Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 203 Defeating Liang Feng

Chapter 203 Defeating Liang Feng
The real roar of a tiger has a deterrent effect on the monk's mind. If it encounters an adult white tiger, Xu Miao's little white tiger will definitely not be able to withstand the roar of a tiger.

It's just that Liang Feng's incomplete white tiger's divine sense was greatly weakened, so Xu Miao was able to use the real white tiger to resist the roar of the tiger.

As soon as Liang Feng's roar came out, some nearby monks who were not strong enough fell to the ground with their heads in their hands.

The roar of the white tiger can delineate the attack range, but Liang Feng doesn't know this method, so Xu Miao has not been affected by the roar of the tiger, but the monks watching have already been affected.

While resisting the roar of the tiger, Xu Miao stretched out her other hand to clamp Liang Feng's.Both hands were imprisoned by Xu Miao, and Liang Feng's whole body was full of spiritual power, trying to shake off Xu Miao's hand with force.

However, Xu Miao's hand was like a soldering iron, firmly controlling him, preventing Liang Feng from moving the slightest bit.Liang Feng is no different from a tiger now, and has lost his way of thinking as a monk.

His forelimbs were trapped, he didn't choose to call out the magic weapon, but directly opened his mouth to bite Xu Miao.Liang Feng lost his sanity and didn't know how to think, but Xu Miao was a monk who was not affected by any spiritual thoughts.

Xu Miao held Liang Feng's wrist, leaned back, avoided the fangs in Liang Feng's mouth, raised one foot, and kicked directly at Liang Feng's abdominal dantian.

Xu Miao's kick showed no mercy, and all the spiritual power that could be mobilized was gathered in it.The beastly Liang Feng was kicked until he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his spiritual power surged.

Even at this moment, Xu Miao did not let go of the hands that grabbed Liang Feng's wrist.After kicking with one kick, Lingli immediately turned to the other foot, and Xu Miao kicked hard at the injured dantian again.

Although Liang Feng was controlled by the white tiger's divine sense at this time, he knew he had to avoid this kick.He kicked his feet down hard, trying to get off the ground with his body to avoid Xu Miao's attack.

How could Xu Miao let Liang Feng get what he wanted? He pulled down hard with both hands, directly making Liang Feng face down and eat shit like a dog.Xu Miao threw her elbow down and slammed into Liang Feng's back.

The pain caused Liang Feng to let out a roar instinctively, and several monks were affected.

From the increase of Liang Feng's momentum, to his transformation, to the subsequent confrontation, Xu Miao always controlled the rhythm of the battle and gained the upper hand.The monks who had vowed that Xu Miao would die at the hands of Liang Feng were dumbfounded.

Xu Miao never showed a terrifying aura like Liang Feng from the beginning to the end, but it was Xu Miao who pressed and beat Liang Feng over and over again.

Liang Feng struggled to get up from the ground, and rushed towards Xu Miao again.Xu Miao has faced monks higher than his cultivation level more than once, and he is very familiar with fighting beyond the ranks.

If it wasn't for the fact that too many people were looking at him, Xu Miao would have taken out the Nirvana Sword directly, and borrowed the power of Taoist Li Huan to cut Liang Feng under the sword.

But now he could only use Xiaobai's strength to deal with Liang Feng with his hands tied. Thinking of this, Xu Miao's face darkened, and she punched Liang Feng in the face who was rushing towards him.

This punch contained the real white tiger's original power, and it directly knocked the fangs in Liang Feng's mouth to the ground.Xu Miao raised her hand and threw the fangs on the ground towards Liang Feng's face. After the fangs hit Liang Feng's face, a bloodstain was drawn.

Xu Miao can be sure that Liang Feng has completely lost his sanity and is controlled by the white tiger's mind.Due to the passage of too long, the white tiger's spiritual sense also lost his mind, leaving only the instinct of fighting.

What Xu Miao is facing now is a fighting machine that doesn't know how to get tired.Unless Xu Miao kills him, he will keep attacking Xu Miao non-stop.

A trace of killing intent flashed across his face, and while Liang Feng was still roaring, Xu Miao struck decisively.He grabbed Liang Feng's neck with one hand and threw him to the ground forcefully.

Xu Miao has no interest in beating a mindless fighting machine. He wants to destroy this divine beast.Xu Miao felt refreshed after Liang Feng woke up and saw the fighting situation.

He grabbed Liang Feng's neck again, this time he didn't throw Liang Feng directly on the ground, but kept Liang Feng on the same level as him.

All of Xu Miao's consciousness poured out into Liang Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.He wanted to take the divine sense in Liang Feng's body as his own, help the little white tiger advance, and restore Liang Feng's sobriety by the way.

With the help of the little white tiger's original power, Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness successfully found the spiritual thought entrenched in Liang Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. The ancient and vastness is the feeling that the spiritual thought gave Xu Miao.

It didn't take much effort for Xu Miao to subdue this divine sense.The original power among the same kind, coupled with the fact that the little white tiger is in its infancy, the divine sense is willing to stay with the little white tiger spontaneously.

Under the influence of the little white tiger, his divine sense left Liang Feng's sea of ​​consciousness and entered the Huntian Stone.Liang Feng, who lost the white tiger's divine sense, suddenly lost all his power.

Because of the animalization of the divine mind, the body returned to its original shape and changed back to the appearance of a monk.Whether it was the hair, fangs, or nails that belonged to the mythical white tiger, they all disappeared in an instant, as if they had never appeared before.

