Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 227 The first confrontation

Chapter 227 The first confrontation

Xu Miao listened silently to Peng Tianjie telling him the items in the storage ring without saying a word.Peng Tianjie would not give him these things for no reason, he waited for Peng Tianjie to express his intention.

However, Peng Tianjie seemed to come here only to give him something, and after introducing the item, he left directly.Xu Miao was a little confused, if he just wanted to give him something, he could just find a disciple, why bother to come in person.

Xu Miao was sure that Peng Tianjie wanted to tell him something, but due to some reason, Peng Tianjie didn't say it in the end.There are not many things that can make a late Nascent Soul monk hesitate.

No matter what happens, when the time comes, the soldiers will come and cover them with water and soil.

On the second day, when Xu Miao arrived at the gathering place, the other 26 people had already arrived.Xu Miao didn't recognize more than a dozen of them, and everyone exchanged names according to the etiquette.

While everyone was not paying attention, Su Yang sent a voice transmission to Xu Miao to introduce the situation to him: "Except for a few of us, the rest were found temporarily from small sects."

"Uncle Bai Yan was joking, if there are a few more sects, maybe no one will be found."

"It was only yesterday that I found out that all the medium-sized sects in Xilu were bewitched and wanted to replace them with the three major sects. The most frightening thing is that we didn't know who was behind them from the beginning to the end."

When Xu Miao heard the person behind Su Yang mentioned, she thought of the person behind who had been encouraging the monks to kill him, but he also didn't know the origin and purpose.

At first, he thought it was the monks from Zhuo Li Pavilion who wanted to take the opportunity to teach him a lesson, but later he found out that it was not Zhuo Li Pavilion, nor anyone he knew well.

Xu Miao was still thinking about the purpose of the people behind the scenes, and Peng Tianjie appeared in front of everyone at this time.

"The 27 of you are the representatives of our cultivation world in the West. Go to the ancient secret realm and explore the secret realm together with monks from the Central and Eastern Continents."

"Some matters needing attention must have been explained by your teacher. The old man just hopes that you will remember that your behavior cannot exceed the rules, and get as many things as possible in the secret realm."

The deep meaning of the inviolable rules is not to offend the monks of Zhonglu and Donglu. Xu Miao laughed at herself when she thought of this.Xilu usually looks prosperous, but at this moment, he can only tell his disciples not to offend others.

Peng Tianjie didn't say much, and set up a teleportation circle with several Nascent Soul cultivators: "This magic circle will directly teleport you to the entrance of the ancient secret realm. Remember to adjust your body to adapt to the teleportation pressure in time."

Among the 27 people who went to the ancient secret realm, some of them hadn't even used the long-distance teleportation array, so Peng Tianjie could only give one more advice.

The teleportation array was formed under the joint structure of five Nascent Soul monks. This teleportation array was quite different from the one that Xu Miao had shuttled through. Both the formation structure and the flow of mana were completely different.

Now is not a good time to inquire. Xu Miao plans to ask about the principle of this teleportation array in the future and follow other people into the teleportation array.As soon as he entered the teleportation array, Xu Miao realized that Peng Tianjie's instruction was not aimless.

The teleportation array puts great pressure on the monk's body, even a long-distance teleportation array will not produce such pressure.Even Xu Miao's spiritual energy could not relieve the pressure.

However, after all, his body has been reborn with spiritual power and forged by the Heavenly Tribulation, so it is much stronger than ordinary monks.After the teleportation, everyone's expressions were not very good except for Xu Miao.

"Before the arrival of other mainland monks, the breath adjustment is completed."

The monks who came with the 27 people were the five Nascent Soul monks who built the teleportation circle. They were in charge of waiting outside the border of the reason to welcome everyone back.

If there is a dispute, there is a Nascent Soul cultivator, and it can be turned around a little bit, so as not to completely turn against each other.

This ancient secret realm that was just discovered is located in the west land, so they were the first to arrive at the entrance of the secret realm.One after another, monks from other continents arrived.

A teleportation array lit up not far from Xu Miao and others, and more than thirty people left from the teleportation array one after another.They are all cultivation bases in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. Just judging from their aura, they are much stronger than many monks in the West Land.

What surprised Xu Miao the most was that he found Ye Qianqian among the monks in Donglu.Ye Qianqian obviously also saw Xu Miao, and cast a complicated look.Xu Miao just lowered her head and stood among the crowd, pretending not to know.

"The monks from Westland, why do they have more than [-] people here?" A young monk looked at Xu Miao and others, but he was talking to the people beside him.

"They found traces of the branch hall of Tiandingmen, and found more than [-] tokens from it, which is also normal."

"It's a waste to give them the token of Tiandingmen. With the level of these people, I can kill everyone in the early stage of foundation establishment."

When the young monk said this, he didn't lower his voice, and all the monks in Westland could hear him clearly.Peng Tianjie and the others looked ugly, but they couldn't overwhelm them with their cultivation.

After all, the Nascent Soul cultivators from Donglu were also here, so they couldn't directly reprimand each other.

Song Zhiyan couldn't bear it anymore: "Some people speak so brazenly that their skin is as thick as a city wall."

