Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 215 Illusory Realm Sword Practice

Chapter 215 Illusory Realm Sword Practice
Xu Miao followed all He Qinggu's disciples to the mountain gate to resist the incoming enemy.At this time, Xu Miao has no magic weapon against the sky, no high-level exercises, just like countless ordinary monks, blocking the opponent at the cost of his life.

When a strong sword aura roared towards Xu Miao, he involuntarily raised the sword in his hand, raised it above his head, and slashed out obliquely.

Xu Miao, who had lost his memory, didn't know that this sword was a chopping sword in Liuying swordsmanship. He just followed his body's instinct and chose the most suitable move at the right time.

Xu Miao didn't stop after striking out with a sword. He wanted to kill as many enemies as possible before this feeling disappeared.His sword never stopped, and the depth of every move and style exceeded the moves he had learned in He Qinggu.

No matter how Xu Miao performed his moves, the fellow apprentices around him did not show due curiosity.It is already puzzling that a person who has never practiced martial arts can use moves that do not belong to the martial arts.

However, everyone's expressions were the same as before, they just looked angrily at the monks who invaded Heqinggu, as if they were angry for the sake of anger.

Xu Miao sensed something was wrong, and a certain thought flashed through his mind, but he couldn't grasp that thought.At this moment, another monk attacked Xu Miao.

He could only give up exploring that idea and raise his sword to defend.Liuying swordsmanship was used by him in a smooth manner, and the nine basic sword moves were already familiar to him, neither obscure nor unfamiliar.

The sword in Xu Miao's hand is just a low-grade spiritual weapon, and the power of the magic weapon alone cannot cause damage to the enemy.It is such a sword, under the use of Xu Miao, it exerts a palpitating power.

The nine basic sword moves are constantly changing, and different sword moves can be selected according to different environments.Every move will bring out a fierce sword aura. Xu Miao hardly needs to mobilize his spiritual power, and the sword aura will be formed spontaneously.

Normally, when meeting a monk like Xu Miao, others would choose to avoid Xu Miao and look for a monk who was easier to get.But all these monks were brave enough to die, and they still rushed forward when they saw Xu Miao killing all directions.

With the help of countless monks, Xu Miao took the opponent who wanted to kill him as the object of sword training.They were all the ones who attacked He Qinggu, Xu Miao's subordinates would not show mercy.

His sword qi is full of murderous aura, as long as it is contaminated with sword qi, he will be seriously injured.After swinging the sword countless times, Xu Miao's body did not feel tired. He only felt that he could fight for another 500 years.

Xu Miao was obsessed with Liuying swordsmanship and ignored an important question.That means there are endless opponents, and He Qinggu's monks are also endless.

Whether it's the enemy or our monks, Xu Miao can't remember their faces, and can forget them in an instant.It's a pity that Xu Miao didn't notice this, he entered a mysterious realm.

This realm is a place he has never touched.The sword in his hand is no longer a sword, it has completely become a part of his body.

Without the support of spiritual power, a fierce sword energy can be generated by raising the hand.These conditions are not brought to him by this realm, but only when these conditions occur will he enter this realm.

He could clearly feel that there was something extra in the fierce sword energy.This thing is even more illusory, it cannot be described in words, it seems true but not true, and it seems false but not false, it can only be understood but not expressed in words.

If Xu Miao wakes up from this state, he will know that the mysterious thing contained in the sword energy is the sword intent.All sword cultivators are pursuing what they spend their entire lives in, and some sword cultivators spend their entire lives without being able to cultivate sword intent.

At this moment, Xu Miao didn't know that it was the sword intent, but he knew instinctively that this thing would enhance the power of the sword move.His mind was completely immersed in the realm of sword intent, his eyes were closed tightly, and the sword body hung down.

In the eyes of other monks, Xu Miao's actions were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.They rushed towards Xu Miao even more excitedly, and countless attacks flew towards Xu Miao.

He still didn't move, and was quietly in the noisy environment, seemingly out of place, but perfectly integrated into the environment.Suddenly, Xu Miao opened her eyes suddenly, and raised the spirit sword, blocking all attacks with a mysterious and unpredictable sword intent.

As soon as the move was successful, Xu Miao didn't stop there. She turned her wrist and attacked the opponent's cultivator continuously with sword energy wrapped in sword intent.A large number of monks couldn't even resist a move, and they were defeated by Xu Miao's sword move.

The expression on Xu Miao's face was indifferent, showing no joy in repelling the enemy with one blow.His mind is still immersed in that realm, and he has an inexplicable feeling that all this is illusory and will disappear soon.

What he can do is to firmly remember this realm, so that he can enter the realm smoothly next time.The accumulation of countless monks' lives forced Xu Miao to remember this feeling vividly.

Xu Miao tried to withdraw from this realm, but his sword energy lacked sword intent, and its power was greatly reduced immediately.He didn't panic, and continued to wave the spirit sword in his hand. He wanted to rely on himself to enter that realm again.

The moves in his hands are the same as before, without any change, and his heart becomes more and more peaceful.Forcibly entering the realm, the gain outweighs the loss.He is patient, waiting for the edge of the realm.

