Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 231 The True Sword Intent

Chapter 231 The True Sword Intent

Xu Miao almost staggered when she heard Song Zhiyan's words.Turning his head and glaring at the other party, he paid attention to Xia Bofei again.

"To snatch the prey from me, one must be mentally prepared to become my prey." Xia Bofei said while looking at Xu Miao without blinking, his eyes full of coercion.

Xu Miao has been threatened too many times, and she has long been used to it: "If you want to treat me as a prey, it depends on whether some people have the strength. Be careful if you fail to hunt, you will be hunted."

"Are all the monks in the West Land like you, good at speaking but not good at cultivation?"

"The monks in Zhonglu must be like you, proud of themselves, and have no dust in their eyes." Every word Xia Bofei said was echoed by Xu Miao, which made the monks of Xilu burst into laughter.

Xia Bofei didn't answer any more, and directly drew out the Xiaochen sword that had been carried behind his back, held the hilt of the sword with his right hand, and stabbed Xu Miao with his backhand.When Xia Bofei drew out the sword, Xu Miao had already taken out the Condensing Fog Sword.

Sword against sword is the most direct way of fighting between sword repairers.Xu Miao's spiritual power was running wildly at this moment, facing Zhonglu's strongest swordsman, he would not take it lightly.

The wind attribute and the water attribute flow in a large cycle at the same time, and after being transported into the dantian, they are blessed by the image of the dantian, and then merged into the fog-condensing sword.

Xu Miao and Xia Bofei's magic weapon hadn't formally come into contact with each other yet, and the movement caused by it far exceeded the fluctuations caused by Zheng Zhan and Ji Xuanxin.

Xia Bofei's sword move had already reached Xu Miao's body, Xu Miao crossed the sword sideways, and slashed along the blade of Xiaochenjian.Xia Bofei raised his hand and changed his moves, attacking Xu Miao's dantian.

Xu Miao bowed back, Xiaochenjian's tip was blocked by Ningwujian, the two swords met in the air, and the two completely different swords were constantly strengthening.

With the strength of the sword, even without using the sword move, the sword energy has already appeared, and the sword energy of the two of them was generated almost at the same time.If there was a third sword cultivator present, that person would know that Xu Miao's sword energy was generated one breath earlier than Xia Bofei.

The two happened to be fighting on the top of the spirit source stone, and the spiritual power and sword energy were mixed together, making it impossible for other monks to get close to get the spirit source stone first.Only after the two decide the winner can they start to snatch it.

"Brother Xilu, your strength is really amazing, even the sword energy can be generated so quickly." Xia Bofei lowered his head, the sword energy generated by the Xiaochen sword even cut off the surrounding spiritual energy.

Without aura, Xu Miao's sword power would be weakened, and he would not allow this to happen.Xu Miao's sword energy met the opponent's sword energy, trying to force Xia Bofei's sword energy back.

"No matter how fast the sword qi is, no matter how strong it is, it's useless. What sword repairers rely on is never the sword qi, but the sword intent." As soon as Xia Bofei's words fell, the sharp sword intent burst out from the Xiaochen sword.

Xu Miao looked at Xiaochenjian's sword intent calmly, feeling the sword intent that could kill life.Although he cultivated his sword intent, it can only be released when he uses his sword moves.

Only relying on two swords confrontation, Xu Miao can't do this. There is a big gap between him and Xia Bofei in the journey of sword cultivation.But so what?If there is a gap, find a way to narrow the gap, and finally surpass the opponent.

Xu Miao's fighting spirit did not weaken because of Xia Bofei's strength, but became stronger.The sword intent swept across Xu Miao's body, Xu Miao's sword energy was forced back to the sword body by Xia Bofei's sword intent, the sword energy became weaker and weaker, and even became dying.

This is the sword intent. When the opponent's sword intent was raging, Xu Miao closed her eyes.

"He closed his eyes, he was about to give up resistance."

"Cultivator Xilu was not even as good as us, so how could he compete with cultivator Zhonglu, not to mention Xia Bofei, who is known as the most powerful among the cultivators of Zhonglu."

"That's right, if he is more sensible and joins forces with us Donglu monks, even if he can't defeat Xia Bofei, at least he won't be killed by him."

Compared with the gloating of the monks in the east land, the monks in the west land are bitter.Everyone who came here has seen Xu Miao's strength with his own eyes.

"Obviously there are still many moves that have not been displayed, why are they easily defeated?"

"Still, Xia Bofei is too powerful, directly suppressing Xu Miao to the point where she can't use those moves."

"Is the most powerful person in our West Land going to die?" These words were full of despair and helplessness. If Xu Miao died, they would not have the capital to resist with the monks of Donglu and Zhonglu.

"You can become the best at this level? You Xilu are ridiculous and pathetic! Hahaha——" Cultivator Zhonglu's ridicule was merciless, piercing the hearts of all Xilu monks like a knife.

They looked at Xu Miao in the sky with expectations, but also with despair.

At this time, all Xu Miao's attention was focused on Xia Bofei's sword intent, and none of the monks' arguments could be heard.

Sword intent, how can he display this pure sword intent.Xu Miao fell into thinking, her body stopped in the air, motionless.

None of the monks standing on the ground saw Xia Bofei frowning secretly.The person in front of him seemed to have given up resistance, and with a little more force, he could kill him, but no matter how he urged his sword intent, he couldn't kill Xu Miao.

