Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 230 Confrontation between two parties

Chapter 230 Three-way confrontation
Xu Miao did not hide her figure, and landed next to Song Zhiyan majestically.Although Song Zhiyan usually hated Xu Miao, the appearance of Xu Miao at this time was like helping him a lot.

He quickly moved to Xu Miao's side, and said with a smile, "Xu Miao, did you see that pool?" Xu Miao looked in the direction of Song Zhiyan's finger.

"There is a fist-sized spiritual source stone in the center of that pool." The spiritual source stone is evolved from spiritual veins, and when placed in water, it can fill the water with spiritual power.

When a monk's spiritual power is exhausted, he can immediately recover his spiritual power by drinking the water soaked in the spiritual source stone, and it has a subtle effect on improving his cultivation base, and it will not cause harm to the body. Compared with the effect of pills and spiritual stones All good.

It's just that as the aura of heaven and earth is gradually exhausted, the spirit source stone is almost extinct in the cultivation world.Occasionally, a piece of spiritual source stone the size of a little finger would appear, which could make a powerful monk break his head.It is not normal for seven or eight Nascent Soul monks to die every time.

Especially 200 years ago, a spiritual source stone was discovered somewhere in Central China.At that time, the competition was so fierce that even the monks in the late Yuanying period fell.

Later, several major forces jointly came forward, claiming to find the most suitable owner through an auction. In the last section, the Lingyuan Stone, the size of a little finger, was sold at a sky-high price of 180 million top-grade Lingshi. to hand.

200 years ago, many high-ranking monks would scramble for a small spiritual source stone. What's more, compared with 200 years ago, the cultivation resources are not much less.

The size of the spirit source stone is even the size of a fist.This spirit source stone alone can support a medium-sized Xilu sect.No one would be tempted by such a temptation in front of the Foundation Establishment cultivators.

According to the price of the spiritual source stone last time, at least 1000 million top-grade spiritual stones can be sold for this spiritual source stone.In the era when top-grade spirit stones were almost extinct, top-grade spirit stones were already the common transaction currency for high-level monks.

The Zhonglu monk who came here was not Tang Song from Qianyang Sect, but Xia Bofei, a disciple of Jingyang Sect.Although the number of monks declared by the Jingyang sect in the late Yuanying period is not as large as that of the Qianyang sect, the Jingyang sect is a sword cultivator sect.

The sword cultivator's combat power is the strongest among all monks, and it often happens that one against many, low against high.Therefore, Jingyang Sect is also regarded by the cultivation world as the number one sect in Central China, which is as famous as Qianyang Sect.

Standing beside the pool, Xia Bofei was like a sword, exuding a sharp aura all over his body.In Xu Miao's cognition, the only sword cultivator is a disciple of the Sword Moon Sect.

However, compared with Xia Bofei who is not far away, the disciples of Jianyue Sect are much inferior in terms of strength and sword intent.The moment Xu Miao saw Xia Bofei, the idea of ​​fighting swords with him was aroused in her heart.

To be able to compete with a truly outstanding swordsman is what all monks who practice swords long for.Xia Bofei noticed Xu Miao's eyes and turned to check.What caught Xu Miao's eyes was Xia Bofei's eyes full of sword energy.

Even in his eyes, there is a lingering sword aura, this person must be completely intoxicated in the way of swordsmanship.Xu Miao's sword intent remained hidden, but Xia Bofei only felt the thin sword intent, without taking it to heart, and looked away.

"Spiritual source stones should belong to the strongest. I, Zhonglu Cultivator, are the strongest in the world. As for you, don't make fearless struggles." For Ji Xuanxin.

A monk in the Eastern Land retorted disdainfully: "The strongest? Who gave you the title? Or are you self-proclaimed? How shameless?" This statement not only aroused the dissatisfaction of the Central Mainland monks, but also caused the East Lu, West Lu monks dissatisfaction.

It has been a conclusion since ancient times that Zhonglu is the strongest, and the strongest in the entire plane will always come from Zhonglu.Even the number of monks ascending to the upper plane is the largest among Zhonglu monks.

Which side does this Donglu cultivator stand on, and he said such words.When Zheng Zhan heard this person's words, he frowned, scolded him severely, and ordered him to back off.

Hearing what Brother Donglu said, Ji Xuanxin laughed instead of anger: "It's not interesting to be self-appointed. Some things are made with fists, fist by fist."

"If you can defeat me, I will give you the title of the strongest." Ji Xuanxin was obviously targeting the Donglu cultivator.As his words were spoken, the momentum around him became stronger and stronger.

The Donglu cultivator also knew that he was too reckless just now, and he didn't know what to do for a while, so he could only look at Zheng Zhan as if asking for help.Zheng Zhan is the most powerful person among the monks in the Eastern Continent. If he comes forward, the situation may be turned around.

No matter how wrong the monks in Donglu were, Zheng Zhan couldn't stay out of it, watching the other party break his arm.Zheng Zhan took a step forward and said: "The strongest will naturally accept everyone's challenges. If I challenge you Ji Daoyou, I think you will not be dissatisfied."

What Zheng Zhan said was comprehensive, and Ji Xuanxin couldn't refute it, so he could only accept Zheng Zhan's challenge.The two jumped into the air, you come and go, each controlling the magic weapon to fight.

