Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 219 Ancient Monk

Chapter 219 Ancient Monk
He Xiao, Su Yang, and Song Zhiyan each took out the sound transmission jade pendants, and ordered their fellow disciples to stay where they are and not to act rashly, otherwise they will be punished severely.

Judging by the appearance of the three of them, none of them should have found the token.He has two in his hand, at least he won't be at a disadvantage.When Xu Miao stopped her thoughts, the three of them had already put down the sound transmission jade pendant.

Now that she has decided to enter the tunnel, Xu Miao is the first to enter without hesitation.As soon as he entered the tunnel, Xu Miao felt the temperature rise suddenly.

The width of this channel can only accommodate one person. Both sides of the channel are full of magma, and magma splashes out from time to time, hindering the pace of progress.

Xu Miao immediately placed a cooling mask all over his body. Unlike Fu Yu's helmet, this kind of defensive mask is a small method for monks, and it doesn't consume much spiritual power.

The mask appeared, and the chest tightness caused by the high temperature disappeared.Because magma often bursts out, Xu Miao can only keep running spiritual power to repair the mask.

The light mask, which originally did not consume spiritual power, has now become the bulk of spiritual power consumption.Thanks to the water attribute of Xu Miao's spiritual power, it just happens to restrain the magma, otherwise it would be even more difficult.

The few people behind Xu Miao are the best example. There is a casual cultivator who has a single spiritual root of wood attribute. When he encountered magma, he couldn't help complaining. He just wanted to turn around immediately and exit the passage.

The dark red magma is constantly scouring the passage, and Xu Miao's spiritual power must be continuously poured into the feet to avoid being scalded by the magma.I don't know where the monks of Tiandingmen got this kind of magma, which made them very embarrassed.

Xu Miao has the "Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue" in her body, and she is the most calm among the ten people.As he walked, he paid attention to the situation of the magma.

He stopped suddenly and listened attentively. There was a sound mixed with the flow of magma.Xu Miao turned her head to look at the place where the sound came from, probably from the depths of the magma.

Xu Miao was not the only one who heard the voice. Everyone heard the voice, and it didn't sound like the roar or curse of a monster, but a monk's cry for help.

Spiritual consciousness cannot penetrate into the depths of the magma, and everyone can only guess the situation by sight and hearing.

"Is there anyone? Help?" The voice for help became clearer, and Xu Miao was not excited by hearing the voice for help.It's not because the sound of asking for help is not a familiar voice, but why there are human monks calling for help in the hot magma.

Xu Miao also pointed out a burst of spiritual power, which was immediately swallowed by the magma without a trace.Several other people imitated Xu Miao and shot out spiritual power one after another to check the condition of the magma.

Without exception, the moment everyone's spiritual power touched the magma, they were completely swallowed up.Such a powerful magma will leave a monk alone?
Xu Miao frowned tightly and did not react for a long time.The voice asking for help became more and more mournful, and even began to report his name: "Fellow Daoists above, I am a monk of Dufengzong, Tang Minhua, and please help me, fellow Daoists. When I get out of trouble, I will thank you very much."

Before everyone heard the cry for help, they just looked ugly.Now hearing the other party claiming that he is a monk of Du Fengzong, all of them are shocked.

Du Fengzong, there is no one who does not know the name of this sect.However, Du Fengzong's name was mentioned by everyone in the description of the sect in ancient times.

In ancient times, Du Fengzong, who was as famous as Tiandingmen and also occupied a part of the sky, had long since disappeared in the world due to changes in the world.

At least in the ancient times, Tiandingmen still had inheritances left, while Dufengzong was directly exterminated, and there was no inheritance left.There must be many secrets buried in this demon town prison that no one has known until now.

Although they have all heard of the name of the transitional Fengzong, they have not heard of Tang Minhua's name.After thinking about it, Xu Miao asked, "How do you prove your identity?"

Xu Miao cleverly avoided Tang Minhua's request and asked for the specific identity information of the other party.

The voice was silent for a moment, and replied: "I can't prove my identity. If you don't want to risk yourself, you can go to Du Fengzong and tell the elders about the incident here. There will be a big thank you at that time." To you all."

"How long has Fellow Daoist been trapped here? Why didn't your sect notice it?" Xu Miao asked everyone's doubts.

"I was trapped in this damn demon prison a few months ago. At that time, a monster suddenly rushed out. I tried my best and almost died with it. I just recovered now. I heard the movement above, so I spoke Help."

How many months?how is this possible!There are millions of years from the ancient times to the present, how could it be the few months in Tang Minhua's mouth.

According to Tang Minhua's words, Xu Miao had two guesses in mind.One is that Tang Minhua's body was forcibly occupied by a monster, but the monster didn't know that the outside world had already changed, so it was said that he was trapped for several months.

