Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 228 Discord Between Three Parties

Chapter 228 Three Parties Discord
The female cultivator in Tsing Yi let out a "huh", she didn't expect that the monk Xilu could resist her laughter, and this time the trip to the secret realm is really getting more and more interesting.

Then the female nun in Tsing Yi picked up a handkerchief, covered her mouth and said with a smile: "You guys are really powerful." The female nun wanted to say more, but was stopped by a monk standing next to her.

"Lan Yue'er, that's enough." After the monk finished speaking, he didn't say any more, and he didn't look at Xu Miao again.When Lan Yue'er's laughter stopped bewitching, Xu Miao withdrew her consciousness.

Together with Xu Miao, other than He Xiao, Su Yang and Song Zhiyan supported their spiritual sense to resist.Only then did Song Zhiyan truly realize the power of Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness.

The laughter just now bewitched him, and he was also the one who faced it directly. If Xu Miao hadn't made a move, he probably wouldn't be able to last long. Now that he came back to his senses, his back was soaked in sweat.

When all the monks arrived, the Nascent Soul monks from the three continents got together to discuss matters concerning the ancient secret realm.It is said to be a discussion, but in fact Peng Tianjie and others do not have the right to speak, and most of them are directly decided by the monks of Zhonglu and Donglu.

Occasionally, Peng Tianjie was asked for his opinion. Peng Tianjie just put forward some suggestions in a timely manner in an innocuous place, so as to obtain the greatest benefits for the monks in Xilu.

After the three parties discussed, they dispersed to explain to the monks of each party.Peng Tianjie waved his hand to set up a sound-proof barrier, and said with a serious face: "Zhonglu and Donglu both want to form an alliance with me, Xilu. How do you think about it?"

Peng Tianjie was asking the other four Nascent Soul cultivators, but at the same time Xu Miao and others were allowed to listen.

"Naturally, we will join forces with Zhonglu. As the saying goes, you can enjoy the shade by leaning on a big tree." A Nascent Soul cultivator said, which was agreed by many Foundation Establishment cultivators.

The strength of the monks in Zhonglu is obvious to all. Just the laughter of a female cultivator has a great impact on them, not to mention that there are many monks in Zhonglu.

Another Nascent Soul cultivator shook his head and retorted, "We can get shelter by joining forces with Zhonglu, but we can't get enough benefits in the ancient secret realm, let alone gain the respect of others."

"Respect? The premise of respect is strength. How can we have the qualifications to be respected by others at the level of cultivation in Westland. It is better to form an alliance with Zhonglu. Donglu can't beat Zhonglu."

Peng Tianjie suddenly turned his head and asked Xu Miao, "Xu Miao, if it were you, who would you ally with?"

Xu Miao didn't expect that Peng Tianjie would ask him, so he didn't panic, he sorted out his thoughts a bit, and replied: "Join hands with Donglu, kill Zhonglu, and then compete with Donglu."

Xu Miao's words were full of fighting spirit, and instantly got the approval of He Xiao and others.Everyone is young and energetic, and they have always been the strongest group of monks since childhood.

Now they suddenly have to face Donglu and Zhonglu cultivators face to face, and the sense of gap created makes them unacceptable.Therefore, Xu Miao's proposal was approved by the foundation establishment disciples of the three major sects.

"Children are reckless, not to mention whether we can compete with Zhonglu, even Donglu, we will not be their opponents." A Nascent Soul cultivator who insisted on joining forces with Zhonglu sharply criticized.

Xu Miao said sternly: "United with Zhonglu, we can only be vassals, and we can't gain independence at all, let alone obtain certain things from the secret realm. If this is the case, why bother to come here, it is better to go back home directly ,safer."

Xu Miao's sudden rush of words made the monk Nascent Soul choked up for a long time.

"Judging from the situation just now, the relationship between Donglu and Zhonglu is also not harmonious. It's just because Donglu can only swallow his anger because of Zhonglu's strength."

"The Zhonglu family is dominant, and Donglu has always wanted to replace it. This trip to the secret realm is the best proof. The strength of Donglu's monks alone cannot deal with Zhonglu."

"But if we add our monks from the West Land, it's not necessarily the case. The strongest foundation-builder monks of the three major sects, even if they can't surpass the monks from the East Land, at least they can match them."

"They have no reason to reject us, and we have no reason to form an alliance with Zhonglu." Xu Miao's words were well-founded and clear, which left the former Nascent Soul cultivator speechless.

Xu Miao's idea was in Peng Tianjie's arms, and he thought so too, but he was worried that the monks who established the foundation would be afraid of Zhonglu and would not want to confront Zhonglu.

Now with Xu Miao's words, seeing He Xiao and the others' eyes full of fighting spirit, they also made up their minds.

