Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 223 Soul Search at the Same Level

Chapter 223 Soul Search at the Same Level
In front of Xu Miao, dealing with He Qinggu's monks was tantamount to slapping him in the face.Xu Miao's face immediately sank, and a ball of spiritual power was concentrated on the fingertips, and he raised his hand to hit it.

The sudden spiritual power that fell from the sky interrupted the attack of the monks who besieged Yang Lin.One of the monks, who looked like a big man, turned around and cursed: "Damn, who is not good-looking, don't you know that I want to teach people?"

The big man was dirty and wanted to continue cursing, but he closed his mouth the moment he saw Xu Miao, his face flushed red, and he was speechless for a long time.

Xu Miao walked towards the big man with a cold face, and said without any warmth: "Who are you?"

The big man was startled by Xu Miao's aura, he muttered for a long time, and said with a flattering smile: "Fellow Daoist Xu, I got it wrong, there is no old man, it's all an illusion, an illusion."

"You mean there's something wrong with my ears?" Xu Miao's hand hanging by her side suddenly gathered a ball of spiritual power, and she couldn't let it go.

The big man was so frightened that his face turned blue, and he quickly waved his hands: "No, no, of course it's not the problem of fellow Taoists." He looked at the monks who were besieging Yang Lin together as if asking for help, but those monks turned their heads and did not meet the big man's gaze. connect.

"So that's your problem?" After Xu Miao asked several questions in a row, the big man showed fear and just wanted to run away.However, the casual cultivator before ran so fast that he was still killed by Xu Miao's natal magic weapon.

The big man only had the opportunity to participate in the big competition because the strength of the small sect he was in was too weak.He has no interest in grabbing the token, and knows that he can't grab it with his own strength.

Therefore, after he came to the branch hall of Tiandingmen, he wandered outside to see if he could find something valuable to take back.I happened to meet a monk of Chengxuanzong, and invited him to teach Yang Lin a lesson with 100 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones.

His net worth is no better than that of Xu Miao and others, and he has always been unable to make ends meet. It is rare to meet someone asking him to help.He also considered that Yang Lin was Xu Miao's fellow student, so he hesitated to refuse.

It's just that the monks of Cheng Xuanzong swore that the relationship between Yang Lin and Xu Miao was very bad, even if Yang Lin died at their hands, Xu Miao would not stand up for him.

Blinded by the 100 yuan mid-grade spirit stone, the big man gritted his teeth and agreed to the other party's terms.However, the reality was like a knife, giving him a hard blow.

Did Yang Lin and Xu Miao have a bad relationship?Even if Yang Lin had agreed to die, would Xu Miao remain indifferent?The big man looked at Chengxuanzong's monk bitterly, and told Xu Miao all the situation like pouring beans into a bamboo tube.

The big man didn't dare to look up at Xu Miao from the beginning to the end. Xu Miao glanced at him before, and now he still feels his heart beating fast.

Until the big man finished talking about what happened, Xu Miao still didn't say anything.The big man tremblingly wanted to look up at Xu Miao's eyes, but he only saw his palm slapped with powerful spiritual power.

The burly body of the big man was blown away by Xu Miao's palm, and he struggled for a long time without getting up.

"Hand over the 100 yuan mid-grade spirit stone, and leave now. I will not pursue this matter." Sharp eyes swept over the people who made the move, exerting the pressure of silence.

It's just a few monks from a small sect, and they can't afford to turn the big waves.The real culprits were not them, and Xu Miao had no intention of dealing with them.

He walked towards the last person with [-] middle-grade spirit stones, and said: "Chengxuanzong has been getting worse in recent years, and he actually wants to deal with me, He Qinggu, by buying other monks."

"What a hero, what a hero." Xu Miao's indifferent voice had the effect of shaking people's hearts, and the monks of Chengxuanzong finally changed their expressions.

The monk Cheng Xuanzong who came to participate in the big competition this time was named Dong Lian, Qi Mu's uncle. Qi Mu, who was once stronger than Xu Miao, only had a mid-stage foundation cultivation, and was defeated by Dong Lian in the selection competition.

Xu Miao didn't hide the killing intent in his heart, just showed it intuitively.Dong Lian hated secretly, but did not dare to show dissatisfaction with Xu Miao.

If it weren't for Xu Miao, the strongest disciple of Chengxuanzong's latest generation would be Qi Mu, and Qi Mu is now famous in the West.

Dong Lian suppressed the hatred in his heart, pulled an extremely ugly smile, and said, "It's just that Yang Lin and I have some personal grievances, and it has nothing to do with He Qinggu."

"Yang Lin, do you have a personal grievance with Dong Lian?" Xu Miao turned her head to ask Yang Lin, her voice was not loud, but everyone could hear it clearly.

Yang Lin leaned on his sword, shook his head, and said, "I've never met Dong Lian before, so why talk about personal grudges?"

The tokens have been divided up, and more and more monks gathered here to watch the excitement.Hearing Yang Lin's words, titters came from the crowd from time to time.

"Dong Lian, what else do you want to say? Do you want to end it yourself, or do you want me to do it?"

Dong Lian was provoked by Xu Miao's words repeatedly, and finally couldn't help but retort: ​​"Xu Miao, you dare to do something to me. Behind me is Cheng Xuanzong. Are you trying to completely destroy the relationship between the two factions?"

"Dong Lian, I think you have overlooked a problem. From the time when your Xuanzong disciples participated in the grand competition until now, I haven't taken the initiative to trouble your Chengxuanzong monks."

