Chapter 212

Although everyone couldn't wait, no one dared to rush into the teleportation formation without the consent of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Peng Tianjie said loudly: "The monks who have received the invitation letter come out. You, as the first batch of monks, enter the branch hall." Entering the branch hall first, you will have an advantage over others, and you will have a better chance of getting a token.

Although everyone was dissatisfied, they also knew that the monks who could get the invitation letter were all talented monks, and they were not comparable to them.

Similar to Xihuizong, He Xiao, Su Yang, etc. in Ji Xing Palace have all received invitation letters. They are the strongest of this generation in the Xilu cultivation world, and they are also the hope of Xilu in the future.

Most of the monks who have invitation letters are disciples of the Great Martial School, as well as the disciples of a few Nascent Soul cultivators who are casual cultivators. Besides, almost no one from the medium-sized sects and small sects can get invitation letters.

Staring at the eyes of everyone, Xu Miao walked from the place reserved for small sects to the high platform.With a calm and calm expression, he calmly walked by a row of surprised monks, stepped onto the high platform, and stood with a group of monks from famous schools.

Xu Miao's sense of existence has always been reflected in his daily life, but he taught other monks time and time again, so that they could no longer look at him with proud eyes.

Xu Miao has almost become the pride of all the small sects. They all regard Xu Miao as a role model, and look forward to the day when they can be like Xu Miao, stand with the disciples of the big sect, and even surpass them.

Although Xu Miao has gained a great reputation, he has never fought against the strongest group of monks in the Western Continent's cultivation world.Therefore, there are still many monks who think that he is just a vain name.

Xu Miao didn't take these things to heart, ignored the gazes on and off the high platform, and stood at the end of the line calmly.He, Xu Miao, is not a spirit stone, and cannot be recognized by everyone, and some people are not human at all.

Including Xu Miao, a total of ten people received invitation letters.Although ten people are very small compared to the number of people participating in the big competition, they are much more than the previous ones.

In previous big competitions, no more than three monks could get invitation letters.Moreover, the person invited in the invitation letter has never been a disciple of a small sect. Xu Miao can be said to have broken the tradition and become No.1.

The teleportation array has been opened, and ten people walked into the teleportation array one after another.The light that belongs exclusively to the teleportation array flashed past, and ten people disappeared in the teleportation array.With the disappearance of ten people, the teleportation array was temporarily closed by monk Nascent Soul.

"After half an hour, the teleportation array will be reopened, and you can enter the branch hall again." The disciples who have the invitation letter have priority, and the other monks have no objection.

This teleportation array is obviously a long-distance teleportation, and the space pressure exerted on the body keeps increasing.Xu Miao has never teleported such a long-distance teleportation array, so she can only use her spiritual power to relieve this pressure.

When the pressure from the teleportation array dissipated, ten people had already arrived at the branch hall of Tiandingmen.This branch hall seems to have been forgotten by time, and all the buildings, pavilions and pavilions are standing intact in place.

Even the bell tower at the gate of the branch hall, the hammer on it was still shaking gently in the wind, waiting for the disciples to come and strike the big bell.Although the ten people came together, they belonged to different forces.

He Xiao from Xihui Sect left first, Song Zhiyan from Zhuoli Pavilion and his younger brother Shen Ze left as a casual cultivator, leaving Su Yang and Xu Miao from Jixing Palace as a casual cultivator.

When they first arrived at the branch hall of the ancient sect, many people gathered together to ensure the greatest safety.Among the ten people, it was obvious that they were in groups of three or three.

Whichever team Xu Miao joins, she can add strength to that team and ensure her own safety.But Xu Miao was not familiar with other monks, and he didn't intend to go with others. After nodding to signal Su Yang, he also turned into a ray of light and left.

The reason why he dared to leave alone was nothing else, but the moment he saw the gate of the branch hall, he thought of the cave of the ancient monks of Tiandingmen.

At that time, the shape of the cave was like a miniature version of the sect. Xu Miao originally thought it was just an ancient monk to commemorate the Tiandingmen, but now that he thinks about it, the monk may have done it on purpose.

A long time has passed since ancient times, and even if there are still medicines left, they have already lost their efficacy.The most important things in Tiandingmen are skills and magic weapons. The real Nirvana Sword will not be in the branch hall, and other magic weapons probably will not have real bodies either.

Under Xu Miao's comprehensive assessment, he chose to go to the palace where the exercises are stored.Following the road in the ancient monk's cave, Xu Miao walked forward following the memory.

However, this place is the location of the branch hall after all. Different from the cave, there are various defense and attack formations.Xu Miao decided to see that these formations were so exquisite that they could identify monks.

If it is a recorded disciple of the branch hall, the formation will not launch any attacks, but for foreign monks like Xu Miao, who do not have corresponding records, the formation will attack him mercilessly.

