Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 226 Leaving the branch hall

Chapter 226 Leaving the branch hall
Liu Qi was attacked by the puppet and Xu Miao, and completely lost his mind. He ignored his face and shouted, "Xu Miao, come out, let's fight with dignity!"

No one answered him, only the puppets continued their tough offensive unconsciously.Shields have a limited degree of defense, and no matter how good a shield is, it cannot withstand multiple powerful attacks.

Seeing the cracks on the shield, Liu Qi was about to lose his only support, how could Liu Qi not panic.He took a quick look at Su Yang who was manipulating the formation to resist the others, then looked around at the puppet, and made an extremely dangerous decision.

He wants to detonate all the magic weapons on his body, causing an explosion and chaos, so that Xu Miao has to show up. Only in this way can he have a chance to escape from Xu Miao's hands.

With a flick of his sleeves, Liu Qi saw more than a dozen magic weapons in front of him.The grades of these magic weapons are high and low, the highest is a shield, and the lowest is an axe.

The face showed the expression of a strong man breaking his wrist, all the magic weapons were detonated, and the shock wave erupted made all the monks nearby have to avoid the sharp edge temporarily, so as not to hurt themselves.

At the moment of the explosion, Liu Qi dispersed his consciousness to look for Xu Miao's trace.However, he still didn't find Xu Miao, and he didn't show up under such a powerful shock wave. Could it be that Xu Miao's strength has reached an unattainable level?

From Liu Qi detonating the magic weapon to suddenly looking around, Xu Miao was watching all his actions.He clearly knew Liu Qi's plan, and also knew that Liu Qi was looking around for him.

Since someone is willing to spend a lot of money to find his trace, how can he let people down.Xu Miao straightened her robes that had been messed up by the aftermath of the explosion just now, and appeared in front of Liu Qi calmly.

Before Liu Qi noticed Xu Miao's appearance, Xu Miao had already raised the fog-condensing sword.Before Liu Qi could react, the Heaven and Earth Jue rushed straight away.

Without the protection of the shield, Liu Qi was hit squarely by the Mist Sword and landed heavily on the ground.Xu Miaofei followed and stood in front of Liu Qi.

"Xu Miao, please, let me go. As long as you let me go, you can do whatever you want in the future, and no one will stop you." Liu Qi begged with trembling body.

"Do you know what your biggest mistake was?"

"While you are not paying attention, snatch the jade slips and try to overturn the situation in the West Land." Liu Qi's mind was muddled, revealing all the deepest thoughts in his heart.

"Hmph, what does the situation in the west land have to do with me, so what if the world is changed! Your biggest mistake is to bully my He Qinggu cultivator in front of me."

As soon as the words fell, Xu Miao raised her hand and hit Liu Qi's head, and the brain mixed with blood flowed all over the floor.Xu Miao took off Liu Qi's storage ring and walked towards Su Yang.

Seeing that Xu Miao killed Liu Qi and retrieved the jade slips smoothly, Su Yang felt relieved.Seeing that the situation was over, the monk stopped by Su Yang also gave up resisting, put away his magic weapon, and captured him without a fight.

He Xiao had captured Sanxiu alive. So far, the plan to overthrow Xilu has been aborted before it even started.Several people confirmed that the magic weapon and the elixir were taken away in ancient times, and they no longer entered the interior of the branch hall, but stayed outside, waiting to be sent.

When Xu Miao returned to Dabi Peak again, she found out that a rebellion had also broken out on Dabi Peak.The fierceness of the battle was much more severe than that in the branch hall. Countless corpses were lying on the ground, and no one restrained them.

The Nascent Soul cultivators of the three sects had ugly faces, and their faces turned slightly better when they saw their disciples returning intact.

The next thing involved the upper level of the West Land and had nothing to do with Xu Miao. He took Yang Lin and Yu Chuan to join Ye Qiguang, but he heard Peng Tianjie's call.

"Xu Miao, come here." Xu Miao couldn't refuse the orders of monk Yuanying, let alone Peng Tianjie who had a good relationship.Xu Miao didn't figure out Peng Tianjie's purpose for the time being. Although she was puzzled, she still walked over calmly.

With a wave of his hands, Peng Tianjie set up a sound-proof barrier, keeping the speakers of the three sects, He Xiao and others in the barrier.

"The union of the medium-sized sect and the Loose Cultivation Alliance has been disintegrated. I have come to you now to ask you about the specific situation inside the branch hall."

He Xiao is a disciple of Xihui Sect, and he has experienced all the things himself, so it is most appropriate for him to tell the story. He Xiao will tell all the Nascent Soul monks the whole story of the branch hall in detail.

"How many tokens did you get?" Xu Miao had two tokens from outside the hall and seven tokens from inside the hall.Two of them are known to everyone, while seven are unknown.

But he had rummaged through the cave, and all the monks of the three sects who entered the branch hall knew about it.If someone else took out the token and he didn't, it would be easy to be misunderstood.

What's more, he also wanted to use the power of the Nascent Soul monks of the three sects to find out the difference between these tokens.Xu Miao kept three tokens obtained internally, and handed over the other six tokens.

