Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 218 Cooperation

Chapter 218 Cooperation
A fifth-level monster has long been eyeing Xu Miao, and it is hiding in the shadow of a corner.No one noticed this monster, including Xu Miao.

At this time, Xu Miao and Su Yang have joined forces to deal with three level [-] monsters that appeared at the same time.With the strength of the two of them, there is no problem in killing a level five monster one-on-one.

However, it would be difficult for both Su Yang and Xu Miao to deal with three level five monsters at once.The best way is to cooperate against the enemy.

The fifth-level monster that traps the two is the pig-tailed monkey that is best at speed.The three circled Xu Miao and Su Yang uninterruptedly, and there were other monks not far away, so they couldn't use large-scale killing moves at all.

Xu Miao and Su Yang stood back to back, while being vigilant against the pig-tailed monkeys, secretly thinking about countermeasures.Monster beasts are generally afraid of the aura of divine beasts, but the little white tiger's current level is only level three, even if it reveals its aura, it can't deter the pig-tailed monkey.

Town Demon Prison is located underground, and after many years, the water vapor is the most abundant.Xu Miao pointed with her left hand and drew a circle around her body. Under the guidance of Ning Bingjue, the surrounding water vapor quickly gathered near Xu Miao.

"Su Yang, I will try my best to control the speed of the pig-tailed monkeys. You seize the opportunity to kill one first and destroy their formation." Xu Miao sent a voice transmission to Su Yang. out.

A large amount of water vapor began to condense into ice under Xu Miao's spiritual power.With all the consciousness spread out, the pig-tailed monkey's speed has exceeded his recognition speed, so Xu Miao can only rely on the power of Taoist Li Huan's consciousness.

With the help of divine consciousness that does not belong to him many times, his consciousness sea has a strong sense of repulsion.Xu Miao shook her head, suppressing the pain caused by rejection.

In the shortest possible time, identify the true body of the guinea pig.Raising his left hand, the water vapor quickly wrapped one of them.The spiritual power poured out at the same time, and the water vapor immediately turned into ice crystals.

The pig-tailed monkeys frozen by Ning Bing couldn't show their body shape, one was frozen, and the other two unexpectedly bumped into the pig-tailed monkeys controlled by Xu Miao.

Su Yang had already received a voice transmission from Xu Miao, and had been preparing secretly.At this time, Xu Miao sent him the opportunity, how could he keep Xu Miaobai busy.

The folding fans in his hands quickly closed together, and the folding fan turned into an invincible sharp blade at this moment, stabbing at the guinea pig-tailed monkey.Xu Miao's attention was all focused on the three pig-tailed monkeys in front of her, leaving only a small amount of consciousness to observe the surrounding environment.

When Su Yang was about to succeed, a sudden change happened.Suddenly, an Eastern Sand Fox sprang out from the side. The Eastern Sand Fox was extremely fast, approaching Xu Miao in a flash, its limbs bounced up, and its long protruding mouth bit Xu Miao's neck.

At the critical moment of life and death, Xu Miao's left hand's spiritual power output did not panic at all. He held the fog-condensing sword horizontally to block the sharp teeth of the Dongsha fox.The Dongsha Fox's teeth met the blade of the Ningwu Sword, making an ear-piercing sound.

Xu Miao's feet didn't move, and the wind energy in her body flowed along the sword and rushed towards Dongshahu.The Fog Condensing Sword has two attributes of wind and water, no matter what kind of spiritual power it is, it can make the Fog Condensing Sword exert its strongest power.

Seeing that the blow was unsuccessful, Dongsha Fox let go of his mouth and wanted to attack again.Once the Wu Ningjian was freed, the sweeping sword was aimed at Dongshahu's mouth, and it was thrown out.

Sword Qi and Sword Intent perfectly blended together, sweeping towards Dongshahu.Dongshahu didn't expect the human in front of him to be so powerful, so he rolled backwards in the air, avoiding Xu Miao's sword move.

Xu Miao wanted to control the pig-tailed monkey, but when she saw the Dongsha fox retreating, she didn't continue to pursue it.He pays more vigilant attention to the surrounding environment, not letting other monsters take advantage of it.

When Xu Miao was fighting the Dongsha fox, Su Yang's folding fan had already hit the pig-tailed monkey.One guinea-tailed monkey was trapped by Xu Miao, while the other two remained free.

They will not stand indifferent to seeing their own kind being attacked. The two pig-tailed monkey soldiers split into two groups. One stretched out its monkey arm to stop Su Yang's folding fan, and the other rushed towards Xu Miao, slapping Xu Miao's left hand that controls spiritual power. .

Before the pig-tailed monkey arrived, Xu Miao withdrew her left hand and put it on her back.He now controls the Frozen Art, which can be cast from any angle and anywhere.

Seeing Xu Miao's decisive withdrawal, the pig-tailed monkey was stunned for a moment, then turned back to look at the frozen pig-tailed monkey, and found that its companion was still frozen and had not been freed by Xu Miao's withdrawal.

The guinea-tailed monkey thought he had been cheated, it punched itself in the chest with both fists, and rushed towards Xu Miao again, roaring.Xu Miao's left hand needs to maintain spiritual power output, and only the right hand can move freely.

But against a guinea pig, one hand is more than enough.The Ningwu sword was raised high, and the sword move with sword intent decisively slashed at the roaring pig-tailed monkey.

The pig-tailed monkey knew the power of Xu Miao's sword move, and it dodged to the side deftly. It thought it would avoid the sword, but it didn't expect the sword intent to chase the pig-tailed monkey, right in the middle of the chest.

The sword intent is so powerful that even a pig-tailed monkey who is a fifth-level monster dare not take it lightly.Hit by Xu Miao's sword intent, he let out howls.

