Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 221 Warning

Chapter 221 Warning
"This formation requires powerful spiritual power as the basis for breaking the formation. Even in my heyday, I couldn't break through this formation alone. If I can unite a few cultivators who have turned into gods together, there is a [-]% chance of breaking the formation. .”

Xu Miao could only tell Tang Minhua apologetically about things that Li Huan Taoist could not solve. When he returned to the outside world, he would tell other Huashen monks and ask them to help.

The matter of Tang Minhua came to an end for the time being, Xu Miao took Yang Lin and Yu Chuan to leave Zhenyao Prison.However, when Xu Miao just walked out of the gate of Zhenyao Prison, countless groups of spiritual power flew towards him.

Xu Miao decisively propped up Fu Yu's helmet, blocking the spiritual power from the mask.He raised his head and looked at the situation outside. The monks who should have been waiting quietly were all fighting together, and no one could stay out of it.

He Xiao, Su Yang and others who followed Xu Miao quickly grabbed fellow monks and asked about the situation.One of the monks had blood all over his face, but his eyes were full of greedy desire.

"The tokens have appeared, and all the 30 yuan tokens have appeared. If you don't grab them, it will be too late!" Before the words fell, the monk wanted to break free from He Xiao's restraint and snatch the tokens.

"Did you see that it was 30 yuan? Did you make a mistake?"

"Of course there is no mistake in counting. There are thirty light groups, and each light group has a token that is exactly the same as the one shown before."

Xu Miao fell into deep thought when she heard the monk's words.How is this possible, he has already taken two tokens.Even if all remaining tokens come out, there will only be 28 blocks.

Either what he got before was not a real token, but another kind of token.Either these thirty light groups are all blindfolds and traps, causing monks to kill each other.

But now he can't verify this information, the only thing he can do is to join this fight and snatch the token.Whether the token is real or not, get it.

Xu Miao is not the only one who has this idea.Ten people, including the monk they had just rescued, all attacked at the same time, and the entire periphery of the branch hall was completely thrown into chaos.

Xu Miao flew towards the token closest to him, and Xu Miao was not the only one who took a fancy to this token.Countless magic treasures flickered, and their spiritual power shot out.

The Ningwu Sword came out of its sheath according to the situation, and swept the sword with one move, sweeping the world.With killing intent, the awe-inspiring sword intent attacked the cultivator beside him.Xu Miao's sword moves have been brought to the extreme at this moment, and the blade, including Xu Miao herself, has become an afterimage.

When the monks who attacked together saw this afterimage, they knew they couldn't fall well.Some monks consciously withdrew their spiritual power and withdrew from the competition, while some monks were selfish and wanted to compete with Xu Miao.

"I will never pursue those who withdraw from the competition, and those who are stubborn will be shot to death." Xu Miao's voice was cold and full of murderous intent.

"This is Xu Miao, we are not his opponents, retreat quickly!" Some monks recognized the white hair of Xu Miao's logo, and retreated hastily, and there were five people who stayed where they were.

Xu Miao pointed at the five people with his sword, and said: "Since you want to die, I will never stop you." After speaking, Xu Miao used her body skills again and moved to the side of the light group.

The other five people sensed Xu Miao's intentions and each used their strongest means. For a moment, the sounds of talisman seals, magic weapons, and moves bursting with various spiritual powers, and light appeared in the air.

Xu Miao raised the fog-condensing sword, smashed the light group wrapped around the token, and collected the token into the Hunting Stone.The other hand quickly propped up Fu Yu's helmet, blocking the five attacks from Fu Yu's helmet.

The five spiritual forces attacked with all their strength at the same time, and even the strength of Fu Yu's helmet could not completely resist it, resulting in several cracks.After getting the token, Xu Miao put away Fu Yu's helmet and looked at the five people coldly.

"Let's kill Xu Miao first, and then distribute the tokens." One of them ordered in a deep voice.The remaining four people all nodded in agreement, took out their magic weapons one after another, and approached Xu Miao.

To deal with five monks, Xu Miao was easy to catch.He wants everyone to know that there is a price to pay for challenging him.This time, Xu Miao did not use the Liuying sword technique, but chose the Heaven and Earth Annihilation Art.

The whole body's spiritual power was running wildly, and the images in the dantian were all covered with a layer of black gas.What was different from the past was that his eyes were all pitch black, and a palpitating black light radiated from his whole body.

He slowly scanned the five people in front of him, without any warmth in his voice: "Who wants to die first?"

Xu Miao's aura had already made them terrified, not to mention fighting Xu Miao head-on.One of them obviously wanted to retreat, and a panicked look flashed across his face.

"You are so afraid, let's start with you, so that you can stop being afraid earlier." Xu Miao said a sentence plainly, but this sentence decided the life and death of a monk.

His figure suddenly disappeared from among the five people, and suddenly appeared beside that person again.The cultivator only felt that the spiritual power in his whole body seemed to be frozen, and he was unable to perform exercises.

This person's reaction was also very fast, his spiritual power couldn't work, so he quickly threw out the talisman.The high-level talisman exploded around Xu Miao, hindering Xu Miao's footsteps, and he joined the other four.

