Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 225 Sending the Truth

Chapter 225 Sending the Truth

"Each party writes down all the items they find, and finally hand them in together, so that those high-ranking monks have a headache, how about?" Although Xu Miao's proposal will not benefit them, at least it will not benefit others.

The twelve people reached a consensus and went to Zangshu Pavilion first.Kung Fu is the foundation of a sect, as long as the kung fu is still there, the sect has a way to recover.

Xu Miao walked at the end of the team, and a slight fluctuation of spiritual power flashed by, which did not attract anyone's attention.The corners of Xu Miao's lips curled up almost imperceptibly, Xiaotian came back.

He adjusted his facial expression, made a serious look, and actually parted out a part of his consciousness to talk to Xiaotian.

"How is it? Did you find anything good?"

Xiaotian pointed to the dozens of jade slips beside her: "I rubbed all the jade slips inside. As for the storage of magic weapons, the hall for the pills is all empty, and only some pill recipes have been retrieved."

The Tiandingmen suddenly encountered a catastrophe, so they must talk about all the magic weapons and take away all the pills.Xu Miao was already very satisfied to find dozens of jade slips.

He didn't look at the jade slips, but followed the crowd and entered the Library Pavilion.As Xiaotian said, there were only a few dozens of jade slips left in the Zangshu Pavilion, and several monks rushed up directly, wanting to snatch the jade slips into their hands.

At this moment, Yang Lin sent a voice transmission to Xu Miao and asked, "Shall we do it?"

Xu Miao shook her head: "We stop them, we must not let the jade slip be monopolized by someone."

When several people had the intention of doing something, Xu Miao had already reacted on guard.As soon as the opponent made a move, the Ningwu Sword immediately attacked the opponent.

It was two casual cultivators who snatched the jade slips. Their strength had been reserved, but at this moment they suddenly launched an attack, which caught everyone by surprise.But what kind of people are Xu Miao and others, and they quickly used various methods.

Those two also knew that they could not gain anything in front of ten people, and after one of them snatched more than ten tokens, they wanted to show their stature and leave this place.

The direction of one of them happened to be where Yu Chuan was standing. Yu Chuan was the weakest of them all. He only had a Qi Refining Stage cultivation and couldn't resist the attack of a Foundation Establishment Stage monk, let alone a casual cultivator with extraordinary strength.

The moment the two fought, Yu Chuan was thrown to the ground by Sanxiu, spitting blood.Seeing this, Xu Miao was furious. He hated many things, one of which was bullying the small with the big.

A cultivator who cultivated in the foundation-building period was the most shameless compared to the cultivation in the qi-refining period.In the early years, he was persecuted by the monks of the Foundation Establishment Period many times, and one of them almost fell.

This time, the incident happened before his eyes, how could He Qinggu's monks allow outsiders to bully him at will.Xu Miao's whole body's spiritual power was running crazily, killing Fourth Aunt.

Sanxiu felt Xu Miao's killing intent, stabilized his body and continued to escape.

"Liu Qi, you are so courageous!" Su Yang's furious voice came.Liu Qi, a casual cultivator who attacked Yu Chuan, had a good relationship with Ji Xingdian, and under Su Yang's nose, he did something to snatch the jade slips. Su Yang, who was gentle, was also furious.

He Xiao and Song Zhiyan deal with another casual cultivator who escaped, while Xu Miao and Su Yang work together to deal with Liu Qi.Liu Qi's speed was raised to the extreme by him, passing through the light film of another dimension, and disappearing in everyone's eyes.

"Yang Lin, take good care of Yu Chuan." Xu Miao left a word and followed Liu Qi through the light film.

There were puppets stationed outside the light film, and Xu Miao didn't believe that Liu Qi could avoid the puppets' attacks smoothly.Sure enough, Liu Qi was blocked by five puppets at the same time.

The jade slips have the unique aura of the Heavenly Cauldron Sect, and the puppets have a special way to recognize the jade slips. As long as they are not disciples of the Heavenly Cauldron Sect, if they take the jade slips away, the puppets will attack in groups.

Liu Qi didn't know this, he thought he wanted to enter the branch hall, but there was only a puppet blocking the way.He has even set up a plan to use the master's magic weapon to repel the puppet, so that he can hide his breath and hide somewhere in the Tianding Gate.

Wait for the ancestor to come and pick him up.The whole plan looks flawless and flawless.It's just that today's monks ignore the means and power of Tiandingmen in ancient times.

The way they preserved the jade slips is beyond the reach and imitation of future generations.Liu Qi was blocked by five puppets and couldn't find a way out.

At this time, Xu Miao and Su Yang had already arrived, blocking Liu Qi's way back to another dimension.

"Liu Qi, hand over the jade slips, and I can spare you from dying." Su Yang changed his previous indecency, his face sank like water.

The monks outside didn't know the situation at first, but after hearing Su Yang's words, they roughly understood the cause and effect.The cultivators behind Liu Qi were also prepared, leaving manpower to take care of Liu Qi.

When Su Yang threatened, the hidden cultivator acted.Xu Miao looked up and saw that besides casual cultivators, there were also some medium-sized sects.

This is not just a premeditated plan of casual cultivators, but also a medium-sized sect that wants to take Xihuizong, Jixingdian, and Zhuoli Pavilion to replace it, and become a large-scale sect in the West Continent.

Except for the monks from some small sects who were at a loss, the monks and casual cultivators from the medium-sized sects all stood together and started to meet Liu Qi.

