jade slips.The difficulty of fusing these materials is not known to be many levels lower than the difficulty of fusing the materials of the Mist Condensation Sword.

It didn't take much effort for Xu Miao to successfully fuse various liquid materials together. After mixing them evenly, he put them into the newly purchased alchemy furnace.

This alchemy furnace is the most common type, it can only refine Qi-nourishing pills, not even the slightly higher-level Qi-yun pills.

After the liquid medicine was put into the alchemy furnace, Xu Miao covered the alchemy furnace.While observing the situation of the alchemy in the alchemy furnace with his two spiritual senses, he controlled the ground fire to burn the alchemy furnace.

Xu Miao concentrated on controlling the ground fire, but this was his first alchemy after all. When the ground fire crackled and exploded, he failed to control the ground fire, and smelled a burnt smell coming from the alchemy furnace.

This time the failure was within an acceptable range, Xu Miao's expression remained unchanged, she calmly poured out the medicine residue, and started melting the spirit grass again, removing impurities, and mixing the medicine liquid.

The lid of the alchemy furnace was closed again, and this time, Xu Miao was more careful to control the ground fire.The medicinal liquid gradually solidifies and gradually takes shape.Spiritual consciousness can clearly detect that there are ten round objects in the alchemy furnace.

At this time, it cannot be called a elixir. Only when it is successfully released can it be called a elixir.The Jade Slips did not specifically say how long it would take for the furnace to be refined, but it would depend on the state of the elixir.

At this moment, Xu Miao could already smell the unique fragrance of Yangqi Dan. He felt that the time was almost up, so he pointed at the furnace with his right hand, and the ground fire was instantly extinguished, and the furnace was turned on.

The moment the alchemy furnace was turned on, the strong medicinal fragrance filled the alchemy room.Xu Miao raised her hand and took out the Qi Yang Pills from the alchemy furnace. All ten Qi Yang Pills were refined successfully, and none of them failed.

Even if Xu Miao was determined, she couldn't help being excited when she saw ten round Qi Yang Pills exuding a strong medicinal fragrance.The alchemy rate is [-]%, this is only the second batch of elixirs refined by Xu Miao.

In the cultivation world, it is almost impossible to happen.It is difficult for alchemy masters to appear, precisely because refining elixir is very difficult.Many monks who tried to refine alchemy were unable to refine a complete alchemy after spending a lot of materials.

Although Yangqi Pill is the simplest and most basic pill in the cultivation world, it is a miracle that Xu Miao was able to refine it successfully after two attempts.There is no guarantee that no one will come after, at least no one before.

Xu Miao properly put ten pills in a jade bottle as a commemoration of the first alchemy.After the excitement calmed down, Xu Miao began to summarize experience and lessons.

When refining alchemy, the most important thing is to control the flame.Some monks have their own spiritual fire, so they don't need to rely on the unstable ground fire, which is also very helpful for alchemy.

At the same time, removing impurities from the liquid medicine should also be of great help to the later Cheng Dan.There are too many impurities, and the fusion of the medicinal liquid is not uniform and thorough enough, which will increase the difficulty of making pills.

Finally, the time to start the furnace needs to be mastered. The best time to start the furnace is when the medicinal fragrance can be clearly smelled after the elixir is formed.

After summarizing, Xu Miao went all out to make alchemy again, and used up all the remaining six ingredients.However, the stability of the ground fire is too low after all. Although Xu Miao has tried his best to control and avoid the ground fire problem, he still failed twice.

For the remaining four materials, Xu Miao's success rate can reach [-]% at the lowest.If anyone knew about Xu Miao's alchemy situation, their jaws would drop in shock.

After Xu Miao cleaned up all the things, the Taoist Master Zhidan's apprenticeship assessment officially began.Xu Miao went to the foot of the Danzong mountain, and the place in charge of registration was surrounded by dense crowds.

Zhidan accepts apprentices and doesn't care about the cultivation of the disciples, so those who come to sign up include monks in the Qi refining stage, foundation building stage, and Jindan stage.

Xu Miao registered with her real name this time, and the disciple in charge saw Xu Miao's white hair, and did not associate the person in front of him with the famous Xu Miao in the Western Continent's cultivation world.

Holding the assessment token given by the other party, Xu Miao stepped into the alchemy sect.All the monks who were assessed gathered in the square, and the three rounds of assessments would also be held in this square.

In the center of the square is a huge alchemy furnace. This alchemy furnace is the magic weapon of the alchemy sect. So far, no one, including Zhidan, has been able to use it.

(End of this chapter)

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