Xia Bofei pushed the sword intent to the limit, and the sword intent almost condensed into a solid form. Every sword intent cut towards Xu Miao's body like a sharp blade.

Xu Miao's clothes are the most common Taoist robes, only engraved with the lowest level of defensive circles, which can't resist the attack of sword intent at all.But for a moment, the Taoist robe was torn apart by the sword intent, and his body was covered in rags.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Miao's skin was cut by the sword intent, slashing towards the muscles.The scars caused by the sword intent can be seen deep into the bones, and the bloody flesh is turned outwards, drooping pitifully on the bones.

Ye Qianqian has been paying attention to Xu Miao. Seeing Xu Miao being hurt, the visual impact made her eyes turn red instantly. She turned her head and didn't want to look, but she couldn't stop paying attention to Xu Miao.

The monks in Donglu and Zhonglu all held a disdainful attitude towards this.Only the monks in Xilu showed hatred in their eyes.

Xu Miao didn't notice this.When the body is injured, the wound can be restored within the circulation of spiritual power.It was only because Xia Bofei's sword intent was too fierce and dense that his whole body was covered with scars and there was no sign of improvement.

This kind of pain is nothing to Xu Miao who has experienced many kinds of pain.He was completely immersed in Xia Bofei's sword intent. Although the sword intent kept attacking him, it also left a small amount of sword intent for him to ponder.

Sword intent, the meaning brought out by the sword, cannot be moved by the sword, only by the move in the heart can the sword not move, but the intent can come out.Xu Miao used spiritual power to construct a sword in the dantian, and kept making moves in the dantian.

As long as he makes a move, he can bring out the sword intent. When he reaches the dantian, no matter how he moves, the sword intent will disappear.Xu Miao frowned subconsciously, looking for the reason.

It means sword life, what is sword, what is meaning.The sword is just a sword, but the mind is not just the mind.The sword constructed of spiritual power in the dantian swung faster and faster.

Xu Miao recalled the fight he experienced in the different-dimensional space in the branch hall of Tiandingmen.Treat the sword as a part of the body, the sword moves with the heart, and the mind moves with the heart.

Xia Bofei's sword intent remaining in his body was carried by spiritual power and transported to his dantian.The Lingli sword pierced these meager sword intents to feel the real sword intent.

At first he couldn't find the feeling, no matter how imitated, he couldn't produce sword intent.Xu Miao couldn't help being a little impatient, and kept wielding the Lingli Sword.

Seeing that Xu Miao was still unable to be completely suppressed by the sword intent, Xia Bofei gritted his teeth and unsealed Xiaochen Sword.The sword intent strengthened again and hit Xu Miao's dantian.

The Ningwu Sword is Xu Miao's natal magic weapon, which can independently protect its master.The moment Xia Bofei's sword intent struck, the Ningwu Sword appeared in front of Dantian, blocking the sword intent for Xu Miao.

Xia Bofei's sword intent followed the fog-condensing sword, penetrated into the sword body, and entered Xu Miao's dantian.This sword intent invaded the dantian with firmness and courage.

Xu Miao's persistent thoughts were changed by this sword intent.Xia Bofei's sword intent is smooth and natural, but he pursues the so-called sword intent too much.

Only by understanding the sword in your hand and why you wield it, can you generate sword intent following the image of the sword.Xu Miao was eager for success and went astray.

He calmed down and felt Xia Bofei's sword intent again.Xu Miao no longer regarded Xia Bofei as an opponent who wanted to fight for life and death, but regarded him as a mentor.

To extend the consciousness, pay attention to Xia Bofei's way of swinging the sword, the skill of using force, and then prove it in the dantian.Xu Miao is very clear that the method suitable for others is not necessarily the method suitable for him.

Although he observed Xia Bofei's method, he didn't completely copy it.He still uses the sword in the way he is most comfortable with. Only when he understands what the sword in his heart is dancing for can he generate his own sword intent.

Xu Miao looked back on the journey along the way. Opportunities and challenges coexisted. He faced death countless times, and injuries were commonplace.Give everything, just to pursue the highest realm in the realm of comprehension.

No matter how much you sacrifice, you can treat it calmly.As long as he is still alive, everything will eventually be stepped on by him and become a pedal for him to stand on a higher ground.

With a certain mind, the spiritual power sword will be sharper.

This is my sword, I will use it to shatter the void and clear all obstacles in my way!

No matter how strong the opponent is, Donglu and Zhonglu will surrender at my feet!
The sword intent that belongs to me, Xu Miao, is successful!

The spiritual power sword in the dantian just hangs quietly above the green tree, but suddenly bursts out with an unstoppable lingering sword intent, spreading outward from the dantian, in the meridians, flesh and blood, including the sea of ​​consciousness, all have this kind of sword intent .

Gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, invincible and indomitable!

With Xu Miao's body as the center, the sword intent outside his body was gradually formed. The sword energy that was originally driven to a desperate situation by Xia Bofei suddenly released a powerful force and pressed against Xia Bofei.

Xu Miao opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were no longer like ordinary Dharma cultivators, but there was a sword intent in his eyes, and the sharp sword intent followed his eyes to look at Xia Bofei.

Xia Bofei is no stranger to this look.As long as he looked at himself in the mirror, he could see this look.He couldn't believe that the cultivator in front of him could actually cultivate sword intent at the critical moment of life and death.

(End of this chapter)

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