Chapter 195
The unique breath belonging to the monster has dissipated, but the body still looks like a dry bone.The magic energy disappeared, and that monster could no longer be called a monster.

The monk seemed to have exhausted his strength in an instant, his eyes half-opened, and he looked at Xu Miao without blinking.

"What is it that restrains your demonic energy?" At this time, the monk's voice seemed to be a different person.

Xu Miao didn't relax her vigilance, the Ningwu sword was half hanging, ready to attack at any time, but said indifferently: "Keep the magic water."

"Oh—is that so? It turns out that this is the magic-suppressing water." The monk took a deep breath, "You came here to save the two of them, right?"

Xu Miao nodded. Ji Jiaming was good at alchemy, but not good at formations. He hadn't broken the ban that the man arranged casually until now.

The ban was still filled with magic energy, so Xu Miao took out the magic water and easily broke the ban.

"Although you have lifted the ban, you still cannot leave this place." The monk calmly watched Xu Miao undo the ban.

Xu Miao didn't really believe this person's words. If he couldn't get out, how could the porcupine come and go freely, and how did the other party capture Luo Tingyou here.

Seeing that Xu Miao didn't believe it, the man continued to explain: "I didn't lie to you. I'm a cultivator from Zhonglu Huidao Sect. My name is Zhong Ruofei. During a trip, I got a book of exercises by chance."

"At that time, I was overjoyed to see Lie Xin, and started to practice that exercise. I didn't realize that the exercise was fake, but occupying a human body was true. My consciousness was clear, but I was always suppressed by another powerful divine consciousness. "

"Therefore, I can only look at that divine sense, use my body to lure monks, and devour the monks' flesh and soul to enhance their cultivation."


Zhong Ruofei narrated what happened to him, Xu Miao and the others were all surprised when they heard his words.According to Zhong Ruofei, his cultivation level at that time was in the middle stage of Golden Core, and such a cultivation base would be invaded by the spiritual consciousness in a book of exercises, and he could not resist it.

It is conceivable how powerful the divine consciousness hidden in the exercises is.

"It seems that I am the owner of the porcupine. In fact, there is a sleeping soul here, which will wake up from time to time. This soul is the owner of the porcupine and the guy who controls my body."

"The porcupine can come in and out freely, because the soul gave the porcupine a jade pendant with unlimited teleportation. I was able to capture Luo Tingyou, and it was through the power of the soul to open the transmission channel."

As calm as Xu Miao, he couldn't help being shocked when he heard that there was a powerful soul.According to what Zhong Ruofei said, the strength of this soul may have reached an unattainable level.

Zhong Ruofei is not his opponent, let alone a group of monks in the middle and late stages of foundation establishment.

"Is his awakening regular?" Xu Miao needs to know as much information about the soul as possible before the soul awakens.

Zhong Ruofei pondered for a moment, and said: "Every seven days, at midnight, the soul will wake up for an hour. At this time, he will absorb the power of the monk's flesh and soul that I have obtained."

"It has been seven days since he woke up last time, and he will wake up again at midnight tonight."

There is only a few hours of preparation time, and with Xu Miao's current means, he can only arrange some formations at most.A complex formation requires a lot of time and materials. He doesn't have enough materials and time, so he can't arrange it at all.

After balancing, Xu Miao set up a formation to hide the breath and spiritual power fluctuations, and gave everyone the magic-killing water.Since that soul will allow Zhong Ruofei to practice magic skills, then that soul must be filled with magic energy.As long as there is magic energy, he can restrain him.

After hastily preparing everything that could be prepared, the five of them sat in the formation that Xu Miao had arranged, quietly waiting for their souls to wake up.

As midnight approached, the tension in the air became more apparent.Zhong Ruofei's fear of the soul has penetrated into the bone marrow, the soul has not yet awakened, and his body has produced undetectable tremors.

Except for Xu Miao, only Luo Tingyou could remain calm.Both Ji Jiaming and Wen Pengpeng showed fear and tension that could not be concealed.

According to Zhong Ruofei's description, Xu Miao guessed that when the soul possessed a body, it was at least the cultivation base of the late Yuanying period.He will become a soul, and it is very likely that there will be a problem when he becomes a god.

Or, this person was originally a cultivator of transforming spirits, but because of certain things, he lost his body and continued to survive in the form of a soul through some kind of secret method.

Xu Miao didn't tell everyone about his guess. The atmosphere was already tense enough. If they knew that what they were about to face would be such a powerful existence, they probably didn't even have the courage to use their spiritual power.

Their strength is not strong enough, but that soul must also be in a severely damaged state, otherwise he would not need to obtain the monk's flesh and soul power through Zhong Ruofei.

Take another step back, even if they can't find a way to leave from the soul, as long as they survive for an hour, the soul must fall into a deep sleep again, and they will have seven days of rest to reconsider the method.

Xu Miao imagined all the situations, just waiting for the soul to wake up.

