Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 224 Re-entering the Temple

Chapter 224 Re-entering the Temple

After the tokens were divided up, it was not convenient for Xu Miao to continue to find fault with others and take away the tokens.His mind didn't continue to focus on this side, but turned to the interior of the branch hall.

Xiaotian never came back, and he couldn't contact the other party directly.After thinking for a while, Xu Miao walked towards the originally opened passage.Although the other monks didn't say anything, they were always paying attention to Xu Miao's every move.

Seeing Xu Miao's actions now, they all turned their attention to Xu Miao.Xu Miao didn't care about other people's thoughts and plans, and planned to bring Yang Lin and Yu Chuan in again.

In order to reduce the attention of everyone, he wanted to enter together with Su Yang, He Xiao and others.Xu Miao deliberately bypassed Song Zhiyan and told Su Yang and He Xiao about his plan.

With them alone, it is impossible to build a teleportation array and leave the Tiandingmen branch hall.Instead of wasting your time here, do something meaningful.

Due to a transmission error, not all the things in the branch hall were searched, and several people felt very regretful.It's just because of the existence of puppets, so they didn't move without authorization.

Now that Xu Miao offered to enter the branch hall again, of course they were disrespectful.

"I can help all six of you block the puppet's attack, but you need to promise that in the future, if someone envies me, He Qinggu, you must help me."

Xu Miao took Yang Lin and Yu Chuan in this adventure, which would make many monks and sects jealous.It is impossible for him to stay in Heqing Valley forever, and it is impossible for him to pay attention to the situation of the sect all the time.

As long as he can get the promise and guarantee from the two sects of the Western Land, he can leave with peace of mind.Su Yang, He Xiao, as the speaker of the school's foundation generation, can naturally replace the school's agreement to Xu Miao's conditions.

The monk next to him only knew that they were talking about a certain topic through sound transmission, but they didn't know what they were discussing specifically.Everyone was scratching their heads in anxiety, but they didn't dare to ask questions.

The three of Xu Miao, together with He Xiao, Su Yang and others, a total of eight people, walked towards the previously broken road.Song Zhiyan didn't know their purpose before, but now he knows the situation.

He was sent in as the first batch of monks, but he didn't get anything, so he was about to go back in despair, how could he hold his head up in Zhuoli Pavilion in the future.

Song Zhiyan didn't have time to think about it, so he stood in front of Xu Miao and said, "Xu Miao, don't forget that I, Zhuo Li Pavilion, came here with you. Why are you acting alone now?"

"At that time, did I not help you stop the puppet, or did I control the puppet to trip you up?" Xu Miao hated Song Zhiyan, and she was not polite in her words.

Song Zhiyan also knew that he had no position to let Xu Miao continue to help, but if he was preempted by Xihuizong and Ji Xingdian, and he didn't get any benefits, he would not be in a good position.

"Xu Miao, as long as you can take me in, I will definitely reward you with a lot of money."

"Is the things you give me worth as much as the things in the branch hall? What's more, how do you know that I will appreciate the things you gave me?" Xu Miao's words sounded arrogant, but there was no one People dare to refute.

Xu Miao is more than rich in terms of skills, magic weapons, and spirit stones. He can easily bet thousands of middle-grade spirit stones, and he doesn't feel bad at all.

Any one of them would not be able to do this.It also shows from the side that Xu Miao's wealth is terribly rich, and some people even speculate that He Qinggu's wealth may not be as rich as Xu Miao's.

"Xu Miao, what exactly do you want?" Song Zhiyan gritted his teeth.

"Why does Song Daoyou act like a wronged little daughter-in-law? People who don't know think I raped you, and you make me very embarrassed." Xu Miao teased deliberately, causing the crowd to snicker.

Song Zhiyan swept across the crowd viciously, his fierce eyes flashed with murderous intent, and his laughter stopped in an instant.Xu Miao was not afraid of Song Zhiyan at all, and laughed loudly: "It's very simple, from now on, Zhuoli Pavilion is not allowed to embarrass He Qinggu."

"If you encounter He Qinggu's request for help, you need to help with all your strength." Xu Miao knew that although the relationship with Zhuo Li Pavilion was not good, it could not continue to deteriorate.

When it comes to sects from the ancient times, we need to be more cautious when dealing with them.There are great monks in the late Nascent Soul Pavilion in Zhuo Li Pavilion. As for the incarnation monks, even though they didn't show up, Xu Miao probably also has them.

In this kind of sect, the minor disciples of the younger generation will not attract the attention of the higher-ups. If the Zhuoli Pavilion is arranged outside the branch hall of the Tiandingmen and Song Zhiyan returns empty-handed, He Qinggu will have to bear the burden of the powerful monks of the Zhuoli Pavilion. anger.

Xu Miao could run away and seek help from others, but He Qinggu couldn't. He couldn't ignore the sect for his own selfishness.Therefore, Xu Miao would exclude Song Zhiyan first, and finally agree to let him join.

