Chapter 198
As for where the last four people will be teleported, Xu Miao can't predict.He has done his best, and the next step is to obey the destiny.

The unique light of the teleportation array gradually dissipated in the air, and Taoist Li Huan's soul power had nothing to hold back, and all of them were pushed into Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Xu Miao, since you dare to do anything under my nose, be prepared to bear the result." Taoist Li Huan saw the four people unable to die because of Xu Miao's meddling, and said to Xu Miao His hatred and jealousy deepened.

No one would believe it if he said it. He, a cultivator who transformed himself into a god, would be afraid of a cultivator in the foundation establishment period.If it wasn't for the loss of his strength, why would he be so angry.

Thinking of this, Taoist Li Huan kept urging the power of his soul to compete with the power of Qing Jiao.Xu Miao's body became a battlefield where four completely different forces collided in his body.

Soul, monster, weapon spirit, plus his own consciousness, Xu Miao's whole body seems to be crushed into pieces by several completely different forces.

He could barely control his spiritual consciousness to resist the soul of Taoist Li Huan.But even if his spiritual consciousness is far superior to that of the same level, it doesn't matter if he meets Taoist Li Huan, he has no power to resist.

He felt like he was a duckweed in the sea, rolling up and down with the waves, unable to control himself, but he still couldn't find a foothold.Xu Miao clenched her teeth tightly and kept the Lingtai clear.

Once he loses his sobriety, it means that he loses control over his body.His body is hair and skin, and he is subject to his parents. He must never give up his body to anyone.

Letting another person use one's own body is better than being dead.Compared with Qingjiao and Xiaotian, Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness is the weakest, but he is the master of his body, occupying the right time and place.

Xu Miao's familiarity with his own body is not comparable to anyone else's. Even Taoist Li Huan, a cultivator who transforms spirits, cannot control his body in such a short period of time.

The images in the dantian were completely suppressed. Although the blue sea in the past would not be rough, it would not be like a pool of stagnant water, losing all vitality like it is now.

In the center of the blue sea, the towering branches of the canyon tree look sluggish, and the leaves on the branches change from verdant green to withered yellow quickly, and keep this color unchanged.

This is a manifestation of the loss of spiritual nourishment of the object. If it continues, the scope of the blue sea will gradually shrink, and the green trees will also shrink.Seeing the situation in the dantian, Xu Miao felt bitter.

In his heart, he wanted to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, but the meridians were filled with four kinds of power, and there was no extra space to accommodate the aura.

Xu Miao looked at the blue sea, and he remembered that when he was constructing the image, one and a half laws of heaven and earth fell into the depths of the blue sea.No matter whether this one and a half laws of heaven and earth can restrain Taoist Lihuan, it is his only choice now.

He separated part of his consciousness and sank into the blue sea.Bihai, which has always been rich in spiritual energy, has lost most of its spiritual energy.Under the deliberate search of the divine consciousness, Xu Miao discovered the half-heaven and earth law.

I don't know what happened to the law of heaven and earth, one and a half merged into one, the length increased a lot, and the breath became more vast.Xu Miao carefully approached the laws of heaven and earth with her spiritual sense, and touched the laws.

Although this law was refined by himself, he never heard his own words.It all played a role without his knowledge, and after solving the problem, he returned to the bottom of the sea.

Only this time, Xu Miao couldn't lose consciousness no matter what, he couldn't take the risk.Under the touch of divine consciousness, the law of heaven and earth swayed its golden body and moved to the other side.

Xu Miao could even tell his mood from Law Law's movements.Is this law perfect?Xu Miao stared dumbfounded at the arrogant law of heaven and earth, unwilling to pay attention to divine consciousness.

If Xu Miao could move now, he would definitely raise his hands to cover his face.Disgusted by the laws of heaven and earth that he refined, he can find someone to reason with.

He persevered in touching the laws of heaven and earth with his spiritual sense, hoping to let this law of heaven and earth take action.Xu Miao also had no choice. After all, the little white tiger was too young to support the roar of the tiger for a long time.

Without the help of the divine beast, the three of them had a very difficult time dealing with Taoist Li Huan.Qing Jiao's injuries have not recovered. If his injuries worsen due to the confrontation with Taoist Li Huan, then only death is waiting for Xu Miao.

The divine consciousness kept sending out pleading signals, hoping to touch the law.However, this law of heaven and earth has no response from the beginning to the end.

Disappointed, Xu Miao's spiritual power was imprisoned, so she could only concentrate all her spiritual consciousness on dealing with Taoist Li Huan.The divine consciousness can only attack the divine consciousness, he controls the divine consciousness to find the divine consciousness in the soul.

Having never dealt with souls before, let alone where Taoist Li Huan hid his sea of ​​consciousness, Xu Miao could only carefully search for the other party's consciousness.

The power of Qingjiao and Xiaotian was concentrated to resist the power of the soul.Xiaotian was able to recover the lost spiritual power with the Huntian Stone, but Qingjiao could not recover his own magic energy with the spiritual power in the Huntian Stone.

Without the supplement of magic energy, Qing Jiao gradually fell into a disadvantage.Qingjiao was seriously injured in the first place, if Taoist Li Huan's injury was not serious, he might die if he met him face to face.

