Chapter 204
Even Fan Jiyuan's cheeky face couldn't bear Xu Miao's ridicule, and his perfectly curved smile suddenly became stiff.Obviously his cultivation base is higher than Xu Miao's, but under Xu Miao's eyes, there is nothing to hide.

Fan Jiyuan found another reason, and left Heqing Valley with the other monks from Zhuoli Pavilion.Different from the majestic appearance when they came, their backs were full of embarrassment.

The provocation of Zhuoli Pavilion was announced, and Ye Qiguang's alchemy ceremony continued.Without the hindrance of someone with a heart, the alchemy ceremony came to a successful conclusion.

Many monks from large sects will come to Heqing Valley to celebrate, all for Xu Miao's face.When they were about to leave, Xu Miao was also by Ye Qiguang's side.

"Xu Miao, you are becoming more and more like everyone. You can let a monk like Liang Feng go away." Bai Yan said.

Xu Miao just smiled and didn't speak.

"In half a year, there will be a big competition for outstanding disciples from all sects in Xilu. This is an invitation letter." The big competition is a holy war for monks in Xilu. Countless talented monks have become famous in the big competition.

For the sake of fairness, all monks can participate, no matter if they are casual cultivators, family monks, sect disciples, big sects or small sects, regardless of their origin.

The monks who perform well will be favored by some big shots, and they will be paid under the sect, and they will also get the opportunity to travel to other continents.Even if there is no invitation letter from Bai Yan, He Qinggu can still send disciples to participate.

It's just that because He Qinggu is an extremely small sect, the number of disciples participating is limited, and each major realm allows one monk to participate, that is, one monk can participate in Qi refining, foundation building, and Jindan.

Xu Miao's current cultivation base in the late stage of foundation establishment will definitely be the best candidate for He Qinggu to participate in the grand competition, and other monks will no longer have the possibility to participate in the grand competition.

With the invitation letter presented by Bai Yan, Xu Miao, as a specially invited monk, will not take up He Qinggu's quota for participating in the examination.Holding the gold-plated invitation letter, Xu Miao said gratefully: "Senior Bai, you helped He Qinggu solve a big problem."

Xu Miao's white hair was extremely dazzling among the black-haired monks. Bai Yan's eyes fell on the white hair and said: "Xu Miao, although I am not familiar with him, I also know his character. , very stubborn!"

"I will draw the attention of other friends and find another longevity pill for you." The fact that Zhidan gave the medicine was a secret between Xu Miao and Zhidan, and no third party knew about it.

Xu Miao was grateful for Bai Yan's kindness, and only said that she had found the life-extending pill elsewhere, and she revealed the matter.The monks accompanying He Qinggu and the monks brought by Bai Yan turned pale with shock when they heard Bai Yan's words.

They only knew that Bai Yan appreciated Xu Miao, but they didn't expect that he would work so hard for Xu Miao. This was completely beyond the care of ordinary high-level monks to low-level monks, and it was more like a master's care for his disciples.

Bai Yan ignored the astonishment of the other monks, and patted Xu Miao on the shoulder: "I'll wait for you in the big competition." After speaking, he left with the monks from Ji Xingdian.

After sending away all the monks, Xu Miao handed over the spirit stone obtained from Liang Feng to the head master Zhou Ruxiang.Zhou Ruxiang's expression was complicated, Xu Miao's cultivation level was already the same as his, and now he is even more famous in the Western Continent.

But Xu Miao treated Zhou Ruxiang as if he was a monk in the Qi refining period, without any disrespect.It is He Qinggu's honor to have such a disciple in He Qinggu.

Whether it's the exact news or some rumors, Zhou Ruxiang has heard that many high-level monks have taken a fancy to Xu Miao and want to take Xu Miao into his sect.

He Qinggu's sect background, as the sect leader, he knows better than anyone else.The current He Qinggu can no longer help Xu Miao too much, and instead needs Xu Miao to take care of the sect.

Therefore, in front of many disciples, he revealed the results of his discussions with Luo Guan, the ancestor of Jindan, Ye Qiguang and others a few days ago: "Xu Miao, I know that there are many sects who want you to switch to their sect."

"If you can achieve better development, we will not blame you. You are the most talented disciple of our He Qinggu for thousands of years. I don't want you to hinder your development because you care about He Qinggu."

Zhou Ruxiang's words were obviously well thought out, completely from Xu Miao's point of view.There is no sect that does not want to retain outstanding disciples, which is also extremely important for the future development of the sect.

Ye Qiguang saw that Xu Miao was silent, so he took Zhou Ruxiang's words: "I didn't think carefully about holding the alchemy. If I knew it earlier, I would definitely send a letter to you and let you worship under him."

Xu Miao never thought that the sect would treat him like this. He suppressed the enthusiasm in his heart and looked at the master and elders who had watched him grow up in front of him.

"Next time, I will definitely think about it carefully, Master, don't worry." Having said this, everyone couldn't say anything more, so they had to disperse.

Xu Miao knew that Ye Qiguang was worried about his physical condition, and the remaining life of a monk could not fool anyone.He made a special trip to Ye Qiguang's cave, and told Ye Qiguang about the 60-year-life elixir given to him by Zhidan.