The other party's ideas and plans were very good, but he underestimated Xu Miao's strength.The reason why he felt the cold and couldn't run his spiritual power smoothly was not Xu Miao's appearance at all, but the effect of Xu Miao's casting of Ice Freezing Art.

Xu Miao controlled the water vapor in the sky and the earth, penetrated into the meridians through the pores of the other party, and condensed into ice at the moment of entry, affecting the operation of spiritual power.

The power of the bursting talisman could not harm Xu Miao at all, and he appeared on the other side of the opponent.At this time, Xu Miao covered up all the aura, even the chill and spiritual power fluctuations of the Ningwu Sword were hidden.

The Mist Condensation Sword without the fluctuation of spiritual power cannot be perceived by outsiders.Xu Miao raised her sword and stabbed decisively into the opponent's dantian.With the sharpness of the blade, the Ningwu Sword forcibly tore open the monk's defense.

When the other party reacted, the fog condensing sword had pierced his skin.At this moment, the spiritual power was running crazily, pouring into the Mist Sword.It was too late for the cultivator to make any counterattacks, and the chill from the Mist Sword permeated his whole body through the wound.

The dantian was closed and shattered by the chill of the Wu Ningjian, and his voice hoarsely lingered in his throat.The terrified eyes were the last time he looked at the person behind him. Xu Miao pulled out the Mist Sword expressionlessly, grabbed the monk's body, and threw it at another person forcefully.

The four living people did not expect Xu Miao to kill one person so quickly, and all of them showed fearful expressions on their faces.Xu Miao had already warned the other party, but they didn't hear his warning and still wanted to snatch the token from him.

He, Xu Miao, has never been a kind person. He warned him once, and it was the end of his kindness.Do not heed his warnings, and prepare yourself for death.

When Xu Miao threw out the body, she took it as a signal, a signal that he wanted to kill someone.The corpse was thrown on the body of a monk on the left without any mistakes, and the expression of that monk suddenly became ugly.

He wanted to throw the body back without thinking, but Xu Miao would not give this chance.The Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue has been operating to the extreme, he slowly raised the fog-condensing sword, pointing the sword point at the opponent.

"Xu Miao, I know I'm wrong. I'm not your opponent. I shouldn't be overconfident. Please let me go. I can swear to God that I will never be your enemy for the rest of my life." The man's face was red, and he stammered.

Xu Miao's expression remained unchanged. He looked at the monk as if he was looking at a dead person.

"It's only now that I know how to beg for mercy. It's too late. It's not that I didn't give you a chance, it's just that you don't know how to cherish it." The Mist Condensing Sword's momentum became stronger and stronger, and the blade became more translucent.

The Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue swung down with the Mist Condensing Sword, and it landed on the cultivator accurately.The original corpse was completely destroyed by the Heaven and Earth Silence Art, and the other corpse fell to the ground without Xu Miao picking it up.

There were three people left, and Xu Miao's actions had broken their hearts.Instead of attacking one by one, he wanted to kill the remaining three in one go.

For the first time Xu Miao combined Sword Sweeping with Heaven and Earth Nirvana.Esau's sword moves combined with the spiritual power flow of the Heaven and Earth Jue, a more powerful and compelling sword intent swept out.

The faces of the three were ugly, and they kept shouting in their hearts that they wanted to escape.But Xu Miao completely cut off their intentions with the ice condensing formula, and even the spiritual power couldn't function normally, so how could they escape from his hands.

Xu Miao didn't even look straight at the three of them, and focused all her attention on the Mist Sword.He named the combined move of Sweeping Sword and Heaven and Earth Nirvana as Sweeping the World.

He kept repeating the key points of sweeping the sword in his heart, and at the same time he was distracted by running the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art. The first combination of form and spirit gave Xu Miao a surprise.

The power stronger than the two kinds of skills flew from the fog-condensing sword to the three people on the opposite side. The three people were directly cut by the sword energy from the middle, and they could barely take out the defensive magic weapon to defend.

It's a pity that the defensive magic weapons in their hands couldn't resist Xu Miao's sweeping the world. When they met each other, they didn't even hold a breath, and they were destroyed by fierce sword moves.

Without the magic weapon, they can only use the little spiritual power left in their bodies to condense into a mask to resist.How can the temporarily condensed mask be able to resist an attack that cannot be resisted by magic weapons.

Sweeping the world was hardly blocked, and with an invincible aura, he separated the three of them from the middle of the waist, and the upper and lower parts of the body were divided into two halves.

Such an injury, as long as it is treated properly, a monk can survive.But since the three hit Xu Miao, Xu Miao would not give them a chance to deal with their injuries.

He made a formula in his hand, and the water vapor between the sky and the earth entered the bodies of the three people along the section, freezing their meridians, flesh and bones.It made them unable to heal their injuries with spiritual power, even if they swallowed pills, it was useless.

This is the consequence of challenging him. He wants all the monks present to remember this. If you don't have strong strength, don't provoke him at will.There are too many ants, and it is very troublesome to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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