Chapter 192

Many Foundation Establishment cultivators were very excited, and expressed that they would go to the Yaoxiu Cave to bring back some treasures.

Xu Miao expressed doubts about the news. A demon cultivator was seriously injured. Whether a demon cultivator of any level was really seriously injured.

If it is a high-level demon cultivator, even if he is seriously injured, it is not easy to kill them, these foundation-building monks.

If the demon cultivator was not injured at all, and the news was misrepresented by someone with a heart, then what is the purpose of this person with a heart.

Xu Miao is still questioning the authenticity of the news, and there is another news that the demon cultivator is dead, and if he doesn't make a fortune, he won't get anything.

As soon as the news came out, the entire Yanwan City erupted.Most of the monks gathered in Yanwan City are in the Foundation Establishment Stage and Qi Refining Stage, and there are very few monks in the Golden Core Stage.

Therefore, many monks were dazzled by the news, and rushed to the rumored demon cultivator's cave.Suddenly, more than half of the small Yanwan city was vacated, and the shops that used to be crowded with people seemed empty.

After Xu Miao waited patiently in Yanwan City for seven days, he still did not see the monks who had left return to Yanwan City. His suspicions about the demon cultivator's cave were even more serious in his heart.

A monk has an instinct, and when encountering life-threatening things, he will have an indescribable sense of crisis.Xu Miao has such a feeling in her heart now.

He thought to himself that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, and walked towards the city gate, ready to leave.At this moment, a familiar figure hurried past.

"Luo Tingyou?" Xu Miao didn't wear the Thousand Transformation Mask, so Luo Tingyou recognized him quickly.

"Xu Miao! It's great to meet you, please help me!" Luo Tingyou saw that it was Xu Miao, and excitedly grabbed Xu Miao's shoulder.Xu Miao looked at Luo Tingyou with an expression of exhaustion that could not be concealed.

The two stood at the gate of the city, and Xu Miao listened to Luo Tingyou describe what he had experienced recently.The demon cultivator's cave that attracted many monks was indeed a scam, and the injured demon cultivator was real and did not lie.

But it is a lie to encourage monks to kill demon cultivators and obtain things from demon cultivators.From the news of Yaoxiu's injury, it was a huge deception.

The demon cultivator was seriously injured and needed to devour the monk's flesh and blood to heal the injury.Luo Tingyou and Wen Pengpeng, a female cultivator he likes, heard about this, and under the strong persuasion of the senior female cultivator, the three went to the demon cultivator's cave together.

It wasn't until the three of them arrived at the demon cultivator's cave that they realized that this demon cultivator was a sixth-level demon cultivator porcupine that failed to advance to the seventh level.After failing to advance, he suffered a huge backlash and was dying.

The reason why this rumor circulated was that a monk entered the porcupine's cave by mistake. After being held hostage by the porcupine, he threatened him to spread the rumor that the demon cultivator was seriously injured and died soon, which attracted the monks to come to seize the treasure.

The monk Chongli, after hearing the news, saw the monk who told the news, holding a tusk of a porcupine in his hand, which greatly won the trust of other monks.

Therefore, these monks didn't think too much, and went to the cave one after another.The moment countless monks stepped into the Porcupine Cave Mansion, their fate was determined, whether they died or not.

The three of Luo Tingyou were also trapped into the porcupine cave. Originally, all three of them would be captured by the porcupine. As his food, it was Wen Pengpeng who activated the forbidden technique at a critical moment and sent Luo Tingyou out of the porcupine cave regardless of Luo Tingyou's objection.

Luo Tingyou also knew that relying on his own strength, to return to the cave rashly would only waste Wen Pengpeng's heart.So he returned to Yanwan City to look for monks, but when he first entered the city gate, he ran into Xu Miao who was about to leave.

Luo Tingyou had helped Xu Miao when he was a little monk in the Qi refining period.The grace of dripping water should be repaid by springs, not to mention that Luo Guan would take care of him many times before, and there are also reasons for Luo Tingyou.

When a friend is in trouble, a brother is naturally bothered.When Luo Tingyou encountered difficulties, Xu Miao was obliged to do so.If there is no accident, the seriously injured sixth-level monster can still rescue Wen Pengpeng under his hands.

Luo Tingyou was very grateful, and wanted to find some more monks, but found that the remaining monks were also aware of the abnormality and were unwilling to take risks easily. In the end, only Xu Miao and Luo Tingyou went to the porcupine cave.

The porcupine's cave is in the mountains to the northeast of Yanwan City. There are few people here, and I don't know how the first monk caught by the porcupine got here.

Luo Tingyou came to the Porcupine Cave once, and he had a good memory, so he clearly told Xu Miao the structure of the cave he passed.Just standing outside the cave, Xu Miao could smell a strong smell of blood.

That porcupine did not know how many people it had devoured to cause such a strong smell of blood.

Luo Tingyou's current cultivation level is the same as Xu Miao's, both in the middle stage of foundation establishment.Although the combat power is not as good as Xu Miao's, at least it won't hold Xu Miao back.

Xu Miao and Luo Tingyou used their own means to cover up the breath, and then walked deep into the cave.Xu Miao cautiously poked out her consciousness to observe the situation in the cave.

As far as the eye could see, they were all stumps and broken arms.Xu Miao walked to the place where Luo Tingyou was sent away by Wen Pengpeng's spell, but there was no living breath at all here.