The flow of spiritual energy in the surroundings suddenly became abnormal, and the spiritual energy seemed to flow into a corner.Xu Miao discovered the abnormality of the spiritual energy immediately. He didn't use his consciousness, but just observed the situation with his eyes.

Using divine consciousness in front of a powerful soul will definitely be discovered in an instant, Xu Miao can't take this risk.He opened his eyes wide and stared at the place where the spiritual energy poured in.

The terrifying coercion gradually intensified with the influx of spiritual energy.Even after a long distance, Xu Miao was so oppressed by this coercion that she couldn't breathe.

He adjusted his body calmly to alleviate the negative effects of coercion.Everyone continued to keep silent, waiting for the soul to show a flaw.

The five people sat in the magic circle arranged by Xu Miao. As long as there was no obvious fluctuation of spiritual power, Xu Miao was confident that the soul would not notice anything abnormal.

The powerful spiritual consciousness swept over all the places over and over again. As the arranger of the magic circle, Xu Miao felt the power of the soul most intuitively and obviously.

That soul never found Zhong Ruofei's trace, he couldn't hold back, parted his soul, and came out to look for it.Zhong Ruofei is concerned with the power of flesh and soul that he can absorb this time, so he has to be anxious.

A mass of red and black intersecting human-shaped mist appeared in front of everyone's eyes. As long as they could capture this mist, there might be a way to get out of this place from this mass of souls.

Xu Miao and Zhong Ruofei looked at each other, and they left the magic circle first and rushed towards the human soul.The soul of Zhong Ruofei, who hadn't noticed it for a long time, finally found him. Unlike what the soul expected, there was another person beside him.

Moreover, Zhong Ruofei was completely different from the previous appearance, and he couldn't feel a trace of demonic energy all over his body.

"Zhong Ruofei, you can escape my control." This voice is exactly the same as Zhong Ruofei's voice when he was controlled before.

Zhong Ruofei collected his mind, concentrated his spiritual power, and struck at the human soul.The humanoid soul easily dodged Zhong Ruofei's attack, but the place where he hid was exactly where Xu Miao attacked.

The Fog Condensing Sword stabbed at the human soul with an unstoppable offensive. The Heaven and Earth Annihilation Art was running crazily, and the offensive of Chaos Heaven and Earth Extermination appeared in front of everyone with the wave of the Fog Condensing Sword.

The humanoid soul did not expect that the humble Foundation Establishment cultivator next to him would have such a high combat power.He hastily raised his hands, and the power of his soul collided head-on with the Wu Ning Wu sword with his magic energy.

Xu Miao held the Fog Condensing Sword tightly in her right hand, and continued to run the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue, while her left hand directly sprinkled the magic-killing water, heading straight for the human soul.After touching the magic water, part of the magic energy lingering in the soul immediately turned into white energy.

"Keep Magic Water!" The voice of the humanoid soul was startled and angry, almost unbelievable.

"Are you Xu Miao? Did you go to the Land of Trapped Demons?" After asking a series of questions, Xu Miao found the answer in this series of questions.

Xu Miao stared at the human soul: "Taoist Li Huan, so you are hiding here."

"What? He's a Taoist from the Illusion? A cultivator who transforms God from the West Land?"

"how is this possible?"

Xu Miao's words, like a thunderbolt, exploded on several people.These weird things all make sense, why is there only the soul left, why does he know how to cultivate magic energy, why he knows how to suppress magic water, and even knows how to trap magic land.

Judging from the current appearance of Taoist Li Huan, it was obvious that he was taught by other cultivators in the Western Continent.It is estimated that at the beginning, the other cultivators who transformed themselves wanted to kill Daoist Li Huan, but how can a cultivator who transforms spirits kill him easily.

Taoist Li Huan must have used some kind of secret method to escape the combined attack of the cultivators who transformed the spirit.It's just that although one life was left behind, the body was still destroyed under the attacks of other cultivators who transformed into spirits.

Through Zhong Ruofei, he devoured other monks in order to stabilize the spiritual power of the soul and re-cultivate the body.But when he saw Xu Miao's body, Taoist Li Huan had the idea of ​​taking it away.

It takes too long to cultivate the body by oneself, and it may not be successful.Occupy Xu Miao's body directly, and then kill other monks, and he can return to the realm of comprehension in a legitimate way.

With Xu Miao's identity, cultivation and advancement, no one will think of Taoist Li Huan again.It's just that Taoist Li Huan didn't expect that the expired magic-killing water would resume its function and destroy Zhong Ruofei's soul attached to him.

"Xu Miao, you ruined all my plans. Originally, the Xilu Cultivation Realm was something I had at my fingertips. It's all because of you. I have fallen to this point, and I must kill you!"

The voice of Taoist Li Hua became more and more hysterical, full of hatred and madness.Violent murderous aura erupted from the human soul, and Zhong Ruofei, who had a golden core cultivation base, was affected to take a step back.

"You have come to this point, it is your own fault, no one else. Since you hate me so much, then just come, I want to see, who can stand and live in the end."

(End of this chapter)

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