Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 206 Help advance?

Chapter 206 Help advance?

For five full months, Xu Miao did not return to the cave, and spent all her time practicing the nine basic sword moves.The number of times the iron sword is swung every day can reach tens of thousands of times.

After practicing [-] times of sword moves, Xu Miao would stop, summarize the previous [-] times of practice, and gain experience and lessons.So far, with the nine basic sword moves, Xu Miao has truly reached the point where the human and the sword are one.

With every move, the fierce sword energy will stir up a large spray of water in Tong Qinghe.As a result, the monks near Xu Miao didn't dare to gather around him anymore, for fear that if they practiced well, they would be covered with a pile of water.

The monks who came to Tongqinghe to practice also watched Xu Miao practice the most common sword moves day after day.The uncles who are more talented than them are still working hard, they still have no face to be lazy, making He Qinggu's cultivation atmosphere extremely strong.

Xu Miao has received the sound transmission talisman from Ye Qiguang, and will gather at Qiqian Pavilion tomorrow.On the last day of practice, Xu Miao completely let go of the restrained spiritual power.

Iron Sword's rank is too low to withstand his current spiritual power.After five months, the Mist Condensing Sword finally reappeared in his hands.The spiritual power was running at full speed, frantically pouring into the Mist Sword.

This is the first time that the complete Liuying sword technique has been performed with the Fog Condensing Sword since the last time the Fog Condensing Sword was used to perform the Sword Picking.Xu Miao wants to know his current real level through the fog condensing sword.

The nine basic sword techniques flowed through her heart, and after confirming that they were correct, Xu Miao slowly raised her right hand, and the sword movement was generated in the Wu Ningjian.

Under the agitation of spiritual energy, the power of the sword increased rapidly, and the sword body of the Ningwu Sword exuded a biting chill, and even the water surface of the Tongqing River had obvious icicles.

"Look, Uncle Xu is finally going to use his Fog Condensing Sword." The monks who came to Tongqinghe to practice stopped practicing one after another, looking up at Xu Miao who was high above him.

"It's so powerful, I'm sure it's even stronger than the one my uncle taught Liang Feng five months ago." The monk's words won the approval of the others.

"People from Chengxuanzong said that day how powerful Qi Mu of their sect is. Now I really want to throw Qi Mu in front of Master Xu and slap them in the face of Chengxuanzong."

The spiritual power and spiritual consciousness were fully activated, and the words of the same door entered Xu Miao's ears clearly.Qi Mu, what a strange name, he didn't care about this monk for a long time.

The fog-condensing sword in his hand changed from the slowness just now, and used nine basic sword moves in a row at an extremely fast speed. The speed was astonishingly fast, and all the monks present could only see the afterimage of the fog-condensing sword.

Arms rotated, palms outward, and the sword was thrown out, from bottom to top, to the galloping Tongqing River.Tong Qinghe, which never stopped, was split into two at the moment when the sword energy was emitted.

The time was very short, but it was enough for the onlookers to see clearly that the Tongqing River had stopped flowing.As soon as the power of the sword was fired, Xu Miao had already changed her move, and then stabbed the sword again, attacking the large splash of water again.

One move after another, no matter whether it was a change of move or a move, Xu Miao's speed had reached the extreme.

The onlookers couldn't keep their eyes open. Even though they were already familiar with Xu Miao's sword moves, they couldn't be sure which move Xu Miao was using now.

Without noticing the astonished eyes of his fellow disciples, Xu Miao's sword move has reached the last move - sweeping the sword.His body spun rapidly, and the Mist Sword spun at the same speed as his body.

Xu Miao's position changed at this time, appearing above the Tongqing River, and the sword aura of sweeping sword brought a high spray.Xu Miao's figure was completely covered by the water spray, and Xu Miao's position could only be determined through the water column.

The spiritual power in his body continued to run at full speed, and his spinning speed became faster and faster, soaring straight into the sky, and the water column that couldn't keep up could only fall into the water.

At this moment, Xu Miao suddenly changed direction, switched head and tail, and swooped down from the sky towards the Tongqing River.The right hand moved to the left shoulder, the spiritual power was poured into the sword body, and it swept away to the right.

The Tongqing River was once again cut in two by Xu Miao's sword energy. The sword energy successfully blocked the river flowing down from above, making Tongqing River unable to continue for a few breaths.

Xu Miao lowered her head, the sword energy just now was still working.He didn't wait for the sword energy to dissipate, he used the Yunlong Jue, soared into the sky, and flew to Qiqian Pavilion, leaving a mess on the ground.

All the monks looked at Xu Miao's direction with admiration: "I've never heard of the Tongqing River stopping."

"Will Uncle Xu come back with No.1 in the competition?"

"Even if it's not No.1, I will definitely get the ranking." The monk who denied that Xu Miao became the champion was beaten by the people around him.

"Don't question Master Xu!"

"That's right, I can only support Uncle Xu!" Without knowing it, Xu Miao became the spiritual symbol of He Qinggu's sect.


Unlike Xu Miao who received the invitation letter directly, the other three places required disciples of various levels to obtain from the competition.

