Chapter 211
The other party was not stupid, and quickly discovered Xu Miao's intentions. The two monks looked at each other, intending to withdraw their spiritual power.Once Xu Miao's plan is implemented, how can anyone be allowed to sabotage it halfway.

His body can have a strong attraction to spiritual power, and this attraction is also transferred to the two monks who were doing their best at first.

The spiritual power they sent out was sucked into Xu Miao's body without a trace, making it difficult for the other party to stop.Even if the spiritual power of the two monks was not as strong as Xu Miao's own, it would still be a great burden on his body.

Xu Miao's meridians were specially strengthened in the middle and late stages of advancement to withstand more spiritual power.However, even so, hastily accepting so much spiritual power that does not belong to him, the meridian has reached its limit.

His body was unstable due to too much spiritual power.More than half of the eyes of the spirit lock formation have been blasted open. As long as you persist for a while, you can completely break through the spirit lock formation.

Xu Miao mobilized the images in the dantian to appease the spiritual power in the dantian to receive more spiritual power.While Xu Miao was challenging the limit of spiritual power contained in the meridians, the two monks had already taken out the magic weapon and attacked Xu Miao.

Their intention was to encircle Wei and save Zhao, and forced Xu Miao to stop by attacking Xu Miao's arm connected to them.Their plan is very good. If they encounter ordinary people, they will be forced to stop.

It's a pity that they met Xu Miao.Xu Miao's Fu Yu's helmet has now reached the point where he can hold up the Fu Yu's helmet by releasing his spiritual power directly without using his hands.

The moment the two of them took out the magic weapon, Fu Yu's helmet was propped up to block the power of the magic weapon's attack.At the same time, the eyes of the spirit lock array were continuously impacted by spiritual power, and finally could not resist, and the spirit lock array was broken.

When the formation is breached, a recoil wave will be sent out at the instant of the breach.Xu Miao calculated the time, turned around and grabbed the two of them decisively, and threw them towards the spirit lock array.

The two were caught off guard by Xu Miao.Knowing Xu Miao's intention to catch them, they couldn't help begging for mercy: "Xu Miao, please let us go, we are also helping people."

Xu Miao turned a deaf ear, his hands clamped the wrists of the two like iron clamps, making it impossible for them to escape.The power of the spirit lock array is not strong, even if it is a recoil wave, it will not cause fatal damage to the monk.

When the two of them collided with the shock wave, Xu Miao turned back and retreated to avoid the power of the shock wave.Everything returned to calm, and only the wailing of the two remained in the dark and quiet night.

Xu Miao stepped forward to release Yang Lin and Yu Chuan, and asked, "How did you get caught here?"

After all, Yu Chuan is only in the Qi refining stage, and he hasn't recovered yet.Yang Lin frowned and replied: "I was meditating in the room to adjust my state, and suddenly a man in black appeared, and I passed out. When I woke up, I was here."

The content of Yu Chuan's answer is exactly the same as Yang Lin's description. Xu Miao is upset now. She just feels that she has been noticed since she participated in the big competition, and her every move is exposed to someone's eyes.

What worries him the most is that this person is not only targeting him, but also targeting people around him to threaten him.Xu Miao shook her head, avoiding Yang Lin's doubts, and took the two of them back to the residence.

This small episode will not affect the big competition. The big competition on the second day was held as scheduled under the expectation of many parties.The monks who came from all directions gathered on the top of Dabi Peak.

Originally, the top of Dabi Peak could only accommodate hundreds of people. Later, in order to allow more monks to participate, several monks who transformed themselves into spirits deliberately used their means to build a huge platform on the top of the mountain.

The platform is huge and majestic, and can support half of the people in the Westland cultivation world.What's more, the number of participants in each big competition is not that many at all.

The host of this competition is Xu Miao's old acquaintance, Taoist Peng Tianjie of Xihui Sect.Peng Tianjie is responsible for coordinating the process of holding the competition. At the same time, Zhuo Li Pavilion, Jixing Hall, Duobao Pavilion, and Nascent Soul monks from the Loose Cultivation Alliance attended to ensure the fairness of the competition.

When Peng Tianjie appeared on the high platform, the noisy square immediately became silent.In any competition, some old tunes are inevitable.

After Peng Tianjie said a few words of meaningless nonsense, he got straight to the point and said: "The rewards of the grand competition are always generous. I think all the teachers have told you about it."

"In this big competition, some rewards will be changed, and they will not be the same as the previous ones. Of course, the content of the big competition will also change along with it."

Having said this, Peng Tianjie deliberately stopped, leaving endless guesses to the monks present.

With Peng Tianjie's permission, the monks started discussing enthusiastically.

"The content of the competition has changed. Don't we usually put us in a certain place and let us fight in it? Some people who stay behind will have a second competition."

"Maybe it's a simple and straightforward comparison test this time."

