Chapter 213
While resisting the huge puppet attack, Xu Miao scanned the puppet's whole body with his spiritual consciousness, trying to find the energy spar for the puppet's actions.

However, the puppet production of Tiandingmen is too refined, and it is impossible to discover it with only spiritual sense.The puppet didn't know what Xu Miao was thinking, so it kept waving its fists and attacked Xu Miao.

Unlike the puppet Xu Miao had encountered before, this puppet not only relied on its huge body and brute force, it could also cast spell attacks.

The special mana was condensed in the puppet's hands. Without waiting for the mana to be condensed, Xu Miao directly raised the fog condensing sword and slashed at the puppet.There was a crisp impact sound, and the puppet's body didn't even leave a sword mark.

This is almost impossible, no one knows the sharpness of the Mist Sword better than him.Contains the strength of a ninth-level great demon cultivator, cutting iron like mud, destroying gold and breaking jade, everything is easy.

But this seemingly ordinary puppet in front of him easily blocked the attack of the Wu Ningjian.Xu Miao's eyes were dim, and his consciousness swept over the puppet again.

Xu Miao is not alone in this trouble, whether it is He Xiao or Su Yang, they all found the difficulty of puppets.I tried my best, and I was so exhausted that the puppet didn't respond at all.

These puppets have no life, no feeling, as long as they have enough energy, they can keep fighting.When the monk's spiritual power is always exhausted, the most worrying thing is that the puppet has not exhausted its energy, but the monk has exhausted its spiritual power.

After the puppet in front of him was knocked back by Xu Miao's blow, he rushed forward again.Xu Miao crossed the sword in front of her chest, and slashed across the sword with her finger, and the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue was immediately activated.

Xu Miao's left eye became pitch black at the moment when the formula was cast. He raised his head slowly and raised his right hand forward.

The other monks who were fighting the puppet noticed the change in Xu Miao's aura, which was too heavy and terrifying.Several people avoided Xu Miao at the same time, and made a new evaluation of Xu Miao in their hearts.

Xu Miao didn't notice the changes in the others, his attention was all on the puppet.While he was performing the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art, the puppet also displayed the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art.

When Xu Miao came to this conclusion, she was also very surprised.When he obtained the Jue of the Nirvana of Heaven and Earth, that jade simply mentioned that in order to practice the Jue of Nirvana of the Nirvana of Heaven and Earth successfully, the root, understanding, and talent are all indispensable.

The Heavenly Cauldron Sect in ancient times recruited so many disciples, but few of them were able to cultivate successfully.Why back in ancient times, even a puppet guarding the gate could perform the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art.

The surprise brought by the puppet to Xu Miao was too great. Xu Miao was in doubt, but he still used his spiritual power and rushed towards the puppet with tyrannical power.

The puppet's Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue collided with Xu Miao's Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue, forming a huge shock of spiritual power.This shock was too huge, and He Xiao and the others had to use their body skills to move to another position to avoid the shock.

Xu Miao, as the core figure causing the shock, cannot be avoided.While the left hand was shaking, Fu Yu's helmet was supported by him to resist the shock.

At the moment when Fu Yu's armor was formed, the puppet that made Xu Miao feel the pressure suddenly stopped, and all the spell fluctuations disappeared in an instant.

A huge puppet stood quietly in front of Xu Miao. The life-and-death struggle just now seemed to be an illusion.Xu Miao looked at the puppet with a complicated expression, and after using Fu Yu's helmet, the puppet stopped attacking.

Is it because the puppet recognized that Fu Yu's helmet is the skill of Tiandingmen, or is it related to the previous Heaven and Earth Jue.Xu Miao couldn't figure it out. He tried to walk in front of the puppet, but the puppet didn't respond.

He stretched out his hand again and put his hand on the puppet, but the puppet still didn't respond.Not only Xu Miao was dumbfounded, but He Xiao and the others were dumbfounded.

The puppets in front of them were still attacking them, showing no signs of stopping.

Xu Miao held the fog-condensing sword with one hand, ready to deal with the puppet's sudden attack at any time, and groped around the puppet with one hand, trying to find out the energy supply of the puppet.

As a result, an extremely secret organ was found on the puppet's chest. Xu Miao put her hand on it, and could feel the surging spiritual power under the chest.

From the beginning to the end, no matter how Xu Miao searched, the puppet did not respond to stress.Xu Miao rolled her eyes, wanting to take this puppet for her own use.

From the battle just now, it can be seen that the strength of the puppet is definitely not weak, at least in the several fights with Xu Miao, it is not at all inferior.If the puppet obeys his command, it can increase its strength.

Taoist Li Huan likes to delve into this aspect the most. Xu Miao directly asked Li Huan via voice transmission: "Senior Li Huan, how can I control this puppet?"

"Use my spiritual sense first to check this puppet." Xu Miao probed according to his words. Although Li Fantasy took the initiative, Xu Miao firmly suppressed it.

"Senior Li Huan, there are some things you can do, and some things you'd better not do, lest we have further quarrels and make both parties unhappy." Xu Miao said this, Taoist Li Huan is not obsessed with the initiative to control the consciousness .

"Before you could make it stop, it should be that some kind of kung fu you cultivated happened to be the top kung fu of the Tiandingmen, but if you can generate fluctuations in the kung fu, the puppet will regard you as a member of the Tiandingmen. , so I won’t continue to attack you.”

