Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 222 Calculate?

Chapter 222 Calculate?

Using unquestionable strength to give everyone a warning, the most direct result is that no one dares to approach Xu Miao within a hundred feet.

Xu Miao didn't care about other people's thoughts, he allocated part of his consciousness to observe the tokens he had grabbed.

The shape of this token is exactly the same as that obtained by Xu Miao in the monk's cave. On the front are the engravings of the Nirvana Sword and the Heaven Refining Cauldron, and on the back is a number three.

Xu Miao put the two tokens together for comparison, but no matter how he compared them, he couldn't find the difference between them.He needed to get more tokens, so he shifted his gaze to the Gold Core Stage tokens that were fighting for not far away.

The token light group is temporarily in the hands of a monk, but there are seven or eight monks around him.Seven or eight people stared at the token light group covetously.

The cultivator who owns the token is a casual cultivator, and his methods are vicious, and he kills all the cultivators who get close to him by some means.Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was completely dispersed, and most of it was invested in casual cultivators.

He wanted to find out exactly how casual cultivators put people to death before he grabbed the token.Now the monks in the golden core period did not enter the branch hall. Although Xu Miao didn't know the reason, he must grab a token for Ye Qiguang.

Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was vast and vast, and the casual cultivator didn't realize that anyone had noticed him at all, and still dealt with the approaching cultivators with a sly smile.It turned out to be a very small poisonous scorpion. When someone approached, it stabbed the skin with the poisonous scorpion, and it would kill him within a short while.

He stroked his chin with great interest, he would not behave like those hypocrites with awe-inspiring righteousness towards the methods of casual cultivators, and denounced them for using dirty tricks.

In his opinion, as long as the enemy can be killed, it doesn't matter which method is used, what matters is the result.Xu Miao was very interested in that poisonous scorpion, but if this poisonous scorpion met her, it would be a different mood.

Xu Miao walked towards the casual cultivators slowly, and the monks who besieged the casual cultivators had strange expressions on their faces when they saw Xu Miao approaching.Xu Miao, the murderous god, has qualified, so how can they take advantage of it.

At this moment, they didn't know whether to hope Sanxiu kill Xu Miao, or let Xu Miao kill Sanxiu to vent their anger on them.

"Xu Miao, I know you, are you here to take this token too?" Sanxiu also saw Xu Miao, and his whole body was in a state of vigilance.

He has always been vigilant, and before participating in this big competition, he has made sufficient preparations, knowing who can provoke and who cannot.He also made a list of the top ten dangers, always reminding himself to avoid these ten people.

Among them, Xu Miao was at the top of the dangerous list.Even if a poisonous scorpion could get close to him, he didn't dare to provoke Xu Miao easily.It's just that if he can enter to participate in the big competition, he also made a promise that he must get a token to go out.

Therefore, although he was afraid in his heart, he still held on to the light ball of the token, unwilling to let go.Xu Miao had already felt the fear in the opponent's heart from the fluctuation of the opponent's spiritual power.

"Give me the token, and you can leave alive." Xu Miao didn't take the poisonous scorpion in Sanxiu's hand to heart at all.

A struggle of choice flashed across Sanxiu's face. He glanced at Xu Miao hesitantly, but still gritted his teeth, grabbed the token light ball tightly, and said, "Fellow Daoist Xu, as long as you let me go, I will definitely thank you."

"Thank you so much? Since you've heard of me, you should know that I'm rich, and ordinary things can't catch my eyes. What can you thank me for?"

Sanxiu lowered his head, hiding the resentment in his eyes.Yes, he hated Xu Miao, hated that he was only from a small sect, but he could reach the current height by himself.

He also joined the Loose Cultivator Alliance, which could compete with the major forces, and he could not become a monk like Xu Miao.

"I do have a magic weapon that I found in the ruins of a certain cave, and I am willing to give it to Fellow Daoist Xu, as long as you agree to let me go."

"The magic weapon of the ruins? The acquired spiritual weapon, or the innate spiritual weapon?" Xu Miao didn't mind giving the loose cultivator some more hatred, but he didn't believe that the casual cultivator would give him something good.

The other party didn't know that his spiritual consciousness had been paying attention to him, and he would be aware of any fluctuations.Although the other party lowered his head pretending to be thinking just now, Xu Miao knew clearly that he was hiding some emotion.

Moreover, he felt a hidden murderous aura in this emotion.Xu Miao has absolutely no possibility of showing mercy to someone who has killing intent towards him.

"Fellow Daoist Xu must be very interested in the ultimate acquired spiritual weapon." Sanxiu raised his head suddenly, looked directly at Xu Miao, and told the secret that he possessed the ultimate acquired spiritual weapon.

Xu Miao also pretended to be curious, and said, "I'm really interested in the ultimate acquired spiritual weapon. After all, I don't have such a high-level magic weapon, and the best magic weapon is the natal magic weapon in my hand."

Saying that, Xu Miao raised the Ningwu Sword, and the unique chill of the Ningwu Sword spread around Xu Miao.

Sanxiu knew that this was Xu Miao's warning to him. If he didn't have the real top-grade Acquired Spirit Artifact, he would use that natal magic weapon to kill himself.

Sanxiu took a deep breath to calm down the tension in his heart. He wanted to trick Xu Miao into approaching, and then use the poisonous scorpion to deliver a fatal blow.The toxin of the poisonous scorpion cannot be eliminated even by a monk at the early stage of Jindan.