Although Xu Miao took away the white tiger's spiritual sense in the shortest time, the damage to Liang Feng had already been caused by the divine mind, and almost all of his cultivation potential had been stimulated.

As a result, Liang Feng lying on the ground was weak and his spiritual power was dry, like an old man on the verge of decay.The little white tiger who received the white tiger's spiritual thoughts happily absorbed and assimilated the spiritual thoughts.

When the little white tiger completely merges with this divine sense, it will be the time for the little white tiger to advance.Xu Miao put the little white tiger in the place with the most spiritual power in the Huntian Stone, told Xiaotian to pay attention to his situation at all times, and then focused on Liang Feng.

Liang Feng's body was hollowed out by the Divine Beast's divine sense, and he was lying half dead on the ground after exhausting his spiritual energy.When he fully regained consciousness, he realized what had just happened.

He turned his head with difficulty to look at Fan Jiyuan, who had an ugly face, and Fan Jiyuan looked at Liang Feng indifferently for a moment, then looked away.Liang Feng's heart was cold, he knew that he was useless.

Only Liang Kuan knew about the white tiger's divine sense, and he also asked Liang Kuan not to tell anyone else in the sect.Judging from the current situation, Liang Kuan probably sold him in a hurry.

He also foolishly came to Heqing Valley, reporting the idea of ​​venting his anger for Liang Kuan, but he didn't expect that from the beginning to the end, he was just a pawn.He became the core disciple of Zhuo Li Pavilion, but he was still regarded as an abandoned child by the sect.

At this moment, he had a deep resentment towards the sect, and he looked at Fan Jiyuan with hatred in his eyes.But he quickly lowered his eyes and hid his emotions.

"Liang Feng." Xu Miao squatted down, "Isn't it very rampant and arrogant before? How does it feel to be abandoned by the sect?" Xu Miao's voice was full of ridicule and ridicule.

Faced with Xu Miao's ridicule, Liang Feng was speechless.He thought he was the core disciple of the sect, and the sect would definitely try their best to protect him, but he didn't expect that it was all his own wishful thinking.

"Hmph—don't be dying there, just give me the 1 yuan mid-grade spirit stone." Xu Miao spread her palm and stretched it out in front of Liang Feng's eyes.

Liang Feng took out a storage ring: "There are 1 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones in it. As for my life, you can take it now." Liang Feng was abandoned by the sect, and he was completely disheartened.

"What I promise you is 1 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones, and one of your arms. The rest has nothing to do with you, and you don't need to take it to heart." Xu Miao lightly let go of her life bet.

Liang Feng looked at Xu Miao in disbelief: "Why? Why didn't you kill me?"

"There is an injustice and a debt. You didn't bring it up with your heart. You don't need to be responsible. As for the rest, I will get it back in the future. Don't you think so, Fellow Daoist Fan?"

Fan Jiyuan expected that Xu Miao knew about Liang Feng's change because he had done something wrong, but he didn't expect Xu Miao to dare to speak directly in front of everyone.

Before Fan Jiyuan could figure out how to answer, Xu Miao had already turned around.

"Liang Feng, stand up, you still need an arm from me." Xu Miao said coldly.

Liang Feng's heart was complicated at the moment, he came to Heqinggu to find fault.Xu Miao was obviously also angry with his behavior, and could have killed him with this, but Liang Feng couldn't figure out why he should be spared.

Xu Miao glanced at Liang Feng's expression and knew what he was thinking.He really wanted to kill Liang Feng, but even if Liang Feng didn't die now, it wouldn't be too smooth.

If Liang Feng could not survive this catastrophe in the end, and he died, it would only make Liang Feng suffer more.If Liang Feng can survive this catastrophe by luck, then Xu Miao will become Liang Feng's savior.

At that time, Liang Feng will only become his friend instead of his enemy, and he can also add obstacles to Zhuo Li Pavilion, so why not do it.But Xu Miao didn't want to tell Liang Feng the reason, he wanted Liang Feng to be confused forever.

"If you lose a competition, you will die, if you don't stand up!"

Even though his spiritual power was exhausted, Liang Feng still gritted his teeth and stood unsteadily in front of Xu Miao.The Ningwu Sword appeared out of nowhere, and Xu Miao raised his hand to strike the sword. Liang Feng's left hand was chopped off and fell to the ground.

Liang Feng's already pale face completely lost all blood. With the help of the icy power of the Wu Ningjian, the broken arm did not bleed.Liang Feng bent down slowly, picked up his arm, turned and left without looking back.

After Liang Feng left, Zhuoli Pavilion couldn't continue to stay with a brazen face, but Xu Miao still underestimated Fan Jiyuan's thick skin.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, I originally wanted to celebrate your alchemy, but I didn't expect that the disciples in the sect, big or small, would cause you trouble. After I return to the Zhuoli Pavilion, I will immediately report to the head of the Zhuoli Pavilion and expel Liang Feng from the Zhuoli Pavilion! "

These words did not arouse the admiration of the other monks, but only attracted a veiled hiss.When Liang Feng was suppressing He Qinggu, your smile was more dazzling than anyone else's, but now you turn your back and deny anyone.

I have never seen such a brazen person, what a shame!Every monk complained in their hearts.

"Senior Fan's behavior is really an example for the cultivation world of Westland, and it can be a model for my generation." Xu Miao said with a half-smile.

(End of this chapter)

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