"We form an alliance with Donglu, when the time comes, the monks of Zhonglu will definitely attack you first, you must protect yourself, try not to be too far away from the monks of Donglu."

After Peng Tianjie finished speaking, he stopped talking.It's just the fluctuation of spiritual power around him, which proves that he is communicating with others through sound transmission.

The alliance between the Eastern Land and the Western Land was formally formed, and the monks of the two continents naturally stood together.Even though the monks in the East Land are dissatisfied, they know that cooperating with the monks in the West Land is the only way to counter the Central Land.

The three Yuanying monks shot at the same time, opening the entrance to the ancient secret realm.As the fluctuation of spiritual power became stronger and stronger, a black round entrance appeared in front of everyone.

"Enter quickly, you have one month to explore the secret realm. After one month, wait for the exit to reopen." A Nascent Soul cultivator in Zhonglu said.

The middle land monk entered first, followed by the east land monk, and finally the west land monk's turn.

"Be careful." Xu Miao heard Peng Tianjie's voice the moment she entered the entrance.Xu Miao didn't look back, and waved her hand back chicly, signaling that the other party didn't need to worry, and stepped into the entrance.

The eyes suddenly turned into darkness, and the darkness dissipated immediately, and what appeared in front of us were green mountains, green water, pavilions, and pavilions.It's just that the pavilions are very far away from where he is, and it takes a while to fly to get there.

The first time they arrived at the ancient secret realm, the monks of Xilu and the monks of Donglu stood together.

Lan Yue'er, who had been bewitched by laughter before, smiled charmingly: "Kids, don't get lost, lest you will be eaten by the big bad wolf until there are no bones left." After Lan Yue'er finished speaking, she chased after the other monks in Zhonglu and asked fly away.

After Zheng Zhan saw that all the monks in Zhonglu had left, he walked up to He Xiao and discussed the next path, as well as the allocation and cooperation of the monks.In his heart, Zheng Zhan wanted to discuss this matter with Xu Miao, but the elder of the division asked him to discuss it with He Xiao.

Fortunately, He Xiao is also a character. After some communication, Zheng Zhan didn't feel too much dissatisfaction.

"We have 27 people and 32 Donglu monks. We will probably cooperate in a one-on-one manner. The remaining Donglu monks will be matched by themselves."

He Xiao explained the way of cooperation to everyone in Xilu, Xu Miao had no objection to this and remained silent.The monks from West Land and East Land stood face to face, and each chose the one they liked to cooperate with.

Xu Miao only knew Ye Qianqian from Donglu, but since he noticed Ye Qianqian's thoughts, he avoided her, and naturally he would not be willing to cooperate with her.

It's just that I don't know how Ye Qianqian told Brother Donglu, but in the end, he was still walking with Ye Qianqian.Seeing Ye Qianqian walking towards her, Xu Miao held back the twitching corners of her mouth.

"Xu Miao, have you taken a fancy to her?" Xiaotian's voice suddenly came to mind, and Xu Miao couldn't help but touch her forehead.

"You think too much, how could I fall in love with her."

"Then why is she staring at you with affection in her eyes, she still wants to speak." Xu Miao really didn't know why Xiaotian was suddenly angry, so she could only comfort her by voice transmission.

"That's her wishful thinking. I have absolutely no thoughts about her." Xu Miao almost swore to the sky.

At this time, Ye Qianqian had already stood opposite Xu Miao, the distance was very close, Xu Miao also stopped communicating with Xiaotian.The distance between the two was so close that Xu Miao could even smell Ye Qianqian's unique female body fragrance.

Having never experienced this kind of experience before, Xu Miao's mind was in a trance for a moment.But he quickly came back to his senses and looked directly at Ye Qianqian.Xu Miao's eyes were clear and thorough, which disappointed Ye Qianqian for a while.

"Do you recognize those monks in Zhonglu?" Xu Miao walked around Ye Qianqian and walked away.But seeing Ye Qianqian standing still, he held her hand and motioned her to follow.

Feeling the touch on her wrist, Ye Qianqian lowered her head happily and followed Xu Miao's pace.Seeing her following, Xu Miao let go of Ye Qianqian's hand, which made Ye Qianqian, who was just happy, feel disappointed again.

Xu Miao's spiritual sense couldn't feel the mood of the other party, but she could roughly perceive the fluctuation of the other party's spiritual sense.He found that Ye Qianqian's spiritual consciousness was in an unstable state, and he didn't answer his question, so he had to ask it again.

Ye Qianqian came back to her senses and replied seriously: "I don't know most of them, but only a few." Xu Miao raised her chin slightly, motioning for her to continue.