The expression on Luo Tingyou's face was very bad. In this place, there were broken clothes, magic weapons, bones of monks, and blood splashed on the walls.Whether Wen Pengpeng is dead or alive, Luo Tingyou is not sure.

There was no way to go inside, and the two stood in the middle of the open space, trying to find traces of the porcupine from some clues.

Xu Miao didn't believe that the porcupine would give up such a good place and go to other places.According to the number of monks who left in Yanwan City, even if the porcupines ate non-stop, it was impossible to eat them all in a short time.

There must be a mechanism in this place, leading to another mechanism in a more hidden location.Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was fully spread out, looking for a place where it could penetrate.

Sweeping over and over again with her spiritual sense, the hard work paid off, and Xu Miao discovered a mystery in the upper right of this place.The other places are made of ordinary stones, only that part has extremely subtle fluctuations in spiritual power.

Xu Miao flew to the bottom of that place, and after a brief study, she understood the mystery.Xu Miao's formation was learned through Ji Xingdian's system, even if he was a sixth-level demon cultivator, he would not be his opponent in terms of formation.

With a few simple strokes of spiritual power, a passage appeared above his head.Seeing that Xu Miao found the passage easily, Luo Tingyou was overjoyed, and his expectations for rescuing Wen Pengpeng increased a lot.

As the two stepped into the passage, the monks shouted, cursed, and begged for mercy all poured into their ears.Xu Miao and Luo Tingyou looked at each other, carefully hid in the shadow of the passage, and observed the situation outside the passage.

The porcupine didn't realize that there were new monks coming to the cave, so he tore off the flesh of a monk in front of a group of monks.

The monk's miserable cry echoed in the closed cave, no matter how much he begged for mercy, the porcupine did not intend to let him go, and his begging gradually turned into cursing, making the porcupine gnaw harder.

Xu Miao was worried that releasing his consciousness would attract the attention of the porcupine, so he secretly gestured to Luo Tingyou, signaling to find out where Wen Pengpeng was first, and then try to rescue him.

Taking advantage of the porcupine being attracted by the monk in their hands, the two carefully bypassed other monks and looked for Wen Pengpeng.A sharp-eyed cultivator spotted Luo Tingyou, who was inadvertently showing his figure, and immediately shouted.

"Someone is coming again!" The nearby monks echoed one after another. They knew that they would die, and their distorted mentality made them want to drag everything into trouble.

So when they saw Luo Tingyou, they hurriedly made noises, just to let the porcupines arrest Luo Tingyou too.Luo Tingyou looked at the monk who spoke out first with murderous intent in his eyes, and directly struck the monk with a sword, killing that monk.

The movement here alarmed the porcupine, and the porcupine stopped nibbling on the monk in its arms and looked at Luo Tingyou.

"Didn't your concubine send you away with all his life? How dare you come back? If you want to die so much, I will naturally fulfill you." The porcupine left the half-eaten monk and walked towards Luo Tingyou with a sneer.

Although he was seriously injured, he really didn't pay attention to a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment.Xu Miao hid it so well that the porcupine didn't realize that besides Luo Tingyou, there was another monk.

Luo Tingyou knew Xu Miao's plan the moment Xu Miao didn't make a sound.Unexpectedly, Xu Miao attacked when the porcupine focused all his attention on him.

Xu Miao calmly approached the porcupine in the shadow. The porcupine stood in a very clever position. The back was just covered by the shadow, but it was easy for Xu Miao.

Luo Tingyou kept provoking and angering the porcupine. Although the porcupine has a high level of cultivation, it seems that his brain is not very good, and his emotions are completely led away by Luo Tingyou.

The porcupine didn't want to get entangled with the monk in front of him any longer, and rushed towards Luo Tingyou with ferocious fangs.Luo Tingyou would not be the porcupine's opponent, he quickly stepped aside.

The speed of the porcupine is not fast, and the most powerful weapon is the fangs in his mouth.Xu Miao seized the opportunity, and suddenly released the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art that had been running all the time, and the Fog Condensing Sword was unsheathed in an instant.

The surging spiritual power poured out, attacking the rear of the porcupine.The porcupine didn't expect that there was a monk hiding in the shadows behind, and couldn't help being furious.

Porcupine ignored Luo Tingyou, who had been provoking him, and turned to deal with Xu Miao.Xu Miao sent a voice transmission to Luo Tingyou in time, telling him to find Wen Pengpeng quickly.

This is the first time Xu Miao has used the Fog Condensation Sword, and the Feng Shui attribute is also contained in the Fog Condensation Sword.While waving his hands, with the help of the mighty power of the Mist Sword, he showed stronger sword energy.

The Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art works non-stop, all the meridians in the body are opened, and the images in the dantian are fully displayed, while absorbing the spiritual energy from the outside world, and at the same time exerting spiritual power through the fog-condensing sword.

The porcupine didn't expect that the monk who thought he was an ant would be so powerful, so he had to take a few steps back to avoid the sharp attack.

"Ahhh—" the porcupine roared and rushed towards Xu Miao.He is a sixth-level monster, even if he is seriously injured, he cannot be bullied by a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

The Ningwu Sword pointed forward, pressed against the fangs of the porcupine, and turned around to avoid it.

(End of this chapter)

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