Xu Miao did not focus on Zheng Ji and the two in the air, but looked at the Lingyuan stone in the middle of the pool.While other people are paying attention to the battle over there, if you can fish in troubled waters, get the spirit source stone and let others fight.

There are many people who think the same as Xu Miao, and Song Zhiyan is one of them.He skimmed across the water and reached for the Spirit Origin Stone.As long as the spiritual source stone is taken away by the monks in Xilu, Xu Miao doesn't care who takes it away.

It's just that Xia Bofei saw all Song Zhiyan's actions. When Song Zhiyan stretched out his hand, a thick sword energy hit Song Zhiyan directly.

Song Zhiyan noticed that Xia Bofei was making a move, and immediately put away his hand to avoid the sword energy, and gently tapped his left foot on the water surface, using his strength to fish for the spirit source stone again.

Xia Bofei and Song Zhiyan faced each other, and when it came to the ownership of the spiritual origin stone, the others no longer wanted to watch the excitement, and joined the battle one after another.

Xu Miao didn't do anything for the time being, he was waiting for Xia Bofei's opening to appear.It is true that sword cultivators have the strongest combat power, because they put all their energy on defense on offense.

This method of cultivation will increase their combat power infinitely, but it will also make their defense vulnerable.With so many people attacking at the same time, there must be someone to deal with Xia Bofei.

As long as Xia Bofei is in the process of counterattacking, his flaws may be exposed. At that time, it is his time to strike.However, up to now, Xia Bofei has not revealed any flaws.

It's not that there are no monks attacking Xia Bofei, but the strength of those monks is too weak compared to Xia Bofei, and it's not enough to let Xia Bofei show his flaws.

At this time, Song Zhiyan was in a critical moment of life and death, Xia Bofei kept swinging his sword and attacking him.Song Zhiyan wanted to yell and curse, and his neat clothes were scratched to pieces by the sword energy.

Xia Bofei raised the sword in his hand. Xu Miao couldn't be more familiar with that posture.That was a gesture of accumulating sword power, which also meant that Xia Bofei planned to end Song Zhiyan's life.

The sword energy had already been fired, and Song Zhiyan threw a ring, but it was cut off in the blink of an eye.At this moment, Song Zhiyan felt infinite despair, not because he didn't want to resist, but because the gap between the two sides was too great for him to resist.

Song Zhiyan closed his eyes and faced death calmly.Suddenly he felt a foot being grabbed, and a force took his foot and separated him from Xia Bofei's sword energy.

Xu Miao grabbed the Youteng satin wrapped around her arm with force, and pulled Song Zhiyan back.The prey he got was suddenly rescued, Xia Bofei was upset and raised his eyes to look at the person.

Ye Qianqian took over Song Zhiyan and stepped aside, leaving Xu Miao and Xia Bofei to confront each other.Xia Bofei and Xu Miao stood on both sides of the pool, looking at each other from a distance. Although they didn't fight directly, their spiritual sense was already competing.

Xu Miao didn't use Taoist Li Huan's consciousness, he only relied on his own consciousness to fight against Xia Bofei. He wanted to know whether there was a gap in the power of consciousness.

The two people's spiritual senses were all fighting each other. Xia Bofei had never heard of a monk with such a powerful spiritual sense among the monks in Xilu, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

Xu Miao's face was relaxed, and he didn't take it to heart at all with this level of spirituality.No matter how strong the people in the Cultivation Realm of Zhonglu are, can they be stronger than the cultivators of Huashen?
Of course it's impossible, he has competed with the cultivator of Huashen before, although the strength of Taoist Li Huan at that time has declined, but it is not comparable to Xia Bofei, a cultivator who established the foundation.

Xu Miao will use her own spiritual power to compete with the opponent at this time, just to fully understand Zhonglu's strength.A Tan Yujin is far from knowing Zhonglu well enough, and the more contacts he has had, the more he can understand.

Song Zhiyan smiled wryly as he watched Xu Miao and Xia Bofei compete.Others don't know about Xia Bofei's strength, but he, who has fought with opponents with swords and guns, knows it very well.

Whether it is Xia Bofei's understanding of the sword or the use of it, he is far superior to the monks in the West Land.Coupled with Xia Bofei's majestic spiritual power and the sword in his hand, he is no match for the opponent at all.

He can be sure that he is not the only one, even if it is He Xiao, Su Yang will not be his opponent.When Xia Bofei attacked him, he was able to do so with ease, and it was obvious that he had spare strength.

But even so, he couldn't get out of Xia Bofei's hands.If Xu Miao hadn't rescued him in time, he might have become a corpse, sleeping at the bottom of the pool forever.

Compared with his embarrassment, Xu Miao is really extraordinary.Even if the two didn't express it, he knew that Xu Miao and Xia Bofei were competing for spiritual consciousness.

Xia Bofei, who drove him to a desperate situation, faced Xu Miao, his spiritual sense could not seriously injure Xu Miao, and he looked completely helpless.Song Zhiyan was behind Xu Miao and could only see his back.

Although he didn't know Xu Miao's true strength, he suddenly had a premonition that Xu Miao would definitely defeat that damned Xia Bofei.

Thinking of this, Song Zhiyan's mood became inexplicably better, and he even cheered up: "Xu Miao, come on, kill Xia Bofei, take away the spirit source stone, and teach those invincible Zhonglu monks a lesson!"

(End of this chapter)

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