Another part of Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness has been paying attention to He Xiao and the others. They are also observing Xu Miao, but no matter what happens to Xu Miao, he will not show it, making them unable to judge.

"But it is basically impossible to control the puppets. These puppets are specially instructed to kill outsiders and will not obey your orders."

"Tsk—you've been talking nonsense for a long time, just to tell me that it's impossible to control the puppet. You really drool more than tea." Xu Miao's impatient tone did not hide the slightest bit.

Taoist Li Huan really wanted to refute, but what Xu Miao said was the truth, he couldn't refute at all, so he fell silent after humming twice.

Since the puppet is to kill outsiders, it may be possible to control the puppet with the conversion of exercises.In front of the puppet, the outsider's skill fluctuations are displayed, and the puppet will definitely follow and kill him.

When the puppet is about to attack him, he can change the cultivation method into the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue and Fu Yu's armor, and the puppet can be calmed down.The more Xu Miao thought about it, the more reliable he felt. He jumped over the puppet, walked to the front, changed his skills, and revealed the aura of Bihaiqingtianjue.

The originally quiet puppet immediately opened its eyes and galloped towards Xu Miao.When the magic power in the hands of the puppet was about to be condensed, Xu Miao timely switched to the Helm of Fu Yu and the Art of Heaven and Earth Annihilation.

The puppet felt the breath of the exercise, and the mana in his hand immediately stopped condensing, and returned to his chest in the opposite direction.This method really works, and Xu Miao is in a very happy mood at this time.

Taoist Li Huan in the depths of the Sea of ​​Consciousness looked at the puppet in disbelief, and said, "Xu Miao, you really are a genius."

"Praise and praise, you must be smarter than your predecessors." As he spoke, Xu Miao glanced at the corner of her mouth with disdain.A cultivator who also transforms into a god can't even control a puppet.

The puppet without a target stood quietly in place, and Xu Miao rushed to Su Yang's side to help him deal with the puppet in front of him.He has been taken care of by Bai Yan many times, and he once promised Bai Yan to take care of the monks in Ji Xing Temple at critical moments.

Now that Su Yang is in trouble, it is his duty to do so.The puppet's mana was constantly flowing and kept at a high level, which gave Su Yang a headache.

Xu Miao moved and appeared between Su Yang and the puppet.At this time, the puppet's attack was close at hand, Xu Miao's expression remained unchanged, he raised his hand to prop up the helmet of Fu Yu, and at the same time performed the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art with the other hand.

Feeling the familiar breath of the technique, the puppet stopped the attack cleanly and stood where it was.Xu Miao sent a voice transmission to Su Yang: "Suppress the fluctuation of spiritual power, and don't reveal any breath."

The disciples of Ji Xingdian were good at hiding their aura. Su Yang received Xu Miao's instruction, and immediately informed his younger brother Yu Guangfeng via voice transmission.Xu Miao moved very quickly, after finishing the puppet in front of Su Yang, she jumped to Yu Guangfeng and took care of the puppet for him.

Now, even a fool knows that Xu Miao has a way to deal with the puppet.Instead of wasting my spiritual power to resist, I might as well ask Xu Miao for help.

After Xu Miao finished helping the casual cultivators who were on the same front as Ji Xingdian, He Xiao said, "Friend Xu, if you can help me, Xihuizong will definitely thank you."

Xihuizong had some conflicts with Xu Miao because of Lin Zhao's matter before, but Peng Tianjie still took good care of Xu Miao later.In addition, since He Xiao had never provoked him, Xu Miao would naturally make a move.

"It's not necessary to thank me again, but next time when the Zhuoli Pavilion is going to deal with me, I hope you all just stand by and watch."

"Of course, thank you fellow daoist Xu." He Xiao bowed his hands in thanks, Xu Miao just likes people who are polite and know how to advance and retreat.Three moves and two moves subdued the puppet in front of Xihuizong, leaving only Song Zhiyan in Zhuoli Pavilion fighting with the puppet with a bitter face and deep hatred.

Seeing that the monks in Zhuo Li Pavilion were unhappy, Xu Miao felt even happier, and the corners of her mouth almost reached her ears.The casual cultivator who was following Song Zhiyan hesitated to speak, and wanted to ask Xu Miao for help, but Song Zhiyan dared not speak.

Although there are Nascent Soul monks behind these casual cultivators who have received the invitation letter, they are not willing to easily offend a large sect, how can one person resist the power of another sect.

"Song Daoyou, do you want to help?" Xu Miao said with a smile.

"No need." Song Zhiyan replied viciously, hearing it in Xu Miao's ears, it was funny no matter what he thought.

Xu Miao didn't care about Song Zhiyan and the three of them, and took the first puppet to the depths of the road.He Xiao and the others restrained their spiritual energy and followed Xu Miao carefully.

Xu Miao turned around and became the strongest among the ten people. After all, there was a puppet who could compete with them.They didn't dare to reveal their spiritual power at will, but Xu Miao could use it without any scruples.

Almost everyone was sure that the kung fu moves that Xu Miao showed before were the Tiandingmen's kung fu, and this kung fu had the function of passive recognition.

(End of this chapter)

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