Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 194 Humanoid monster

Chapter 194 Humanoid monster
Speaking of this, Ji Jiaming's eye sockets were bloodshot, and evil spirit gradually emerged from him.

"I heard you asked someone about Luo Tingyou's whereabouts. It's very likely that he was caught by that bastard. Even if you turn this place upside down, you won't be able to find your friend."

Xu Miao would only believe Ji Jiaming's words if he saw the monk who practiced magic arts that Ji Jiaming said with his own eyes.

"Can you find that person?"

Ji Jiaming shook his head with a wry smile: "If I could find it, I wouldn't be here now."

The only one who knew where the monk was was probably the porcupine.If he pretended to be captured by a porcupine, he might be able to meet the monk and wait for an opportunity to rescue Luo Tingyou and the others.

The most powerful combat power in his hands is Qingjiao, but since Xilu returned to normal, bound by the laws of heaven and earth, Qingjiao has been unable to exert its strength.

If Qing Jiao is forced to take action, it will only invite Heavenly Tribulation, and Qing Jiao, who has not recovered from his injuries, will definitely not be able to survive the powerful attack of Heavenly Tribulation.

This was also the last time he met the red goral, a level six monster. Xu Miao could only choose to burn his lifespan to kill the red goral, instead of letting Qingjiao do it.

As for the Huntian Stone, although it incorporates the essence of the psychic grass, Xiaotian's strength has also been greatly enhanced when he advanced to the top-grade Houtian spiritual weapon, which is equivalent to a late-stage Jindan monk.

But Xiaotian's combat strength is almost nothing, and it cannot be compared with a real monk at all.Coupled with the fact that Xu Miao had Ji Jiaming by his side, it was simply not suitable for Xiaotian to appear.

After several considerations, Xu Miao decided to pretend to be defeated, first to see the mastermind behind the scenes, and then to talk about the others.

Xu Miao and Ji Jiaming retreated outside the passage, waiting for the porcupine to return.The corpses of monks are all over the ground, which shows the degree of tragedy.Not long after, the porcupine returned.

As soon as the porcupine saw Xu Miao, it wanted to rush up again.Xu Miao raised her hand to support Fu Yu's helmet, and protected Ji Jiaming behind her. Then she pretended that her spiritual power was exhausted, and the mask was broken, and retreated.

After Xu Miao played a few tricks with the porcupine intentionally, he fell to the ground together with Ji Jiaming.Xu Miao gambled a lot this time, and the bet was his life.

In case the porcupine lost its mind and forgot his master's orders under the rage, then even Xu Miao would not be able to escape from the porcupine's hand in the shortest distance.

Xu Miao closed her eyes tightly, even her spiritual consciousness was gathered in the sea of ​​consciousness, and she knew foreign affairs only with her senses.The porcupine walked in grunting, snorting fishy.

Fortunately, the porcupine hadn't forgotten his master's order. After arching Xu Miao with his fangs, he threw Xu Miao and Ji Jiaming on his back and opened the teleportation circle.

Feeling the fluctuation of the teleportation circle, Xu Miao quietly opened her eyes to observe the changes in the surrounding environment.The teleportation array will flash different lights and spiritual power fluctuations according to the distance.

According to the light of this teleportation array, it is speculated that it is a halfway teleportation array, and the transmission distance is at least close to hundreds of feet.The porcupine obviously couldn't master the teleportation array proficiently, and the discomfort caused by the space distortion was extremely serious.

When the discomfort from the teleportation disappeared, Xu Miao's eyes opened a crack.The spiritual consciousness of the monks in the later stage of Jindan is very strong, and if you extend your spiritual consciousness a little bit, you will be noticed.

On the contrary, if you look at it with your eyes, it will not attract attention.Xu Miao observes the surrounding environment through this gap. This place seems to be a small valley with singing birds and fragrant flowers. From the current point of view, it looks like a paradise.

The porcupine carried Xu Miao on its back, and Ji Jiaming and Ji Jiaming hadn't left for a long time before they heard a reprimand: "If you want to catch monks, why did you only catch these two!"

"Master, forgive me. I had already arrested a large group of monks, but I let them go." The porcupine blamed all the mistakes on Xu Miao, instead of killing them all in his anger. died.

The man snorted coldly: "It's really useless, why don't you send these two over here." Since the porcupine came here, Xu Miao obviously felt that the porcupine's body was trembling imperceptibly, presumably he was also afraid of that monk.

After Xu Miao and Ji Jiaming were thrown on the ground, the porcupine was ordered by the man to continue to arrest the monk, and was threatened to eat him to make up for it if he could not be caught again.

The porcupine picked up the teleportation array and left the place.Without the porcupine on his back, Xu Miao could only see the limited environment in front of him.

Xu Miao's small movements were not noticed by the monk who was in an extremely bad mood. Taking advantage of the fact that the other party didn't notice, Xu Miao turned her eyes carefully to look at the other side.

In the direction where her eyes turned, Xu Miao saw a female cultivator, trapped by a strange aura. Next to the female cultivator was Luo Tingyou, whom Xu Miao had never been able to find.

The front of Luo Tingyou's clothes were stained red with blood, his breath was disordered, his spiritual power was slackened, and he looked like he was going to die in the next second.

When Xu Miao was still thinking about how to rescue Luo Tingyou and the female cultivator, her body suddenly left the ground and flew towards the cultivator who had never shown her face.

