Chapter 217

"The news is that there are monsters screaming in the demon prison—" He Xiao didn't continue.

With the cry of monsters, there must be monsters.I didn't expect that the branch hall of Tiandingmen would actually have a demon-suppressing prison, and monsters would be thrown into it.

The most unexpected thing is that most of the creatures in the ancient times died due to the abnormal changes in the world, but the monsters in the Zhenyao Prison survived.

After so many years, even if it was only a first-level monster back then, it will now become a terrifying big monster.Of course, this is the news that He Xiao told him, and whether it is true or not needs to be confirmed.

He Xiao also saw Xu Miao's distrust, after all, the two had no friendship.Suddenly preventing the other party from continuing to search for the token, and going to the Demon Prison to rescue the monks, everyone would doubt it.

Seeing Xu Miao's expression, Zuo Ran felt disapproving.He would not have been willing to go with Xu Miao if it hadn't been for the message that the ten of them had to act together.

He Xiao took out a sound-transmitting jade pendant and played a formula. Peng Tianjie's voice came out from the jade pendant: "He Xiao, there was a transmission error, and all the monks who established the foundation and the Qi refinement have entered the Demon Town Prison. Ten of you go to the Demon Town Prison immediately. Prison, try to rescue everyone."

Peng Tianjie's voice could not be faked, no matter how doubtful Xu Miao was, she could only suppress it.He followed He Xiao and the others back, and met Su Yang and others who came in a hurry on the way.

Su Yang and Xu Miao looked at each other and exchanged information via sound transmission.Su Yang's news came from Wei Ya, which was the same as the news from Peng Tianjie that He Xiao got.

"Song Zhiyan and the three of them have come out yet?" As the foundation-building disciple of Xihui Sect, He Xiao became the leader without hesitation.Xu Miao didn't mind this, and stood aside, thinking about the reason for the transmission error.

Logically speaking, there is absolutely no possibility of error in the teleportation circle jointly constructed by Nascent Soul cultivators without external interference.

External force, Xu Miao rubbed her chin with her thumb and forefinger, deep in thought.The external force that can interfere with the Nascent Soul cultivator, apart from the Transformation Spirit cultivator, is the law of heaven.

However, from the holding of the big competition to the present, every time it has been approved by the cultivator of Huashen, this time is no exception.And the one who found the branch hall of Tiandingmen was none other than the cultivator of Huashen.

They won't intervene, so the biggest problem is the branch hall.The means used by the monks in ancient times were beyond the imagination of the current monks, and their branch temples would naturally have various ways to hide them.

Although the ancient monks had died long ago, the techniques they left behind may still be there.They can tolerate sending a group of monks, but they can't tolerate the constant sending of monks.

Therefore, a certain technique in the branch hall interfered with the teleportation array constructed by the Nascent Soul monks, and sent the latter batch of monks directly to the Demon Suppressing Prison.

Not long after, Xu Miao thought about the cause and effect thoroughly, and it was not far from the truth of the matter.

"Song Zhiyan is waiting for us at the intersection. I'm afraid of any accidents, so I'll come pick you up." Everyone discussed the matter while walking, but they didn't have enough information, so they couldn't find the specific reason.

The moment Xu Miao saw Song Zhiyan, she choked on her saliva.It's really not his fault that he wasn't calm. Song Zhiyan's hair, which had been neatly arranged before, abruptly turned into a chicken coop, and his originally fair face turned into jet black.

"Haha, hahaha—Song Zhiyan, did you steal coal, or were you struck by lightning? Hahaha!"

Song Zhiyan's face was extremely ugly, but he couldn't refute it.He was indeed struck by lightning. As soon as he entered the space of another dimension, he was surrounded by profound lightning in all directions, and he couldn't even hide from it.

The most exasperating thing is that the traces left by Xuan Lei on him can't be erased at all, he can only come out with a chicken coop head to ostentatiously pass the market.

"He looks like this, it's definitely because he doesn't accumulate virtue in normal times, and God can't see it, so he vented his anger on us." Su Yang waved his folding fan, with a graceful demeanor, which was in sharp contrast to Song Zhiyan who was in a state of embarrassment.

Xu Miao had long thought that everyone would encounter different things in a different dimension, but he did not expect Song Zhiyan to encounter Xuan Lei, and from Song Zhiyan's appearance, it didn't seem like he had learned something from the space.

By the way, Xu Miao asked Su Yang what happened in the different dimension.Although Su Yang was not as miserable as Song Zhiyan, it was not easy.

When he entered, a group of people rushed towards him, shouting to kill him. He was exhausted, but those people couldn't die at all.When he finally couldn't hold on at all and was lying on the ground waiting to die, he was sent out.

The descriptions of several other people are similar, and Xu Miao can only follow their descriptions.From this point of view, he is the only one who has experienced two lives in a different dimension, not to mention that he has comprehended the vital sword intent from the space.

Sword intent can directly increase the combat effectiveness of sword cultivators by a level, and it will also be helpful for future advancement.For the special care of the different dimension space, Xu Miao can only attribute it to the mana fluctuation of Tiandingmen on him.

It is because of this kind of fluctuation that the catastrophe for others becomes an opportunity for him.Xu Miao knew that she had taken advantage of it, so she didn't say anything, and silently followed a few people to Zhenyao Prison.