Like Xu Miao, several of them had gained internally and obtained tokens.It's just that compared with Xu Miao's six tokens, it's still a lot inferior.

Except for Xu Miao, the total number of tokens in the hands of the other seven people was more than [-] yuan, not to mention that there were tokens in the hands of monks outside the barrier.

Peng Tianjie looked at the tokens gathered together, pondered for a moment and said: "If the old man guessed correctly, the tokens you snatched outside are all fake."


"How is it possible?" Although Su Yang and others became famous at a young age and had a firm mind, they couldn't believe it when they heard this.

When Xu Miao heard Peng Tianjie's words, she read the deep meaning: "Elder Peng means that what we found inside is the token that can really enter a certain secret place?"

Hearing this, Peng Tianjie glanced at Xu Miao appreciatively, and said, "That's right, except for the tokens you snatched outside, there are 27 yuan left."

"Among the 27, Xu Miao and you each have four yuan. The old man is the master. He Qinggu's Yang Lin can also enter the ancient secret realm." The real name of the secret realm they are about to enter has long since disappeared.

For the convenience of everyone to call it, it is called the ancient secret realm to fit the origin of the secret realm.

As for why he could only bring Yang Lin, Peng Tianjie also explained the reason.They originally estimated that the token could bring monks of three realms in, but they did not expect that only the monks in the foundation stage could activate the real token.

"Although this secret realm was discovered in the west land, monks from the middle land and east land will come and enter the ancient secret realm with you."

"Although you are the best among our foundation-building monks in the West Land, you must also know that the level of cultivation in the West Land is only higher than that of the monks in the North Land, and cannot be compared with the monks in the East and Central Land."

"This is the first time you have explored the secret realm with monks from other continents. It is an opportunity and a challenge. If you are not careful, you will die."

"If you are killed by monks from other continents in the secret realm, we will not be able to stand up for you." Peng Tianjie's words became more and more serious.

Xu Miao once saw in the jade slips about the relationship between the continents that, except for Nanlu, which is the site of demon cultivators, the other continents are all human monks, mixed with demon cultivators.

Among them, Zhonglu has the highest level of comprehension. Whether it is the average fighting skill level of the monks or the level of the top monks, they are higher than other people's cultivation in the mainland.

The Jade Slips also mentioned that there used to be a disciple of a large sect in Xilu, who was killed by a monk of a certain sect in Zhonglu when he went out to practice.

The Xilu faction wanted to seek justice, but was directly wiped out by several monks sent by Zhonglu.This incident was recorded in the jade slips and has been circulated among various schools and families in the Western Continent.

To alert all the monks of the West Land, do not make enemies with the monks of the Central Land, so as to avoid another tragedy of the overthrow of the sect.Over time, whether it is the strength of the monks in the middle land or the monks in the east land, they are deeply rooted in the hearts of the monks in the west land.

Peng Tianjie instructed them to let them know that their trip to the secret realm not only represented themselves, but also represented the sect behind them.

Especially Xu Miao, who was born in He Qinggu and didn't even have a Nascent Soul cultivator. If he angered the Zhonglu cultivator, he might be able to kill He Qinggu with only one Nascent Soul cultivator.

Xu Miao was grateful for Peng Tianjie's reminder, nodded solemnly and said: "If they don't provoke me, I will naturally not take the initiative to provoke them."

Peng Tianjie also knew Xu Miao's temperament, if people do not offend me, I will not offend, if people offend me, I will be ten times as many offenders.It is not easy to make such a promise.

In addition to Xu Miao's nine people, another 18 people need to be found.Originally there was a casual cultivator alliance and a medium-sized sect, which could increase the strength of this trip.However, because of that rebellion, the three sects directly excluded these forces.

Picking outstanding monks from the small sects again, although not as good as some monks from the medium-sized sects, can still fill the scene. After all, the most important ones are Xu Miao and others.

As long as they can get enough benefits in the secret realm, they can prevent Zhonglu and Donglu from leaving Westland too far.

The departure date was set three days later, Xu Miao and the others were left directly at Dabi Peak, and when the waiting time came, they used the teleportation circle directly to go to the place where the ancient secret realm was located.

After Xu Miao told Ye Qiguang everything, he asked Ye Qiguang to return to Heqing Valley first, and he would take care of Yang Lin.After everything was explained, Xu Miao took the time to adjust her status.

On the night before his departure, Peng Tianjie came to Xu Miao's courtyard on purpose.Xu Miao was a little surprised, not knowing why the other party came here.

Without talking nonsense, Peng Tianjie directly handed out a storage ring, and said, "I have observed your battles, and the only one natal magic weapon is the Ningwu Sword. Although it is at the level of a low-grade acquired spirit weapon, its attack methods are still too simple. "

"There is a middle-grade Houtian spiritual tool Soul-stealing bell and a top-grade Houtian spiritual tool bone-piercing needle inside, which will increase your strength."

"There are also pills for healing, and pills for restoring consciousness." The pills for restoring consciousness are extremely precious, and Xu Miao did not expect that Peng Tianjie would give them to him as gifts.

(End of this chapter)

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