"The most powerful foundation-building cultivator of Zhonglu's generation is named Tang Song. He is the cultivator who spoke out to stop Lan Yue'er. There are a few other cultivators. If I meet them, I will introduce them to you."

The strongest person, Xu Miao is not interested in confronting him immediately, such an opponent must be placed at the end to be interesting.

"Among the people you know, who is at the middle level?" What Ye Qianqian knew, the other monks in Donglu must also know, and they would definitely set their initial targets on the weakest monk.

Xu Miao was too lazy to compete with other people, so she directly targeted people of medium strength.He also just wanted to know how his strength compares with the monks who came from the highest level of cultivation in this plane?
Ye Qianqian understood Xu Miao's unusual question instantly.She bit her lower lip lightly, and screened suitable candidates in her mind: "There is a monk named Tan Yujin, who is stronger than me, but worse than Tang Song."

Xu Miao nodded: "That's him." Ye Qianqian recognized the other party, and naturally noticed Tan Yujin's direction.Xu Miao and Ye Qianqian turned into a ray of light and chased after them.

During the flight, Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness spread out to the largest extent.He wants to fight against the monks in Zhonglu first, get a rough idea of ​​the opponent's strength, and then go to explore other places, so that if he meets other people again, he can make plans.

Not long after flying, Xu Miao's spiritual sense found a monk, he described it to Ye Qianqian, and got the confirmation from the other party.Since it was Tan Yujin, Xu Miao didn't need to hesitate, so he accelerated to catch up with Tan Yujin.

Xu Miao didn't hide her aura along the way, as long as he was within the detection range of any monk's spiritual sense, he would be found.

Tan Yujin was bending over to observe a certain spiritual herb, when he noticed two unfamiliar auras approaching him quickly.And there was an obvious fighting intent in these two auras, he immediately straightened up, and took out the magic weapon of his life - the golden jade tripod.

Xu Miao noticed that Tan Yujin had spotted him, and without further ado, she took out the Mist Condensing Sword and struck at Jin Yuding.The Ningwu Sword and Jin Yuding collided in the air, producing dazzling sparks.

Before the person arrives, the magic weapon has arrived. Tan Yujin judged from the power of the Ningwu Sword that the person's strength is not easy.When Xu Miao flew in front of him and landed on the ground, she asked, "Cultivator Xilu? Cultivator Donglu? You really joined forces."

When Tan Yujin saw the two of them, there was no panic on his face.Xu Miao could see the word "don't care" from the other person's eyes, and he didn't mind either. Tan Yujin should know whether he should care or not later.

The offensive of Ningwujian did not stagnate because of Tan Yujin's words, the north wind swept out, followed by a drop in the ocean.

Tan Yujin didn't expect that the two people in front of him didn't even answer his words, they just moved their hands, clicked his tongue, and pointed at the Jin Yuding, a mask immediately formed around the Jin Yuding, blocking Xu Miao's sword move.

Seeing that Xu Miao's attack was blocked, Ye Qianqian immediately took out her talisman - Youteng satin, and hit the mask.Youteng satin hit the mask, but the mask didn't move at all.

Tan Yujin was disdainful in his heart, and said: "Even if you join forces, you will not be my opponent. Seeing that I am in a good mood today, you should retreat immediately and never appear in front of me again."

"Retire? Are all monks in Zhonglu as arrogant as you?" Xu Miao stood in front of Jin Yuding holding the fog-condensing sword in her hand.

Hearing this, Tan Yujin frowned: "It looks like you are a swordsman, but you haven't even cultivated your sword intent. I might as well tell you the truth. Sword moves without sword intent can't break through this mask, let alone Beat me."

Xu Miao held the sword horizontally in front of her chest, and slid her two fingers across the sword body, the aura of the fog-condensing sword instantly increased, and the sword energy was condensed in the sword, and it would not disperse.The momentum of the sword increased rapidly, Xu Miaoping moved straight forward with the sword, reaching the tip of the sword, and stabbed the sword.

One point breaks one side, which is why Xu Miao chose to attack the mask with a rapier.The piercing sword intent pierced the mask with sword energy, and the original indestructible mask seemed to turn into a thin piece of paper, shattered into pieces, and scattered in the air.

"Who told you that I didn't cultivate sword intent?" Xu Miao raised her sword and pointed it at Tan Yujin, with a half-smile.

Tan Yujin's face was full of disbelief. His mask was so strong that ordinary monks couldn't break it easily.Even if you cultivate your sword intent, you can't break through it in one move.As far as he knew, only Tang Song could break through the mask formed by the golden jade tripod with one move.

He thought that in this plane, except for Tang Song who could become his opponent, no one else was worth paying attention to.But the monk in front of him completely overturned his thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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