When the young monk heard Song Zhiyan's words, he didn't know that the Xilu monk was talking about him. He was furious, and when he spoke again, he said with spiritual coercion: "You are looking for death!"

Song Zhiyan was unprepared, his face turned pale, and immediately turned red, and he was about to take a step forward, wanting to teach the young monk a lesson.At this moment, Xu Miao raised her hand and pressed Song Zhiyan's shoulder to stop him from moving.

"Did you see the cow in the sky?"

As soon as Song Zhiyan rolled his eyes, he understood what Xu Miao meant, and nodded Lianlian: "I see, it's so big."

"When the bull blows enough, I can't bear to blow it up, so I don't need you to do it." Xu Miao said to Song Zhiyan, but she directly separated a divine sense and crushed it.

The young monk didn't expect that the people from Xilu would dare to attack him, and he was also defenseless, so he took a few steps back before he regained his composure.Song Zhiyan saw that it was Xu Miao who made the move, gave him a disdainful look, and stepped back.

"Do you know what you were doing just now?" A blue-clothed monk next to the young monk frowned.The blue-clothed monk Zheng Zhan and the young monk Fang Chuanzhong are brothers. Although they are dissatisfied with Fang Chuanzhong's rash actions, they can't allow others to teach his juniors a lesson.

Zheng Zhan's powerful spiritual sense directly pressed against Xu Miao, trying to force Xu Miao to apologize, but Xu Miao stood still, completely unaffected, and could mobilize a divine sense comparable to his.

"It's just a return of courtesy. Reciprocity is the only way to show Xilu's generosity." Xu Miao and Zheng Zhan looked at each other, and the two confronted in the air with only their eyes.From the beginning to the end, Xu Miao didn't even wrinkle her eyebrows.

"The Xilu monks of this generation are not bad." Zheng Zhan looked back and commented.

Xu Miao didn't bother with the other party, and said: "This generation of Donglu monks is nothing more than that." Fang Chuanzhong heard Xu Miao's words, and was about to jump out to teach Xu Miao, but was stopped by Zheng Zhan.

"Senior brother, why are you stopping me?" Fang Chuanzhong was furious now, what are the monks of Xilu, who dare to kick their feet in front of Donglu, and they will forget their identities if they don't teach them a lesson.

Zheng Zhan was not as impulsive as his junior brother. He had just met Xu Miao for the first time, and he knew that this person's strength was absolutely extraordinary, at least much stronger than Fang Chuanzhong.

Under the deliberate control of Xu Miao and Zheng Zhan, there was no conflict between the two parties.Xu Miao's behavior made the other monks in Xilu very excited, and no one would feel comfortable being humiliated.

It's just that the opponent is too strong to dare to stand out without authorization.But Xu Miao not only stands out for the monk Xilu, but also can compete with him, which is really exciting.

This little episode passed quickly, but it was Xu Miao who caught Dong Lu's attention, especially a certain Nascent Soul cultivator who took a few extra glances at Xu Miao.

Xu Miao knew all about being paid attention to by monk Yuanying.He can look calmly even in the eyes of an incarnation monk, let alone a Nascent Soul monk.Xu Miao stood there calmly, ignoring others.

The monk from Zhonglu was the last to arrive. Zhonglu's teleportation circle lit up, and even the monk from Donglu, who had always been arrogant, lowered his expression and waited for the monk from Zhonglu to arrive.

With the strongest level of comprehension in this plane, Zhonglu will always stand at the peak, and no one can shake his position.About the same number as the Donglu monks, more than thirty people walked out of the teleportation circle.

They saw the monks from West and East, and although they didn't speak, they could see their disdain for the two mainland monks from their eyes.

This is the iron law of the world of cultivation, the law of the jungle.As long as you are strong enough, you can see everything as nothing.And no one will have an opinion on you, but take it for granted.

"The people from Donglu acted fast this time."

"It doesn't matter if you move fast, I'm afraid you will die soon." The arrogant Donglu cultivator heard what the Zhonglu cultivator said, and opened his eyes angrily, but no one spoke out to refute.

Fang Chuanzhong suppressed the anger in his heart, and said loudly: "Whether cultivator Donglu will die quickly is not up to some people."

The contradiction between Donglu and Xilu just now is perfectly reproduced between Donglu and Zhonglu. It can only be said that where there are people, there will be disputes.

"Hehe! Little friend, we don't have the final say on your life and death, so is it the people over there who have the final say?" A female cultivator in Tsing Yi in Central China pointed at the position where the monk Xilu was standing.

The words of the female cultivator in Tsing Yi not only looked down on the monk Donglu, but also slandered the monk Xilu.No matter which continent the Nascent Soul cultivators are keeping silent at the moment, allowing the Foundation Establishment cultivators to quarrel.

"I don't know who has the final say on his life or death, but we must have the final say on your life and death." He Xiao met the female cultivator's eyes and said in a deep voice.

The female cultivator in Tsing Yi let out a laugh like a silver bell, but this laughter contained a unique magic power, which was deceptive.The monks selected from the small sect on Xilu's side immediately couldn't bear it, and confusion appeared in their eyes.

Xu Miao and the others did not communicate with each other, but they used their spiritual sense tacitly to build a defensive enchantment of spiritual sense to resist the impact of laughter on others.

(End of this chapter)

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