As Xu Miao got closer to that person, the tyrannical evil spirit became more and more obvious.A bony hand suddenly appeared in front of Xu Miao's eyes, and at this moment, the Ningwu Sword was unsheathed instantly and flew towards that hand.

The cultivator obviously didn't expect that Xu Miao was still awake, and he opened his palm angrily, his overgrown nails were bent inward, making harsh sounds with the blade of the Mist Sword.

Xu Miao, who was in mid-air, twisted her waist vigorously to get rid of the opponent's shackles. She stretched her right hand forward to hold the Wu Ning Sword, and her feet fell on the ground.

Facing such an opponent, Xu Miao didn't dare to hold back the slightest bit, as soon as they met, it was the strongest move.The man intersected his hands to block the endless sword momentum of Ningwu Sword.

The spiritual power of the whole body surged and merged into the blade of the Ningwu Sword.Condensing Mist Sword, which contains dual attributes of wind and water, exudes biting coldness.Even Ji Jiaming, who was not the target of the attack, stood aside and needed to use his spiritual power to relieve the chill.

Xu Miao's spiritual power didn't stop, and it poured into the Mist Condensation Sword continuously.All the images in the dantian are mobilized, the blue sea is rough, and the westerly wind sweeps the waves, continuously absorbing the spiritual energy from the outside world to supplement its own consumption.

Fengshui dual spiritual roots, born with a sense of closeness to the aura of heaven and earth, at this time, under Xu Miao's intentional mobilization, they can enter the dantian unimpeded.

"Hahahaha, it's actually a physique with Fengshui dual spiritual roots. God help me." The monk who couldn't see his true face let out a loud laugh, and through the long hair scattered on his forehead, he could see a pair of green eyes .

"Boy, I advise you to capture it without your arms, so as not to suffer more pain when you seize the house." The monster came over and looked at Xu Miao like a commodity.As soon as Xu Miao condensed the fog sword, she was about to attack the opponent again.

"Ji Jiaming, you go and rescue Luo Tingyou and the other two, and I will defend you here." The purpose of Xu Miao's coming here is only to help Luo Tingyou, not to kill this monster.

With the Wu Ningjian accumulating sword momentum in his hand, the temperature around the sword body gradually dropped, and even formed a small wind and frost.As the wind and frost intensified, Xu Miao's whole body was in the sword posture created by the fog-condensing sword.

Xu Miao's figure was covered by wind and frost, so he couldn't see clearly, but he could clearly see the monster not far away.The monster suddenly opened its hand, and a violent and powerful devilish energy condensed in the hand.

This devilish energy had an absolute suppressive effect on his spiritual power, and Xu Miao felt that it was becoming difficult to absorb the spiritual energy at this moment.He couldn't let the opponent gain the upper hand, he had to break through this demonic energy.

From bottom to top, the Ningwu Sword swiped towards the monster with the mighty power of destroying heaven and earth.The cloak that had been covering the monster's figure was lifted by the gust of wind brought by the fog sword, and Xu Miao clearly saw a body that was not much different from a skeleton under the cloak.

In the chest part, something similar to a magic core is looming.To actually cultivate a magic core, this monster is really extraordinary.The magic core is the most important thing of a monster. Xu Miao turned the fog-condensing sword to attack the monster's magic core.

"It's delusional to want to attack the old man's magic core!" The monster saw through Xu Miao's thoughts, waved his hand, and covered his body with the cloak again.

Xu Miao sneered: "You are such a non-yin or yang thing, you dare to call yourself a magic core, who gave you the confidence, old monster!"

What that monster hates the most is being called a monster.He howled, the devilish energy in his hand gradually increased, and a wave of devilish energy suddenly left his hand and flew towards Xu Miao.

Xu Miao had an idea. After the first heaven and earth change, he had obtained the magic-killing water in a valley, but unfortunately, something happened later, and the magic-killing water lost its effect.

This time, it may be able to exert the effect of suppressing magic water.Take out a bowl of magic water from the Hunting Stone, and throw it out with a raised hand.The magic water collided with the monster's magic energy, making a sizzling sound, and the strange magic energy instantly turned into white air.

Xu Miao was overjoyed that the magic water was effective. Now that he had the magic weapon to restrain the opponent, he was not afraid that he would not be able to restrain the opponent.

"What is this thing that can dispel the old man's devilish energy!" The monster said angrily.

Holding the magic water in her hand, Xu Miao glanced at the other party with disdain: "You want to know?"

The monster looked at the magic water flying up and down in Xu Miao's hand, and nodded naturally.

"Then you can wait for the next life!" Before he finished speaking, Xu Miao sprinkled the magic-killing water in his hand on the monster.Yunlong jumped out, and Xu Miao quickly approached the monster.

A large amount of magic water was spilled as if money was not required.When any part of the monster's body is touched by the magic water, it will emit white gas, and at the same time, there will be a miserable scream from his mouth.

"Zhuzi! This old man will definitely kill you!" The monster still threatened Xu Miao at this time.

Xu Miao's expression froze, and she struck faster.At that time, just to be on the safe side, he stored a full pool of magic-killing water in the Hunting Stone.I originally thought that I would never find a chance to use it in the future, but I never thought that I would encounter a monk monster who became a monster today.

The demonic energy on the monster's body was gradually dissolved by the magic-suppressing water, and the strange parts of him also gradually dissipated.The overgrown nails became shorter, and the magic core on the chest gradually disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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