Chapter 210
"You are Xu Miao?" A monk suddenly appeared in front of the four of them and looked at Yang Lin.When Xu Miao heard this, she was amused in her heart, but she didn't say anything.

Yang Lin frowned and said, "I'm not Xu Miao, Your Excellency has identified the wrong person." As he spoke, Yang Lin wanted to bypass the other cultivator, but was blocked by that person.

"Aren't you the monks of Heqinggu? Here you are the one who most resembles the Xu Miao they said. You are not, is he?" The visitor raised his finger to Xu Miao, but did not shift his gaze, still staring at Yang Lin.

Xu Miao stepped forward and said, "Why can't I be Xu Miao?"

Hearing Xu Miao's question, the man took it for granted, "You don't even look at your appearance, with white hair, it's obvious that you don't have many years to live."

"Xu Miao, whom I've heard people talk about, is the most dazzling figure in the cultivation world of Xilu recently, and has made immeasurable contributions to the continuation of Xilu many times."

"It's not like you, let's go back to the mortal world and enjoy more wealth and wealth."

Listening to the other party's words, Xu Miao's smile grew wider and wider.He can be sure that this person is definitely not a monk from Xilu.

Remembering that the outstanding candidates in the big competition mentioned earlier will travel to Donglu, Xu Miao estimated that there is a [-]% possibility that this boastful monk is Donglu monk.

The monk who was watching the excitement couldn't help reminding this person: "You really made a mistake, he is not Xu Miao."

"Oh? Could it be that my news is wrong, Xu Miao has advanced to the Golden Core stage?" The visitor turned to look at Ye Qiguang again.

"That white-haired one is Xu Miao." The monk watching the excitement didn't even have the strength to complain now, how could this person be so stupid.

The other party turned pale with shock and stared wide-eyed. For a long time, he couldn't believe that the person who had amazed the entire western cultivation world, and even the monks in the eastern continent had heard of him, would be a monk who was dying.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you." Xu Miao said lightly, and went to the residence with Ye Qiguang and others.Only the visitor was watching the direction where Xu Miao was going, and did not move for a long time.

The big competition officially started on the second day, and the monks who arrived today stayed in their residences, meditating to recover.The same is true for Xu Miao, but when you want to rest, some people won't let you rest.

The courtyard where He Qinggu is located has a special defensive formation, and anyone who enters or exits will react.But when the defensive formation did not respond at all, Yang Lin and Yu Chuan disappeared.

When Ye Qiguang informed Xu Miao of the news, Xu Miao felt that she had fallen into some kind of conspiracy.Yang Lin and Yu Chuan's room did not show any signs of being damaged by external forces, only a piece of paper was placed on the table in Yang Lin's room.

The paper wrote: "If you want Yang Lin and Yu Chuan to live, Xu Miao hurried to the purple bamboo forest on the mountain behind Dabi Peak. Don't tell anyone, otherwise they will die."

Xu Miao took the paper, put it under her nose and smelled it, but found nothing special.In the world of comprehension, the sound transmission jade pendants and jade slips are generally used to transmit messages, and almost no one chooses to transmit information in a mortal way like paper.

This time, Yang Lin and Yu Chuan's disappearance must be coming towards him.But the other party took Yang Lin away quietly, and Yu Chuan's method could completely take him away directly, why did he have to go around such a big circle.

Yang Lin and Yu Chuan were in the opponent's hands, but Xu Miao was afraid to make a move.And the other party asked Xu Miao to go to the appointment alone, and he couldn't refuse, so he could only tell Ye Qiguang to pretend that he didn't know anything, and just take part in the competition normally tomorrow.

There are no monks on patrol in Dabi Peak, except for the monks at the mountain gate of Dabi Peak, and other places, monks are allowed to come and go freely.

When Xu Miao arrived at the Purple Bamboo Forest in the back mountain, she found that the place was too quiet.Even if he couldn't hear the chirping of birds and insects, there should be the sound of wind blowing the bamboo forest, but he listened carefully, but found nothing.

His consciousness kept sweeping through the purple bamboo forest, but he couldn't find any trace of the monk.Since the other party invited to go to the Zizhu Forest, he would definitely set up an ambush in the Zizhu Forest.

Xu Miao can be sure that among the monks who deal with him, there must be someone who is proficient in formations.Without disturbing him and Ye Qiguang, he broke through the formation and took Yang Lin and Yu Chuan away.

Now he has set up a formation in the purple bamboo forest, making it impossible for him to recognize the opponent's true position.His spiritual sense is not enough to break through the camouflage formation, he needs a stronger spiritual sense to help him.

"Senior Li Huan, I want to use your power of consciousness." Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness still hides the soul of a cultivator who transforms himself, and he doesn't believe that anyone's formation is so superb that even a cultivator who transforms the soul cannot see through it.

"Why should I borrow it from you?" Taoist Li Huan's lazy voice sounded.

If he had the choice, Xu Miao would of course borrow Qingjiao's power instead of provoking Li Huan.However, in the last confrontation with Taoist Li Huan, Qingjiao's spiritual consciousness was severely injured, and he has not recovered until now.

If the consciousness is injured, except for some genius treasures that can help restore the consciousness, otherwise it can only rely on the monk himself to recover slowly. In order to recover as soon as possible, Qingjiao has been falling into a deep sleep during this time.Therefore, he could only seek help from the Taoist from the Illusion.

