Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 216 Obtaining Tokens

Chapter 216 Obtaining Tokens
"Xu Miao, you didn't ask me, and you used my divine sense directly?" Taoist Li Huan said angrily.

"Are you going to reject me? I won't get any benefits, what good will it do you?" Xu Miao communicated with Taoist Li Huan while flying at low altitude.

"That's also my divine sense, if you don't ask yourself, it's stealing!"

"Have you obtained my consent for occupying my body?" Xu Miao's tone was low, showing that he was in a very bad mood right now.Although the monk's cave was found, he searched through several caves but could not find the token.

In order to confuse the monks behind, when he searched the cave, he tried to avoid leaving traces, which greatly increased the time spent.

Taoist Li Huan felt aggrieved and changed the subject: "Then did you find the token?"

If Taoist Li Huan stood in front of him, Xu Miao would definitely beat Taoist Li Huan severely at all costs.

"Are you blind? Did I find it? Do you have no idea?" After Xu Miao said this, she ignored Taoist Li Huan.He didn't have much time, so he had to speed up and find a token before He Xiao and the others came out of the different dimension.

This is the fifth cave Xu Miao has searched for, and the previous four have all returned in vain.As soon as he stepped into this cave, he found that this cave was different from what he had searched before.

This cave can be seen at a glance. If you want to hide anything, outsiders can easily find it, but it is this kind of cave that caught Xu Miao's attention.

The monks in ancient times are too far away from the present, but their scheming and resourcefulness will only be stronger than the current monks, not weaker.The Dongfu that can be seen to the end at a glance must be just a superficial phenomenon.

Xu Miao went to the depths of the cave, and his spiritual sense scanned the simple furnishings in the cave, such as stone tables, cushions, and beds, and there was no trace of spiritual fluctuations.He turned his attention to other places, but still found no fluctuations in spiritual power.

Is there only such a room in this cave?Xu Miao's thoughts that had just arisen were suppressed by himself.It was absolutely impossible, there must be something he had overlooked.

He walked to the stone table and carefully explored all the places on the stone table, not letting go of a corner.Sure enough, he touched an inconspicuous bulge, and he pressed down hard, opening a small hole in the bed board next to the stone table.

It is actually using this mechanism to avoid the monk's spiritual inspection.This monk has quite a lot of attainments in organs.Spiritual consciousness penetrated into the cave, and inside was a deep corridor, and at the end of the corridor was a sealed room.

It seems that this room is the place where this monk meditates and practices, and the one above is only used to confuse outsiders.This corridor is extremely narrow and can only be slid down.

Xu Miao supported the bed with one hand, and slid down the corridor to the bottom room.The furnishings of this room are similar to those on the ground, with stone tables, cushions, and beds. The only extra thing is a wooden cabinet next to the wooden bed.

The wooden cabinet is divided into three layers, the first layer contains jade slips, the second layer contains various jade bottles, and the third layer contains a wooden box.Xu Miao directly opened the wooden box on the third floor, and the token that Peng Tianjie had shown lay on the red silk of the wooden box.

Finally found it, Xu Miao raised the corner of her mouth and took out the token in the wooden box.The front of the token depicts a sword and a tripod, and the reverse is a number—nine.

Xu Miao is no stranger to the sword and tripod on the front.Not only has he seen it, he has it.The appearance of the Nirvana Sword and the Refining Heaven Cauldron obtained in Guxiu's cave are exactly the same as those on the token.

But Xu Miao also knew that what he got was only imitations made by the Tiandingmen in ancient times. The real Nirvana Sword and Tianding, may have disappeared in the long river of history with the destruction of Tiandingmen.

It is impossible to tell what kind of material the token is made of, and there is no fluctuation of spiritual power.Don't ancient monks like things with spiritual power?Xu Miao was puzzled.

Peng Tianjie said that there are thirty tokens in the branch hall.Each realm has ten tokens, and only those tokens that match one's cultivation level can enter the second round of competition.

Xu Miao estimated that this token was the key to open another secret realm.The problem now is that he cannot judge the grade of the token, and Peng Tianjie has not told them how to distinguish it.

The spiritual sense swept over the token, just like sweeping over a mortal iron block, and found no different signs.He used spiritual power to attack the token again, but the token also did not respond.

Since he couldn't confirm which level the token belonged to, he could just confirm which level the monk who owned the token belonged to.

The monks in the golden core stage will definitely not hold the tokens of the foundation building stage, and the monks in the foundation stage will not hold the tokens of the golden core stage.Xu Miao opened all kinds of jade bottles on the second floor. Pills can best reflect the realm of monks.

As long as he determined the type of elixir in the jade bottle, he could determine the cultivation level of the owner of the cave, and thus determine the level of the token.He opened one of the jade bottles, too much time had passed, and the medicinal properties of the elixir had been lost to the very last.

However, Xu Miao was able to determine the type of the pill from the ingredients used to make it.Xu Miao squeezed a pill, put it under her nose and smelled it carefully, it was Guyuan pill.

