Chapter 208
When the three of them heard Xu Miao's words, their expressions suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Xu Miao, you are too arrogant. The three of us have joined forces and have never failed." The three of them took out magic weapons at the same time and attacked Xu Miao.

The Ningwu Sword appeared instantly, and Xu Miao held the hilt of the sword, causing her body to spin rapidly.The attack of the three of them couldn't be effective under Xu Miao's rapid rotation.

Sensing that the opponent's attack became hesitant, Xu Miao seized the opportunity and instantly disappeared in full view, leaving the three of them staring at each other.

"Where is Xu Miao?"

"I don't even know when he disappeared."

"The two of you are so serious that you can't even look down on individuals." The three complained to each other, no matter how much they explored their consciousness, they couldn't find Xu Miao's trace.

Xu Miao was amused in her heart, he just used the principle of darkness under a lamp.While the three of them were not paying attention, they hid next to a boulder below the three of them.

The three thought that Xu Miao would run away immediately to avoid the joint attack of the three of them, but they didn't consider the possibility that Xu Miao was still in place at all.

The three focused on looking for Xu Miao's trace, but neglected to defend at any time.Xu Miao made a sudden move at this moment, and appeared behind one of them like a ghost.

Xu Miao's method of concealing his breath has already reached a height beyond the reach of ordinary people. As long as he deliberately does it, the opponent will not be able to find out.

Before the other party noticed, the Ning Wu Sword had already cut the man's throat without even making a sound.The man's eyes were wide open, and he didn't understand why he died here until he died.

Xu Miao succeeded in one blow, but instead of taking advantage of the victory to pursue, she changed her position and continued to hide under the boulder.Although he could deal with the three of them with thunderous means, Xu Miao didn't want to do that.

Xu Miao was not sure how much spiritual power would be consumed by forcibly breaking through the unknown defense of the three people.On the way to Dabi Peak, there must be many times of chasing and intercepting, he needs to preserve his strength.

Therefore, using a sneak attack to deal with the opponent is the most appropriate method Xu Miao came up with according to the situation.

"Third brother, did you find anything there?" The remaining two asked without realizing that the third child they were talking about had died under Xu Miao's sword.

When they realized something was wrong, they found that the third child had lost track.

"Third brother! Third child!" Only endless rumors answered the two, and the expressions of the two who survived were dignified, with indistinct tension and fear.

Killing Xu Miao this time was not out of their original intention.The three of them were just casual cultivators, and they had never met Xu Miao, let alone had any conflicts.

When they were in Qingyuan Town, a Jindan cultivator found the three of them and promised them a high reward in spirit stones to kill Xu Miao.

That's why they waited here with a few others to attack Xu Miao.However, after just meeting each other, Xu Miao killed the third child without them realizing it.

"Brother, let's go, this Xu Miao's methods are too weird, the two of us are no match for him at all." The second child's voice trembled, revealing the panic in his heart at the moment.

Anyone who is killed unknowingly will cause panic in others, even monks are no exception.

The person known as the big brother frowned: "No, we promised that person, you forgot, if we can't kill Xu Miao, he will come to kill us."

"Now, don't separate the two of us and advance and retreat at the same time. The third child was killed because we were negligent in guarding against it. As long as we join hands, there will be no problem."

Although he was full of reluctance, the second child still obeyed the elder brother's words, holding the talisman with one hand and the magic weapon with the other, and his whole body was in a state of defensive tension.

Xu Miao leisurely hung behind the two of them, waiting for their opening.A monk of the same level as the opponent cannot stay in a state of high tension and defense for a long time, and will definitely leak a flaw at a certain time.

At that time, it was time for Xu Miao to make a move.As Xu Miao expected, the second child was too nervous, his hands were already shaking, and his spiritual power was obviously unstable.

Right now, Xu Miaofei stepped forward.He suddenly appeared in front of the second child, which stunned the nervous second child on the spot.The other party doesn't move, Xu Miao will not wait for the other party.

He shot like lightning, snatched the talisman from the second hand, detonated it, and threw it to the boss next to him.The Wu Ning Sword cut the throat of the second child at the same time, Xu Miao didn't even look at the body of the second child, and the Wu Ning Sword faced the angry boss ahead of time.

The old second-hand talisman is the strongest talisman he owns, a fourth-level top-grade talisman, which can cause a lot of damage to monks in the late stage of foundation establishment.

Xu Miao didn't show any mercy when detonating, and directly inflicted severe damage on the boss. Before the aftermath of the detonation passed, Xu Miao had already manipulated the Ningwu Sword to rush into the detonation range of the talisman seal.

Ningwu Sword carried an unstoppable aura, and before the boss could react, he pierced his chest with a sword and killed him on the spot.After Xu Miao took away the three people's storage bags, she calmly returned to the position of He Qinggu and the other three.

Yang Lin was fighting with that foundation cultivator, vaguely gaining the upper hand.Yang Lin didn't have to worry, but Yu Chuan not far away was besieged by two monks in the Qi refining period, and he was in a hurry.