The one who participated in the big test on behalf of the Qi Refining Stage was Yu Chuan, a Qi Refining Dzogchen monk with a single Lei Linggen, who was currently the most promising disciple of the Qi Refining Stage in the sect.

Among the monks in the foundation building period, the one who got the right to participate in the competition was Xu Miao's old friend - Yang Lin.Yang Lin got an opportunity in a certain secret realm, and his strength soared.

In this competition for reference, Yang Lin overwhelmed all the foundation-building monks and became the best candidate.

As for the Golden Core Stage monks, they were selected orally by the Golden Core Patriarch, Ye Qiguang who had just advanced to the Golden Core Stage.One Golden Core cultivator in Heqing Valley fell, and except for Ye Qiguang, there were only three left.

Luo Guan, who has the highest level of cultivation, will sit in the sect, and the most suitable, the youngest is Ye Qiguang.When Xu Miao arrived at Qiqian Pavilion, the other three had already arrived.

This time, it was the ancestor Luo Guan who was in charge of explaining the matter, not Zhou Ruxiang, the head of the sect.After all, Ye Qiguang existed, and Zhou Ruxiang didn't have the guts to ask him to.

"You are the strongest in Heqing Valley, but you are not the strongest in Xilu. The three of you must pass this competition in Xilu, meet more talented and outstanding disciples, and know where the gap between you and them lies."

"It's not terrible to have a gap. What's important is that there is a gap without knowing it. You don't need to have any burden in your heart, just treat it as the most common contact fighting method." Luo Guan instructed Ye Qiguang and the three of them. Xu Miao came late and stood quietly. aside.

After explaining to the three of them, Luo Guan turned to face Xu Miao: "Xu Miao, your strength has already reached the top level in the Westland cultivation world, but whether you can reach the peak of the Westland cultivation world depends on this competition."

"The Western Continent Competition, the most outstanding disciples of all sects will come out, it is the best opportunity to prove you. But you don't need too much pressure, your strength is already well known."

Xu Miao nodded solemnly. He couldn't wait for all the outstanding disciples, and wanted to compete with those unborn geniuses.

Luo Guan was very satisfied when he saw the fighting spirit flashing across Xu Miao's face.Then, Luo Guan took out a storage bag, handed it to Ye Qiguang and said, "It contains the pass token for participating in the big competition, and some spirit stones, magic weapons, you can use them."

After speaking, he waved his hand to let the four of them leave.Except that Yu Chuan was a monk in the Qi refining period and could not control the escape light flight. With Ye Qiguang leading them, Xu Miao and Yang Lin each turned into escape light and flew to Xici Town.

They need to pass through the teleportation arrays of several towns before reaching Qingyuan Town, the nearest town to Dabi Peak, and finally go to Dabi Peak through the monk himself.

After going through several teleportation formations and spending about ten days on the road, Xu Miao and his party of four finally arrived in Qingyuan Town.Those who came to Qingyuan Town during this time period were all monks participating in the big competition.

Before the official start of the big competition, many monks will start in advance for various reasons.There is no rule in Qingyuan Town that monks cannot kill people, so the death rate in Qingyuan Town is the highest among all the towns in Westland.

The four planned to inquire about news in Qingyuan Town first, and then set off for Dabi Peak the next day.The teahouse was overcrowded, and the four of them found a seat facing the street and sat down, listening to the nearby monks talking about what had happened recently.

"Have you heard that this time, the best disciples of all sects will participate in the competition!" A monk said mysteriously.

"It's such a coincidence, usually there are no retreats, and those who travel abroad, why did they all come out this time?" Everyone expressed their puzzlement.

"Xilu just discovered a brand new secret realm. There are many good things left by ancient sects in this secret realm. It's just a limit on the number of people. Those above decided to use the big competition as a selection method."

The man lowered his voice, but the monks who came here are all of extraordinary strength, and they can hear clearly no matter how low their voice is.

"Hey—ancient sect, just kidding, the things they left behind were snatched away by those ancient people long ago, how could it be our turn." Many people were obviously skeptical.

"How could I lie to you." The monk's eyes widened. "My brother's junior friend is an outer disciple of Xihui Sect. That news is absolutely accurate."

Everyone was confused by this complicated interpersonal relationship, and heard the person say: "It is said that there are treasures in the secret realm that help monks advance."

Regardless of whether the news is true or not, it is enough to make a group of monks jealous.What is the most troublesome monk?It's not the level of the skill, or the power of the magic weapon, but whether it can be advanced.

If you want to refine Qi to build a foundation, if you want to build a foundation to advance to a golden core, and so on, no one will be satisfied except to become a real immortal.Now suddenly there is a baby who helps advance, how can I not be moved.

In the name of the disciples of the outer sect of Xihui Sect, the monk spoke enthusiastically to a group of monks, wishing he could go to Dabi Peak in the next moment, compete with all the monks in the West Continent, and get a place to enter the secret realm.

The four people present here, Yu Chuan and Yang Lin, clearly expressed their interest in that treasure. Xu Miao and Ye Qiguang glanced at each other. One of them is a Jindan cultivator, and the other has experienced many things. They will not easily trust the disciples of the Xihui Sect. Leaked news.

Although it will not be completely denied, at least this news needs to be verified.

(End of this chapter)

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