In order to confirm his judgment, he opened the remaining bottles of pills, most of them were Guyuan pills, and there was also a Ningdan pill that had lost its medicinal properties.

Congealing Dan Pill, like the Foundation Establishment Pill, helps the monks condense the Golden Elixir, and only the Foundation Establishment monks will be eternal.Seeing this, Xu Miao has already confirmed that the owner of this cave is a monk who established the foundation, and there is a great possibility that he is a monk who has completed the foundation.

This token must belong to the foundation building period, so Xu Miao put the token away properly.Then, he put all the jade slips on the first floor into the Huntian Stone, and without time to check the content of the jade slips, Xu Miao directly put the things here back to their original places and left the cave.

After getting a certain token, Xu Miao was determined.If you can find a few more pieces, you can make deals with other monks.Thinking this way, Xu Miao entered another cave.

His good luck didn't last, and he didn't find the token in several caves.At this time, Xu Miao had already heard the voice of someone speaking.

Just because the voice was too low and the distance was too far, Xu Miao couldn't be sure who it was.In order to hide himself, he didn't use his divine sense to confirm the identity of the visitor.

The nine people who are with him, each of them is the first echelon of Xilu's generation, with various means, who knows if anyone has the way to see through the divine sense.

Xu Miao didn't want to take this risk, he didn't stay where he was, turned around and entered the cave behind him.Different from the previous cave mansion, there is a monk sitting in this cave mansion.

The monk turned his back to the entrance of the cave. Xu Miao estimated that he should be the owner of the cave. He didn't know what happened and died in his own cave.

With the passage of time, the monk's flesh and blood have disappeared, leaving only a pair of bones.On his phalanx, there is also a storage ring hanging on it.

Xu Miao first made sure that there were no traps or magic circles around the monk, then reached out and took off the storage ring on the phalanx.The owner of the storage ring is dead, and anyone can view and use it.

He probed into his consciousness and checked the items in the storage ring, and was completely shocked.The storage ring has a huge space, more than double the capacity of today's storage rings.

In addition, what surprised Xu Miao was not the size of the storage ring, but the items placed inside the storage ring.One corner of the storage ring is all spirit stones.

Xu Miao had heard of the spirit stones in ancient times, which contained much more spiritual power than the current spirit stones.Their low-grade spirit stones are equivalent to the current medium-grade spirit stones. One can imagine how rich the spirit power was at that time.

Although the spirit stone is stored in the storage ring, which cuts off the erosion of the world, but after years of devastation, the spirit power in the spirit stone is still depleted.

Today when it was discovered by Xu Miao, it has basically the same spiritual power content as the current spirit stone.Low grade is low grade, middle grade is middle grade.Even so, Xu Miao was also surprised by the monk's spiritual stone stock.

The low-grade spirit stones in the storage ring reached 8 yuan, the middle-grade spirit stones were 4000 yuan, the top-grade spirit stones were 600 yuan, and even the top-grade spirit stones were 20 yuan.

The monks in ancient times were local tyrants, and they were simply inhumane.When Xu Miaoguang saw the number of spirit stones, his mouth was watering.There are also a bunch of magic weapons in the storage ring, the highest level is the top-grade acquired spirit weapon, and the lowest level is also the top-grade magic weapon.

According to the level of the magic weapon in the storage ring, Xu Miao guessed that the monk was at the Jindan stage, but he searched the storage ring, but found no trace of the token.

Xu Miao withdrew from her consciousness, apologized to the monk's corpse, and tore off the clothes covering the corpse.There was a crisp sound, the sound of the token hitting the ground.

The Nirvana Sword and Heavenly Refining Cauldron are also engraved on the front of this token, and the number seven is on the reverse.He noticed that next to the number seven, there was an obvious dot.

This dot looks like a monk's golden elixir. Could this be the way to identify the token?Xu Miao took out the token he got first, and there was nothing next to the number nine.

Xu Miao was looking forward to finding a token of the Qi refining period, so that he could determine the difference between the three tokens.When Xu Miao walked out of the cave, he saw the three of He Xiao walking towards this side.

Although he helped He Xiao when he met the puppet, he was not familiar with it.What's more, he was the first monk to come out, so he didn't need to exchange information with them.

Xu Miao turned around and left, unexpectedly, He Xiao took a few steps and caught up with him.Xu Miao could only stop, looked at He Xiao helplessly, and said, "You Daoist He, what's the matter with you? I still have to hurry to find the token."

"Fellow Daoist Xu, something serious happened. There was an error in the teleportation from Dabifeng to this place, and all the monks behind were teleported to the demon-suppressing prison in the branch hall."

Town Demon Prison, the name sounds like it is used to detain monsters.All monks were sent to Zhenyao Prison, which meant that Ye Qiguang and others also entered.

He hurriedly asked: "Are there definitely any monsters in the Demon Suppressing Prison?"

(End of this chapter)

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