Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 205 Sword Qi

Chapter 205 Sword Qi
Xu Miao's mind was completely immersed in the sword moves, without any spiritual power added to her body, she practiced the same move frequently, quickly, and standardly, and she was able to do it with ease at first, but after a thousand times, she could obviously feel the fatigue of her muscles.

From drawing the sword to withdrawing the sword, every movement is meticulous, and he will not practice for the sake of completing thousands of exercises.Xu Miao's body has been tempered by the aura of heaven and earth for many times, and its tolerance and toughness are not at an ordinary level.

However, the continuous waving of sword moves made him feel deeply tired.Xu Miao adjusted her breathing and opened the pores of her body to absorb the oxygen from the outside world.

It's funny to say that the monk opened his pores in order to absorb more aura.Xu Miao did the opposite, using it to absorb oxygen to increase the energy in the body.

Unknowingly, Xu Miao forgot about her physical fatigue, and her eyes were filled with the sword in her hand.To be precise, the sword in his hand seemed to become a part of his body, and he swung it like an arm.

The Taoist robe on his body seemed to be lifted out of the water, completely wet with sweat, showing different colors under the scorching sun.

"Uncle Xu has been practicing non-stop for a whole day, and I have never seen him stop."

"The most frightening thing is that he didn't use his spiritual power at all, and all relied on the strength of his body muscles."

"No wonder Master Xu was able to defeat the disciples of Zhuo Li Pavilion, but I can only watch from the side." A monk looked at Xu Miao enviously.

At this time, Xu Miao restrained her spiritual power and spiritual consciousness, and completely regarded herself as a mortal, so he couldn't hear a word of the discussions of the disciples next to him.

All he could hear was the whistling sound of the fog-condensing sword being swung, as well as the fast beating heart.This time, his movements suddenly slowed down, and the traces of the sword slowly moved across the air.

At that moment, Xu Miao closed her eyes and felt the sword move with her heart.The starting momentum of picking up the sword, and the rising momentum are clearly displayed in his mind.

The Wu Ning Sword suddenly stopped, and the tip of the sword pointed to the endlessly flowing Tongqing River.Xu Miao was recalling the sword just now, obviously did not use any spiritual power, but Xu Miao felt infinite power in that sword.

In an instant, all the spiritual power in the body was activated, and all the powerful spiritual power poured into the fog-condensing sword.The tip of the sword went from bottom to top, and the spiritual power rushed to the position pointed by the tip of the sword, causing a splash of water.

The monks nearby stared dumbfounded at the power of this sword move. It was obviously just the most common move. Looking left and right, they could only judge that it was the simplest sword move without any skill.

As long as Xu Miao practiced, they watched it for as long as possible.Even if they display it, they can be guaranteed to do exactly the same.They thought this way, and they did so. When the spiritual power was displayed, the difference in power between the two was dozens of times.

Xu Miao stared at the large water spray caused by the sword. He raised his head and felt the water splash on his face.The move just now didn't feel right, the power was great in the eyes of outsiders, but the power was not caused by sword moves, but by spiritual power.

He raised the fog-condensing sword in his hand, the blue sword body reflected the water vapor, and it became more and more dusty in the sun.Xu Miao put away the Wu Condensing Sword and found an ordinary iron sword from the Huntian Stone.

The magic weapon grade of the iron sword is only the low-grade treasure weapon, which is the lowest grade of magic weapon.Xu Miao held the iron sword, continued to face Tong Qinghe, and practiced picking the sword.

No one knew exactly what Xu Miao was practicing, they just looked at Xu Miao and his sword practice posture with admiration.

Xu Miao continued to restrain her spiritual power, without the special light of the fog-condensing sword, as the sun set, the iron sword and Xu Miao merged with the darkness.

His eyes were closed tightly, and he felt the difference of each sword quietly.The tip of the sword hangs down, from bottom to top, the force reaches the tip of the sword, and the arm and the tip of the sword form a straight line.At this moment, the iron sword is no longer an iron sword, but a part of the arm.

The arm is straight, and the point of the sword tip is where the arm reaches.The power merged into the tip of the sword again, and the iron sword was raised upwards, and a crisp sound appeared in the quiet night.

Xu Miao didn't immediately check the scene caused by the noise just now, he lowered his arm, and raised the tip of the sword again according to the posture just now.The crisp sound appeared again, Xu Miao raised her eyebrows and took out the night pearl.

The unique light belonging to the luminous pearl illuminates the dark night.On the boulder not far away, two obvious scratches appeared on the surface of the boulder.

This is a scratch that can only be produced by sword energy, which means that the sword move just now has produced sword energy.Sword Qi is a necessary condition for the generation of Sword Intent. If Sword Qi cannot be generated, Sword Intent does not have to be wishful thinking.

Pressing your fingers on the scratches made by the sword energy, the sword energy has completely dissipated, leaving only cold shallow scratches.A truly powerful sword energy will leave deep marks, and the sword intent left in it will last for a long time. That is the highest state that all sword repairers pursue.