High-level monks can't attack low-level monks, but they can deter them.Xu Miao flew to Yu Chuan's side, and glanced coldly at the two monks opposite.

"Don't get out!" Xu Miao's tone was serious, with the coercion unique to the foundation cultivator.No monk in the Qi refining period can face the coercion of the monks in the late foundation establishment period without changing his face.

Hearing Xu Miao's warning, the two hurriedly fled into the distance.The remaining two monks, seeing that Xu Miao was safe and sound, knew that there would be no good for them, so they quickly fled away.

Seeing that the prey he was about to get ran away suddenly, Yang Lin felt a little pity, and licked his lower lip cruelly.Xu Miao noticed Yang Lin's movements, her eyes were deep, bright and flickering.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave first." Xu Miao said in a deep voice.The three of them did not object, so they flew to Dabi Peak according to the previous method.

However, more and more monks blocked the way, and Xu Miao's complexion became more and more serious.If it continues, they may not be able to reach Dabi Peak before the start of the big competition.

The Grand Competition clearly stipulates that monks who fail to reach the Dabi Peak within the specified time, no matter how outstanding their strength, will be disqualified from participating in the Grand Competition.

Xu Miao cut down the last person blocking the way with a single sword, with a violent look on her face and a bloodthirsty aura exuding from her whole body.

"I underestimated their persistence. From now on, Master, I will act separately from you. Their goal is me, and they will not do anything to you. I will try to solve these problems."

When Xu Miao put forward this suggestion, she felt uneasy.He wasn't worried that all his opponents would come to him, but he was worried that those people would deal with Ye Qiguang and the others.

Ye Qiguang did not agree with Xu Miao's proposal: "No, with me here, at least those monks will not go too far. It is too dangerous for you to act alone." Yang Lin and Yu Chuan also echoed.

At this time, Ji Xingdian and Bai Yan's group suddenly came from a distance, and Xu Miao thought of a good way to let Ye Qiguang and the three of them follow Ji Xingdian's team, so that she didn't have to worry about their safety.

"Senior White, can I let my master and fellow disciples go to Dabi Peak with you?"

"You want to deal with those people alone?" Bai Yan explained Xu Miao's purpose.

"That's right. There are too many people who want to deal with me. If they can't stumbling me, they will very likely blame others."

"Okay, be careful, I'll wait for you at Dabi Peak." Once Xu Miao made a decision, she would not change her mind easily. Bai Yan understood this and only asked Xu Miao to be careful.

Xu Miao bowed to express her thanks, without saying much, she just turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the distance.The wind whistled past his ears, but it couldn't relieve the tyranny in his heart.

Xu Miao took a deep breath and did not suppress this feeling as the 梼杌 breath in her body was disturbing again.Rather than forcibly suppressing this feeling, Xu Miao is more inclined to kill people.

Xu Miao, who was flying at high speed, stopped suddenly, and he noticed five bright breaths.The first few batches of monks knew how to cover up their breath a little bit, but this batch of people didn't even cover up their breath, saying clearly that I'm coming to kill you.

Xu Miao landed slowly, her cold eyes swept over the five monks who appeared.Five monks in the late stage of Foundation Establishment approached Xu Miao with grinning smiles, and the magic weapon in their hands shone brightly.

The five people were wearing the most common clothes in the cultivation world, and Xu Miao couldn't identify their origins and backgrounds through their clothes.

"Xu Miao, it's really not easy for you to come here amidst so many interceptions."

"Really? Hurry up and fight. I'll kill another batch after the fight. Although the dogs blocking the way are easy to deal with, it will be troublesome if there are too many." Xu Miao's tone was full of impatience and disgust, but she was not afraid.

Hearing Xu Miao's words, the leading cultivator on the other side was not angry, but said: "The next batch? Do you still have the life to face the next batch? I might as well tell you bluntly, this is the last batch of people, you will definitely die here."

"I'm dead? Just relying on you little fish and shrimp, you overestimate yourself." The Mist Condensing Sword appeared in Xu Miao's hands, his aura suddenly increased, and the bloodthirsty and tyrannical aura became more and more obvious.

The other four surrounded Xu Miao according to the order of the leading monk.At the command of the leading monk, five people attacked Xu Miao at the same time.

Just because of the fluctuation of spiritual power, Xu Miao has also noticed that the strength of these five people is far from comparable to that of the monks who blocked the way before.Their strength is stronger and their spiritual power is more vigorous.

Five different colors of spiritual power rushed towards Xu Miao's whole body from different directions.

Xu Miao did not maintain a defensive state all the time. His Mist Condensing Sword was not for display or for fun.Raise your right hand high, and use the north wind to sweep the ground.

North Wind Rolling Ground is a group attack move, most suitable for one-to-many.Xu Miao's spiritual power rushed out and poured into the fog condensing sword, increasing the power of the north wind.

(End of this chapter)

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