Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 214 Space Illusion

Chapter 214 Space Illusion
Everyone envied Xu Miao's opportunity to learn the Heavenly Cauldron Cultivation Technique in ancient times.A few people even gave birth to the idea of ​​capturing Xu Miao, and then obtaining exercises through soul searching.

Xu Miao felt that there was an imperceptible murderous intent and greed hidden in the eyes projected on her body.He tilted his head calmly, it was the casual cultivator who was with Su Yang.Xu Miao curled up the corners of her lips in an indiscernible way, and continued to move forward with the puppet.

Suddenly, Xu Miao stopped in her tracks.In front is a mask that is integrated with the environment, which is easily overlooked.This mask has the effect of blocking the consciousness, and Xu Miao can't invade it with the help of Taoist Lihuan's consciousness.

"This place is likely to be another checkpoint to prevent outsiders." He Xiao, who has not communicated with everyone, said in a deep voice.

Zuo Ran glanced at He Xiao in surprise, and said, "The inside of this mask should be a different-dimensional space. If you can't get out of the space smoothly, you will probably die of old age in the space."

"Is it possible to break open by force?" a casual cultivator asked.

Zuo Ran stretched out his hand, felt the fluctuation of spiritual power in the mask, and shook his head: "It's absolutely impossible, the aura of this mask is unfathomable, even facing the cultivator who is sent by me, there is no such aura."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces were not very good.What is more terrifying than the cultivator who transforms the spirit may be the alchemy cultivator, or it may be a cultivator with a higher cultivation level.

In the Tiandingmen in ancient times, the strongest was only weaker than the gods.The extra-dimensional space constructed by such a level of power may not be able to brute force destroy the extra-dimensional space with the power of the entire Western Continent cultivation world.

"If you can spend a lot of money to set up a different-dimensional space in this place, I guess that as long as you pass through this space, you can enter the middle of the branch hall and get tokens." Xu Miao guessed the role of the space based on Zuo Ran's words.

Su Yang nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, as long as you pass through the space smoothly, you can enter it."

No one knows what's going on inside the space, and the unknown is always the most terrifying.Even though they knew that space was the only way to go, there were expressions of hesitation on everyone's faces.

Xu Miao chuckled and walked into the mask with the puppet.This mask is different from ordinary array masks. As soon as Xu Miao touched it, he felt a strong attraction and grabbed him to a certain place.

The eyes suddenly turned black, and she couldn't get out her consciousness. At this time, Xu Miao really became blind.He concentrated on feeling the changes around him, there was no fluctuation in spiritual power, and there was no trace of any spells.

In this space constructed by high-ranking monks, cultivators who transform themselves can't play any role.Xu Miao didn't rely on Taoist Li Huan's consciousness, but relied on the instinct of a monk to move forward.

Suddenly, Xu Miao heard the sound of water.The gurgling sound of water should be able to guide him to a certain place.Xu Miao walked step by step, and when he passed through a cave, he suddenly understood.

The bright sunlight shone on his body. After experiencing darkness for a long time, he suddenly felt the glaring light. Xu Miao quickly raised his hand to block the sunlight.

The moment Xu Miao raised his hand, he froze on the spot.The spiritual power of the whole body disappeared, and the consciousness disappeared, just like a mortal.Xu Miao took off the storage bag specially placed on her waist, but it couldn't be opened at all.

Sudden loss of spiritual power, Xu Miao was flustered. He quickly backed away, trying to return to the place where he appeared before, but found a flat grassland behind him.

The cave, the sound of the water, and the darkness seemed like an illusion.Xu Miao slowly raised her hand and stared at the palm of her hand. There was no change in his body. Ordinary people would not have such a body.

He raised his eyes and looked into the distance, not far away was a village with smoke from cooking.Without the help of divine consciousness and spiritual power, Xu Miao could only half-close her eyes to observe the situation in the village.

You can vaguely see children playing at the entrance of the village, and adults returning home.Xu Miao stood where she was, looking at everything in front of her in a daze.

"Master Xu, hurry home." Suddenly a man patted Xu Miao's shoulder vigorously, showing a simple and honest smile.Without spiritual power, Xu Miao was dragged to the village by the men around her.

Following the man, Xu Miao came to the village.As soon as the children at the entrance of the village saw Xu Miao, they crowded around excitedly, talking about the articles they memorized today.

Xu Miao looked at what happened in front of him inexplicably, his soul seemed to be separated from his body.He watched his mouth move and communicated with the villagers.

Next, he was invited by enthusiastic villagers to have dinner at their home.Xu Miao's body didn't listen to him at all, and she did many incredible things independently.