After tens of thousands of times of sword lifting practice, Xu Miao barely touched the edge of the sword energy.It's no wonder that the number of sword cultivators is the fewest in the cultivation world. The ability to go far in the way of the sword is inseparable from the monk's Taoism, talent, and persistence.

Xu Miao was not satisfied with the generation of sword energy, and he was still a thousand miles away from the appearance of sword energy.Within five months, he must ensure that every move can produce sword energy generated by sword moves, not sword energy stimulated by spiritual power.

With the boulder, Xu Miao sat cross-legged to recover her energy.He didn't use spiritual power to recover, and the effect of spiritual power was excellent, but it would also affect his comprehension of the sword.

A sword is a sword, it has nothing to do with anything, whether it is spiritual power or consciousness, they are just accessories of the sword.Using spiritual power and spiritual consciousness to move the sword, putting the cart before the horse, is the thing that sword repairers disdain the most.

Think of the sword as the most important thing in life, and you can abandon everything else. Only by pursuing the way of the sword wholeheartedly can you walk on the path of the sword.

These few sentences were mentioned in the Liuying Sword Art, and Xu Miao still didn't take it seriously after reading these few sentences at first.When he was able to emit sword energy, he would look back and savor this sentence, and then he could understand Jianxiu's pursuit of the way of the sword.

Xu Miao didn't rest for a long time, stood up again, held the iron sword in her hand, and continued to practice picking the sword.With the rising sun in the east, Xu Miao's sword can already release all the sword energy, and the boulder in front of him is already full of scars.

One after another, monks came to the Tongqing River to start today's practice.When they saw that Xu Miao was still practicing the same sword move, they couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"Did Uncle Xu come here earlier than us, or did he never go back?"

"I think it's because I haven't gone back all this time. When I went back yesterday, it was already Zishi, and my uncle was still practicing sword."

At this time, Xu Miao had turned around and faced Tong Qinghe.He only needs to rely on sword energy to stir up water splashes.One day, he will make the most indestructible river become a broken water under his sword.

The sword energy brought out by the iron sword was much stronger than the original sword energy, but when it met the soft water, there were no waves.The sword qi is not strong enough, and it is impossible to produce a sharp sword qi with just one day of practice.

Xu Miao's complexion didn't change at all, she still calmly waved the iron sword in her hand, and every gesture was done to an absolute standard.What he wants to do, he must do.

After swinging tens of thousands of times, Xu Miao did not stop the iron sword in his hand, and he could even feel the heat in his palm.However, the sword energy produced by the iron sword has never been strengthened, and the sword energy is no different from the original power.

He had to stop and raised his head. The clouds in the sky slowly changed shape with the wind.Looking down, Xu Miao opened her right hand, without the protection of spiritual power, her hand was obviously blistered.

Xu Miao didn't care about all of this, as long as his hands kept on and didn't affect his sword practice, he wouldn't take it to heart.The river in front of him was flowing eastward tirelessly, no matter whether it was boulders or other things, it could not stop its determination to enter the sea.

Indomitable, four words suddenly appeared in Xu Miao's heart.Sword repair has always been indomitable, only attack, no defense.His sword moves are too standard, just like a textbook, but it is this standard that limits the maximum strength that sword energy can achieve.

There is indeed nothing wrong with the standard of sword moves, but in fighting skills, the forms on the field change rapidly, and it is impossible to always be standard and perfect.

He was obsessed with standards and perfection, but ignored the pursuit of sword repair.There is no momentum in the sword move, and the sword dancer has no faith in his heart. Such a sword move cannot cause harm to the enemy.

Xu Miao's eyes turned from confused to firm in an instant. He clenched the ordinary iron sword in his hand, and practiced the sword again with an indomitable momentum.

After changing the previous decline, the iron sword in Xu Miao's hand seemed to be a spiritual weapon, and it radiated the strongest power in the most common sword moves.

The sword energy is constantly increasing, so that the strength of the sword is also constantly increasing. Xu Miao stared at the Tongqing River in front of him, his heart moved freely, the sword moved with his heart, and the sword moved from bottom to top. Aroused by the sword energy of the iron sword.

The range of this spray is extremely wide, affecting all the disciples who practice not far away.They were about to yell at who was so wicked to splash the water so high, when another splash was stirred up.

This time the splash was bigger than last time, the iron sword in Xu Miao's hand kept on, and the sword move suddenly changed from picking sword to stabbing sword, holding the sword straight forward to stab.

The rapiers are divided into upper, lower, flat, low, rear, and protruding. Different timings require different rapiers.It doesn't matter which direction you go in, what matters is that you go straight out.

Xu Miao's wrist moved, and the iron sword turned over, stabbing towards the falling water.With the foundation of picking a sword, Xu Miao has been able to master the power of sword swinging skillfully.

This front thrusting sword accurately pierced the flying water spray and scattered it into the ground.After a successful sword strike, Xu Miao kept stabbing at other splashes without stopping.

In order to stab as many sprays as possible in a spray, one must mobilize the whole body, use the fastest speed, change the direction of the sword tip, and use the most suitable stabbing sword at the most suitable opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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