At this time, Xu Miao half-closed his eyes, and suddenly thrust out the spirit sword in his hand. He successfully entered the realm again, and the sword energy and sword intent merged perfectly.

However, the spirit sword, which had been used too many times, finally couldn't withstand a collision and broke into several pieces.Xu Miao lowered her head, looking at the trembling fragments.

He looked up and looked around, looking for the extra spirit sword.It's just that in the entire battlefield, there is not a single complete spirit sword left.

"It doesn't matter how it looks or what it looks like. Plants, trees, bamboos and stones can all be used as swords." In the depths of Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness, such a strange sentence suddenly appeared.

Plants, trees, bamboo and rocks can all be swords, Xu Miao muttered to herself, her eyes were blank.Without a magic weapon, he was forced to retreat by several monks.

There is a cliff behind him, and he has no way to retreat.Beside it is an old tree with only a few scattered yellow leaves left.Plants, trees, bamboo and rocks can all be swords. Xu Miao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he reached out and broke off a dead branch.

This time, at the moment of his sword move, he entered that realm.Just relying on a dead branch with no power at all, Xu Miao beheaded all the monks in front of him.

A ball of flames fell from the sky and landed on He Qinggu's place.Xu Miao's eyes widened, and her feet seemed to be imprisoned by the formation, unable to move.

He watched as He Qinggu was completely reduced to ruins under the sky fire.But he couldn't even feel the sadness in his heart, nor the joy of survival.

Xu Miao, who had lost her martial art, leaned against the old tree and sorted out the things in the storage bag.A jade slip attracted his attention, and he couldn't remember when he put a jade slip in it.

With a curious attitude, Xu Miao read all the contents recorded in the jade slips.His eyes went from curious, to confused, puzzled, to finally enlightened.

The Heqing Valley, which had become ruins, returned to its original state in an instant, showing a scene of prosperity.Xu Miao chuckled slightly, looking at the dead branch still in her hand.

He raised his hand to strike a sword, and the sword intent naturally arose with the sword energy, and the dead branches beside him turned into dust the moment they touched the sword intent.At the same time, the dead branches in his hands also turned into powder.

All the scenes disappeared, and Xu Miao returned to the dark scene, with gurgling water in his ears.His spiritual power and consciousness are all in place at this moment.

The moment Xu Miao was able to use her consciousness, she contacted Xiaotian in the Huntian Stone.Seeing Xiaotian's worried face, a big stone fell from his heart.

Xiaotian didn't know what happened to Xu Miao, she only knew that at a certain moment, no matter how she called Xu Miao, she couldn't get an answer.

She really wanted to leave Huntian Stone and go look for Xu Miao.However, Huntian Stone was imprisoned by some powerful force, and she couldn't get out of Huntian Stone with all her efforts.

At that moment, her heart was full of confusion and panic.She had never felt this way before, and she was so anxious that she didn't know what to do.Now that she felt Xu Miao again, she couldn't wait to leave Huntian Stone, open her arms, and hug Xu Miao.

With nephrite in her arms, Xu Miao caressed Xiaotian's back to comfort her restless heart.It was only when Xiao Tian realized that he was throwing himself into his arms.

No matter what Xu Miao did, he returned to the Hunting Stone in an instant.Xu Miao looked at her hand, smiled wryly, followed the sound of water again, and walked towards the hole that led to nowhere.

This time, Xu Miao didn't see the grassland or the village, what he saw was the branch hall of Tiandingmen.He knew that he had successfully passed through that different-dimensional space.

Standing beside Xu Miao was that puppet.A puppet without consciousness will not fall into a different dimension.It's just that this space doesn't seem to be malicious to him.

If it weren't for the illusion that appeared in the space, he would not be able to cultivate sword intent and reach a higher level in such a short period of time.

Looking at the appearance of the branch hall, he was the first monk to pass through the space of another dimension.It's rare to take the lead, how could Xu Miao stay in place and wait for others, he took the puppet and walked to the monk's cave in the branch hall.

Xu Miao thought of Guxiu's cave, these Buddhist scriptures pavilions, alchemy pavilions, etc. must have hidden a lot of good things.It's a pity that he doesn't have the skills to separate himself, and it's too dangerous for other spirit beasts to explore.

As the spirit of the Hunting Stone Tool, Xiaotian is the most suitable candidate for returning to the Hunting Stone at the first moment of danger.It's just that Xiaotian seemed to be shy by him just now.

Xu Miao suppressed the beauty in her heart, rubbed her nose, and discussed with Xiaotian bravely.

"Xiaotian, help me, go to other halls to see if there are any good things."

Xiaotian also knew the importance of this matter, and after squinting at Xu Miao coquettishly, he disappeared into the Hunting Stone.With Xiaotian's help, Xu Miao looked for the monk's cave with peace of mind.

These monk caves should be together, even if they are not close, they will not be far away.Xu Miao didn't say hello to Taoist Li Huan, and directly confiscated the other party's consciousness to find the monk's cave.

(End of this chapter)

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