Except for the three sects, the Duobao Pavilion, and the forces of casual cultivators, they cannot be offended.The ten people who finally entered the branch hall were still the same, only Yang Lin and Yu Chuan were added.

Xu Miao is the key to entering the branch hall. Although he is jealous that he can bring his fellow disciples, no one has much to say.Yu Chuan had never seen such a big battle, and he seemed a little uneasy.Xu Miao patted him on the back, signaling him to relax.

Same as last time, the road authority sensed that 12 people had entered, and twelve puppets appeared to resist them.Yu Chuan only had the cultivation base of the Qi refining stage, so he couldn't resist for long.

Xu Miao was the first to jump in front of Yu Chuan, and the Heaven and Earth Annihilation Art was in motion, exuding the unique mana fluctuations of the Tiandingmen.At the critical moment, the puppet stopped attacking.

"Yu Chuan, go in quickly. After passing through the different-dimensional space, search the cave from the back." Xu Miao has already checked the cave in front. In order to prevent useless work, Xu Miao specially sent a voice transmission to inform Yu Chuan.

After receiving Xu Miao's order, Yu Chuan nodded solemnly, stretched out his figure, and entered the branch hall first.Xu Miao glanced at the others from the corner of her eye, and she still had the strength to help Yang Lin block the puppet.

Xu Miao searched backwards from the center for Yang Lin's instructions, and finally joined Yu Chuan.Knowing that Xu Miao's plan was the most suitable, Yang Lin nodded veiledly and passed through the light film of another dimension.

After sending the same door into the space, Xu Miao made a move to help the remaining nine people.Xu Miao already had experience in dealing with puppets. He directly led all the puppets to his side and controlled them all at once.

Seeing that everyone had entered the different-dimensional space, Xu Miao finally looked back at the many monks following behind, and stepped into the space with a half-smile.

However, this time, Xu Miao did not experience the strange scene in the space again. After passing through the film, he directly entered the interior of the branch hall.

Could it be that the other-dimensional space already knew him?It was wrong to think about it, since I already knew him, why did I have such an illusion for the first time.

Xu Miao shook her head, put down her messy thoughts, and rushed to the monk's cave to look for the token.There are too many caves, no matter how fast Xu Miao's hands are, he cannot search them all in a short time.

Taking advantage of the fact that other people have not passed through the different-dimensional space for the time being, Xu Miao summoned the little white tiger and the silver light mouse to help them find the token.The two spirit beasts turned around and ran out after receiving Xu Miao's order.

Xu Miao was worried about Xiaotian's situation while searching the cave.For such a long time in the past, there has been no news from Xiaotian.After weighing the pros and cons, he still chose to trust Xiaotian.

There is a tacit connection between him and Xiaotian, and if one party is in danger, the other party can feel it.Now he has no inexplicable palpitations, which means that Xiaotian is safe for the time being.

Xu Miao restrained her mind and continued to search for the token.He searched a dozen or so caves in a row, but he couldn't find the token.Could it be that the tokens were really distributed, then what is the explanation for the tokens he got earlier.

Distraughtly, he kicked a futon away, and a crisp sound sounded.Xu Miao took a closer look and saw that it was a token.He picked it up and observed it carefully. There was a number eight written on the back of the token.

He was really confused and puzzled, and couldn't help complaining secretly that the head of the sect leader in ancient times must have been caught by the door, otherwise how could he make so many inexplicable tokens.

Not far away, spiritual power fluctuations continued to come, indicating that those people had passed through a different dimension.As soon as these people entered the interior, they began to sweep the cave.

Twelve people worked together, and the progress was extremely fast. Within an hour, all the caves were turned upside down.Regardless of whether there is a gain or not, all people are secretive and do not share information with others.

Before the twelve people got together, Xu Miao had already recalled the little white tiger and the silver light mouse. The two of them found a total of three tokens. Adding the two tokens that Xu Miao found later, they got a total of seven tokens inside the branch hall. token.

One person can get seven of the 30 yuan tokens, which is unimaginable.Yu Chuan and Yang Lin spent too long in the different-dimensional space and came out one step later than everyone else.

Naturally, no token was found, and they returned empty-handed.Loss and regret were evident on their faces. Instead of comforting them here, Xu Miao suggested to others to search in another hall like Zangshuge.

This proposal was approved by everyone. The martial arts and magic weapons of ancient times are more exciting than tokens.Tokens are also used to open a secret realm, to obtain magic weapons, spiritual herbs and the like.

Now there was something direct in front of them, and they went to several halls without any objection.However, disputes arose about the order of entry and where to go.

"The twelve of us belong to four factions. How about going to different places?" Song Zhiyan was the first to make a suggestion.

Su Yang directly refuted his proposal without thinking: "Song Zhiyan, are you stupid? I don't need to mention the importance of these places. How could it be possible to enter wherever you want?"

Although Su Yang didn't make it clear, everyone knew what he meant.The things found in any one of the halls may be related to some secrets from the ancient times, and it is impossible for any force to monopolize them.

"Since this is the case, we will advance and retreat together. No matter what we find, everyone will know."

(End of this chapter)

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