Chapter 197
Taoist Li Huan, who was attacked by magic water and talisman one after another, felt a palpitation for no reason when he sensed the Nirvana sword behind him.He is very clear that this Nirvana sword is only the level of acquired spiritual weapon, and he does not need to be afraid of it at all.

But this Nirvana sword carried an inexplicable and unexplainable terrifying aura, which made him, a cultivator who transformed himself into a god, a little afraid.Taoist Li Huan didn't realize that he had underestimated the little monk in front of him until this moment.

If Xu Miao is just an ordinary foundation-building monk, how can he deal with many Nascent Soul and Golden Core monks and gain their trust.

Among the monks, the most difficult thing to deliver is trust, intrigues, and two-faced swords have always been commonplace.He had heard other Huashen monks talk about it, whether it was Ji Xingdian or the high-ranking monks of Xihui Sect, they would all believe Xu Miao.

Even the Huoya who had made an agreement with him, I don't know what method Xu Miao used to make Huoya give up his alliance and join forces with the Xilu Cultivation World.

In the end, he was isolated and helpless, and was jointly attacked by several cultivators who turned into gods, and he fell into his current fate.Taoist Li Huan's mind turned extremely fast, and in just a few breaths after the appearance of Nirvana Sword, he thought of a series of things.

His magic core was restrained by Xu Miao's magic water, and he couldn't move, so he could only watch the Nirvana sword piercing his back.Fortunately, he is now in the state of a soul, no matter where the Nirvana sword penetrates, it will be the same.

The aura carried on this imitation Nirvana sword is a breath obtained from the real Nirvana sword, just to enhance the power of the Nirvana sword.

If this aura is forcibly extracted by Xu Miao to deal with Taoist Li Huan, I am afraid that if Taoist Li Huan is not killed by this aura, the Nirvana Sword will have lost its power and become a pile of scrap iron.

Xu Miao would not do such a loss-making business, he just wanted to scare Taoist Li Huan with the Nirvana Sword.As for Taoist Li Huan, when he realized that the terrifying aura contained in the Nirvana Sword would not affect him, the false magic core on his body had completely shattered.

Once the magic core is shattered, the magic energy will no longer have its origin, and the magic energy covering Taoist Li Huan's soul will also disappear.Without the protection of devil energy, Taoist Li Huan felt out of breath.

This feeling is not unfamiliar, it happened once when he first lost his body.He knew that this was the law of heaven and earth at work.

The soul cannot be exposed to the outside for a long time, otherwise it will overflow on its own in a short time, and there will be no more people in the world.He didn't have much time, so he had to occupy Xu Miao's body and destroy his mind in the shortest possible time.

The moment the powerful soul lost the protection of the devil energy, it pressed towards Xu Miao.Under the absolute disparity in strength, Xu Miao couldn't even move a finger.

At the moment when Taoist Li Huan's soul possessed him, the green flood dragon in the Hunting Stone also attached to Xu Miao's body.Only Qing Jiao has the chance to keep his body.

Previously, Xu Miao and Qing Jiao only relied on the coercion emanating from Taoist Li Huan's soul to guess his existing strength.But when Taoist Li Huan's soul really possessed him, Xu Miao fully understood that he had underestimated Taoist Li Huan.

He was plotting against Taoist Li Huan, and Taoist Li Huan wasn't plotting against him.Although Xu Miao has been careful and careful, the gap between him and Taoist Li Huan is more than cultivation.

Their age difference is too much, which also means that the things they have experienced are different.Many experiences, the mind is gained through life and death again and again.

Xu Miao was still too young after all, and as a monster, Qingjiao didn't have so many intrigues.After one person and one demon discovered the true strength of Taoist Li Huan, they immediately planned a brand new plan.

"Daoist Li Huan, don't you really want to take my body and walk in the world of cultivation?"

"... so what?" Taoist Li Huan hesitated for a moment before asking back.

"You send my friends away, and when I'm sure that the four of them are safe, I will annihilate the consciousness by myself." Taoist Li Huan's strength is too strong, it is impossible for Xu Miao to control his power to teleport Luo Tingyou and others.

The only condition he can propose is this body with Fengshui dual spiritual roots, and it is also for this reason that the Taoist of Lihuan chose his own body among the five.

"If not, I will explode myself immediately, and you will get nothing until the law of heaven and earth kills you." Xu Miao's tone was very calm, and it was heard by Taoist Li Huan, as if he didn't care about his own life or death at all.

The moment Taoist Li Huan attached Xu Miao's body, he also discovered that there was still a powerful force in Xu Miao's body, which he could not defeat in a short time.

"Why should I believe you?" Taoist Li Huan's tone softened.

Xu Miao chuckled, "You have to trust me. I am the only one who meets your requirements. If you agree, you have to agree, and if you don't agree, you have to agree."

One is loose and the other is strong, making it impossible to continue the negotiation.Daoist Li Huan was focused on two things, while trying to invade Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness and devour Xu Miao's consciousness, while thinking about the conditions he proposed.