"You don't want to leave my sea of ​​consciousness one day, and be able to walk in broad daylight without worrying about the sanction of heaven?" Xu Miao's offer was too tempting, right in the heart of Li Huan's desire.

It's just that Li Huan also knows that Xu Miao's scheming is very deep, so he dare not agree immediately: "How can I trust you? When the time comes, you will turn your face and deny anyone, and I will find someone to reason with."

"You can only trust me, otherwise you will stay in my sea of ​​consciousness for the rest of your life, and watch how I gallop in the world of cultivation. In the end, I will advance to become a god and destroy your soul directly, making it impossible for you to reincarnate arrive."

Xu Miao only talked about the consequences of Taoist Li Huan's disagreement, and never mentioned the benefits of the other party helping him.Li Huan Taoist is a person who does not hold back his hands. When negotiating terms with him, he must take the initiative in the negotiation.

"You made an oath of heaven, promising that you will help me get a brand new body, otherwise I would not agree." Taoist Li Huan insisted on the bottom line, unwilling to agree to Xu Miao easily.

Xu Miao pondered for a moment, and said: "Yes, I will make the oath of heaven now." A golden light flashed, and the oath took effect.

"Are you relieved?"

Taoist Li Huan snorted coldly, agreeing to Xu Miao borrowing his consciousness.A part of Li Huan's consciousness was separated and merged with Xu Miao's consciousness, and the scope of Xu Miao's consciousness expanded thousands of times in an instant.

Forcibly borrowing external force to expand his consciousness caused Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness to continuously feel acupuncture-like pain.He took a deep breath, suppressed the pain in his head, and extended his consciousness to the depths of the purple bamboo forest.

Sure enough, in the depths of the Purple Bamboo Forest, a spirit-locking formation was set up. The function of the formation was to confine the spiritual power of the monks who stepped into the formation.Not only did Xu Miao know this formation, but he could arrange it, but this formation did not have the effect of hiding spiritual fluctuations.

Consciousness carefully scanned the formation. There is only this spirit-locking formation here, not even the most basic formation to cover up the fluctuation of spiritual power. The center of the spirit-locking formation is the bound Yang Lin and Yu Chuan. people.

There was no one else in the formation, so Xu Miao controlled her spiritual sense to search around the formation. If she hadn't borrowed the spiritual consciousness of Taoist Li Huan, Xu Miao might not be able to find the person hiding next to the formation even if she had cultivated to the Golden Core level. .

The cultivation bases of these two people are the same as Xu Miao's, they are both at the level of the late foundation establishment stage, there is nothing special about them.What caught Xu Miao's attention was the spirit beast beside them.

When he saw this spirit beast, many doubts were answered.This spirit beast is Yewei Palace, which claims to be the best at hiding traces, and because Yewei Palace is good at hiding, it is extremely difficult for monks to accept it as a spirit beast.

Yewei Palace's combat power is very low, and cannot provide monks with fighting skills.But Ye Weigong has a talent skill, which is to hide traces.

Not only can it hide Ye Weigong's own traces, but it can also hide other people's traces.Ye Weigong's hidden skills can be described as flawless. Level [-] Ye Weigong deliberately hides his whereabouts, and it is difficult for even Golden Core cultivators to find out.

No wonder these two people were able to bring Yang Lin and Yu Chuan here without attracting the attention of Xu Miao and Ye Qiguang.After figuring out the opponent's method, Xu Miao appeared from the shadows and walked towards the spirit lock formation.

The fluctuations in the spiritual power of the spirit lock array were covered by Yewei Palace, and Yang Lin and Yang Lin could only be seen when they got closer.Xu Miao pretended not to know, stood at the eye of the spirit lock formation, and looked around.

The two monks were waiting for Xu Miao to enter the spirit lock formation, and Xu Miao was waiting for the two to appear. This was a competition of patience.Xu Miao's patience has always been very good. He stood still and waited for the other party's patience to run out.

Suddenly, Xu Miao sensed a mass of violent spiritual power flying towards him, so he took a step to the right, exposing the eyes of the spirit lock array to the attack range of the spiritual power.

The spiritual power ran into the spirit lock array without any hindrance, Xu Miao did not turn around to control the two monks who were approaching quickly behind him, but took out the fog-condensing sword, followed the previous ball of spiritual power, and stabbed at the eye of the formation again.

Although the spirit-locking formation is not comparable to those complicated large formations, it is almost impossible to disarm the formation in a short time.Xu Miao wants to use the opponent's strength to forcefully break the formation.

When the tip of the Mist Sword collided with the mask of the formation, the two monks had already arrived, and overwhelming attacks rushed towards Xu Miao.Xu Miao raised her hand, and the spiritual power of the three parties connected.

He made an extremely bold decision. The meridians at the junction run in reverse, absorbing the opponent's spiritual power into his body, and then run through the meridians to the eye of the spirit lock formation.

Barely absorbing the spiritual power of outsiders will cause unpredictable damage to the monk himself.But Xu Miao could only do this now. When he saw that there were only these two people this time, he knew that these two people were just pushed out by people behind the scenes.

The real opponent didn't show up, so he couldn't be too risky and waste his spiritual power on breaking the formation and dealing with the two in front of him.As soon as the strange spiritual power suddenly entered the body, the dantian instinctively rejected it.

Xu Miao suppressed the abnormality in the dantian, controlled the spiritual power to pass through the dantian, and used the body as a transmission tool to transmit the spiritual power to the eye of the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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