Although Ye Qiguang didn't know Xu Miao's plan, he felt relieved when he saw the pill in Xu Miao's hand.He only asked Xu Miao not to tell others about this matter, so he let Xu Miao leave and prepare for the West Continent Competition half a year later.

It is said that it will be held half a year later, but in fact, He Qinggu is very far away from the Dabi Peak where the Western Continent Competition is held, and there is a certain distance where the teleportation array has not been set up, so monks must go there by themselves.

Therefore, everyone in He Qinggu had to set off one month in advance in order to arrive at Dabi Peak before the start of the big competition.Xu Miao estimated the time. It is impossible for his cultivation to improve within a few months. All he can prepare are talismans and exercises.

All the talismans were used up when facing Taoist Li Huan and dealing with him.Xu Miao made a special trip to Fangshi to purchase materials for drawing talisman seals, and made hundreds of talisman seals before stopping.

He put all the swordsmanship jade slips on the table and looked at them one by one.It was given by He Qinggu, as well as the Jade Slips of Cultivation Technique obtained by killing other monks.

However, none of the jade slips that can be carried around have particularly good skills.He has seen quite a few jade slips, most of them are yellow-level and low-level mysterious exercises.

Xu Miao picked up the last jade slip of swordsmanship without any expectations, and suddenly his eyes lit up, Liuying swordsmanship, a mysterious top-grade skill.

The Xuan-level high-grade kung fu is already a good swordsmanship for a monk in the foundation establishment period.It's just that Xu Miao's level has been improved by a bunch of high-level exercises. Even if she sees the mysterious top-grade exercises, she will not be too excited.

What really caught his attention was the mention of sword intent in Liuying Sword Art.The artistic conception that Xu Miao has seen is only Liang Kuan's fisting intent, and being able to practice punching intent during the foundation building period is also one of the reasons why Lin Zhijian took a fancy to him.

A monk with a certain artistic conception will have a lot of advantages in fighting skills.If the two parties are using the same type of magic weapon, then the party with the artistic conception will have a suppressive effect on the other party, and even be able to fight across the ranks.

This is also the reason why sword cultivators are good at fighting across the ranks. A monk who specializes in swordsmanship can crush excellent disciples of the same rank once he cultivates sword intent.

As long as you don't meet a monstrous monk like Xu Miao, there is no possibility of failure.Xu Miao is now fascinated by the sword intent. Most of his natal magic weapon and the skills he cultivates are related to the sword.

However, because the aspects he dabbled in were too complicated, and the cultivation method focused on Dharma cultivation rather than sword cultivation, so he did not move closer to the specialization in the way of swordsmanship, and he never showed sword intent.

On the jade slip in his hand, Liuying Sword Art mentioned that in order to cultivate the sword intent, it is not necessary to combine the cultivation technique with the sword cultivation, as long as there is a sword in the heart, and the human sword is one, the sword intent will naturally be cultivated.

When Xu Miao saw this, she just wanted to scold the monk who wrote the jade slip of this exercise.Everyone knows that to practice sword intent, you need to do this, and if you say it, you don't say it.

He held back his temper and continued to read. When he finished reading the contents of the jade slip, he put down the jade slip, with a flickering expression on his face.The method of cultivating sword intent mentioned in the Jade Slip is to return to the basics, give up all complicated sword techniques, and choose the simplest skills.

All the moves of Liuying Sword Art are the simplest and most basic of the nine sword moves: picking, stabbing, chopping, pulling, piercing, lifting, chopping, sweeping, and hugging.

Every kind of sword move has been practiced tens of thousands of times, even if you can't cultivate the sword intent, you can still touch the edge of the sword intent.Complex to simple, this set of swordsmanship does have his unique features.

Xu Miao memorized all the nine basic sword moves in her heart, and as usual, she came to the Tongqing River to practice sword skills.

The Tongqing River was originally sparsely populated, but since everyone knew that Xu Miao liked to practice here, many monks would go to the river to practice.

There are more monks coming, and more exchanges have become, but the young disciples have gained a lot.Xu Miao was a little surprised to see so many people suddenly by the Tongqing River.

But he came here to practice swordsmanship, and the rest has nothing to do with him.Xu Miao walked to a slightly spacious place, took out the fog sword and began to practice the first move: pick.

Xu Miao stood upright with her sword upright, her straight body was like a thousand-year-old pine tree, which would not bend despite the wind and rain.The tip of the sword goes from bottom to top, the force reaches the tip of the sword, and the arm and the body of the sword form a straight line.

Practicing this sword move, Xu Miao sealed off all her spiritual power, treating herself as a mortal without any spiritual power, just to practice picking a sword.

Relying on his understanding of picking the sword, he repeated picking the sword over and over again, with the tip of the sword going down to the top, the force reaching the tip, and the sword with his arms in a line.

The monks who were not far from Xu Miao saw Xu Miao practicing the same move repeatedly without the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power. They were puzzled, but they didn't dare to interrupt at will, they could only discuss in a low voice.

"What is Uncle Xu Miao practicing? Why is he like those mortals?"

"That's right, and it's the same move after practice. Uncle Xu Miao has practiced it for at least three hours."

(End of this chapter)

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