Xu Miao's eyes didn't change at all. The pig-tailed monkey was the most treacherous and cunning. It wailed like this, but it was just to gain the sympathy of its opponent and make a profit from it.

Seeing that Xu Miao's expression didn't change, the pig-tailed monkey also knew that its plot had been seen through.He stopped howling, rubbed his teeth, and stared viciously at Xu Miao who kept walking in.

The eyes of a man and a monster collided in the air, and the sight of nothingness seemed to become a reality at this moment, producing a series of sparks and lightning.The pig-tailed monkey moved, Xu Miao was faster than it, and the Mist Condensing Sword formed an afterimage in the air.

Under the infusion of sufficient spiritual power, the sword body appeared even more blue.Xu Miao struck out with the sword, reaching the front of the sword body, drawing a perfect arc against the body.

This move seems gentle and harmless, but in fact, the sword points at the demon core of the pig-tailed monkey.The pig-tailed monkey's hair stood up in shock from the sword. It wanted to avoid the sword, but Xu Miao's angle of holding the sword was too tricky.

The pig-tailed monkey had no way to avoid it, and could only watch helplessly as the Ningwu sword pierced its flesh and touched its demon core.Once the demon core is shattered, even Immortal Da Luo cannot save it.

The bone-chilling spiritual power permeated the whole body of the pig-tailed monkey along the demon core.Its limbs and head couldn't move, and it watched Xu Miao get closer and closer in horror.

The corner of Xu Miao's mouth twitched into an extremely cruel smile. She turned her wrist and took out the monster core of the pig-tailed monkey completely, then turned her head to deal with the remaining two monsters, not looking at the monkey.

The pig-tailed monkey kept its eyes wide open until it died, and the eyes were full of unbelievable fear.It doesn't believe that it just died under the sword of a human monk. Even though it managed to escape from the Demon Suppressing Prison, it still couldn't escape the fate of death.

Su Yang's movements were not as fast as Xu Miao's. When Xu Miao had killed a pig-tailed monkey, he was still entangled with the opposite pig-tailed monkey.Although the speed is slow, Su Yang seems to be able to handle it with ease, and does not need his help.

Xu Miao shifted her gaze to the frozen guinea-tailed monkey. The guinea-tailed monkey still maintained a confident and sly smile that hadn't changed in time.

Holding the fog-condensing sword, he slowly approached the frozen pig-tailed monkey. The fear and pleading deep in the pig-tailed monkey's eyes were in stark contrast to the cunning expression on his face.

Xu Miao looked at the pig-tailed monkey indifferently, and calmly raised the fog-condensing sword in his hand. As the ice crystals broke, the pig-tailed monkey's body was pierced by the fog-condensing sword.

The demon core was shattered by the Ningwu Sword. Xu Miao kicked away the obstructive pig-tailed monkey. Su Yang had already dealt with his opponent at this time. Although the two of them cooperated for the first time, they smashed the three pig-tailed monkeys perfectly. , Xu Miao was very satisfied.

It's just that Xu Miao has never found any trace of Yang Lin and Yu Chuan. This matter is like a huge rock, which has been pressing on Xu Miao's heart, making him breathless.

It wasn't just Xu Miao who was worried, except for the three casual cultivators, the monks of the other three sects all had fellow disciples whose life and death were uncertain.Xu Miao's eyes were dark and unclear, looking at the passage not far away.

This channel prohibits the detection of spiritual consciousness, and he can only observe the situation through his eyes.What kind of formations and criminal laws will be in the Demon Suppressing Prison in ancient times are things that their current monks have no way of knowing.

When the others dealt with the monsters in front of them one after another, they all looked at the passage with serious faces.At this point, it is necessary to enter the passage to explore.

"I suggest that we enter the depths of Zhenyao Prison to look for the missing monk." Su Yang first proposed.

Song Zhiyan quickly objected: "No, it's too dangerous for us to go in to save people. Don't forget, we have already rescued a group of people, and they can follow the road we have already broken into the interior of the branch hall and look for them. Token."

"The purpose of our trip is tokens, not others."

Xu Miao looked at Song Zhiyan's eager expression with cold eyes, and said, "Song Zhiyan, we only broke through the first magic circle earlier, do you think the puppets behind them can defeat them?"

"Giving up your fellow disciples for the sake of tokens is truly epic." Xu Miao mocked Song Zhiyan mercilessly.

Song Zhiyan confronted Xu Miao: "How do you know they can't beat the puppets?"

Xu Miao raised her eyes and cast a disdainful glance at the other party: "You can't even beat a puppet, but you still think that you, Song Zhiyan, are just an embroidered pillow because of your reputation."

Before Song Zhiyan could refute, Xu Miao turned to He Xiao.He Xiao is the eldest disciple of Xihui Sect. With the help of Xihui Sect's power, he can find Yang Lin and Yu Chuan faster.

He Xiao felt Xu Miao's gaze cast on him, and a ridiculous idea suddenly rose in his heart.Xu Miao standing in front of him seemed to be a Golden Core cultivator, not a Foundation Establishment cultivator.

Seeing that He Xiao hadn't expressed his opinion for a long time, Xu Miao reminded him.Only then did He Xiao regain his composure, and said: "I agree to enter the passage, if there are still monks alive, and we give up the rescue, how will we face the monks of Xilu at that time."

He Xiao expressed his attitude from the standpoint of righteousness.Xu Miao curled her lips inwardly, the monks of the Martial School are ink marks, he only goes in for his fellow sects, as for the others, it's none of his business.

Forced by Xihuizong, Ji Xingdian agreed, no matter how reluctant Song Zhiyan was, he could only agree to enter.

(End of this chapter)

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