The sky finally darkened, and the villagers fell into sleep.Xu Miao carefully pushed open the door of the house and left the village.He walked aimlessly for an unknown amount of time before finally falling to the ground and losing consciousness.

When he woke up faintly, he was surprised to find that he was still lying on the bed in the village house.This cognition made Xu Miao panic.He knew that this was a scene formed in a different dimension, but he didn't know how to decipher it.

Every night, Xu Miao would leave the village and keep walking until she passed out from exhaustion, and would return to bed every time.Despair inevitably grew from the bottom of his heart, he closed his eyes and calmed down.

During this period of time, he searched the entire village, but couldn't find anything unusual.He had grown up in the village originally, and his understanding of the village was no less than that of others.

Based on his understanding of this village, it is completely an ordinary village.The more ordinary the village is, the more ordinary Xu Miao is.

To be able to construct such a space and imprison his spiritual power and consciousness, the strength of this person's cultivation is truly unfathomable.He once read in some ancient books that monks who have reached the level of Mahayana can build a brand new world.

Even people in the world can practice spells, find opportunities, obtain magic weapons, and improve their cultivation.Xu Miao suddenly had an absurd idea, perhaps the world he lived in was constructed by a certain monk.

In fact, the whole world is false, whether it exists or perishes, it all depends on the monk who created the world, in his thought.

However, none of this worried Xu Miao the most, because he found that his memory was gradually changing.The things he experienced in the cultivation world began to be forgotten, and more things in the village appeared clearly in his mind.

In desperation, Xu Miao wrote down the experience on paper when he could still remember it, and kept it properly, and told himself who lost all memories in the future not to lose them, and must leave the village every night.

Day after day, the children in the village have grown up, and Xu Miao is also beginning to grow old.His skin began to wrinkle and his muscles slackened.At this moment, he had already forgotten that he was a monk.

He stubbornly believes that he is the teacher in this village, and he wants to stay in the village for the rest of his life.When he died, he would be buried on the hillside behind the village for future generations to mourn.

Xu Miao has not left the village at night for many years, and he has long forgotten what he once told him.One day, feeling that death was coming, he started to clean the room.

Accidentally opened a wooden box that was safely kept under the bed.Out of curiosity, Xu Miao opened the wooden box that had been closed for many years.The paper inside has long been yellowed and worn out, and will crumble with a little force.

Xu Miao was very familiar with the handwriting on the paper.He will not admit mistakes, those words were written by him.As if listening to a story, Xu Miao finished reading a stack of papers with trembling old hands.

At the last moment of his life, Xu Miao thought of everything. He was not a teacher in the village, but a monk in the realm of comprehension. He came here to obtain tokens.

All the dusty memories flooded into his mind, and he was powerless to change anything. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the sky outside the window.

This life was wasted like this, and the villagers collected the bones, burned them into ashes, and slept forever in the hillside behind the village.He is not reconciled, how can he be reconciled.He still has too many things to do, too many promises to be fulfilled.

He tried hard to squeeze his fist, but how could his decayed body support him to complete this action.When the sharp nails touched the palm, Xu Miao froze.

He turned his head with difficulty, his body was undergoing changes, the lost strength gradually returned to his body, and after a while, he was able to stand up.

Over time, his body completely changed into that of his youth.The most incredible thing is that his long-lost spiritual power suddenly appeared on him.

Before Xu Miao felt the joy of regaining his spiritual power, things around him changed again.Whether it was the village or the villagers, they all disappeared the moment his spiritual power recovered, leaving only a desolate grassland.

With spiritual power, he can fly directly.Without hesitation, Xu Miao turned into a ray of light and flew into the distance.When he turned his head inadvertently, he found that the village there was still standing there, and the children at the entrance of the village were still those children, adults waiting to go home.

Xu Miao, who had experienced a lifetime, was shaken and left here as if fleeing.He wanted to communicate with Xiaotian through his spiritual consciousness, but found that he couldn't do it at all. No matter how hard he tried, the only response was deathly silence.

Xu Miao had no choice but to give up. He couldn't tell the direction, so he could only find a direction to fly at will.

The familiar mountain gate appeared in front of his eyes, it was the mountain gate of Heqing Valley.Xu Miao looked at the mountain gate vigilantly. This must have been specially created for him in the space.

His body lost control again, and he walked towards the mountain gate involuntarily, and he repeated the stages of getting started and apprenticeship.This time, he didn't have any travel, didn't have too much experience, he stayed in Heqing Valley all the time, and never left the sect.

Xu Miao wanted to leave the sect countless times, but couldn't help herself.His memory began to forget again. In order to avoid the previous mistake, Xu Miao wrote all the things on the wall while preparing the jade slip, so that he could remember it immediately.

This plan was originally perfect, but He Qinggu was attacked and the whole room was destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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