Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 220 He Desire Grass

Chapter 220 He Desire Grass

Except for Xu Miao, they still looked calm.Although the others tried their best to conceal it, they still couldn't suppress the excitement in their hearts.It is better to tell the other person the truth than to allow others to deceive you.

"We are not monks from Tiandingmen." Tang Minhua knew it when he saw Xu Miao and others, so he was not surprised.But Xu Miao's next words were like a bolt from the blue, which made Tang Minhua stunned on the spot without responding for a long time.

"We don't belong to your era. We are millions of years away from your era..." Xu Miao simply told Tang Minhua about the destruction of the ancient times, the destruction of Tiandingmen, Dufengzong and so on.

Song Zhiyan glared and said, "Xu Miao, do you need to talk more?"

Xu Miao looked at Song Zhiyan disdainfully: "I don't talk too much, so let you deceive him, let him be led by the nose by you, and finally hand over Du Fengzong's exercises?"

"Song Zhiyan, I can say some things, but there are some things I won't do. If you insist on doing it, I will definitely stop you." Xu Miao seemed to be speaking to Song Zhiyan, but in fact it was To the others who thought about it.

"Xu Miao, why do you pretend to be a high-spirited thing here? Otherwise, where did the exercises you practice now come from?"

"Inheritance of skills, all secret realms, and caves will be left behind. As long as you have the chance, why not get it. I got the skills in an upright manner, and I am worthy of everyone." Xu Miao has never dealt with Song Zhiyan. After saying this , diverted his attention, and stopped talking to Song Zhiyan.

At this time, Tang Minhua had come to his senses.Although he was in a trance before, he could clearly hear the conversation between Xu Miao and Song Zhiyan.

Originally, he also felt the familiar aura from Xu Miao, so he asked for help.He never thought that the era he lived in had already been destroyed, and the monk opposite him was millions of years behind his age.

After all, Tang Minhua was a disciple of Du Fengzong, so he calmed down and said calmly, "In this case, why did you come here?" Tang Minhua believed that Xu Miao had no malice towards him, and he was only willing to talk to him.

Xu Miao briefly explained the reason for coming, and asked the other party if they had noticed the appearance of monks dressed similarly to them.

Tang Minhua recalled for a moment, pointed to a deeper location, and said: "I have felt a strong spiritual vibration there, and I don't know whether there are any of your companions."

Although Tang Minhua said that he was not sure, Xu Miao was sure that the spiritual vibration must be caused by the transmission deviation.Yang Lin and Yu Chuan should be over there.

"I can't break this formation for the time being. Can I find a way to break the formation after I rescue my fellow disciples?" Xu Miao discussed with Tang Minhua. Tang Minhua was not an unkind person, so he agreed quickly.

The magic circle was extremely strong, and Xu Miao was not worried that Song Zhiyan and others would break through it in a short time, so she rushed to the location Tang Minhua pointed out with confidence.

As Xu Miao approached that position, he felt a strong smell of blood.This bloody smell even surpassed the bloody smell he had encountered before. How many people and demons would have to die to produce this long-lasting smell.

Xu Miao thought she was ready, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he still felt a little uncomfortable.Humans and demons seem to have lost their boundaries at this moment, they ate each other, clouded each other, and ate and clouded each other.

People are not like people, and demons are not like demons.Amid the strong smell of blood, Xu Miao smelled a strange and slight fragrance.This aroma is sure to go unnoticed if one does not pay close attention.

But this fragrance directly made the blood of Xu Miao's whole body rush to the lower abdomen, and a certain part became agitated instantly. At the same time, the tyranny in his heart continued to grow, and he just wanted to kill.

There is something wrong with this fragrance, no wonder the monks and monsters here would act like this.Xu Miao circulated her spiritual power and forcibly suppressed the two impulses in her heart.

Xu Miao had memorized the names of tens of thousands of spiritual grasses in order to participate in the apprenticeship assessment for Zhidan.He recalled the types of spiritual herbs in his mind, but none of them had the effect of arousing the desire in the soul.

"Senior Li Huan, I don't know if you know this kind of spiritual grass?" After all, Taoist Li Huan is a cultivator of transforming spirits. He has traveled more bridges than he has traveled, so it is possible to know some strange spiritual herbs.

"Xu Miao, when you want to use this old man, you should address him as a senior, and when you don't need him, you just ignore him..." Taoist Li Huan complained endlessly about Xu Miao.

Xu Miao pressed her forehead. He really didn't expect that a cultivator who transformed himself into a god could be so talkative like a mortal woman.

"If you don't know about Li Huan, just tell me straight up, I won't look down on you." To deal with people like Li Huan, it's better to use aggressive generals.

Taoist Li Huan heard Xu Miao's words, and he really fell for it: "How could the old man not know that this spiritual herb is called Hedesin Grass, and when it blooms, it emits a unique fragrance, which can stimulate the soul. hidden desires."

