Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 207 Killing on the way

Chapter 207 Killing on the way
"Who is talking too much and slandering me, Xihuizong?" A monk stepped into the gate of the teahouse, and glanced coldly at the person who was talking loudly about the secret realm.

The appearance of this person attracted the attention of everyone in the teahouse, and the monk also closed his mouth.

"Xihuizong, that is the Taoist robe only disciples of Xihuizong can wear."

"The few in the middle are all core disciples!"

"I recognize him, the elder brother of the Xihui Sect's foundation-building generation, the well-deserved strongest foundation-builder in the Xilu cultivation world——He Xiao!"

"There are also two people next to him, Zuo Ran, Zhuo Chi, and the three strongest members of Xihuizong all appeared!" The inadvertent words of a few people seemed to drop a bomb in the crowd, causing an uproar.

Xu Miao picked up the teacup and took a leisurely sip before turning her head and looking at the three leaders with great interest.

These three became famous earlier than Xu Miao. When the three of them were already famous in Xilu cultivation, Xu Miao was still struggling in the Qi refining stage, worrying about spirit stones, exercises, and spiritual power every day.

Although Xu Miao is well-known today, he has not really shown his strength to the outside world, and has not competed face-to-face with the strongest of his generation.

He is still considered to be a strong man after He Xiao and others, that is, everyone recognizes his strength, but does not admit that he can surpass He Xiao.Xu Miao's old acquaintance, Lin Youning, was also there, but at this moment, he could only stand honestly behind the three of He Xiao.

Xu Miao raised the corners of her mouth almost imperceptibly, looked away, and concentrated on tasting the spiritual tea on the table.

A monk next to He Xiao suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he stood on the side of the first monk who spoke. He stretched out his hand, grabbed the neck of the other party, and lifted it high.

The accident happened so suddenly that everyone didn't react, only felt a flash of light.The face of the caught monk turned red instantly, and his limbs struggled weakly in mid-air.

Those who had a good relationship with this monk did not dare to intercede, and the other monks had the mentality of watching the excitement, and they would not speak out to help. I saw that the monk's breathing became more and more rapid, and his face became darker and redder.

"He Si, it's okay." The person called He Si immediately let go of He Xiao's hand when he heard He Xiao's words, and the monk was thrown on the ground, coughing continuously.

Only after hearing Ye Qiguang's voice transmission did Xu Miao know that He Si was He Xiao's servant.All outstanding monks who were defeated by He Xiao's subordinates would become his servants, numbered with numbers, and it is said that there are six servants around He Xiao.

Everyone had a look of fear in their eyes, knowing that this was He Xiao's prestige.

"This is just a lesson, and it will not be such a simple lesson next time. Those who pollute me, Xihui, will be punished!" It was not He Xiao who spoke, but Zuo Ran.

Xu Miao looked at the group of people in Xihuizong and laughed secretly.

"The people of Xihui Sect just like to fight and kill. They are rude, so rude." Another group of monks entered the teahouse, they were monks from Jixing Temple, but Xu Miao did not see Bai Yan inside.

"It's Su Yang, and the strongest of Ji Xingdian's generation has also arrived."

"This big competition will definitely become the most intense one since the establishment of the big competition."

"I originally wanted to get a better ranking and get rewards, but now it seems that there is no way at all."

"Even if we were eliminated early, it would not be a waste of time to see the younger generation of experts gathered here."

Su Yang's handsome appearance, coupled with his exclusive Taoist robe of Ji Xing Palace, makes him look so romantic and suave.As soon as it appeared, it attracted the attention of many female cultivators.

Hearing this, Zuo Ran turned back contemptuously: "Su Yang, you can only use your tongue."

"You don't even have the advantage of tongue, do you still want to gain advantage in other aspects?" Su Yang completely ignored Zuo Ran's gaze, unfolded the folding fan in his hand with a "snap", and walked gracefully towards the tea table where Xu Miao was.

"Fellow Taoist Xu Miao, I've heard about you for a long time." As Su Yang called out Xu Miao's name, everyone in the teahouse was horrified again.I couldn't help complaining that Xu Miao was too low-key. After watching the show with them for so long, she didn't show her face.

"Fellow Daoist Su Yang, I have admired you for a long time." The conversation between Xu Miao and Su Yang ended here, and there was no further conversation.Everyone in Ji Xingdian expressed their kindness to Xu Miao, but they ignored Ye Qiguang and the others.

In their eyes, only the strong deserve their attention, and among the people in He Qinggu, Xu Miao is the only one who can be called the strong.As for the monks of Xihui Sect, apart from Lin Youning nodding to Xu Miao, the others just showed curiosity.

Su Yang quickly turned back to He Xiao: "He Xiao, it seems that the management of your Xihui Sect is really average. You have said everything that should be said and should not be said. It is really surprising."

Su Yang said surprise, but his tone was full of ridicule and disdain.Before the big competition, someone had leaked the reward content of the big competition, and the source of the leak was directed at Xihuizong.

After the matter was known by the upper-level monks, Xihuizong would be severely punished directly.This is why He Xiao gave that monk a lesson as soon as he entered the teahouse.

He Xiao was told about the central matter by Su Yang, but his complexion did not change in any way: "I don't need to worry about my Xihuizong's affairs." After speaking, He Xiao left the teahouse with the other monks of Xihuizong.