The second possibility is that when Tang Minhua was fighting with the monster, he had indeed died with the monster.It's just that Tang Minhua's soul was trapped by the Demon Suppressing Prison, and he couldn't get out, so he was always in a daze.

To this day, the Town Demon Prison was inexplicably opened, and Tang Minhua's soul reawakened.Souls don't know the fact that they are souls, so Tang Minhua only thinks that a few months have passed.

"But we have no way to go down to the depths of the magma now." Although Xu Miao didn't directly agree to help Tang Minhua in his words, he vaguely conveyed his willingness to help.

Tang Minhua heard Xu Miao's words, and his tone was obviously happy: "You just need to go along the passage. Although there are many organs in this passage, you only need to have the token."

It seems that this passage is the same as the puppets on the side of the branch hall. Only the monks of the Tiandingmen are recognized, and other people cannot easily enter.It's just that a monk from ancient times appeared in front of them now, and no one wanted to capture him.

Although Xu Miao has a token in his hand, it is the key to open another secret realm, not the token of Tongxing Town Demon Prison.The ten people looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to think of a good solution for a while.

"Do you still have concerns?"

"We don't have a token. This time we sneaked in without telling the teacher." Xu Miao confessed that he didn't have a token, but attributed the reason to the fact that they didn't get the teacher's consent.

"It turned out to be a token. It's a small matter. I can lend you the token." After Tang Minhua finished speaking, a dazzling ball of light slowly appeared from the magma. Card.

This token was obviously different from the one that Xu Miao found in the cave residence of the disciple of the branch hall. After everyone saw it clearly, they didn't have the idea of ​​snatching it.

Now is still the time for cooperation, rashly destroying the alliance is not beneficial to oneself.Those here, including Song Zhiyan, are all scheming monks, and no one will act stupidly.

The token flew into Xu Miao's hands, and Xu Miao took the token without refusing.As soon as she got the token, Xu Miao found out that the token could really be used to get close.

The hot air around him disappeared without a trace in an instant, and even the magma that splashed from time to time would actively avoid Xu Miao.The people behind Xu Miao stared straight at them, but Xu Miao took the token, and if they tried to snatch it now, it would arouse Tang Minhua's suspicion.

Xu Miao clenched the token tightly, speeded up, and walked to the depths of the passage.The people behind watched Xu Miao's quick steps and gritted his silver teeth for a moment.

They are a little closer to Xu Miao, so they can enjoy the protection of the token at least. After they are far away, they will leave the protection range of the token.

Song Zhiyan, who was in the last echelon, wanted to rush to Xu Miao and grab the token.But he can only think about it, the passage is very narrow, if he is not careful, he will fall into the magma, life or death will be irrelevant.

Passing through the magma, the end of the channel is another deep corridor.It's just that there are walls on both sides of this corridor, and the temperature is normal, without the blazing heat of magma.

When Xu Miao stepped into this corridor, she raised her hand to support Fu Yu's helmet.If he walks first, he will also be attacked by the agency.If he hadn't reacted quickly, Xu Miao would have died in a breath.

He took out the token, and according to the spiritual power operation method of the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue, he released a wave of spiritual power.When the token touched the spiritual power, it emitted a gentle white light and flew into the air, leading Xu Miao and others.

Several other people could also see that the spiritual power that Xu Miao had just released was the spiritual power that made the puppet stop attacking.There is no doubt that Xu Miao must have received the inheritance from the Heavenly Cauldron Sect.

Xu Miao also felt everyone's probing eyes and didn't care.Even if they know it, so what, can they still put a knife on their own necks and force themselves to hand over the exercises?
Ignoring everyone's thoughts, Xu Miao walked straight forward.With the token at hand, and no traps appeared, ten people passed through this gloomy corridor safely.

It's just that Xu Miao didn't find Yang Lin and Yu Chuan along the way.He didn't know where the two of them were teleported, and if they were already dead, how could he live up to Luo Guan's entrustment.

Passing through a small path behind the corridor, Xu Miao saw Tang Minhua's real body, which was indeed in the state of a soul.How many people guessed the truth, how many people didn't know, they were very surprised when they saw Tang Minhua.

Tang Minhua was very pleasantly surprised when he saw Xu Miao and the others.But Xu Miao found a trace of vigilance from the depths of Tang Minhua's eyes.The other party quickly covered up that hint of vigilance, making it impossible for Xu Miao to investigate further.

"Thank you for your willingness to come. It is this formation that traps me. Please save people to the end, send the Buddha to the west, break this formation, and I will be able to get out. I will definitely thank you all when the time comes. "

Several people heard it in their ears, and everyone was thinking in their hearts.Du Fengzong in ancient times, a long-lost orthodoxy.As long as he can capture the soul named Tang Minhua, and then search for the soul, he will be able to obtain the Fengdu Sect's exercises.

The exercises in ancient times are much stronger than now.Even the group of monks who have practiced top-level exercises since childhood couldn't help being excited.

(End of this chapter)

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