As soon as Xu Miao was attacked by the formation, she withdrew and retreated until she reached the range of the formation attack.This road is blocked, he can only go in another direction.

The formations here are exquisite, if one can study the formations one by one and decipher them, Xu Miao's attainments in formations will definitely be able to reach another level.

However, he is not the only one in this branch hall, there are nine people not far away, watching him all the time.In addition, ten of them are the first monks to enter the branch hall, and more monks will enter later.

Before that time, he has not successfully cracked a formation, and the other monks have already touched the depths of the branch hall and got the token.Xu Miao didn't know how to do this kind of thing, so the first time she realized that the formation was difficult to deal with, she avoided the frontal attack and went to another road.

Xu Miao recalled the miniature Tianding Gate in the Guxiu Cave Mansion, compared it with the various buildings in the branch hall, and found that there were still many gaps, or he was careless.

As he looked at the nearby buildings, he wondered where the token would be placed.This kind of token is an important key to open another secret place. If it is not placed in a certain place in the branch hall, it will be in the hands of each disciple.

If you can find the caves of the disciples of the branch hall, and search for them one by one, maybe you will gain something.It's a pity that the miniature sect that built the cave mansion in ancient times didn't set up disciple rooms or places like the cave mansion.

Although such a long time has passed, the thinking of human monks will not change much.He considered the location of the cave with the mentality of setting up the cave.

It must not be in the front mountain, which is not suitable for monks to practice retreat, and the back mountain is more suitable for people like ancestors. From this point of view, the central area is the most likely place to have a monk's cave.

It's just that Xu Miao went around along the road to the middle of the branch hall, and regrettably found that there was only one road to the middle, and all kinds of strange obstacles were set up on this road.

Things like magic circles, puppets, and organs gave Xu Miao a headache.Not long after, several waves of people who separated at the entrance of the branch hall also gathered here, and everyone found that there was only one way to enter the middle.

They are all genius monks in the Western Continent's cultivation world. At this time, they will temporarily put aside their personal grievances and devote themselves to solving the immediate problems.

At the beginning of the road, there is a magic circle.This formation is extremely complicated. Based on Xu Miao's research on the formation, it would be impossible to completely unravel the formation within a few months.

Especially after Ji Xingdian Su Yang, who is good at formations, and his junior brother Xia Heng shook their heads, everyone decided to use brute force to blast away the formations.

"You have also seen the current situation. We must rely on absolute strength to break the formation. I am not worried that we will not be able to break the formation with our strength. What I am worried about is that some people will take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and are unwilling to contribute." His eyes swept over everyone.

Su Yang was still shaking the folding fan in his hand: "What do you want?"

"It's very simple. Everyone takes turns to make a move. You can tell at a glance whether they are contributing." He Xiao's proposal won the approval of everyone. Although he wanted to fish in troubled waters, he didn't want others to fish in troubled waters.

Under mutual restraint, they simply put the matter on the table, which is clear at a glance.

He Xiao was the first to strike. He Xiao was indeed the strongest of Xihuizong's generation. His spiritual power was gathered in his fists, and he blasted towards the formation with an invincible momentum.

It's just that although the power is strong, the formation is even stronger. He Xiao's attack did not cause any damage to the formation.

"As long as everyone's attack can reach my level, within ten reincarnations, this formation will definitely be blasted away."

Next, everyone stepped forward one after another, displaying spiritual strength comparable to He Xiao's blow.Finally it was Xu Miao's turn, and everyone's eyes were on Xu Miao.

Xu Miao's complexion remained unchanged, she used her spiritual power, raised her hand and blasted towards the formation.Compared with He Xiao, there is no more, no less, just exactly the same.He Xiao also noticed this, took a deep look at Xu Miao, and continued to bombard the formation.

The ten people were in order, and everyone contributed their strength. The formation really followed He Xiao's plan. After ten rounds, they were completely blasted away, showing a way behind the formation.

No one was surprised or puzzled by He Xiao's prediction. They were of equal strength, and it was not difficult to make the same estimate.The ten people entered the entrance where the formation was broken one by one, and what was waiting for them was a puppet that suddenly appeared.

Once a formation is broken, as a chain reaction, there will be follow-up defense methods.Therefore, there will be puppets waiting on the road, which is not beyond Xu Miao's expectation.

It's just that the calculation of Tiandingmen's branch hall was too accurate, and there happened to be ten puppets standing in front of them.Everyone's eyes showed fear, several of them obviously came from the same spiritual power, but Tiandingmen could know how many people came to break the formation.

Such unfathomable strength, how can they not let them be afraid.However, without allowing them to think too much, the puppet has already rushed forward.Xu Miao had seen and fought puppets before.

As long as the place that provides energy is destroyed, the puppet can be destroyed directly.

(End of this chapter)

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