"Unless you have a very firm Dao heart, you will always sink into it. If you don't have help from outsiders, you will never wake up in this life. It's just that Heyu grass has been extinct in ancient times. I didn't expect that there are still a few remaining plants in Tianding. The gate is divided into the hall."

After explaining the Hedessia, Taoist Li Huan's tone immediately became teasing: "I didn't expect that you, a young child in the foundation stage, could resist the fragrance of the Hedessia. What a—tsk, tsk, tsk."

Xu Miao ignored Taoist Li Huan's teasing, and said, "Can you find that Hedesin weed?" Xu Miao's consciousness scanned all the surrounding places, but he couldn't find Hedessia, so he could only ask Taoist Li Huan for help.

"The Hentai Grass is very small, and it is difficult to be found by the divine sense. Look at the place where the people and monsters are the craziest, and the Hexie Grass should be near there."

According to Taoist Li Huan, Xu Miao was looking for the craziest place.In the northeast direction, people and demons crazily nibble on clouds and rain.Xu Miao turned off her sense of smell, propped up the protective mask, and walked there.

Fortunately, this Hedesin grass can't have an effect on the spiritual consciousness, otherwise even he might not be able to suppress the various desires in his heart, and eventually sink into it, unable to wake up.

The nearby monks and monsters have been dominated by desire, and a lot of their bodies have been eaten away.Xu Miao directly raised the fog-condensing sword and swung it out, ending the lives of these monks.

The moment they lost their lives, these monks finally woke up.Xu Miao saw a sense of relief in their eyes, and he was firm in his approach.

After swiping a few swords, Xu Miao found Hexicao.Two small sympathetic plants spread their petals in the gaps between the floor tiles, exuding a stronger aroma.

Xu Miao raised the fog-condensing sword, just a sword.Heyucao can emit fragrance and disturb people's mind, but it can't stop the full blow of Ningwu Sword.

After one sword strike, the Codesmosa turned into powder.Xu Miao dug out the roots directly in order to prevent the Hesengrass from growing again.Just as she was about to destroy the Hedesinsis, Xu Miao suddenly stopped.

If He Desire Grass is used to entrap some monks, it will definitely have a surprising effect.Xu Miao transplanted the roots to a remote place in Huntian Stone, and set up a formation to prevent the fragrance from overflowing before stopping.

Others only saw that Xu Miao destroyed the Hesencao cleanly, but did not notice that Xu Miao still left the roots of the Hemenca.They used their means to disperse all the fragrance.

These monsters are about the same level as the monsters outside, they are all four or five level monsters.Xu Miao and the others killed all the monsters before they woke up.

After Xu Miao dealt with all the monsters, she also found Yang Lin and Yu Chuan.When Yang Lin sensed something was wrong, he turned off his sense of smell and focused on resisting the desire in his heart without being too much affected.

It was just Yu Chuan who was affected by the aroma.What made Xu Miao feel lucky was that Yu Chuan Yunyu was a female monk.Xu Miao's spiritual sense swept across Chuan's body and found that there were no other wounds on his body, so she took Yang Lin and Yu Chuan away from here.

A good big competition, looking for tokens, turned into a ridiculous accident, and I don't know what the high-level monks will plan next.

Xu Miao returned to the place where Tang Minhua was, and asked the two to recover their spiritual power and adjust their physical condition, and then began to study the formation.Since he has promised to release Tang Minhua, he will fulfill his promise.

This formation was specially used to trap monks and monsters in ancient times. With Xu Miao's attainments in formation, there was no way to break the formation at all.

Not long after, Su Yang also retrieved the disciples of Ji Xingdian and came to study the formation with Xu Miao.Like Xu Miao, Su Yang also couldn't find any clues.

Xu Miao and Su Yang are the ones who are best at formations and have the deepest knowledge of formations among Xilu's generation of foundation-building monks.For the formation that none of them can crack, I'm afraid they can only invite monks from Nascent Soul, or even monks from Huashen.

"Senior Li Huan, can you decipher this formation?" Taoist Li Huan is good at such things as formations, if he can decipher it, there may be a glimmer of hope.

Li Huan loved formations, and it was formations that led him to the realm of transforming gods.Therefore, when he saw the formation in the ancient times, his heart was already itchy.It's just that Xu Miao never said anything to call him, and he could only resist the urge to try.

"Take a look at the corner."

"Go to the shock position." Li Huan directed Xu Miao to check the key parts of the formation.When Xu Miao heard Li Huan's words, she had to admit that Taoist Li Huan had attainments in formations.

Just by observing with his spiritual sense, Li Huan discovered the key parts of the formation. He and Su Yang couldn't find these key parts after racking their brains.

He had previously broken through the formation that imprisoned the Qingjiao left by the cultivator of Huashen, so he has always been confident in the formation, although it is not as good as the cultivator of Huashen, it can also be compared with the monk of Nascent Soul.

Today, seeing Taoist Li Huan's performance in the formation, I realized how self-righteous he used to be.The arrays he has seen and studied are still too few to support his attainments in arrays.

(End of this chapter)

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