"Senior Qingjiao, it's okay, you can go back to the Hunting Stone." Xu Miao obviously felt that Qingjiao was at the end of his strength, and continuing to support it would only make the injury worse.

To Xu Miao's surprise, Qing Jiao didn't answer his words, nor did he return to the Huntian Stone.I don't know what kind of secret method he used, but his momentum strengthened again.

Even so, it was only a draw with Taoist Li Huan.Xu Miao was very anxious, he had promised Qing Jiao that he would be set free in the future, and that nothing would happen to Qing Jiao here.

A stern look flashed in Xu Miao's eyes, he didn't believe that divine sense would disregard his life or death.Since he signed the contract with Qing Jiao, he has never used the contract to order Qing Jiao to do anything.

Only this time, in order for Qing Jiao to survive, Xu Miao forced the contract to let Qing Jiao return to the Hunting Stone.And through the identity of the owner of the Huntian Stone, Xiaotian was also sent back to the Huntian Stone.

As the master, Xu Miao has the right to seal the Huntian Stone, so that Qi Ling cannot come in and out freely.At the moment of sending the demon spirit back to the Hunting Stone, Xu Miao closed the entrance and exit of the Hunting Stone.

If Xu Miao did not take the initiative to open it, this channel will be opened again in 1000 years. After 1000 years, Xu Miao believed that Taoist Li Huan must have died.

Almost at the same moment, Qing Jiao's furious voice rang in his ears: "Xu Miao! Do you know what you are doing! You are dying!"

Xu Miao didn't answer Qing Jiao's words, and he didn't have the extra energy to answer Qing Jiao's words.Without Qingjiao and Xiaotian, all the soul power of Taoist Li Huan is borne by him alone.

He clenched his teeth so hard that his gums bled.Under the intense soul collision, Xu Miao's sanity was almost on the verge of collapse.

Xu Miao opened her eyes wide and bit the tip of her tongue fiercely. The bloody smell suddenly spread in her mouth, calling back her lax mind.His sea of ​​consciousness was invaded by the consciousness of Taoist Li Huan, there is no comparison between the two.

Taoist Li Huan's consciousness is chasing Xu Miao's consciousness, as long as Taoist Li Huan's consciousness successfully swallows Xu Miao's consciousness, then Xu Miao will completely disappear from the cultivation world at that moment.

He tried his best to control his spiritual consciousness, avoiding the engulfment of Taoist Li Huan.Xu Miao had experienced seizing a house before, and the target was a seriously injured foundation-building cultivator. Speaking of which, if it weren't for that person, Xu Miao would not have such attainments in formations as today.

After all, there is only a big gap between the Qi refining period and the foundation building period, and Xu Miao can still resist.But today, the foundation-building monks and the god-transforming monks, the former are like ants, and the latter are like giant elephants.

Such a big gap, even if Xu Miao tried his best, he couldn't bridge it.Feeling death again, this feeling is no stranger, since he stepped into the realm of comprehension, he has been close to death countless times.

But every time, he turned the danger into a breeze, no matter how big the crisis was, he could avoid it, and he stumbled to the present.Xu Miao was unwilling to give up even in the face of the cultivator of Huashen.

He has gone through so much suffering, he hasn't even formed an alchemy, and he hasn't visited other continents to have a look, and he has only refined his natal magic weapon. How could he be willing to die so aggrieved.

The magic weapon of fate?Xu Miao had a flash of inspiration, the natal magic weapon had always been contained in the dantian, but before that, his attention was all on the law of heaven and earth at the bottom of the sea, and he ignored the fog-condensing sword.

As a natal magic weapon, the biggest difference from other magic weapons is that it can attack inside the body and kill everything that is not good for its master.

Xu Miao mobilized the Condensing Fog Sword in his dantian, Xu Miao's body was Xu Miao's body after all, Taoist Li Huan would never know what he wanted to do in his body.

The Ningwu Sword suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, slashing at Taoist Li Huan's consciousness with endless power.The natal magic weapon is the same as the mind of the monk, as long as Xu Miao has a thought, he can move the sword at will.

Xu Miao controlled Wu Ningjian to attack Taoist Li Huan non-stop. Taoist Li Huan didn't expect Xu Miao's move, so he could only spare part of his consciousness to trap Ning Wu Sword.

The Ningwu sword, which was trapped by a mass of spiritual consciousness, could not break through the spiritual consciousness of Taoist Li Huan even if it slid left and right.Xu Miao controlled two divine senses at the same time, and fiercely attacked the divine sense that trapped the Wu Ningjian.

"Xu Miao, you are quite courageous. Under such circumstances, you still dare to take the initiative to attack my consciousness."

"Hmph—I've always been courageous, it's just that you are ignorant." Xu Miao once again threatened Taoist Li Huan with self-explosion, "If you continue, I will definitely self-explosion, and then you will wait to be killed." Let the heavens eradicate it."

Taoist Li Huan thought of something, and smiled sinisterly: "I'm afraid you won't be able to blow yourself up anymore."

When Xu Miao heard this, she realized that the images in her dantian were all trapped by the chains made by spiritual power.

(End of this chapter)

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