"You have arrived at Dabi Peak safely, and you have arrived at the Tiandingmen branch hall smoothly. You have not encountered any obstacles, but you are still not satisfied, and want to take the initiative to attack my Heqinggu people."

"Who gave you the courage, who gave you the face, let you do this!" Xu Miao's voice was stern, and there was a strong coercion in his words.

Forced by this coercion, Dong Lian took a step back involuntarily: "No one ordered me, and no one commanded me, it's just because I don't like you."

"Really?" Xu Miao tilted her head, and suddenly raised the corners of her mouth, making everyone's hair stand on end, "Then you can bring this unhappiness to your next life."

Before Xu Miao finished speaking, the Fog Condensing Sword had already flown towards Dong Lian.Dong Lian's complexion changed suddenly, and he quickly raised his hand to block the Wu Ningjian.The long whip in Dong Lian's hand was wrapped around Ningwujian, trying to block Ningwujian's offensive.

The speed of the Wu Ningjian slowed down immediately. Dong Lian thought he had succeeded, and just about to show a smile, he heard Xu Miao sneer, and the Wu Ning Sword was spinning at high speed inside the long whip.

The long whip that was originally only wrapped around the Wu Ning Sword was cut to pieces by the sword energy of the Wu Ning Sword. Xu Miao took a quick step forward, grabbed the handle of the Wu Ning Sword, and slashed at Dong Lian's right arm without hesitation. .

Dong Lian reluctantly turned sideways, but Xu Miao's speed was too fast, he couldn't completely dodge it, and was cut off from the wrist by the Mist Sword. Instantly freezes the blood.

"Who instructed you to do it?" Xu Miao had a feeling that the person who encouraged Dong Lian to do it was the same person as the cultivator behind him on the road.

Pain and chills swept Dong Lian's whole body at the same time, his upper and lower teeth chattered, and his body shook slightly uncontrollably.

"Don't tell me, I can directly search for souls, but for those who have been soul-searched, you should know what will happen. Life is worse than death." Ordinary soul-searching will directly destroy the monk's sea of ​​consciousness. After the soul-searching is over, the monk will also Will become a foolish person, unable to cultivate.

Such a person will only become the lowest level person in the cultivation world where the jungle preys on the weak, and will be bullied by everyone, which is more painful than death.

Xu Miao didn't threaten Dong Lian with death, but threatened him that life would be worse than death.Sure enough, Dong Lian's original firm expression became hesitant.

Xu Miao suddenly sensed an extremely slight fluctuation of spiritual power, and someone was sending a voice transmission to Dong Lian.Xu Miao immediately turned her head to look for the direction from which the spiritual power came.

The person behind the scenes was hidden too deeply, so well, Xu Miao reacted quickly enough, and did not find that person.His eyes were deep, and instead of waiting for Dong Lian's reaction, Xu Miao took a step forward and pressed his right hand on Dong Lian's celestial spirit cover.

Dong Lian knew what Xu Miao wanted to do, and he lowered his head to avoid it, but Xu Miao's spiritual power had flowed into his dantian along the sky spirit cover at this time.

To suppress Dong Lian's resistance, the powerful spiritual consciousness directly suppressed Dong Lian's spiritual consciousness.Dong Lian's consciousness struggled frantically, trying to get rid of Xu Miao's control.

But Xu Miao's spiritual sense is so powerful that Dong Lian can't escape.While the spiritual power was suppressing the opponent's dantian, the spiritual consciousness began to forcibly search the opponent's spiritual consciousness.

Dong Lian's struggle gradually became weak, and he lost the strength to resist after a while, allowing Xu Miao to move.After reading Dong Lian's consciousness, Xu Miao's expression was still very ugly.

In Dong Lian's mind, the image of that person was only black, and his voice was blurred, and he couldn't track him through his appearance and voice.

The onlookers who witnessed what happened all looked at Xu Miao in shock. They only knew that high-level monks could search the souls of low-level monks, but they had never heard that monks of the same level could search for souls.

The strength of spiritual consciousness of monks of the same level is almost the same. If one is not careful, the soul search will fail and be searched, so no monk will easily search the soul of other monks of the same level.

Xu Miao easily suppressed the monks who were also in the late stage of foundation establishment, and successfully completed the soul search, which was almost impossible.Even He Xiao, Su Yang, and Song Zhiyan had complicated expressions when they saw Xu Miao.

It's not that they haven't searched the souls of others, but at most they only dare to search the souls of monks who are a small realm lower, and they don't dare to search the souls of monks of the same level at all.

A monk's spiritual consciousness and sea of ​​consciousness are too important, they will not gamble lightly.However, Xu Miao did this either because he dared to take risks, or because his spiritual consciousness far surpassed his peers.

No one thought that Xu Miao was gambling. Whether it was Xu Miao's expression or his actions, it could prove that his spiritual consciousness was really strong.Some monks thought that Xu Miao had discovered the poisonous scorpion of casual cultivators before. They didn't find anything wrong at all, and only Xu Miao found the problem.

"Perhaps without the results of the final big competition, Xu Miao will firmly sit at the top of the foundation-building disciples of the West Land."

"I think so too, the word genius can no longer describe him."

Xu Miao's aggressive behavior has completely suppressed everyone present, even Cheng Xuanzong's disciples in the Qi refining period only dared to restrain Dong Lian's corpse quietly, and did not dare to show any dissatisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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