The location of the Town Demon Prison, when they first entered the branch hall, they already knew the exact direction.Without the existence of the no-flying circle, the ten people drove the escape light and rushed to Zhenyao Prison.

Before arriving at Zhenyao Prison, Xu Miao heard the screams of monks and the roars of monsters.Ten people speeded up, making the already fast enough speed faster again.

From high in the sky, he could clearly see everything that happened in the Zhenyao Prison.All I could see was the scene of monsters eating monks.Among the monsters that appeared outside, the highest level was the fifth-level monsters, and no higher-level monsters were seen for the time being.

Xu Miao found it strange that in the Demon Suppressing Prison left over from ancient times, there was no reason for the highest level of monsters to be only level [-] monsters.Several people looked at each other, thinking that now is not the time to explore the truth, saving people is the most important thing.

Although the monks who entered the Zhenyao Prison were not as good as Xu Miao's ten people, they were also an excellent group in the Westland cultivation world, representing the future group of monks in the Westland cultivation world. Mass deaths must not happen here.

Xu Miao and others quickly landed on the ground and shot to kill the monster.The fifth-level monsters are powerful and unattainable existences for ordinary foundation-building monks, but they are targets that can be killed for Xu Miao and others.

The Ningwu sword was unsheathed the moment Xu Miao landed. Xu Miao had already cultivated the sword intent. As long as he thought about it, his sword energy would carry the sword intent.

According to the news brought by Su Yang and He Xiao, all the foundation building and Qi refining monks have entered the Demon Town Prison, so Yang Lin and Yu Chuan will also be here.

Yu Chuan was the most talented disciple in the Qi refining period, before leaving He Qinggu, Luo Guan specially asked him to take care of Yu Chuan.Whether it was Yu Chuan or Yang Lin, Xu Miao had to save them.

Thinking of this, Xu Miao's whole body's spiritual power circulated and poured it into the Mist Condensation Sword crazily, making the already bitingly cold sword body even colder.

Standing in front of Xu Miao was a fourth-level monster. Xu Miao didn't pay attention to monsters of this level at all.He raised his hand with a sword, and with only the sword energy, Xu Miao took the life of this monster.

The monk whose life was threatened by a level four monster just now looked at Xu Miao with admiration and gratitude, not knowing how to thank him for a while.

Xu Miao didn't take this monk into consideration, he still had more things to do.He sent a voice with spiritual power to the depths of the Demon Suppressing Prison: "All monks, withdraw as soon as possible, and we will be responsible for waiting for you."

At the same time, the voices of Su Yang, He Xiao, Song Zhiyan and others sounded in Zhenyao Prison.The cultivator, who was so oppressed by the monster, was overjoyed when he heard the words.

The monk who was rescued by Xu Miao got up and ran out when he heard this.The sword in Xu Miao's hand kept moving, and quickly attacked the raging monster.

Although Xu Miao's speed had reached the limit, the monsters had to be killed one by one. Some monks couldn't wait for the rescue of Xu Miao and others, and were killed by monsters.

Xu Miao's sword became more and more fierce, and his body was covered with blood sprayed out by the slain monster.In the eyes of outsiders, the aura of his whole body is more terrifying than that of monsters, full of violence.

He saved many monks and killed many monsters, but he never found Yang Lin and Yu Chuan.Xu Miao's complexion was deep, and she was in a very bad mood.

Up to now, the fourth-level monsters have been killed almost, and it is the turn of the fifth-level monsters.The monster power of the fifth-level monster is even stronger, and Xu Miao can't kill the opponent in one blow.

Some of the monks have already quit the Demon Town Prison, some were killed by monsters before Xu Miao and others rescued them, and the rest are still dealing with level five monsters.

Xu Miao's ten people reunited. The fifth-level monster is equivalent to Jindanchu. The strength of the mid-term cultivation base cannot allow a little carelessness, otherwise, it will pay the price of life.

Everyone is a monk who has fought against level five monsters or even higher level monsters, so they don't need others to teach them experience.When they were ready, they rushed towards the fifth-level monster.

The Liuying Sword Art poured out from the Condensing Fog Sword, attacking the fifth-level monster with a sword-like move.The fifth-level monster opposite Xu Miao was a night bat, and it spread its wings to avoid Xu Miao's attack.

Unable to make a single blow, Xu Miao put one foot on the ground and chased after the dark night bat in the air.The rapier pierced the bat's wings in the dark night. As long as the bat's wings could be abolished, it would lose its greatest advantage.

A move with sword intent, at close range, the night bat is unavoidable.After being stabbed by the Mist Sword, Xu Miao immediately activated her spiritual power, and the chill entered the bat's body along the wound on the wing.

The chill of the Mist Sword can penetrate into the body of any creature. The night bat was attacked by the chill, its wings were affected, and its movement slowed down uncontrollably.

Xu Miao seized the opportunity and directly pierced the body of the dark night bat with the fog sword.The surging spiritual power expanded infinitely with the help of the Mist Condensing Sword.The arrogant dark night bat struggled, screamed, and closed its eyes.

The demon core of the fifth-level monster can still be sold for some money. Xu Miao digs out the demon core neatly and looks for the next target.

(End of this chapter)

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