Thinking of this, Sanxiu smiled almost imperceptibly.Xu Miao didn't seem to notice it, he walked towards the casual cultivator calmly, and stretched out his hand: "Where is the thing?"

Sanxiu's expression was solemn: "In order to prevent being intercepted by someone who is interested, please come closer to me, so that I can hand it over to you. After Xu Daoyou has obtained the ultimate acquired magic weapon, remember to abide by your promise and never use this token again. mind."

"Naturally." Just from Xu Miao's expression, Sanxiu couldn't see his true thoughts.He couldn't wait any longer, Xu Miao put too much pressure on him, as long as he could take this opportunity to kill Xu Miao, he would be famous in the West.

Sanxiu even became excited, even the hand that handed Xu Miao the storage bag trembled slightly.Xu Miao chuckled, just looked at the storage bag in Sanxiu's hand, but didn't reach out to take it.

"You seem nervous?"

When Sanxiu heard Xu Miao's words, his face suddenly turned pale, but he quickly evaded it: "No, no, I'm just worried about whether Fellow Daoist will fulfill his promise."

Xu Miao still didn't move or speak, and looked at Sanxiu quietly.Sanxiu met Xu Miao's gaze, sweat dripping from his forehead.But he kept smiling wryly in his heart. It turned out that Xu Miao had reached the level where he could put pressure on monks of the same level just by looking at him.

At this point, he has no choice to regret.He adjusted his mentality and raised his hand a little higher.

Xu Miao finally reached out to take the storage bag handed out by Sanxiu. The moment his fingers touched the other's, Xu Miao discovered that the poisonous scorpion was on the move.

He waited for so long because he was waiting for the other party's mentality to collapse, so that even if the other party could barely continue with the plan, he would ignore certain details.

Xu Miao silently gathered the water vapor on the side of the hand, and the spiritual power of the ice condensing formula had been transferred to the palm of the hand.With just one thought, the water can turn into ice, trapping the poisonous scorpion.

The fingers of the two touched, and the poisonous scorpion had already crawled over the back of Sanxiu's hand, about to stab Xu Miao.Xu Miao acted immediately, and the Ice Condensation Art started to work, immediately forming an ice cage to trap the poisonous scorpion.

Sanxiu felt the biting cold coming from the back of his hand. He wanted to lower his head to check the situation, but found that Xu Miao avoided his hand and took it out from under the storage bag. At the same time, Xu Miao was holding an ice cube in his palm.

Inside the ice cube was his poisonous scorpion, Sanxiu's eyes widened instantly, how did Xu Miao discover his plan?His face was pale, Xu Miao knew his plan, and he would definitely die.

His head spun rapidly, and he threw the light ball of the token in his hand towards Xu Miao. This was his only chance to escape.The light group slammed into Xu Miao with the spiritual power specially exerted by casual cultivators.

Xu Miao didn't dodge or dodge, raising her hand was a sword.The light group covering the token burst instantly, revealing the token hidden inside.Xu Miao recruited and took the token away, and let go of the Wu Ningjian sword, and the Wu Ning sword flew towards Sanxiu like an arrow off the string.

The casual cultivator has bitten the tip of his tongue, burning his lifespan to speed up his flight.It's just that the Ningwu Sword itself has the attribute of wind, and under the urging of Xu Miao's spiritual power, its speed can only be fast but not slow.

Xu Miao crossed her hands, constantly changing her handprints, and the fog-condensing sword was always chasing the flying monk.The spiritual power of casual cultivators can't even reach half of Xu Miao's, so it would be the most unwise choice to compete with Xu Miao in a war of attrition.

Pointing forward quickly with his right hand, the Mist Condensing Sword turned into a blue light and passed through the back of Sanxiu's heart.The heart was pierced by the sword, Sanxiu's body fell weakly from a height, and fell heavily on the ground with a muffled sound.

From the time when Xu Miao manipulated the Fog Condensing Sword to chase down Sanxiu, to killing Sanxiu now, no one dared to make a move without authorization, for fear of offending this evil star.

One person got a Golden Core Token and a Foundation Establishment Token at the same time, which seemed exceptionally outstanding compared to so many people in the big competition.It's just not enough, he can't intervene in the Qi refining stage, but he can still intervene in the foundation building stage.

Yang Lin was dealing with a group of monks. Those monks couldn't fight against Xu Miao, so they focused on Xu Miao's fellow disciple - Yang Lin.

It was not the sect disciples who made things difficult for Yang Lin.Those who can qualify for the grand competition are all monks who think highly of themselves, and they will not make things difficult for a monk of a small sect at will.

But monks from the same small sect are different, they will not bear the name of being a bully, so it is most appropriate to teach Yang Lin a lesson.

Although Yang Lin has a single fire spirit root, two of the five people facing him also have a single spirit root, so he has no advantage.Yang Lin knew that if he asked Xu Miao for help, Xu Miao would definitely pull out to save him.

It's just that he was saved by Xu Miao at the cost of his life, so he didn't want to speak at all.He is not Xu Miao, he does not have enough spiritual power to deal with the opponent, and the strength to wield the magic weapon is getting weaker and weaker.

When Xu Miao finished dealing with casual cultivators and turned around to look for Yang Lin, she saw Yang Lin being cornered.

(End of this chapter)

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