Xu Miao didn't know what the upper management of Xilu was up to this time, so she just lowered her head without any discussion.

His white hair stood out among the crowd of black hair. Anyone who scanned his mind would notice him and his short lifespan.

Peng Tianjie raised his hands and pressed down lightly, signaling the end of the discussion: "Everyone must have heard a certain rumor on the way to Dabi Peak."

Hearing this, Xu Miao's heart shuddered, knowing that the important point was coming.

"We recently discovered a branch hall of the ancient sect in the West Land." In ancient times, many large sects were popular to build branch halls, and the branch halls were spread all over the mainland, so that the sect could get excellent disciples.

It seems that the news in the teahouse is not all right, nor is it all wrong. It is only half right, and it is very likely that the higher-ups instructed and deliberately revealed the news.

"This sect has a great reputation, and you must be familiar with it. It is the most powerful sect in ancient times - Tiandingmen." Xu Miao's eyes suddenly widened at Tiandingmen, but he quickly lowered his eyes, otherwise others would find him exception.

Tiandingmen, this name is really familiar to him.Many magic weapons and exercises on him, such as the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue, Nirvana Sword, Fu Yu's helmet, etc., were all obtained from the Heavenly Cauldron Sect.

It's just that this Heavenly Cauldron Sect is not the other Heavenly Cauldron Sect, and the Heavenly Cauldron Sect where Xu Miao acquired the skills has long since fallen, and it was left over from the ancient times.

The Heavenly Cauldron Gate announced by Peng Tianjie is the real Heavenly Cauldron Gate in ancient times.Although it is only a branch hall, it is also a complete legacy from the ancient times.

The world of comprehension in ancient times was much more prosperous than it is today, and it was the era that many monks admired and revered the most.If given a choice, they would all choose to cultivate in ancient times, rather than this age when cultivation resources were scarce.

"The branch hall of Tiandingmen is not the main sect of Tiandingmen, but the resources in the branch hall will be richer than many current sects. Your big test will be held in the branch hall, and the task is to find the tokens scattered in the branch hall. "

Peng Tianjie raised his hand and raised a token. This token is neither gold nor silver, nor copper nor iron. It is forged from an unknown material.Peng Tianjie rotated the token so that all the monks could see the shape of the token clearly.

"It is conservatively estimated that there are 30 tokens in the branch hall, and each realm has ten tokens. That is, the Qi refining stage, the foundation building stage, and the Jindan stage have ten tokens each."

"Cultivators with a Golden Core cultivation level cannot occupy the tokens of the foundation building and Qi refining period monks, otherwise they will be attacked by the tokens. The monks who have obtained the tokens are eligible to participate in the next experience."

After Peng Tianjie's words, Xu Miao already understood roughly.This token is probably related to the opening of another secret realm, and this secret realm must also be related to the ancient cultivation world.

The Westland Cultivation Realm needs things from the secret realm, and the secret realm will not be opened soon, so they will take advantage of the opportunity of the big competition to let the best monks enter it and snatch the tokens.

"The old man also told you bluntly that the monks who get the token can get what you most desire in this realm, whether it is magic weapon, spirit stone, or exercises can be used as rewards."

"Of course these rewards are incomparable to the opportunities brought by tokens." Peng Tianjie's words completely ignited the fighting spirit of all monks.

They are not people who have just stepped into the cultivation world. They have experienced too many things, and they also know that certain places require tokens to enter and exit.

But anything related to the ancient times has always contained great opportunities.There is no one who will not be tempted. If you are lucky, you may even get the ancient inheritance.

After many changes in the world, many ancient exercises were lost, and many powerful spells were also annihilated in the world.With such an obvious temptation in front of him, how could one not be tempted.

Especially Xu Miao, the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue and Fu Yu's armor he obtained in the ancient repair cave, has already made his combat power the first among monks of the same level, and it is difficult to be rivaled.

If he could obtain some skills again, he could be sure that he would not be difficult to deal with those high-level monks in the future, even at the cost of burning his lifespan.

"This branch hall is real. Unlike usual, if you die in the competition and return to the real world, you will not be affected. Whether you are injured or dead in the branch hall, everything is real."

"No one can save you. Once you die, you can only be reincarnated. If someone is unwilling, you can stand up. The old man allows someone to withdraw at this time."

Peng Tianjie answered with faces full of fighting spirit.Peng Tianjie nodded in satisfaction when he saw that the monks in the square were full of fighting spirit and no one asked to quit.

Several Nascent Soul cultivators stepped forward, and together with Peng Tianjie, opened the teleportation circle to the branch hall of the Tianding Gate.Several Nascent Soul monks shot together, with strong fluctuations in spiritual power, and some low-level monks could hardly stand up.

Following a burst of lightning and thunder, a huge teleportation circle appeared on the high platform, exuding a majestic spiritual power.

The monks on the platform were eager to try and wanted to pass through the teleportation array first.

(End of this chapter)

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