Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 193 The Cave Truth

Chapter 193 The Cave Truth
Xu Miao nimbly moved to the porcupine's side, and stabbed the porcupine's back with force with the fog-condensing sword.The sharp blade directly shattered the fragile defense of the porcupine, causing the porcupine to let out a tragic wail.

Sensing the existence of foreign objects in the body, the demonic power in the porcupine's body surged, pushing all of them towards the fog-condensing sword on the back.Even if the porcupine is seriously injured, it is not something he can easily contend with.

The Ningwu Sword was surrounded by demon power and kept shaking.Xu Miao pointed upwards, and the Ningwu sword was pulled away from the porcupine and returned to Xu Miao's hand.

"Human, hateful human! I must eat you alive!" The porcupine rushed towards Xu Miao while shouting.

The position where Xu Miao is standing now is a blind spot, and she cannot retreat, but can only move forward.Taking advantage of the moment the porcupine rushed, he turned around and fell to the ground, kicked his feet on the ground, and passed under the porcupine.

At the same time, he tilted the fog-condensing sword and slashed towards the porcupine's abdomen.No matter what kind of monster it is, the abdomen is the weakest part of their defense.

The Ningwu sword made a deep and long scratch along the porcupine's abdomen.Xu Miao circulated her spiritual power, and the cold air of the Mist Sword penetrated into the porcupine's body along the scratch.

The porcupine reacted quickly after being attacked. He raised his hind hoof and kicked towards Xu Miao's head.The porcupine's hind hoofs were rapidly enlarged in Xu Miao's eyes. If it was kicked by the hind hooves, Xu Miao's head would be seriously injured if it was not broken.

Xu Miao had no choice but to give up attacking the porcupine's abdomen and turn over from the gap under the porcupine to leave the attack range of the hind hoof.It seems that a human and a demon have gone through many tricks, but in fact, they are all in the blink of an eye.

Face-to-face confrontation with the sixth-level monsters, just a few breaths of confrontation, Xu Miao already felt powerless.Although the porcupine was seriously injured, it was not something he could defeat.

The porcupine was already furious at the ant-like human being in front of him for repeatedly injuring him.His demon power suddenly became extremely powerful, and the original scars disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xu Miao's eyes were fixed, and the porcupine had been completely angered, and this matter could never be resolved.Luo Tingyou hadn't come back yet, he had to hold the porcupine, otherwise after his death, it would be Luo Tingyou.

When fighting with the porcupine, Xu Miao had already discovered that the porcupine had treated the captured monks specially. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, his spiritual sense would not be able to detect the presence of people here.

He turned his head to look at a group of monks not far away. These people were sealed by the demon power, but the fluctuation of the demon power was not strong, which showed that the porcupine didn't bother to trap them.

If these monks could be released, they would definitely run away desperately.If you fish in troubled waters, you may be able to find Luo Tingyou and Wen Pengpeng.

Xu Miao was determined, and flew back.The porcupine was taken aback when he saw Xu Miao's behavior. When he found that Xu Miao's target was the trapped human monk, he rushed directly to Xu Miao.

He just imposed a ban on that group of human monks at random. If this human monk breaks it, his food and healing products will be wiped out. He cannot tolerate this happening.

The porcupine charged with all its strength, forming a shock wave.Xu Miao didn't even think about it, she released her spiritual power to support Fu Yu's armor.Under the impact of the porcupine, the mask formed by Fu Yu's helmet quickly formed cracks.

He kept running his spiritual power to strengthen Fu Yu's armor.At the same moment, Xu Miao raised the fog-condensing sword and slashed at the monk's demon power to seal it.

The Wu Ning Sword itself was refined from the ribs of a ninth-level great demon cultivator, and the seal that was not strong enough was broken by the full force of the Wu Ning Sword, and it shattered like a rotten one.

The monk who was freed immediately fled outside, regardless of Xu Miao's still trying to confront the porcupine.Xu Miao sneered at the corner of her mouth. Just because he could withstand the attacks of the sixth-level monsters, it didn't mean that these monks could also resist.

The monk who ran in the front was torn into pieces as soon as he touched the porcupine's demon power, and his flesh and blood were scattered in the air under the interweaving of spiritual power and demon power.

The ending of this monk frightened the other monks who were about to escape. They temporarily stopped to watch the struggle between Xu Miao and the porcupine.

One of the monks has no ability and has a lot of crooked thoughts.He walked behind Xu Miao, with the spiritual power of both hands concentrated, he was about to push Xu Miao towards the porcupine, so that Xu Miao and the porcupine collided head-on and got a chance to escape.

When the monk made this action, Xu Miao saw through the man's thoughts.But he didn't repel the monk directly, such a good shield is useless.

When the monk was about to touch Xu Miao with both hands, Xu Miao suddenly took a step to the left with his left foot, exposing the monk behind him to the porcupine.

At this time, the cultivator was still within the defense range of Fu Yu's helmet. Xu Miao poured out the spiritual power from his right hand, collided with the opponent's spiritual power, and controlled the man's hand without any effort.