The disciples of the three sects of Xihui Sect abandoned their old grievances at this time and joined forces to resist each other.The momentum of the two sides is on the verge of breaking out, and it seems that they will fight in the next moment.

"Hehe—" Xu Miao's voice broke the silence and tension here.

Su Yang was puzzled, and said, "Xu Miao, what are you laughing at?"

"From the moment we entered the branch hall of Tiandingmen, they have been calculated by them. They found someone to tamper with, causing problems with the teleportation circle, in order to prevent us from exploring inside the branch hall."

"It's really courageous to bet on the best disciple of one's own sect."

Hearing Xu Miao's explanation, Su Yang suddenly realized.Some people can't see the dominance of the three factions and want to replace them, but they can't find the opportunity.

This accidental discovery of the Tiandingmen branch hall gave them an excellent opportunity.Obtaining the exercises of the ancient times will definitely increase the strength of the monks under the sect to a higher level.

If it succeeds, the comprehension forces in Xilu will have to be rewritten, and the large sects will have to be changed.The three sects headed by Xihui Sect do not rely on the cultivation techniques of the ancient times, so they will not be able to compete with them in the future.

After thinking through many joints, Su Yang's face became even more ugly.Unlike Su Yang, Xu Miao needs to keep her sect status.He Qinggu has always been a small sect, and the upper echelons have a falling out, which has nothing to do with them.

What made Xu Miao angry was not their conspiracy, but the action against Chuan.The two sides were still in the confrontation stage, and Xu Miao made a direct move.

His strength was obvious to all, and it might not be so easy for his subordinates to save the person he was about to kill.Xu Miao glanced at the eager monk with warning eyes: "I'm going to kill Liu Qi now, and anyone who dares to stop him will be killed without mercy."

No matter what Xu Miao's purpose is, Su Yang knows that he will not let Liu Qi go.With Xu Miao's support, Su Yang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xu Miao, I'll block other monks, and you will deal with Liu Qi." Su Yang is good at formations and can block as many people as possible with the least amount of spiritual power.

Su Yang's shots were like lightning, and he kept throwing out the array flags in order of position.There are special spells engraved on the formation flag, which cannot be destroyed.

Liu Qi, who lost his support, looked ugly.The puppet alone was already a headache for him, and with Xu Miao, he was completely panicked.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, don't you want He Qinggu to become a medium-sized sect?" Liu Qi couldn't suppress Xu Miao in terms of strength, so he had to use words to hold him back.

Xu Miao looked at Liu Qi with disdain, and said: "You are just a pawn, how can you determine the status of me, He Qinggu." Before he finished speaking, Xu Miao raised the fog-condensing sword and flew towards Liu Qi.

In order not to be accidentally injured by the puppet, Xu Miao did not choose the Liuying sword technique, but chose the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art.The unique spell fluctuation of Heaven and Earth Jue appeared, and the puppet realized that Xu Miao was on his side, and had no tendency to attack Xu Miao at all.

Xu Miao, who had the overall advantage, was merciless in his moves, and hit Liu Qi with fierce sword energy.The magic weapon in Liu Qi's hand was scrapped the last time he resisted.

With heartache, he took out the magic weapon left by his ancestor, a shield.The shield firmly resisted Xu Miao's attack without even shaking it.

Liu Qi was in a good mood when he saw that the shield blocked Xu Miao's attack effortlessly.

"Xu Miao, aren't you a cow? Aren't you powerful? Why can't you even break my magic weapon?" Liu Qi's arrogant voice came.

Xu Miao's face remained motionless, and a large amount of spiritual energy poured into her feet.The westerly wind in the dantian suddenly became violent, blowing towards the verdant cang trees.

His wind-attributed spiritual power reached its peak, and his Yunlongyue could reach its peak. Xu Miao's figure suddenly disappeared in front of Liu Qi, without a trace.

Liu Qi quickly spread his consciousness to look for Xu Miao, but there were only five puppets nearby, so he couldn't find where Xu Miao was.

He grabbed the shield and pressed it tightly to himself.He was very nervous, and kept spreading his consciousness, looking for Xu Miao.

Xu Miao never appeared, but the puppets kept attacking him.With Liu Qi's shield in his hand, there is no worry in the world. He waved the shield and easily blocked the puppet's attack.

Liu Qi couldn't help being complacent, he simply thought that after so long, Xu Miao had retreated and would not target him again.As long as he can break through the blockade of the puppet, he can escape here smoothly.

"What are you laughing at?" Xu Miao's gloomy voice suddenly appeared in Liu Qi's ear, Liu Qi's face changed drastically, he looked in the direction of the voice, and at the same time raised his shield, ready to block Xu Miao's attack.

Liu Qi discovered that Xu Miao was not here.A sword energy flew from the other side, Liu Qi cried out secretly, and caught Xu Miao's way.

But his shield was already on the left side, and before he had time to return to defense, the Mist Sword had pierced Liu Qi's shoulder.At this time, the shield had blocked Xu Miao's next attack in time.

"Xu Miao!" Liu Qi looked at Xu Miao who disappeared again with hatred.Xu Miao succeeded in one blow and hid again. Liu Qi's consciousness was not strong enough, so Xu Miao led him by the nose.

Regardless of whether Liu Qi is injured or not, the puppet still attacks the opponent with the greatest strength.

(End of this chapter)

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