Because of the existence of Qingjiao, Taoist Li Huan couldn't get close to Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness.What annoyed Taoist Li Huan even more was that every time he was in a game with that powerful force, when he was about to win, there was a roar of tigers.

The roar of the tiger carried an ancient aura. If he hadn't been determined, his soul would have dispersed on the spot.The roar of the tiger that caused Taoist Li Huan a headache was made by the little white tiger.

Divine beasts have an innate sense of oppression about the soul.If it wasn't for the fact that the level gap between the white tiger and Taoist Li Huan was too large, the white tiger's long howl would have knocked Taoist Li Huan out of his wits.

With the help of Bai Hu, Qing Jiao no longer had so much trouble resisting Taoist Li Huan.But the little white tiger's long howl could not last long, Xu Miao had to force Taoist Li Huan to give in while the white tiger was still howling.

"Will you give it away?" This sentence is no longer a simple discussion, but also a little oppressive.

Daoist Li Huan has lived for so long, and his cultivation has reached the stage of becoming a god. When did he ever hear the monk who established the foundation speak like this in front of him?He mobilized his soul and pressed towards Qing Jiao.

With the help of Bai Hu, Qing Jiao calmly dealt with the sudden change of Taoist Li Huan.Xu Miao had been guarding against his move for a long time: "The cultivator of Huashen is nothing more than that. By the way, I forgot that your current strength is probably only at the level of the Nascent Soul Stage."

"It's really overestimating you to say that you are a god-turning cultivator." The disdain and sarcasm in Xu Miao's words were conveyed to the soul of Taoist Li Huan.

Taoist Li Huan has been looked down upon since he stepped into the cultivation world.Even if he advances to the God Transformation, he is looked down upon by the God Transformation monks.He hated enough of these people who have always looked down on him, and he vowed not to be looked down upon again.

He tried his best and exhausted all means, and at this point, he was looked down upon by a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage.He was so angry that his whole soul was shaking, but he couldn't help Xu Miao.

Every sentence of Xu Miao has a deep meaning, one sentence after another, just to let Taoist Li Huan follow his presupposition.

"As long as your Excellency is willing to take a step back and send my friend away, it's just a body, and I will give it to you with both hands. At that time, senior will practice again and set foot on the highest peak in the cultivation world, and it will be the time for you to feel proud."

Xu Miao first stomped Taoist Li Huan to the ground, making him angry and lost his mind, and then said lightly, proposing the most favorable conditions, so that Taoist Li Huan had to be tempted.

Xu Miao used the four words "suppress first and then raise" with such proficiency that even the cultivators of Huashen used it.

Taoist Li Huan didn't speak for a while, he was thinking about what Xu Miao said.Qingjiao's strength is too strong, and with the roar of the tiger, if he has everything, he can occupy Xu Miao's body.

But this will also cause his vitality to be seriously injured. Even if he gets Xu Miao's body, he will still need to heal for a long time.The conditions proposed by Xu Miao really touched his heart. As long as he sent a few ants away, he could get a qualification that he never had.

"Yes, I can send the four of them away. Remember what you said just now. If you let me know and you want to go back on your word, you should know the consequences." Taoist Li Huan said sinisterly.

Xu Miao didn't care about the other party's tone at all, he only cared about whether Luo Tingyou and the others could leave smoothly.

"Then please cast a spell, senior." Xu Miao's body was restrained by the soul of Taoist Li Huan, and he couldn't even give Luo Tingyou a look. He only hoped that Zhong Ruofei would carry out the plan he had agreed on earlier.

Taoist Li Huan activated his soul power and prepared to send Luo Tingyou and the others away.The power of the soul restraining Xu Miao has been slightly weakened, and the teleportation array is gradually taking shape, and it is now!
Xiaotian's power suddenly joined, and Xu Miao's spiritual power merged into Qingjiao's power.Xu Miao didn't dare to put all her hopes on Taoist Li Huan.

Taoist Li Huan has a treacherous nature, so Xu Miao doesn't believe a word he says.He just wanted Taoist Li Huan to activate the teleportation circle on his own initiative so that he could do something here so that the four of them could leave smoothly and safely.

The sudden two forces were not enough to counter Taoist Li Huan, but they could defeat Taoist Li Huan's initial plan.Although Taoist Li Huan agreed to Xu Miao, he sent them away from this place.

But how could he let the four monks who might inform at any time leave, only the dead can keep all the secrets.When Taoist Li Huan agreed to Xu Miao, he had already planned to send them to die.

The teleportation array has been formed, but the destination is a mortal place, and no one can escape except the cultivator who transforms the spirit.Only in this way can he be completely at ease.

However, Xu Miao had long thought that Taoist Li Huan would do this, so he deliberately kept a hand.Taoist Li Huan was caught off guard by this move, and there was no time to correct the teleportation array that had been deviated by Xu Miao.

The light of the teleportation array flashed past, and the four of Luo Tingyou were teleported away.Xu Miao didn't know where the Taoist Li Huan would send them to, but it must be a place where there are ten deaths and no life.

Only when he deviates the destination of the teleportation array by a certain distance, will the four of them teleport to other places.

(End of this chapter)

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