Xu Miao swung her right hand in the direction of the porcupine, and the cultivator screamed and was thrown towards the porcupine's fangs.The monk's chest and dantian were pierced by fangs, and he died beyond death.

Being blocked by the monk, the porcupine's shock wave was interrupted, which also gave Xu Miao a chance.His Fu Yu's armor has reached its limit, and if it continues, the mask will definitely be broken and can no longer function.

Seizing this wonderful opportunity, Xu Miao turned into a ray of light and disappeared in front of everyone before the other monks could react.The porcupine shook its huge head, shook off the cultivator on its fangs, and looked angrily at Xu Miao who disappeared.

The moment Xu Miao was out of trouble, he took out Miao Yupei and performed the breath-holding technique to hide his breath.Losing any trace of Xu Miao, the porcupine turned his anger on the monk who was released by Xu Miao.

He snorted heavily, astonishing monster power spurted out from his nostrils, many monks have been imprisoned for too long, their spiritual power is insufficient, their storage bags have been taken away, there is no magic weapon at hand, it is not a combination of a porcupine at all enemy.

The group of monks released by Xu Miao just met each other, and more than half of them were killed by porcupines.Only a small half was left to avoid the attack of the porcupine and fled outwards.

Only one monk did not flee outward, but fled inward.His target is Xu Miao, and he can see clearly within the restriction that only Xu Miao can fight against the porcupine, and he can escape with Xu Miao.

Coincidentally, all the monks in Yanwan City have heard of Xu Miao's name, but they have never seen Xu Miao's real appearance.This cultivator met Xu Miao at the assessment ceremony for holding alchemy.

As long as he stays by Xu Miao's side, he is confident that he will be able to leave this place smoothly.The porcupine's eyes were all on the fleeing monks, and he didn't notice that one of the monks was leaving in the direction of the crowd.

Xu Miao saw a lot of trapped monks along the way, and the bans were so simple that they couldn't even block a blow from the Wu Ningjian.He walked and hacked all the way, releasing all the monks.

Some monks left directly, and some monks would thank Xu Miao. Xu Miao didn't care about these, but asked them if they saw Luo Tingyou coming in.

However, almost all the monks answered him in the negative. Xu Miao frowned. This was the only passage he saw. If Luo Tingyou didn't come here, where would he go?

The imprisoned monks left one after another, and there was no one in the passage except Xu Miao.The weirdest thing is that not only Luo Tingyou disappeared, but even Wen Pengpeng didn't see him.

Xu Miao felt as if he had stepped into a huge trap, and he didn't even know who set up the trap.

In the empty passage, the only sound left is the sound of boots stepping on the ground.Suddenly, Xu Miao turned around abruptly, and the Wu Ning Sword was unsheathed in an instant, pointing at the person coming.

"Who are you?" There was no emotion in Xu Miao's voice.

The visitor stretched out his finger with a smile, and moved the Wu Ning Sword away: "Dan Zong Ji Jiaming."

"You've been following me all this time, what's the matter?" Xu Miao became slightly less vigilant when she heard that the other party was a disciple of the Alchemy Sect.

He once promised Zhidan that if he met a disciple of the Danzong outside, he would take care of him for a while.But the premise of all this is that the other party will not have some undue thoughts.

"Of course it's survival. Those stupid monks can't escape at all. Only by following you, Xu Miao, can they leave this place."

"Do you know anything?" Xu Miao felt a faint sense of crisis in her heart since she came here, and this feeling became more and more obvious as time went by.

He was sure that this monk named Ji Jiaming knew some inside information, and the other party could directly call him by name, so he must have participated in the assessment ceremony.

"Xu Miao deserves to be Xu Miao. From just a few words, you can guess that this place is unusual." Ji Jiaming changed his casual expression just now, and said seriously, "That porcupine is just a puppet, and he is not the mastermind behind it."

"The real behind-the-scenes man is a late-Gold Core cultivator who failed to advance to Nascent Soul. The origin of this cultivator is very mysterious. After several investigations, I have no specific information. It is just a guess. It seems to be a disciple of those sects in Zhonglu."

While Ji Jiaming was describing the situation here, Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was in full swing, paying attention to the situation of the porcupine and a group of monks outside.

"This Golden Core cultivator has practiced a kind of magic art. He must suck the flesh and soul of human cultivators in order to heal his injuries and restore his cultivation."

"But he didn't dare to do these things blatantly, so he asked his monsters to do these things for him. Once discovered by the sect of the Western Continent's cultivation world, the Taoists can push everything to the porcupine. "

"How do you know these things?" Xu Miao didn't believe Ji Jiaming's statement. This statement was too sensational. He is not a fledgling monk, and many things cannot be listened to by the family.

Ji Jiaming carefully avoided the sharp edge of the Ningwu Sword and stepped aside.Although he is a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment, he is not good at fighting skills. Under the pressure of the Mist Sword, it is not easy for him to say such a long series of logical words.

Xu Miao didn't continue to point the fog sword at him, but lowered her right hand, and just kept attacking at all times.

"Because my master died at the hands of that bastard. In order to save me, master gave up self-destruct and sent me out of that bastard's cage."

(End of this chapter)

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