After the members of Xihui Sect left, many monks from the sect who had good relations with Xihui Sect also left one after another.Su Yang waved his folding fan, and sat down in the teahouse, as if he was waiting for someone.

Xu Miao and Ye Qiguang also planned to leave the teahouse when they saw that there was no more news.As soon as the four got up, they saw the monks from the Zhuo Li Pavilion entering the teahouse.

It's really a narrow road to enemies, Xu Miao secretly slandered.In Qingyuan Town, there is no death prohibition. If there is a conflict, he is not afraid, only that other people will be affected.

"Why do people from the three sects come to this teahouse?"

"That's right, did you see it? That's Song Zhiyan from Zhuo Li Pavilion. He had a match with He Xiao once, and the result was a tie."

"If it weren't for Xihuizong's left, Zhuo Chi, I'm afraid Xihuizong won't be able to get benefits from Zhuoli Pavilion this time."

Song Zhiyan, Xu Miao recalled the name.He had heard that the contest between Song Zhiyan and He Xiao was a tie within [-] moves, but the contest was interrupted due to something unknown to outsiders.

In any case, an opponent who can match He Xiao within [-] moves is definitely not easy to deal with.Xu Miao is still calculating Song Zhiyan's strength. Song Zhiyan has already passed the crowd and walked to Xu Miao's side.

Xu Miao calmly put down the teacup in her hand: "What do you want, Your Excellency?"

Song Zhiyan was the leading disciple of Zhuo Li Pavilion's foundation period, and his attitude represented the attitude of Zhuo Li Pavilion: "Xu Miao, you'd better pray that you can reach Dabi Peak alive."

"Really? What if I don't pray?" Xu Miao didn't even bother to give Song Zhiyan a look. The relationship between him and Zhuoli Pavilion had already been torn apart, and it was meaningless to barely maintain the harmony on the surface.

After all, Song Zhiyan insisted on his identity and was unwilling to do anything in the teahouse: "Then you won't even have a chance of being defeated by me."

Xu Miao nodded: "Well, I understand, please go back, Your Excellency."

"This Xu Miao is too arrogant. What is Song Zhiyan's status? How dare he talk to him like this?"

"Xu Miao has had a bad relationship with Zhuo Li Pavilion for a long time. At the birth ceremony of the Nascent Soul cultivator, he directly took the materials that the other party wanted to use to refine the natal magic weapon."

"That's what Lin Zhijian wanted to mention, and it wasn't Xu Miao who forced him with the sword."

The unintentional words of the monk in the teahouse made Song Zhiyan's face sink like water, and he gave Xu Miao a gloomy look at last, then turned and left.

Su Yang, who had been observing the situation in the teahouse, saw that Song Zhiyan hadn't done anything, heaved a long sigh whether it was regret or joy, lightly shook the paper fan, and left the teahouse.

Seeing that there was no excitement to watch, everyone left one after another.The four of Xu Miao decided to rest in Qingyuan Town for one night before leaving.

On the second day, the number of people in Qingyuan Town decreased significantly.The four raised their spirits and flew in the direction of Dabi Peak.Along the way, monks who were fighting and the bones of monks could be seen everywhere.

The most dangerous thing in the big competition is not the competition in the big competition peak.Instead, on the way to Dabi Peak, many monks will kill on the road in order to reduce the number of opponents in the official competition.

All the monks knew this, but none of the senior monks issued an order to forbid it.If there are monks who can't even pass this level, they are not eligible to participate in the big competition.

Xu Miao originally wanted to act separately from Ye Qiguang and the other three. He has many enemies, so as not to affect Ye Qiguang and the other three.Then I thought about it, if the other party can't find him, I'm afraid they will attack the three of them as if to vent their anger, it's better for him to stay by their side all the time.

After flying for a long time, Xu Miao's spiritual sense noticed that there was a monk hiding his breath and hiding nearby.Xu Miao sent voice transmission to the three of them at the first time, telling them to be alert.

Sure enough, a Golden Core cultivator, four Foundation Establishment cultivators, and a Qi Refining Stage cultivator appeared in front of Xu Miao.

Xu Miao's complexion remained unchanged, and she walked forward calmly: "It's a big battle, everyone. So many people came here just to kill Xu. I really trouble everyone."

Although the upper-level monks did not prohibit fighting on the way, it was strictly forbidden for high-level monks to deal with low-level monks.Otherwise, no matter how monstrous the Xihui Sect or the disciples in the Ji Xing Palace are, if they meet the Nascent Soul cultivator, they will only die.

Therefore, even if someone wanted to kill a certain monk on the way, he would invite monks of the same level to kill each other with crowd tactics.

The Golden Core cultivator on the opposite side was obviously trying to stop Ye Qiguang, the Qi Refining stage cultivator was to deal with Yu Chuan, and the Foundation Establishment stage was to deal with Xu Miao.

The other party didn't answer Xu Miao's words and rushed forward.The three of Ye Qiguang were caught by the monks in charge, and the remaining three late-stage foundation-building monks walked towards Xu Miao.

The three people surrounded Xu Miao in the shape of a character, and one of them said: "Xu Miao, I advise you to be obedient and grab it without thinking of running away."

"Escape?" Xu Miao glanced at the three people around with disdain, "To deal with the three of you, if I don't kill you, it's your luck. You think I'll run away?"

(End of this chapter)

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